Eastern University Final Exam Summer 2021 Victorian Prose Name: Rifah Rafia Islam ID: 193300021 Semester: 6 B.A (Hons.) in English Literature

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Eastern University

Final Exam Summer 2021

Victorian Prose
Name: Rifah Rafia Islam ID: 193300021 Semester: 6th
B.A (Hons.) in English Literature
Question 1: Discuss how Matthew Arnold Portrays the Victorian Society?
Answer: Matthew Arnold’s “Culture and Anarchy” was published in 1869 and the text was
regarding the social and political system of Victorian Age. He brought up some incidents around
that time to convey his opinion about the Victorian Society.
Anarchy generally means doing as one likes on the basis of the freedom to enjoy the act rather on
the consequences of that act. According to Arnold, Victorian society was becoming Anarchical
society. He says that the citizens were misusing the freedom to the point that there was no
harmony within. People were worshiping the concept freedom without understanding the
responsibility they have in the exchange of this as a citizen. They were too much dependent of
machinery and parliament while creating conflict themselves. The concept of feudalism was
fading, the citizen were using freedom as a ticket to do whatever they want whether it is right or
wrong. All they care about is themselves and their own benefits, nothing else. There was a time
where a class would work and fight for the people above their class in exchange of protection,
this system is feudalism and sadly it was fading.
By worship of freedom, Arnold meant that it is unlimited freedom. Freedom itself isn’t a bad
thing but it has a limit. Worship of freedom is mostly connected with the Victorian Aristocrats
and Middle class men. They are the one to make weaker laws as they have the power to do so.
For this action of them were turning Victorian Society into Anarchical Society. Arnold was
lamenting the loss of Feudalism as the democracy was making the British Constitution weak.
Arnold mostly criticized middle class people and the idea of Bondage of Machinery was
dedicated to them which represents their materialistic obsession. Also they created weaker laws
for their lifestyle and profits. Mostly they also mislead the working class for their own benefits.
The Aristocrats were too busy with themselves to care about anything else. As a result, the
working class denied to follow the rules and at this point the two upper-class people could not
govern them. The harmony between this three classes was losing, the people were forgetting
where they belong and what should they do as a citizen. He also blamed William Murphy for
giving the freedom speech which had self-assertion of personal liberty which is awarded to every
citizen by law. He identifies that such freedom created disturbance and anarchy in the society.
In conclusion, Arnold portrayed the Victorian society as an Anarchical society due to lack of
feudalism, Worship of Freedom and Bondage to Machinery which did not end up well. This too
much freedom can result into indulgence, and anarchy may rear its ugly head.

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