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Topic 4

Reasoning and Problem Solving


Reasoning is the act of thinking about

something in a logical, sensible way. It is
how we support a supposition to arrive a
conclusion. Two types of reasoning:

First is from a specific situation to a

generalization; that is arriving to a
general conclusion by analyzing specific

Second is considering a general fact or

rule to arrive a conclusion for a specific
Inductive Reasoning is a
type of reasoning that forms
a conclusion based on the
Inductive examination of specific
examples. The conclusion
Reasoning drawn from is called a
Example 1: Study the pattern below and draw the next 3 figures in the pattern.

1 2 3 4 5


The pattern consists of squares with one – fourth shaded and the
section shaded is rotated in a clockwise direction. We conjecture that the
next 3 figures are as shown in the next page.

6 7 8
Example 2: Find the next three terms in the sequence 2, 4,
8, 16, . . . .

Study the pattern in the sequence

2 4 8 16

The numbers are formed by doubling the preceding number

in order to obtain the succeeding numbers. We conjecture
that the next 3 terms are 32, 64, and 128.
Example 3: Pick a number. Multiply it by 6, add 8 to the product,
divide the sum by 2, and then subtract 4. Cite 2 examples and use
inductive reasoning to make a conjecture.
Pick the number 1: 1x6=6
6 + 8 = 14
Pick the number 6: 6 x 6 = 36
36 + 8 = 44
= 22
22 – 4 = 18
Starting with 1, and get a final number of 3, and starting
with 6, get a final number of 18. We conjecture that
following the given procedure produces a number that is
three times the original number.

A conjecture may be correct or wrong. In inductive

reasoning, we are observing patterns and predict the
succeeding term in the pattern. As in Example 3, we
predict the next 3 numbers by studying the pattern but we
are not sure what really the next 3 numbers are.
Deductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning is the process of using facts, rules,
definitions, or properties to reach a valid conclusion.

Example 4: Show that ( x + y )2 = x2 + 2xy + y2.

From a square of a number: ( x + y )2 = ( x + y )( x + y )
By distributive rule: ( x + y )2 = x( x + y ) + y( x + y )
By distributive rule again: ( x + y ) = x2 + xy + xy + y2
By addition rule: ( x + y )2 = x2 + 2xy + y2

This is deductive reasoning because it uses a fact to show

something specific. Starting with a fact and deduce to arrive to a
Example 5: Use deductive reasoning to show that the
given procedures produces a number that is one less
than the square of a number. Pick a number. Add 1 to
the number, and then multiply the result by one less
than the number.

Let n represent the original number.
Add I to the number: n+1
Multiply the result by one less than the number:
( n + 1 )( n – 1 ) = n2 – 1

We started with n and end with n2 – 1. We conjecture

that the procedure produces a number that is one less
than the square of the number.
Example 6: Tell if the given is
an example of an inductive or
deductive reasoning.
1. Detective Mark Joseph reaches a conclusion about a thief’s
height because he knows the relationship between a man’s
height and the distance between footprints.

2. During the past 10 years, the university increases its tuition

fees every other year. There was an increase in tuition fees
last year, so there is no increase in tuition fees this year.

3. You examine a sequence of numbers and decide that it is an

arithmetic progression.

4. Knowing the length and width of a rectangle, Nadine uses

the formula A = LW to compute the area of a rectangle.
1. Deductive Reasoning
2. Inductive Reasoning
3. Inductive Reasoning
4. Deductive Reasoning

Counterexample is a specific case in which a statement is

false. It takes only one counterexample to show that a
statement is false. Consider the following examples.
Example 7: Write a counterexample for each statement.

1. If you are using the internet, then you own a computer.

2. If A  B = 1, then A and B are whole numbers.

4. When James did not eat lunch, he must not feel well.
1. You could be using the Internet on a computer at an
Internet café.
2. x = 0.5 and y = 0.5.
3. Consider x = 3.

4. Perhaps James was not hungry.

A sequence is an ordered succession of numbers and formed
according to a definite rule. It is represented as
a 1, a 2, a 3, . . .

