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Nick Bilbrough, The Hands Up Project info@handsupproject.

Remote Theatre Taster course scripts.

Excerpts of plays created by Palestinian young people as entries for the Hands Up
Project 2018 Remote Theatre Competition

I will wait till they open the gate

This play was created and performed by Sara, Afaf, Abeer, Reema and Saja from Beach
Elemenatry Co-ed School (C) with support from their teacher Luzan Matar
The monkey saw a sad giraffe holding a book.
Monkey: Why are you sad Mr. giraffe? What happened to you? Why are you holding
this book?
Mr. Giraffe: I want to learn.
Monkey: Really? Hahaha! What do you want to learn? Is it important for you?
Mr. Giraffe: Of course! Who do you think you are? Why are you laughing? I have the
right to learn like anyone in the world. It is important. Learning paves the way for me in
this wide world.
Monkey: (still laughing): But why can’t you learn?
Mr. Giraffe: Can’t you see this gate! It is our big problem, our big challenge. Shame on
you. I will wait till they open the gate.
Monkey: Who are they? What do you mean?
The monkey stopped laughing and looked around, he found a weak and tired horse.
Monkey: What happened to you?
Mr Horse: I am very tired and thirsty. I don’t feel ok. It looks like I’m ill, but I don’t have
the medicine.
The monkey tried to help the horse, but the horse was too weak to stand up properly.
Monkey: Oh, poor horse! Hold on please. Don’t worry. I am going to ask for help for
Mr Horse (in a quiet and weak voice): We have waited here for a long time, but with no
response. Maybe someone one day will come and open the gate so we can have
freedom, food, water, knowledge, and medicine. Then we may have our right to live, to
live as others live. I will wait here till they open the gate.
All the animals (standing together and walking towards the gate, repeating): We will
wait till they open the gate! We will wait till they open the gate!

2) One world, different stories

This play was created and performed by Deema Aljamal, Hala Hijazi, Iman Ridwan, Hala
Nabaheen and Aseel El Khateeb from Rimal Prep Girls UNRWA School B, Gaza with
support from their teacher, Amal Mukhairez.
Girl 2: We must leave this place.
Girl 1: What? Leave our homeland?
Girl 2: There's no place safe here. The dragon is sending its fire everywhere. Let's leave
this piece of hell to dreamland.
Girl 1: Our dreamland. Yes yes… a land where we can see blue skies, not orange ones. A
land where we can hear birds, not shells. A land where we can see trees, not tanks. (She
looks at her friend) Let's go.
( They run towards their dreamland, but someone stops them. Three border guards walk
in the stage )
Guard 1: ( Angrily ) Where are you going?
Girl 1 and 2: ( Together happily ) To dreamland!
Guard 2: ( Haughtily ) Dreamland is not your land. You are not welcome here.
Guard 3: ( Shouts ) Go back to your country!
Girl 1: ( Sadly ) If our country was safe, we wouldn't leave.
Guard 1: We don't want you in our land. You are criminals! Terrorists!
Girl 2: ( Shocked ) No! We are not!
Guard 2: ( Arrogantly ) Look at yourself! You’re ugly.
Guard 3: Go back! You're only a burden!
Girl 1: Not true! I'm going to find a job and work.
Guard 1: That's the problem. You're taking our jobs! You're taking our lives!
Guard 2: Go back!
Girl 2: But Earth belongs to everyone. It's not my fault I was born in that part of the
Girl 1: Yes! Can't we share the land, the food? Can't we share peace, love and joy?
Girl 2: We don't want to lead a dog's life anymore. War is a messy and ugly thing. I want
to ride my bike again. I want my life back!
Guard 1: Look! I'm neither a leader, nor a billionaire. I can't help. I have orders. Go back!
(The girls try to talk to the guards again, but they take the three wise monkeys position)
Girl 1: Please..( Guard 3 covers his ears )
Girl 2: But let's ( Guard 2 covers his eyes )
Girl 1: Can't we … ( Guard 1 covers his mouth )
( The girls turn to the audience )
Girl 2: You don't need to be a world to help others. Let's accept each other, let's help
each other, let's look after each other.
Girl 1: Let's sit, talk, listen, hold hands, give hugs…let's learn about other cultures, faiths
and languages.
( Girl 2 takes the guards' hands away from their ears, eyes and mouth as she says.. )
Girl 2: Give me your hand, let's sprinkle kindness around. Remember one tiny action can
make the world happier.

3) Welcome to Earth!
This play was created and performed by Mahmoud Kafafi, Rida Amouri, Ahmed Afghani,
Abdul-Rahman Madi and Ahmed Abboush from Askar boys school, Nablus, Palestine
Taro : Ohhh.. We’ve landed safely!
All Aliens : Hey..! Hey !!! (They hug each other) Earth..Earth the beautiful blue planet !!!
Fin : And , let’s see ..what should we do ?
Bell : We should try to find somewhere to live !
Nan : But where ?
Wim: Emm. I think we should look for a good, safe place, my friends. Let’s go and look
in different places then come back here . Everyone tells us where we can go..
All: Ok..Wim..Ok. You’re right. (They give each other hi-fives then disappear in different
(When they reappear they look sad and shocked. They are disappointed with the mess
they have found around them on Earth)
Taro : There are many wars on Earth. Humans kill each other. They use bad weapons.
These weapons kill many children! How could this happen on Earth?!
Fin : I’ve seen many poor people, homeless, looking for food. No one looks at them.
There is too much food on Earth but many people are still hungry!
Bell : Well, I was in a big city. There were many cars. They smell of very bad gas. So
much pollution on Earth.
Nan : I don’t think humans on Earth are so bad. I’m lucky!! I’ve seen nice, good people.
Farmers grow crops. Teachers teach children at schools. Doctors help sick people…
Everyone: (smiling) Ohhhh!
Wim : Well, the weather on Earth is getting worse because of humans’ activities. They
cut so many trees. Earth is getting hotter and its ice is melting!
All : Ohhhhh this is so bad..So dangerous to life on Earth!
Wim : So what should we do , my friends? Shall we stay ..or look for life on another
planet ?
(They stand in a circle , look at each other and raise their hands)
All: Earth is beautiful! We will stay here & make it a better place!

