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1st Scene:

(Mom, Dad, and their child are having a conversation)

Child: Hi Mom and Dad!

Mom: Hey, honey! Do you need something?
Child: Uhmm.. Mom, Dad can I ask you a question?
Dad: Oh, sure honey what is it?
Child: What kind of job do you and Dad have?
Mom: Well honey, my job is a social scientist.
Dad: And I am an applied social practitioner.
(child is confused)
Child: Doesn't it sound the same?
Dad: (smiling) Indeed, but they are totally different in terms.
Child: So, what is the difference between these two jobs?
Mom: Well, we will find out later, sweetie.
(Big question Mark) Transition
Bea: hmm.. like this child, maybe you are also wondering, what is the difference between a
social scientist and an applied social practitioner? and how important their works and
functions are in our society.
Yna: But before that, let us first define "What is Social Science?" (Definition of Social
Alexia: Aside from that, Social Science has also 8 branches under it. (Enumerate the 8
Branches of Social science)
Bea: So how about Applied Social Science? What is it?
Ian Venice: Well, an applied social Science is.. (Definition of Applied social science)
Yna: There are also 3 disciplines under it, these are social work, counseling, and
Alexia: So, finally we are now able to identify the difference between Social Science and
applied social sciences.
Bea: That's right Alexia, hmmm..then now let us look for the difference between being a
social scientist and an applied social science practitioner.
Child: Mom, can you tell me what social scientists do?
Mom: Actually, my job as a social scientist is about the study of all aspects of society from
past events and achievements to human behavior and relationships among groups. Our
research provides insights into the different ways individuals, groups, and institutions make
decisions, exercise power, and respond to change.
Child: That's cool Mom! How about Dad's Job?
Dad: Oh well honey, my job as an applied social science practitioner is to interact and
understand social realities. I also have a good conceptual understanding and theoretical
understanding of social work practices.
Bea: Social scientists are different from applied social science practitioners in a way that
social scientists are the ones that explains how society works.
Yna: On the other hand, applied social science practitioners are the ones applying the social
sciences theories, methods, concepts, and finding problems identified to the wiser society.
Ian Venice: Then, who are the social scientists? Well, social scientists are those historians,
anthropologists, linguists, demographers, geographers, and many more.
Alexia: And of course, applied social science practitioners are those medical psychologists,
social workers, guidance counselors, journalists, and many more.
Child: Ohh, so that is how it works after all. Thank you Mom and Dad for showing and
explaining everything to me. Well, I've learned a lot today.
Mom: I'm happy to hear that, honey (Smiling)
Dad: I hope that you'll become a social scientist or an applied social science practitioner to
help and improve our society.

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