The a’s are called the terms or elements in the given

sequence, distinct or not; a1 as the first term, a2 the second
term, and so on. If the sequence has a last term, the
sequence is finite; otherwise, it is infinite. A sequence is
established or defined only if a rule is given that determines
the nth term for every positive integer n; this rule may be
given as a formula for the nth term.
The following are examples of a sequence.

a) 1, 8, 27, 64, 125

b) 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21. . . .
The nth term of a Sequence

In some sequence, the nth term seem so obvious that at a

glance we can determine right away the next term and also
the succeeding terms. Some sequence we need to examine
carefully the pattern before we can determine the next
and succeeding terms. Usually the difference of the
numbers is helpful.

The formula of the nth term can be formulated once we can

establish the relations of the numbers in the sequence.
Usually the formula is related to the value of n and
involving arithmetic operations.
Example 8: For the given sequence
1, 8, 27, 64, 125 . . ..
1. Predict the next term.
2. Write a formula for the nth term.
1. In the given sequence, one can easily see that the
numbers are formed by cubing ( raise to the power 3 ) the
number of the term. Thus we can say that the next term is
a6 = 63 = 216,
2. The formula to obtain the terms is an = n3.
Example 9: For the given sequence
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21. . . .

1. Predict the next term.

2. Write a formula for the nth term.
1. In the given sequence, one can easily answer for the
next term because the numbers are obtained by adding 3
to the preceding, or we can say that the difference of the
adjacent terms is 3.
3 6 9 12 15 18 ?

Difference: 3 3 3 3 3

Thus it is obvious that the next term is 21.

2. Now, let’s see how we can form a formula
for the nth term.

If n = 1: a1 = 3 (3x1)
If n = 2: a2 = 6 (3x2)
If n = 3: a3 = 9 (3x3)

Notice that there is a pattern for the value of

n and the term, and that is the term is
obtained by multiplying n by 3. Thus the
formulas for the nth term of this sequence is
an = 3n.
Example 10: For the sequence
3, 9, 25, 51, 87, . . . .
Predict the next term.
Polya’s Problem – Solving
One of the mathematicians to make a study
and develop a strategy in problem solving
was George Polya. In 1945 he published his
book entitled “ How to Solve it “,
where he outlined a strategy in problem
solving. Polya’s Problem Solving Technique
consists of the following 4 steps.
Step 1: Understand the
Some guide questions in understanding the problem
includes the following.

 Can you restate the problem in your own way?

 What are the given information in the problem?
 What is required in the problem?
 Are there extraneous information that are unnecessary
to solve the problem?
 Can you picture out the problem situation or can you
imagine a diagram of a similar situation?
Step 2: Devise a plan
This step involves a variety of techniques in
attempting to solve the problem. Here are some of
the suggestions.
 Make a list of the given information.
 Identify the requirement
 List down information that is needed. If units of
quantities are given, check if they are consistent,
if not make the necessary conversions.
 Draw a diagram if necessary.
 Form an equation. Do not forget what each
variable represents.
 Make an organized list showing all the possibilities.
 Tabulate data
 Look for a pattern.
 Think and try to solve a simpler problem with the same
 Perform an experiment.
 Make a guess for a solution and then check your result.
 Work backwards by counterchecking the solution with
the given
Step 3: Carry Out the Plan

Carry out the plans that you have devised in step 2.

 Work out carefully.
 Keep an accurate and neat detail of all your
 Solving problem needs patience. Some of your
initial plans may not work and that you may have
to choose another.
Step 4: Review the Solution

Once you have solved the requirement, check the

solution for possible error.
 Can you check the result using the given
information and situation?
 Is the answer within the acceptable range?
 Is the result or method used can be applied to
other problems?
Example 1:

If the perimeter of a rectangle is 68 inches and the length

is 14 inches more than the width, what are the dimensions
of the rectangle?
Understand the problem:
We are asked to find the dimensions (length and width) of
the rectangle.
Devise a plan: Draw a rectangle and assign variable to
represent the sides using the given information in the
problem. Let L be the length and W be the width.

