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what is scan.

How to find master node RAC?

How find root cause of Node eviction?
How often crs is backed up?
how do you check all the services in rac.
start up sequence of RAC.
How will rac read ocr while starting up.
what is gpnp profile.
what is olr and where is it located.
What if one of the control file is lost.
difference between traditional export and data pumps.
network_link option in expdp
which process will retreive logs from primary.(RFS) different scenarios where mrp
will abort.
what happens to standby when you create a datafile in a different location apart
from the db_file convert location what is real time apply.
flash back database, transaction.
recovery scenarios. when do you go for reset logs.
how do you recover database if all the controlfile have been lost.
how do you create a gaurenteed restore point.
what do you need to have to gauranteed restore successfull.
when do you create role.
difference between cpu and psu patch.
what is opatch auto.
how to avoid duplicate patches.
what is the approach of a performance issue for a database.
difference between sql profile and a baseline.
how do you migrate sql profile.

Rac installation url:

1. How you configure the RAC and what are the necessary parameters to be
2. How to start/stop the RAC services in a single shot.
3. How to find the crs file and it's status.
4. Different ways of applying/rollback a patch on RAC 5. Syntax of crsctl and
srvctl 6. How to change the port pool settings 7. Advantages of RAC 8. Installation
of RAC including pre-req....etc 9. Cluster registration

1. How to configure the RMAN
2. Syntax of RMAN duplicate.
3. Asked almost all the commands in RMAN 4. How to verify the backups and validate
the same. Command for these.
5. What is Auxilary, Duplicate and Catalog database?
6. Different scenarios of backups and recovery.

1. How to setup DG
2. Different kinds of DG
3. Parameters to be set and their importance.
4. MRP - Details
5. How to sync with primary.... different scenarios like if one fails whats next?

How to add datafiles to a ASM system, ASM maintenance questions and their
OEM12c agent issues, performance tuning, how to set groups, alerts ..etc

Questions on patching, Cloning (manual and auto), CM issues.

What is Fragmentation and how to avoid the same.

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