UQE MSC IT Course Outlines

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UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.

f fall 2013

Course Code: IT 165

Course Name: Introduction to Information Technology
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Course Objectives:
The course will develop an understanding of the fundamentals of Information Technology and
various facet of its usage in our daily life. Knowledge acquired will be useful in studying other
core and advanced level courses.
Course Contents:
Data; Information; and Knowledge; Computer Software and Hardware; Community and
Information Technology; Business and Information Technology; Information Technologies in the
Modern Organization; IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software; Managing Organizational Data
and Information; Telecommunications and Networks; WWW: Internet; Intranets; Extranets;
Applying IT for Competitive Advantage; Functional Enterprise and Inter-Organizational Systems.
Electronic Commerce; Computer-Based Supply Chain Management; Information Systems
Integration; Decision Support Systems; Intelligent Systems in Business; Achieving Informational
and Organizational Goals; Strategic Information Systems and Reorganization; Information
Systems Development; Implementing IT: Ethics; Impacts; and Security; Application Packages:
MS Word; MS Excel; MS Access; MS Power Point.
Text Book/s:
 Discovering Computers Complete, 2013 Shelly Cashman series.
 Exploring Computers Complete 2012 by Floyd Fuller, Brian Larson
 Microsoft® Office Word 2007 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft)) by Joyce Cox and
Joan Preppernau (Paperback - Jan 31, 2007)
 Joyce Cox and Curtis Frye and Joan Preppernau, Microsoft® Office Home and Student
2007 Step by Step, 2007.
 Joyce Cox and Joan Preppernau, Microsoft® Office Word 2007 Step by Step (Step By
Step (Microsoft)), 2007.
 Joyce Cox and Joan Preppernau, Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 Step by Step
(Step By Step (Microsoft)), 2007.
 Steve Lambert and M Dow Lambert, Microsoft® Office Access(TM) 2007 Step by Step
(Step By Step (Microsoft)), 2007.
 Carl S. Chatfield, Timothy D. Johnson (2000), “Microsoft Project 2000 Step by Step”,
Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0735609209.
Reference Book/s:
 Peter Zorkoczy and Nicholas Heap, “Information Technology: An Introduction” 4th
Edition, 1995 ISBN: 0-273-60591-7

Courser code CS 290

UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.f fall 2013

Course Name: Software Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 Cr. Hrs.
Course Objectives:
Students will learn various aspects of Software Engineering and acquire knowledge required for
building anddelivering high-quality; maintainable software projects on time and within budget.
Course Contents:

Scope of Software Engineering (SE); Software Life Cycles; Alternative Techniques; Extreme
Programming; Software Standards; Processes and Specifications; Capturing Users
Requirements; System and Software Requirements; Documenting Requirements; Structured
and Object-Oriented Approach; Managing Requirements; Tracability and Change Control; Roles
of Analysis And Design; Structured and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design; Alternatives
Approaches; Language; Platform and Database Issues; Verifying And Validating Results;
Dynamic Testing; TracabilityMetrices; Software Quality Assurance (SQA); Quality and Process
Standards and Guidelines; Project And Risk Management; CASE Tools; Software Engineering

Text Book/s:
 Ian Sommerville (2000), “Software Engineering”, 6th /ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN:
 Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, 5th /ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 2001, ISBN: 0072496681.
 Craig Larman (2001), “Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design and the Unified Process”, 2nd /ed., Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN:
Reference Book/s:
 Robert L. Glass (2002), “Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley,
ISBN: 0321117425.
 Robert K. Wysocki, Robert Beck, David B. Crane (2000), “Effective Project Management”,
2nd /ed., John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471360287.

Course Name: Database Systems

UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.f fall 2013

Course Code : CS 280

Credit Hours: 3


Course Objectives: Introduction to information technology

This course will equip the student with the knowledge related to a variety of design,
implementation of relational databases.

Course Contents:

Database System Applications; Database Systems versus File Systems; View of Data; Data
Models; Database Languages; Database Users and Administrators; Transaction Management;
Database System Structure; Application Architectures; History of Database Systems; Data
Models; Entity-Relationship Model; Basic Concepts; Constraints; Keys; Design Issues; Entity-
Relationship Diagram; Extended E-R Features; Design of an E-R Database Schema; Reduction of
an E-R Schema; Relational Model; Structure of Relational Databases; The Relational Algebra
Extended Relational-Algebra; Operations; Modification of the Database; Views; The Tuple
Relational Calculus; The Domain Relational Calculus; Introduction to SQL; DDL; DML; DCL; TCL;
Set Operations; Aggregate Functions; Null Values; Nested Sub queries; Correlated Queries;
Views; Complex Queries; indexes; Modification of the Database; Joined Relations; Embedded
SQL; Dynamic SQL; User Interfaces and Tools; Domain Constraints; Referential Integrity;
Triggers; Security and Authorization; Normal Forms; Functional Dependencies; Overall Database
Design Process; Introduction to object Oriented Database; Object-Relational Databases.