L = W +14
Carry out the plan:
Since the perimeter is given to be 68 inches, an equation can be
formed. The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the total sum s
of its sides. Let P be the perimeter. Therefore P = 2W + 2L or
P = 2W + 2(W + 14) and substituting the given values, we have
68 = 2W + 2W + 28 , solving for W
W = 10 inches. Next, solve for L using L=W + 14.
L = 10 + 14 = 24 inches.
Review :
The perimeter of the rectangle is 68 inches.
P = 2(10) + 2(24)
P = 20 + 48
P = 68 inches
Example 2:
Tiffany has P 3.05, in 5 centavo and 10 centavo coins. If
there are 19 more 5 centavo coins than 10 centavo coins,
how many coins of each kind does she have?

Understand the problem:
We are asked for the number of 5 centavos and 10 centavos
such that the total amount is P 3.05 and the 5 centavos is
19 more than the 10 centavos.
Devise a plan:
Represent x = the number of 10 centavos and x + 19 = the number of 5
centavos then write an equation for the total amount.

Carry out the plan:

The summation of the total amount of each kind of coins equals 3.05.
0.10x + 0.05( x + 19 ) = 3.05
0.10x + 0.05x + 0.95 = 3.05
0.15x = 2.10
x = 14 ( number of 10 centavos )
x + 19 = 33 ( number of 5 centavos )
Review the solution:

Thirty three 5 centavos is 19 more than the 14 fourteen 10 centavos, and

the total amount is 0.10( 14 ) + 0.05( 33 ) = 3.05. This check confirms
that there are 14 coins of 10 centavos and 33 coins of 5 centavos.
Example 3:
Fred is three times as old as his sister Mary. Four years ago
he was five times as old as his sister. How old are they
Understand the problem:
We are asked to find the ages of 2 persons such that at
present, one is three times as old as the other, and 4 years
ago, one was five times as old as the other.
Devise a plan:
Draw a table to represent their ages in the present and in
the past, and then write an equation involving the past
Carry out the plan:
The table shows their ages.

Past ages Present ages

Fred 3x – 4 3x
Mary x–4 x

Equation: Compare past ages

3x – 4 = 5( x – 4 )
3x – 4 = 5x – 20
2x = 16
x = 8 ( Mary’s age )
and 3x = 24 ( Fred’s age )
Review the solution:
Twenty four is three times of 8 and 4 years ago, Fred was 20 and Mary
was 4. This shows that 4 years ago, Fred was 5 times as old as Mary.
This check confirms that Fred is 24 years old and Mary is 8 years
Example 4:
Mario took 3 minutes and 45 seconds to complete a race
while Manny took 4 minutes to complete the same race.
Find their rates if Manny runs 0.40 m/sec slower than
Understand the problem:
We are asked for the rates of Mario and Manny in which
their rates differ by 0.40 m/sec and one can complete the
race in 3 minutes and 45 seconds while the other can
complete it in 4 minutes.
Devise a plan:
Represent x = the rate of Mario and x – 0.40 = the rate of
Manny then write an equation using the distance of the
Carry out the plan:
We must convert units first to be consistent. The time for Mario to
complete the race is 3( 60 ) + 45 = 225 sec and the time for Manny
to complete the race is 4( 60 ) = 240 seconds. The two run the
same race, thus they run the same distance.
Distance run by Mario = Distance run by Manny
225( r ) = 240( r – 0.40 )
225r = 240r – 96
15r = 96
r = 6.4 m/sec ( rate of Mario )
r – 0.40 = 6 m/sec ( rate of Manny )
Review the solution:
To check, if Mario runs for 225 seconds, the distance run is 225( 6.4
) = 1440 m. If Manny runs for 240 seconds, the distance run is 240(
6 ) = 1440 m. Therefore the rate of Mario is 6.4 m/sec and the rate
of Manny is 6 m/sec.
Reference: Mathematics of the Modern World by E.
Rosalena and J. Siangco

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