SOP University of Bradford

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Motivational factors behind study In UK

The UK is a popular destination for international students. Many Students choose the UK to get a
top education and enjoy the reputational benefits of having a UK degree. UK universities are
consistently at the top of the world ranking for their overall quality. The UK has reputation for
world-leading excellence in research and innovation in range of disciplines. It is also renowned
for its high academic standards and innovative teaching methods.

According to the Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2019/20 almost 75200 candidates
enrolled for Management studies. Management program attracted the highest number of students
overall with 16% of all students enrolling in this subject even in very tough COVID pandemic
situation the numbers increase day by day is one of motivational factors.


Cheers, first of all I am really thankful to you that your institute offered an opportunity for
students to enroll for the program MSc. Project Planning and management. My name is Mehtab
Rauf and I am from Pakistan. I have completed my BS Computer Science from The University
of Azad Jammu & Kashmir in year 2014. My family consist one wife and two Kid. In term of
my professional carrier, I am working as an IT Manager in Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University and
I have 7 years of experience in the Management sector.

Why Choose UK

The UK has a reputation around the world as a country of learning and university circles.
Universities have a centuries old history in Britain, with Oxford and Cambridge both having
been founded over 800 years ago. According to the QS World University Ranking 2020 almost
top 50 universities are in UK.

The UK is tolerant, multicultural country in fact you will find people here from almost every
country. According to the higher Education Statistics Agency the UK is the Second most popular
study destination in the World. So I am sure that I will receive a warm welcome.

UK is most suitable country for me in term of traveling as compared with other countries like,
USA, Canada, and Australia. Traveling from UK to my homeland is very easy and time saving,
from UK i can easily depart for Pakistan on vacations days through direct flights from 7 to 8

Tuition fee is one of the factors that allow me to select UK for Studying rather than Australia,
Canada and USA. Study in Australia, Canada and USA much expensive than UK. UK is far
better than these countries in term of Accommodation. Private student accommodation in the UK
has a weekly payment system. On the other hand, US private accommodation has a monthly
payment system. The US system could make a difference in the way you calculate your expenses
throughout the year. On the other hand, the weekly system in the UK is ideal if, for example,
your exams end mid-month, then you won’t have to pay for an entire month only to stay for a
week or two.
In the UK, Master degree usually takes 1 year and in other countries such as the USA, where a
master’s degree takes 2 years to finish. So, if i choose to study in the UK, I shall be able to
completed my degree, and save money on fees and accommodation too. So that is the major
reason that why I want to study in UK.
UK is a great location for studying by keeping in mind the language barrier and political stability
i have selected UK because English has been predominantly the first language in the country and
I have good command on English.

As far as my carrier is concern, Nowadays the market and professionalism Demands to enhance
your techniques and upgrade your skills and knowledge according to the Market trend. So being
a professional banker my job demands form me to get higher study for promotion as well as for
carrier growth. Further when I looked the top management, they all studied from Abroad
University and got handsome remuneration and grades. So I also want to accelerate my carrier by
enhancing my Knowledge so that why I prefer UK is suitable for studying.

Why Choose Bradford University:

Bradford University is one of oldest public university in UK, QS World Ranking of Bradford
University is 701.The University of Bradford is one of the world's greatest universities of science
and technology, backed by cutting-edge research and practical applications, it provides high-
quality teaching to solve future problems. Global and local partnerships shape the university's
curricula and provide inspiring internship opportunities. The student body includes 7,480
bachelors and 2,290 graduate students. Older students account for about one-third of the student
population. 22% of the students are foreigners and come from more than 110 different countries.
University helps students to not only achieve their academic goals but to develop the skills and
knowledge I need to go on and have successful careers in their chosen fields. The university
provides quality education and famous for its teaching excellence in the UK.

Why Choose this Course

In my intro I told that I am working in Management sector from last 7 years. My job demands
from me to get higher education for carrier growth and for promotions in that field. This course
shall really beneficial for me in term of,
 Earn a highly respected degree relevant to my job.
 Taking a life changing professional journey and expanding my mind, skills, career potential
and professional network.
 This course will give me the skills and knowledge I need to enter a global industry world.
The course aims to strengthen the critical understanding of the project management trade and
strategy. I will explore international trade, strategy, strategic foresight, leadership skills, project
analytics, Project management and cross-cultural management.

Career Plan

 After successful completion of degree, lots of job opportunities available globally.

 After getting degree my career shall grow and i shall eligible to takes benefits from my
 I can also start my own business in my Home country like advising clients on IT
Management, Project Implementation management, managing records and business
 Playing role in mergers and acquisitions and taking responsibility for preventing bad
practice as well as fraud and negligence.

Financial Support and Financial Capacity

Almost 7-year Management career as well as transfer of forefather’s property approximately

worth of Rs.30 million. Moreover, I have 4 million bank balance in my Account. My
organization also supports their employee who successfully completed their education by paying
half cost of fee expenses. I am independent and my wife also doing job in School as teacher and
she earned quit reasonable amount to meet day to day expenses.


Mehtab Rauf
Abdur Rauf

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