Harry's Mind Controlling Tricks

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Read Aloud G05

• Illustrator: William Ma Monday 17 September 2018

Fun with phrases

The English language has many colourful phrases Simon
and sayings whose meanings you would not know
just by looking at each word. Every week you will
learn a new expression that is used in a story.

Harry’s mind-controlling tricks

OOK at the swinging watch … you are feeling about names he could call himself such as Dr Hypno or
sleepy … sleepy … sleepy … SLEEP!” Harry the Mind Bender. He felt like he had the power
Harry was practising his hypnotism to control anyone. His teacher, Mr Lo, then entered the
techniques on his younger brother and sister, Sven and classroom.
Anna. He could see their eyelids were starting to droop. “Good morning, class. We have a busy day today…”
“When I click my fingers you will do exactly as I say.” Mr Lo spotted Harry with his feet on his desk and picking
his nose. He really disliked disrespectful students.
“Yes, Harry!”
“HARRY! What do you think you are doing?” He was
“Good! Tidy up my room.” Harry clicked his fingers and
about to knock Harry’s feet off the desk when the boy got
his two siblings began picking up the books and toys
on his feet and took out his pocket watch. He then swung
that were all over his bedroom floor. Harry was pleased
the watch in front of Mr Lo’s face.
with himself. He put a lot of time and effort into learning
hypnotism and he could see it was working. “Follow the watch … watch it go back and forth, back
and forth … You’re floating on a cloud … You’re light as
I can now tell Mum that I tidied up my room, Harry
feather … you feel free as a bird … You’re weightless …
thought with glee. He went downstairs to watch some TV.
You’re drifting away to the land of sleep … you feel sleepy
When he was gone, Anna and Sven looked at each other.
… very sleepy … SLEEP!”
“Ha, ha! What an idiot,” Sven said. “He really does think
Mr Lo just kept staring at Harry. The other students were
he can hypnotise people.”
giggling. Harry tried again.
“I can’t believe we
“SLEEP!” Mr Lo still
fooled him with our terrible
kept staring. Harry knew
acting,” Anna said. They
something was wrong. Mr
both threw the books and
Lo moved his head close to
toys under Harry’s bed.
The next day at school,
“Look into my eyes,”
Harry walked into his
Mr Lo said. “You will obey
classroom feeling like
every word I say … Go …
he was a superhero with
to … the … principal’s …
special powers. He thought
office … NOW!”

Get on one’s feet

To rise up and stand

Vocabulary swinging (adj) 擺動的
droop (v) 下垂
sibling (n) 兄弟姐妹
glee (adj) 合唱的
disrespectful (adj) 不尊敬的
giggle (v) 咯咯大笑

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