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Inquiry Guide for use with the Sunrise Model to Assess Culture Care and Health

1. Worldview
 Views of how things they see

 Could you share with me your views of how you see things are for you?
2. Ethnohistory
 Cultural background
 Place of birth and where he/she is currently living
 Language they speak
3. Kinship and Social Factors
 How relatives and friends influenced you?
 Who takes care of you?
 How does the family helped you to stay well or ill?
 How would you like nurses to care for you?
4. Cultural Values, Beliefs, and Lifeways
 Values and beliefs they would like nurses to know to help them regain or maintain their
 Specific beliefs or practices that are most important in receiving care
5. Religious/Spiritual/Philosophical Factors
 How beliefs and practices helped them to take care of themselves
 How religion help them to heal or face crisis, disabilities, or even death
 ways religious healers and nurses care for them
 Spiritual factors that need to be incorporated
6. Technological Factors
 Dependency on “high-tech” modern appliances or equipment to remain healthy or get
access to care
 Ways technological factors help or hinder keeping them well
 Do you consider yourself dependent upon modern technologies
7. Economic Factors
 “Money means health or survival.” What do you think of that statement?
 Ways money influences their health and access to care or to obtain professional services
 Necessity of money to keep them well
 How do you see the cost of hospital care versus home care cost practices?
8. Political and Legal Factors
 Views about politics and how they maintain their well-being
 Political or legal problems that to influence their well-being or handicap their lifeways in
being cared
9. Educational Factors
 Educational information, values or practices they believe to be important in receiving
 How education influenced them to stay well or become ill
10. Language and Communication Factors
 Languages they speak and understand
 Barriers in language or communication that influence receiving care or help from others
 Verbal or nonverbal problems experienced that influences caring patterns between
them and the nursing staff
 Ways they would like to be communicated
 Prejudice and racial problems experienced in relation to communication

11. Professional and Generic (folk or lay) Care Beliefs and Practices
 Most helpful professional nursing care practices or attitudes they prefer
 Home remedies, care practices or treatments
 Most helpful professional and/or folk practices
 Folk or professional practices and food preferences
 Foods that are taboo or prohibited in their culture
 Past or current experiences in the hospital that influenced their recovery or health
12. General and Specific Nursing Care Factors
 Ways they would like to receive care
 Meaning of care in their culture
 Link between good nursing care and regaining or maintaining health
 Stresses in the hospital or home that need to be considered
 Community resources to keep a health life
 Non-helpful care nursing practices
 Environmental or home community factors that nurses must be aware of
 Cultural illnesses that tent to occur in their culture
 How they manage pain and stress

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