Text Book/s:

 Connolly/Begg (2009), “Database Systems: A Practical Approach To Design,

Implementation, And Management”, (5th Edition)
 C.J.Date(2003), "An introduction to Database Systems ", (8th Edition).

 Korth , Silberschatz and Sudarshan, (2010) “Database Systems Concepts”, (6th Edition).

Reference Book/s:

 J Hughes  (1991), “Object-Oriented Databases”, Prentice-Hall.

 Ceri and Pelagatti (1998), “Distributed Databases”, McGraw Hill.

Course Code: CS 175

Course Name: Data Communication and Computer Networks
Credit Hours: 3
UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.f fall 2013

Prerequisites: None
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide a technical knowledge regarding the general principles and
concepts associated with data communication networks such as Analog& digital transmission.
Network models (OSI, TCP/IP), Media, Encoding techniques, IP Addressing, Multiplexing,
protocols, hardware, and internetworking concepts. 
Course Contents:
Analog & digital transmission, Communication Model; Data Communications; Data
Communications Networking; Protocols and Protocol Architecture; LAN; Protocols; OSI and
TCP/IP Model Concepts & Terminology; Analog & Digital Data Transmission; Transmission
Impairments; Guided Media Transmission; Wireless Transmission; Digital Data Digital Signals;
Digital Data Analog Signals; Analog Data Digital Signals; Analog Data Analog Signal; Frequency
Division Multiplexing. Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing; Statistical Time Division
Multiplexing; Spread Spectrum; Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission; Line
Configuration Interfacing; Flow Control; Error Detection; Error Control,; Circuit Switching;
Packet Switching; TCP/IP Overview; Network Layer (IP); Addressing; Sub-Netting TCP and UDP ;
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOPT) and Dynamic Host; Configuration Protocol (DHCP); Domain Name
System (DNS); Telnet; FTP; Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP); Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Text Book/s:
 William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, Prentice Hall; 8th Edition, 2006
 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall PTR; 4th Edition, 2002.
 Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, Latest Edition.
Reference Book/s:
 Doug Lowe, “Networking All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies” (For Dummies
(Computer/Tech)), For Dummies; 3 edition. 2008.
 James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (4th
Edition), Addison Wesley; 4 edition, 2007.
 Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”,
Fourth Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking), 2007.
 Gilbert Held (2000), “Understanding Data Communications: From Fundamentals to
Networking”, 3rd /ed., Wiley.

Course Code: CS 135

Course Name: Computer Programming
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.f fall 2013

Course Objectives:
This course intends to introduce students with the concepts of programming using the industry
standard Java language.
Course Contents:
Course Introduction; Problem Solving; Introduction to Programming and Programs; Types of
Languages; Compiler vs Interpreter; Structure of Java Program; Concept of Class and Object;
Indentation and Coding Conventions; Program Output; Syntax Rules; Common Errors;
Identifiers; Constants; Arithmetic Operators and Punctuations; Precedence and Associations;
Equality and Relational Operators; Data Types; Java Keywords; Selection Structure (if; if/else);
Multiple Selection Structure (switch and break); break and continue; Loops; Library Functions;
Modular Approach: Functions; Function Definitions; Function prototypes; Arrays; Declaring
Arrays; Initialization; Multidimensional Arrays; Two dimensional array; Example (Matrix
Manipulation); Introduction to classes; Constructor; This key word; Concept of Method and
Method Overloading..
Text Book/s:
 Herb Schildt, Herbert Schildt (2002),” Java 2: The Complete Reference”, 5th /ed., ISBN:
Reference Book/s
 Alison Moncrieff, Steve Gilmartin, Laura Arendal, Krista Reid-McLaughlin, Lisa Duran,
Sybex, “Java 2 Complete”, Sybex Inc., ASIN: 0782124682.

Course Code: CS 380

Course Name: Operating Systems
Course Structure: Lectures:2
Prerequisites: None
UQE Courses Master of Science in Information Technology (M. Sc in IT) W.e.f fall 2013

Objectives: To help students gain a general understanding of the principles and

concepts governing the functions of operating systems and acquaint students with
the layered approach that makes design, implementation and operation of the
complex OS possible.
Course Outline: History and Goals, Evolution of multi-user systems, Process and
CPU management, Multithreading, Kernel and User Modes, Protection, Problems
of cooperative processes, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory management and
virtual memory, Relocation, External Fragmentation, Paging and Demand Paging,
Secondary storage, Security and Protection, File systems, I/O systems, Introduction
to distributed operating systems. Scheduling and dispatch, Introduction to

Reference Material:
1. Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 7th Edition, Silberschatz A., Peterson,
J.L., & Galvin P.C. 2004.
2. Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Tanenmaum A.S., 2008.

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