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profession is an occupation founded upon

specialized educational training, the purpose of which is
to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to
others, for a direct and definite compensation, only apart
from expectation of other business gain.[1][2] The term is a
truncation of the term "liberal profession", which is, in
turn, an Anglicization of the French term "profession
liberal". Originally borrowed by English users in the 19th
century, it has been re-borrowed by international users
from the late 20th, though the (upper-middle) class
overtones of the term do not seem to survive retranslation:
"liberal professions" are, according to the European
Union's Directive on Recognition of Professional
Qualifications (2005/36/EC), "those practised on the basis
of relevant professional qualifications in a personal,
responsible and professionally independent capacity by
those providing intellectual and conceptual services in the
interest of the client and the public".

Information Technology Professional Responsibilities

and Duties
Extend complex and independent support in system
operations, system administration and hardware support.
Analyze design, modify and support computer systems
and subsystems.
Consult with client office on computer infrastructure
needs to determine hardware and software purchases.
Develop and execute Microsoft systems and technology
solutions for clients.
Install, execute and support systems software and
hardware products.
Extend primary support for Active Directory, MS
Exchange, MS Sharepoint and systems.
Troubleshoot issues and interact to discuss projects,
technology solutions and respond to questions on systems
and technologies.
Coordinate with IT staff, study coordinators, managers,
center staff and collaborators from study centers.
Set up working collaborations and liaise with study
centers and organizations.
Initiate and execute software package implementation and
project upgrade.
Deliver technology systems to disseminate imagery,
publications and web-based intelligence products.
Initiate and evaluate systems capabilities to support
intelligence requirements.
Assess technology enhancing systems.
Develop technical standards and specifications.
Develop and manage computer systems and application

The History Of Computer Hacking And How It Has

Evolved Over The Years
April 23, 2015/in history of technology /by Pro OnCall
The 1983 movie WarGames gave us insight to the world
of computer hacking as Matthew Broderick almost started
World War III because of his desire to play a new video
game. While hacking was once synonymous with nerdy
teenagers, large companies like Target and SONY
Pictures will argue that it has come much farther than
that. Major cyber crimes are being committed and
breaches in online security are becoming more
commonplace. Criminals are so smart that they can
decrypt personal data and destroy people’s identity with
the design of malicious software. To understand how this
happened, let’s take a look at how computer hacking has
evolved over the years.

The 1960’s-1970’s Hackers

Essentially the term “hack” has always meant a shortcut
that doesn’t necessarily solve a problem well or in a good
way.In the 1960’s, a group of computer science students
used the term “hacking” that they took from model train
lovers who altered or “hacked” switches and tracks to
make them run better. These new hackers were learning
ways to change computer software and hardware to make
it faster. The worst crimes committed during this period
were free long-distance phone calls. It was discovered
that by blowing a particular high-pitch whistle tone into
the phone, 2600-hertz, AT&T’s long-distance switching
system could be accessed. This became so popular that
hackers were engineering special boxes with a whistle
that came free in cereal boxes to make free calls. The FBI
eventually caught on and started cracking down on wire

The 1980’s Golden Age of Hacking

The 1980’s were considered the “Golden Age” of hacking
because of the increase in sales of home personal
computers that were able to talk to one another via the
phone network. Kids were breaking into any computer
system they could, often just to be able to say they did
and to explore. Low-grade “crimes” were committed like
printing out lots of paper at a business. Hackers were
meeting up on digital hangouts to share passwords and
advice on breaking into systems. After WarGames
premiered, the FBI went on high alert and caught six
Milwaukee teens who actually hacked into a nuclear
weapon research facility.

Hacking Gets Criminal

By the late 80’s, the FBI was really catching on to hackers
and Congress passed a Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,
making breaking into computer systems a crime. This
didn’t stop anything. In 1989 German hackers whop
worked for Russia’s KGB were found hacking into the
Pentagon. Employees were even destroying company
systems as revenge for being fired.

Today’s Dangerous Hackers

As the Internet evolved and systems became more
sophisticated, so did the hackers. No longer are they
curious and playing games, they are out for blood and
extremely dangerous. Major companies have had security
breaches, exposing credit card information, social security
numbers and e-mail addresses of millions. This
information is sold to the highest bidder on the black
market. Computer viruses are used by the government to
diffuse their enemies’ nuclear programs. The White
House has been hacked, Russia used hackers to
coordinate their attack on Georgia in 2008, and one of
America’s largest insurance companies, Anthem was
hacked into, affecting over 80 million customers. Today’s
hackers are the most dangerous kind and one has to
wonder what the future holds as we go more and more
digital every day.

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