The screen

By Nick Bilbrough

Music fades in (Pink Floyd’s ‘Is there anybody out there?)

A: Hello..
B: Hello?
C: Hello!

Candles are lit…Three people can be seen facing the screen. They slowly
towards it in a line. They stop when their faces are right up close to it.

A: It’s so dark.
B: It’s cold. So cold.
C: Where are we?

A: I don’t know which way to go.

B: There’s no way out.
C: I’m lost.

A: But wait. There’s something here. I can see something in front of us.
B: We can’t go any further. We’re stuck. There’s a screen right in front of
C: But why? Why?
A: Wait! I can see through the screen. I can see people on the other side.
B: Me too. I can hear voices…men, women, children…
C: Who is it? Who are they?

The three people look slowly around the screen in all directions. Then when
they say their lines they look straight at the webcam.

A: There’s somebody there. They’re watching us. Listening to everything

we say. I don’t like it here. We can’t trust them.
B: But wait. Maybe they can help us. Hello? Can you hear us? Can you see
C: Hello! Are you there?
A: We won’t let you hurt us. We won’t let you take away our home. It’s
We will never let you do that.
B: We have something for you. Look! (She holds something up to the
This was made here. It’s for you.

C: So take it, please…

C takes the object and holds it out right up to the webcam. There is a long
pause and finally she puts it away.

A: It’s no good. They can’t see us. They’re not looking. They can’t hear us.
They’re not listening. They don’t care!

B: We’re imagining it. There’s nobody there. No one at all. It’s all in our
C: We’re alone. It’s just us.

Instrumental Oud music fades in. The lights go out. B picks up the candle.
They walk slowly backwards away from the screen carrying the candles. A
and C blow out their candles.

B walks slowly back right up to the camera so her face fills the screen. She
looks right into the camera. There is a hint of a smile. She blows out her


Lemon and mint by Nick Bilbrough

A play to be performed with two groups of three actors in two different remote locations
performing through ZOOM, each with an active webcam. Wherever possible actors who are not
speaking perform actions to represent the words.

A1: There was once a poor family who were looking for somewhere to live.

A2: One day they arrived in a land that was covered with lemon trees. There were lemon trees
in every direction.

A3: Big ones, small ones, shiny, yellow lemons glistening in the sunshine.

A1: They’d never seen lemons before.

A2: So they picked some and tried them.

A3: Wow!

A1: This is it. This is our home!

A2: We can live here forever.

A3: This will be home for our children, and our grandchildren, and for our grandchildren’s
children, for many years to come.
A1: So they built their homes with the wood that they found.

A2: And when they were tired they rested under the trees and laughed and sang and told

A3: Life was good


B1: Meanwhile there was another poor family who were also looking for a somewhere to live.

B2: One day they arrived in a land that was covered with mint. There was mint as far as the eye
could see.

B3: The fresh, clean smell of mint drifting in the breeze.

B1: They’d never seen mint before.

B2: So they picked some and tried it.

B3: Wow!

B1: This is it. This is our home!

B2: We can live here forever.

B3: This will be home for our children, and our grandchildren, and for our grandchildren’s
children, for many years to come.

B1: So they built their homes among the mint plants.

B2: And when they were tired they sat down in the soft, fragrant mint and laughed and sang and
told stories.

B3: Life was good.


A1: The lemon farmers used the lemons to make delicious foods and drinks

A2: They made lemonade and lemon cakes and used it in their salads and their soups.

A3: And when cooking fish and meat it improved the flavour so much that they said to

A1, A2 and A3 together: How on earth did we live before lemons?


B1: The mint farmers used the mint to make delicious foods and drinks.
B2: They made mint tea and mint sauce and used it in their salads and their soups.

B3: And when cooking fish and meat it improved the flavour so much that they said to

B1, B2 and B3 together: How on earth did we live before mint?


A1: One day one of the children of the lemon farmers was feeling adventurous. He walked and
he walked for many days until he came to a place where there were no trees.


B1: And one of the children of the mint farmers was also feeling adventurous. He walked and he
walked for many days until he came to a place where there was no mint.


A2 and B2: Suddenly they noticed each other

A3: Hello

B3: Hi

A3: Nice to meet you

B3: Where are you from?

A3: I’m from the lemon farm. Would you like to try some lemon?

B3: I’m from the mint farm. Would you like to try some mint?

(They pass each other their foods and taste them)

A3: But the mint’s so strong! Can you mix it with anything?

B3: But the lemon’s so sharp! Can you mix it with anything?

A3 and B3: Let’s mix them together!

A1: So they mixed the lemon and the mint with water and sugar and they created a drink

B1: Lemon and mint!

A2: Suddenly the other farmers arrived.

B2: They were suspicious of strangers and didn’t want change.

A1: Be careful! Don’t talk to strangers!

B1: Don’t trust anyone! They might want to steal from you!

A2: They might want to hurt you!

B2: You need to come home!

A3: But look. We’ve made a new drink. It’s called lemon and mint.

B3: Try it! We think you’ll like it.

A1: So reluctantly they tasted the new drink.

B1: It was delicious!

A2: And soon everyone from both groups was drinking it at almost every meal..

B2: And one day they said…

All together: How on earth did we live before lemon and mint?

Palestinian children in Gaza and Syrian children in Zaatari refugee camp performing this play
together through zoom

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