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Applied Statistics in Business


Name: Don P. Muella

Section: 1LM

1. What are some of the populations that Kraft might have been interested in measuring

for these studies? Did Kraft actually attempt to contact entire populations? What

samples were taken? In light of these two questions, how was the inferential process

used by Kraft in their market research? Can you think of any descriptive statistics that

might have been used by Kraft in their decision-making process?

- Aside from the quality and taste of the product convenience is also a vital

component that is needed to be considered. That being said, the population that

Kraft might considered measuring for the launch of their new product are the oven

and freezer users. Since the DiGiorno Pizza is a frozen pizza it is only reasonable to

assess the viewpoints of the freezer users. As for the reason why the oven users

might also be considered is because the oven is the primary way of preparing the

said product. Upon including the aforementioned population, Kraft may acquire

information about the common purchased oven and freezers. Kraft can use the

acquired information in order to make adjustments and variations to the sizes of the

product being launched Kraft attempted to conduct wide-scale research thru SMI-

Alcott and by sending out 1000 survey questionnaires to pizza lovers. The sample

taken is the focused group gathered by the Loran Marketing Group which consists of

women aged 25 to 54 years old. Kraft conducted two market research for their
product launch one in a larger scale aspect and a concentrated one. Although the

figures of the data they acquired were not stated, the conclusions and variables that

their study produced help their product to achieve a 600 million dollar few years

after its release. Due to the given circumstances it is safe to say that their inferential

process in their market research is thoroughly and mindfully done. According to the

variables that the study produced, it is quite clear that Kraft used measure of

frequency. They observed how often a given reason occurs in order to determine the

inadequacies in their plan. Hence, adjustments are made that led to a successful

product launch. The product has attained a long term success and even after a new

company owned the DiGorno Pizza the sales continued to rise.

2. In various market research efforts made by Kraft for DiGiorno, some of the possible

measurements appear in the following list. Categorize these by level of data. Think of

some other measurements that Kraft researchers might have made to help them in this

research effort, and categorize them by level of data.

A. ratio data

B. ratio data

C. nominal data

D. ratio data

E. ratio data

F. ordinal data

G. ordinal data

H. ratio data

I. ordinal data
J. ratio data

K. nominal data

Additional Measurements that might have helped the research:

1. Satisfaction rating on a scale of 1-10 regarding the variety of choices in the

menu, where 1 is very low and 10 is excellent.

2. What did the consumer liked best in the variety of choices.

3. Satisfaction rating on a scale of 1-10 concerning the accommodation of

special instructions of the consumers.

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