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SCP-TOPICS: 1st Quarter

Week 4-5 Newton’s Laws of Motion and Applications

1. Newton’s Law’s of Motion 2. Inertial Reference Frames 3.
Action at a distance forces 4. Mass and Weight 5. Types of
contact forces: tension, normal force, kinetic and static
Lesson Title friction, fluid resistance 6. Action-Reaction Pairs 7. Free-Body
Diagrams 8. Applications of Newton’s Laws to single-body and
multibody dynamics 9. Fluid resistance 10. Experiment on
forces 11. Problem solving using Newton’s Laws
1. Define inertial frames of reference
2. Differentiate contact and noncontact forces
3. Distinguish mass and weight
4. Identify action-reaction pairs
5. Draw free-body diagrams
6. Apply Newton’s 1st law to obtain quantitative and
qualitative conclusions about the contact and non contact
forces acting on a body in equilibrium (1 lecture)
7. Differentiate the properties of static friction and kinetic
8. Compare the magnitude of sought quantities such as
Learning Outcome(s) frictional force, normal force, threshold angles for sliding,
acceleration, etc.
9. Apply Newton’s 2nd law and kinematics to obtain
quantitative and qualitative conclusions about the velocity and
acceleration of one or more bodies, and the contact and
noncontact forces acting on one or more bodies
10. Analyze the effect of fluid resistance on moving object
11. Solve problems using Newton’s Laws of motion in contexts
such as, but not limited to, ropes and pulleys, the design of
mobile sculptures, transport of loads on conveyor belts, force
needed to move stalled vehicles, determination of safe driving
speeds on banked curved roads

Terms to Ponder

Frame of reference is a set of coordinates that can be used to determine

positions and velocities of objects in that frame; different frames of
reference move relatives to one other.
Non-contact force is a force which acts on an object without coming
physically in contact with it. In contract, a contact force is a force
applied to a body by another body that is in contact with it.

The mass of an object is a measure of the object's inertial property, or the

amount of matter it contains. The weight of an object is a measure of the
force exerted on the object by gravity, or the force needed to support it.

Free-body diagrams are diagrams used to show the relative magnitude

and direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation.

Fluid resistance refers to the forces a fluid places on a moving object in

the opposite direction to the movement, also known as drag.

Essential Content
Frames of reference and Newton’s Laws

The cornerstone of the theory of special relativity is the Principle of

Relativity: The Laws of Physics are the same in all inertial frames of

We shall see that many surprising consequences follow from this

innocuous looking statement. Let us first, however, briefly review
Newton’s mechanics in terms of frames of reference.

A “frame of reference” is just a set of coordinates: something you use to

measure the things that matter in Newtonian problems, that is to say,
positions and velocities, so we also need a clock.

A point in space is specified by its three coordinates (x, y, z) and an

“event” like, say, a little explosion, by a place and time: (x, y, z, t).

An inertial frame is defined as one in which Newton’s law of inertia

holds—that is, anybody which isn’t being acted on by an outside force
stays at rest if it is initially at rest, or continues to move at a constant
velocity if that’s what it was doing to begin with. An example of a non-
inertial frame is a rotating frame, such as a carousel.

The “laws of physics” we shall consider first are those of Newtonian

mechanics, as expressed by Newton’s Laws of Motion, with gravitational
forces and also contact forces from objects pushing against each other.
For example, knowing the universal gravitational constant from
experiment (and the masses involved), it is possible from Newton’s Second
Law to predict future planetary motions with great accuracy.

Forces and Motion

Forces and motion are very important. You may not know but forces are
used in everyday life for example: walking, pushing and pulling. Forces
cause things to move. Motion is simply a movement but it needs a force to
move. There are two types of forces contact force and non-contact force.
Contact force is simply two interacting objects touching for example:
throwing a ball. Non-contact force is when two objects are not touching
like the moon and the earth ocean.


Firstly, force is just a technical word push or pull. If you push or pull on
an object you are applying a force. Secondly, forces make things move or
change their motion. There are so many types of forces here are just a
few, gravity and magnetism especially in the existence of quantum
particle (Claridge et al., 2011).
Different Forces

There are two types of forces. Firstly, there is contact force. This is
when two interacting objects are physically touching, for example:
throwing a ball, when you throw a ball you use friction to push the pall
out of your hands. Secondly, the next force is at a distance force. It is
when two interacting objects not touching each other like for example:
magnets and a paper clip and the moons gravity and the earth ocean.
This is occurring because of the gravity and magnetism.

