Effective Strategies For Teaching Social Studies: Eisenhower Academy

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Social Education 74(2), pp 36-37, 52

©2011 National Council for the Social Studies Surfing the Net Classrooms at Work I enjoyed clicking around this long set of I came across when I did my research
www.netc.org/classrooms@work/index. ideas and resources for teachers. about effective strategies. It doesn’t have
html all the recent research about writing in

Effective Strategies For

This is only one page of a much larger Writing in the Social Studies social studies, but it’s still a good sum-
website for the Northwest Educational Classroom mary of how to improve your students’
Technology Consortium. It serves as a This pdf document was published by the writing skills. It reminds me of an inter-
good illustration of my “7th Effective Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and esting era.

Teaching Social Studies Strategy,” using Web 2.0 technology.

Check out Peter Knowles’s 9th grade
“Global Challenge” activity and Jane
has an extremely unwieldy URL. To find
it through Google, search the author’s
name “Peter Pitard” (a teacher in Hot
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Krause’s 4th/5th grade “Travel USA” Springs, Virginia) and the title, “Writing sss/Social_Studies_Lesson_Plans.htm
C. Frederick Risinger lesson. If you go to the main NETC in the Social Studies Classroom.” It’s one This website provides a good list of social
site, there are additional resources of of the best documents I’ve seen on how to studies and history lesson plans that fit
interest. teach writing in the classroom and, just the criteria of “Active Learning” tech-
as important, why writing should be an niques. If you click around, you will find

everal years ago, I developed a workshop on the teaching methods and strate- • Use Literature to Teach Content. Social Studies in Action: A integral part of teaching history and all several additional good lesson plans.
gies associated with better test results, higher student participation, and higher Methodology Workshop, K-5 social studies.
student interest in social studies. As the first step in my research, I began with • Make Connections Between www.learner.org/workshops/social Characteristics of Highly-Effective
the 1994 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test on American Topics and Across Time…Show studies/index.html Improving Writing Skills in Social Social Studies Teaching and
history. This was the second NAEP survey on history and it, along with the begin- Cause and Effect. This is a wonderful resource provided Studies Learning
ning of the National History Standards movement, had a major impact on the social by the Annenberg Media’s Learner.org www.ericdigests.org/pre-926/writing.htm www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instruct
studies curriculum at the federal, state, and local levels. I was working at the ERIC • Require Students to Write. group. This particular site features an O.K., this is an unusual choice. It’s an ional+Resources/
Clearinghouse for Social Science/Social Studies Education at the time and had access eight-step workshop for K-5 teachers ERIC digest that I wrote in 1987, which continued on page 52
to the most up-to-date research and analysis. Not long ago, I was looking through some Sure, if I were re-writing the workshop and has Video on Demand for each
files and came across the workshop materials. I decided to explore whether research in today, I’d expand the word “literature” of the eight sessions. Be sure that you
the past 15 years or so would reveal new techniques or strategies to enhance student to include the arts. And, I would add a watch the video on “Engaging Students
achievement and appreciation for social studies and history. seventh item—something such as, “Use
Web 2.0 Applications and Concepts to
in Active Learning.” This would be a
superb professional development pro-
Eisenhower Academy
I went back to some old notes and interest. He encouraged “freedom of Heighten Student Interest and Increase gram for K-5 teachers—and it’s free!
An Institute for Teachers • July 10–15, 2011
used several of the search terms that discussion” about current issues. And, Collaboration.” After reviewing this workshop, check The week long academy is held at Gettysburg College and Eisenhower National
Historic Site in Gettysburg, PA. Professional Education credits and three graduate
I’d used before, plus some newer terms when the students finished a chapter In selecting websites to illustrate the out the other great programs, includ- credits are available for attending.
that had to do with more recent technol- or a time period, he assigned each of concept of effective teaching strategies ing “Making Civics Real”; “Citizenship:
The Eisenhower Academy for teachers focuses on
ogy. I wasn’t surprised by the results. them to develop a “set of test questions” in social studies, history, and citizen- Making Government Work”; and my 1950s America and the Presidency of
Basically, effective instructional meth- for the class to answer. Gordy said that ship, I’ve tried to blend some of the favorite, “A Biography of America.” The Dwight D. Eisenhower. It includes:
ods in social studies and history haven’t this technique worked well for him and sites dealing with research into teaching Annenberg Foundation-Corporation for
• Field trips, lecture, and discussion on the 1950s
changed very much, if at all. Of course, recommended it for new teachers. All methods and student achievement with Public Broadcasting link has created including the Cold War, civil rights, economics, and
newer technology, especially the Web three of these ideas would still fit in sites that exemplify these methods with some outstanding resources for social popular culture.
2.0 programs and applications along the category of “effective strategies for lesson plans and instructional strategies. studies and history teachers. • Effective strategies for teaching the Cold War era
with social networking concepts have teaching history and social studies.” This column is a bit different from my in the classroom.
expanded what teachers and students I went back to my earlier workshop usual approach of identifying a subject University of Hawaii School of • New scholarship on the Eisenhower Presidency.
can do in the classroom. But, good presentation and found that the six topic or issue and providing recom- Education Teaching Tips Index
• A visit to the Eisenhower National Historic Site for
teaching remains good teaching. strategies that I had compiled back then mended sites to help teachers develop http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/ an intimate glimpse into Eisenhower’s life and times.
Coincidentally, around the same are still applicable today. The list that I an instructional unit for that topic. This committees/FacDevCom/
• Opportunities to learn about and use primary source
time I was doing this research, a friend put together for the workshop back then column focuses on what we—the teach- From the above URL, click on “Teaching
documents, film, video, and the Internet as research
showed me the teacher’s edition of a his- looked like this: ers in the classroom do every day—teach Tips Index” under Faculty Guidebook. tools.
tory textbook printed in 1911. It was first our students. The teaching tips are for all teachers, not
• Interviews with Eisenhower associates and family
published in 1898 and was written by • Use Narrative…Tell a Story. I apologize for some of the lengthy specifically social studies teachers. But members. Sponsored by
Wilbur Gordy, the Superintendent of URLs listed. I had to “drill down” into I found it useful and interesting. Some The National Park Service,
Schools in Springfield, Mass. I reviewed • Encourage In-Depth Study of some of the websites in order to find the of the instructional issues and problems For more information contact: Gettysburg College, and
Mr. Gordy’s recommendations for good Some Topics by All Students. information I wanted to present. dealt with include “Critical Thinking,” (717) 338-9114 ext.10 john_joyce@nps.gov Mount St. Mary’s University
history teaching. He recommended • Use Active Teaching/Learning “American History Syllabi Resources,”
Eisenhower Academy, 1195 Baltimore Pike, Suite 100, Gettysburg, PA 17325 • www.nps.gov/eise
using literature, such as fiction and Techniques. and “The Ultimate Plagiarism Resource.”
poetry, to expand and heighten student
S o c i a l E d u c at i o n J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 11
36 37
Surfing the Net from page 37 All of us want to be considered effec-
tive social studies teachers. I know that
From the Kentucky Department of I was a better teacher for my experiences Advertising
Education’s Instructional Resources page at conferences sponsored by NCSS, the
For inquiries about advertising, call Doran
click on “Highly Effective Teaching and regional social studies conferences, and
Communications at 302-644-0546, or e-
Learning,” then “Characteristics of Highly state council meetings. Just the other day, mail advertising@ncss.org. Information
Effective Social Studies Teaching and I saw an article about state and national about advertising rates and specifications
Learning.” This site is one of the best sites “teacher of the year” awards. I was pleased can also be found at www.socialstudies.
that I’ve seen that examines what kind to see that social studies and English teach- org/advertising
of teacher behaviors and instructional ers were inordinately represented in these
techniques lead to enhanced learning by awards over the past four decades. Part SPEAKER
Washington DC
American Bar Association Division
for Public Education..............................................................52
students. It may seem a bit bureaucratic, of the reason is our subject content; but I
but there is a lot of good information for think that social studies teachers under- American Public University.................................... Cover 2
curriculum coordinators and college-level stand and value the significance of what Apprend Foundation, Inc...................................................52
social studies methods instructors. we teach; and we work hard at doing a
good job. C-SPAN.............................................................................Cover 4

