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Nama : Bella Aulia Sabrina

Kelas : X MIPA 2
Absen : 09

How the Young Generation Fills and Defines Independence

1. Community Service
Being involved in social activities and community services is one of the ways
that many young people are now doing, including Suryatul Arifidin. In addition
to being actively involved in one of the campus organizations, this Informatics
Engineering student at Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta is also actively
involved in carrying out social activities as a form of community service.
Together with his friends, he helps people in one of the disadvantaged areas in
the Kulon Progo area, Yogyakarta, to introduce the local specialties, namely
Slondok, to the Indonesian people. There they provide innovation and educate
local residents to make their specialties known in the market and able to
compete with other food products. “It’s great to see that now they can be
independent even though their village is remote. Their area has now become a
production center for Slondok,” he said.

2. The development of domestic products Many young Indonesians

feel more proud when using products from well-known brands in the world.
Without realizing it, this can actually kill the growth of local brands, some of
which also have product quality that is not inferior to foreign brands.
Currently, so many original Indonesian brands have sprung up in various fields.
If the younger generation feels proud to use domestic products, it will support
the development of the brand, even being able to encourage it to be known by
the world community.
3. advancing the education sector

The greatest asset of a country is not its natural resources, but the human
resources of the country. Therefore, to get true independence, it is
necessary to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources, especially
in terms of education. Therefore, improving educational facilities must be a
top priority to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. To
make this happen, it requires concern from various parties, from the
government to the younger generation. Yes! The younger generation can
also play an active role in improving the education sector in Indonesia. This
was also done by one of the Batam International University students,
Sunarto Wang, by joining as a facilitator for Edushare Indonesia in the Riau
Islands. In this non-profit organization, he is involved as a facilitator for the
education and arts division, whose job is to teach children on Seraya Island
who have not yet received maximum educational facilities. He believes that
to achieve true independence, the most important thing to do is liberate
the nation’s improved generation from limitations in education and health,
and the younger generation can be involved in this. “If every youth can
contribute in their respective regions, even in untouched areas, then the
purpose and objectives of independence will be achieved,” said the 22-
year-old youth.

4. Indonesian culture to the world

According to Sunarto, the introduction of Indonesian culture to the world

community can also be used as a form to fill independence. The young man
who had participated in youth exchange activities to Canada did not forget
to introduce Indonesian culture to his friends in Canada while participating
in youth exchange activities. “There we introduced Indonesian traditional
culture and arts to students there, one of which was the Saman Dance from
the Aceh region,” he said. Culture is indeed an important part and cannot
be separated from the name of a nation. Even culture can be said as
something that can be a representation of the nation and country

5. Mutual respect and sharing

“Applying the principle of being equal with brothers and sisters and sharing
with each other”, were the words spoken by one of the activists of the
Indonesian Student Union, Deara Shinta Lestari, when asked about how to
fulfill independence. Yes, mutual respect is really needed by the Indonesian
people, which basically consist of various ethnicities, races and different
religions. If these differences are not addressed with mutual respect, there
will be no complete independence.

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