A non-contact force is a force applied between 2 objects. The first

non-contact force is magnetism. Magnets create a magnetic field. It is in
the atomic force concept which invisible to the human eye, it only attracts
certain types of metal and most metals is not magnetic (Morita et al.,
2015). Magnets can attract or pull on other magnets. They are magnetic
to the North and South Pole, each and every object in the world need to
be in the magnetic field to respond to the poles. This occurs because the
earth is made out of iron and nichel which is giving magnets a magnetic
field. In that note, mass measures of inertia of object, denotes m.
Quantity of matter in the object while weight measures upon the force an
object due to gravity, weight is equal to mg.
Free-Fall Motion

“Free-fall” motion is a Uniformly Accelerated Motion that takes

place in a vertical direction. Anytime an object moves vertically, either
going upwards, or going downwards, we say it is in Free-fall. There are
two key, critical concepts that we must understand when discussing
objects in Free-fall motion:

1.The constant acceleration of the object is ALWAYS directed downwards

due to the influence of Earth’s gravity; the acceleration due to gravity on
Earth is referred to as “g”, and has a value of 9.8 m/s2 . Because of sign
conventions, where we choose up to be the positive direction and down to
be the negative, we will say that, in Free-fall, the vertical acceleration of
an object is -g = -9.8 m/s2. [Recall: the negative sign indicates that
the direction of the acceleration is downwards.]

2. When an object is in Free-fall, we will always ignore any effects that air
resistance may have on the object’s motion. To demonstrate, take a sheet
of paper, and allow it to fall to the floor. Due to air resistance, the paper
will twist and turn, gliding back and forth, slowly downwards to the
ground. Now, drop a pen to the floor. Notice that it falls quickly, straight
down to the ground. We will assume that objects fall more like pens than
pieces of paper. [For a demonstration of a feather and steel ball being
dropped in air, and then without air resistance, view this YouTube video:]
While in statics, we study idealised bodies excluding frictional
forces, in the study of static and kinetic friction, we investigate real solid
bodies. Friction occurs in all solid bodies that are in contact and that are
moved against each other. The cause of the occurring forces is, among
other things, the surface roughness, which causes the surfaces to
Newton’s second law of motion

Newton’s second law of motion is perhaps his most famous. This part will
discuss this law and give some examples of its use

Momentum, denoted p, can be defined as: p = mass × velocity = mv

Momentum is a vector quantity and is expressed in SI units by kg m s−1

or equivalently by N s. Newton’s second Law of Motion states that:

“The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the

resultant force acting on it and takes place in the direction of that
How about this?

In fluid resistance refers to the forces a fluid places on a moving

object in the opposite direction to the movement, also known as
drag. Drag is the force created by a fluid to resist the motion of an object
through it. There are 2 main sources of drag: pressure (form) and
Pressure drag is the force created by the changes in pressure of
the fluid as the object moves. First the pressure at the front of the object
increases as the fluid is pushed around the object. You have felt “wind”
from a fast moving vehicle such as a truck or train as it went by. This is
the air adjusting to the increased pressure caused by the moving object,
the air moves away from the object. You can see this

at the front of the car in the image below as the fluid separates to move
over the car.
SELF-SUPPORT: You can click the URL Search Indicator below to help you further understand the lessons.
Search Indicator
Claridge, S. A., Schwartz, J. J., & Weiss, P. S. (2011). Electrons,
photons, and force: quantitative single-molecule measurements
from physics to biology. ACS nano, 5(2), 693-729
Morita, S., Giessibl, F. J., Meyer, E., & Wiesendanger, R. (Eds.).
(2015). Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy: Volume 3.

At SJPIICD, I Matter!
Activity 1. Let us try to gauge your comprehension of the topics. Write
your answers on the space provided below after each question.

1. In a vacuum, a coin and feather fall side by side, at the same rate. Is it
true to say that, in vacuum, equal forces of gravity act on both the coin and
the feather? Defend your answer.
2. A 10 kg bag of rice weighs one-sixth as much on the moon than one earth
because the moon’s gravity is one-six as much as the earth’s. If you tried to
slide the bag horizontally across a smooth table to a friend, is it one-sixth as
easier on the moon than on earth? (ignore friction) Yes or No. Defend your

3.If you double the mass of an object what happens to the acceleration?

4.If you increase the force on an object what happens to the acceleration?
Defend your answer.

Activity 1. Solve the following problems involving the first and second laws
of motion and free-fall.

1. When Jane drives to work, she always places her purse on the
passenger’s seat. By the time she gets to work, her purse has fallen on
the floor in front of the passenger seat. One day, she asks you to explain
why this happens in terms of physics. What do you say?
2. You are waiting in line to use the diving board at your local pool.
While watching people dive into the pool from the board, you realize that
using a diving board to spring into the air before a dive is a good
example of Newton’s third law of motion. Explain how a diving board
illustrates Newton’s third law of motion.
3. You know the mass of an object and the force applied to the object to
make it move. Which of Newton’s laws of motion will help you calculate
the acceleration of the object?
4. How many newtons of force are represented by the following amount:
3 kg·m/sec2? Justify your answer.
5. Your shopping cart has a mass of 65 kilograms. In order to accelerate
the shopping cart down an aisle at 0.3 m/sec2, what force would you
need to use or apply to the cart?
6. A small child has a wagon with a mass of 10 kilograms. The child
pulls on the wagon with a force of 2 newtons. What is the acceleration of
the wagon?

7. You dribble a basketball while walking on a basketball court. List and

describe at least 3 pairs of action-reaction forces in this situation.

Activity 1. Explain the diagram presented below from how Isaac Newton
conceptualize the three laws of motion to its applications. (5 paragraphs with
5 sentences in each).

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