Cause and Effect Writing Challenges Cass Street Publisher, Inc....................................................52

C. Frederick Risinger is retired from the School Eisenhower Academy..........................................................37
of Education at Indiana University, Bloomington. He
currently is working on two social studies writing James Madison Memorial DECEMBER 2–4, 2011
Fellowship Foundation....................................................... 11
This article in Education World explains projects, is developing a new website, and works two
cause and effect writing and includes links shifts a week as a bartender at a local microbrewery.
Smithsonian Museum..........................................................29
Join NCSS in the nation’s capital for the premier
He can be reached at risinger@indiana.edu. social studies professional development event.
to three very good lesson plans at the Rebecca Skloot Rex Ellis
Wohl Publishing, Inc. ....................................................38/39 The 91st NCSS Annual Conference will bring
conclusion. Author, The Immortal Life Associate Director for Curato-
together education leaders and experts with rial Affairs at the National
of Henrietta Lacks educators interested in personal and professional Museum of African American
SPEAKER growth, to examine the bedrock issues of social History and Culture at the
studies education: who, what, and how we teach. Smithsonian Institution

photo by Jack Miller

More than 400 sessions and workshops, exploring
all of the Dimensions of Diversity, will provide
you with the new ideas, resources, techniques, SPEAKER
“Crafting Freedom: Black Artisans, and skills that will pay off back in your classroom,
Entrepreneurs and Abolitionists of the school, or district, and invigorate your career.
Antebellum Upper South” or simply the
“Crafting Freedom Workshop” is a National
Endowment for the Humanities ( NEH)
Landmarks of American History and Culture SPEAKER
Workshop offered to K-12 educators in two
sessions: June 16–21, 2011 and June 23–28,
2011. The workshop provides a stipend for
travel and living expenses and the opportunity Diane Ravitch
to study the lives and works of individuals Research Professor of Education,
such as Thomas Day (1801–ca. 1861) a highly New York University, and author
successful furniture maker and business man, of The Death and Life of the Great
and Elizabeth Keckly (1807–1917) a famous American School System
dress designer, author and social activist of
the Civil War era. They, like other featured Philip Zimbardo
“freedom crafters,” created opportunities and Professor Emeritus of Psy-
achieved greater freedom for themselves and chology, Stanford University
others through their actions and ingenuity, issues
through their works of art and craft, and
through their spoken and written words. Urban Education
Tela V. Banks
Visits to off-the-beaten-track black history Closing the
landmarks enhance this one-of-a-kind learning former Consul General, Republic
experience in the North Carolina Piedmont. Achievement Gap of Liberia Common State
Application deadline is March 1, 2011. For Standards
more information, see: http://thomasday.net/
for Social Studies
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations issues Submit your proposal online at
expressed in this  program do not necessarily reflect
those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Teaching East
Deadline is February 22, 2011
S o c i a l E d u c at i o n

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