Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Project: Residence

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Client: Ato Habtamu Arega

Structural Design by: Kidist Molla

Scope of Work: Structural Design


| Structural Analysis | Analysis Structural

Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................3
2. Design Basis.........................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Geometry.......................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Code...............................................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Material..........................................................................................................................................................4
2.3.1 Concrete..................................................................................................................................................4
2.3.2 Rebar.......................................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Fire Resistance...............................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Concrete Cover..............................................................................................................................................7
2.6 Loads and load combinations........................................................................................................................7
2.6.1 Permanent load.......................................................................................................................................7
2.6.2 Variable load..........................................................................................................................................8
2.6.3 Seismic load............................................................................................................................................8
3. Slab design.........................................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Loads............................................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Model...........................................................................................................................................................10
Solid Slab.......................................................................................................................................................10
4. Stair Design........................................................................................................................................................13
4.1 Design Basis................................................................................................................................................13
4.2 Loads............................................................................................................................................................13
Permanent load..............................................................................................................................................13
Live load........................................................................................................................................................13
Design results................................................................................................................................................13
5. Finite Element Model and Lateral Stability.......................................................................................................14
5.1 Finite Element Model..................................................................................................................................14
6. Frame design......................................................................................................................................................18
6.1 Ductility class medium requirements..........................................................................................................18
6.2 Beam analysis and design............................................................................................................................19
6.3 Column analysis and design........................................................................................................................24
7. Foundation Design.............................................................................................................................................28
7.1 Footing dimensions......................................................................................................................................28
7.3 Footing design detail calculation.................................................................................................................28

1. Introduction
The following report comprises structural analysis and design of a three story residential building. The
building is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

The report summarizes all inputs considered in the design procedure and clearly states all relevant
analysis and design results.

This report serves as a supplementary document to the structural drawing it is submitted with.

2. Design Basis
2.1 Geometry
The architectural drawings have provided all necessary geometrical data for the analysis and design
procedure. The building as a whole is designed to serve as residence.
The following floor plans and section drawings have been used in the static calculations and finite
element modeling.

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

2.2 Code
The design procedure has followed the new Ethiopian code. Due to the similarity between the new
code and the European code, the following portions of the
European code have been directly used in the following design check procedure

EN 1990 Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design

EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Action on structures (Part 1, 1.1 and 1.4)

EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures (Part 1, 1.1 and 1.2)

EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design (Part 1, 1.1 and 1.2)

Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance (Part 1 and
EN 1998

2.3 Material
2.3.1 Concrete
The major construction material for this project is reinforced concrete. Selection of this material is
based on the construction practice of our country, Ethiopia, Economy and desired durability for this
given structure.

Eurocode 2, 1992 provides different grades of concrete based on their compressive and tensile
strength. The following two grades have been used in the following project.
Table 1: Concrete Property
fck fck,cube fcm fctm fck,0.05 fctk Ecm (%0)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa)

20 25 28 2.2 1.5 2.9 30 2.0

25 30 33 2.6 1.8 3.3 31 2.1

The selection of appropriate concrete grade depends on the exposure class. Table 4.1 of Eurocode 2
gives exposure classes related to environmental condition in accordance with EN 206-1. There are
different exposure classes for various potential causes of corrosion. This project’s building is neither
an offshore structure susceptible to corrosion induced by salt and chloride nor an industrial building
exposed to aggressive chemicals. Hence, corrosion induced by carbonation is the only fitting
characteristic we have taken into consideration.

Accordingly, the following classes for the corresponding structural elements are considered fit.
Table 2: Exposure Classes
Exposure Class Component Concrete Grade Crack Width 18
XC1 Slabs, Top Ceiling Slab, C 20/25 0.4
Beams and Columns

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

However, in order to increase the compressive capacity of some structural elements, the following
concrete classes are used:
Table 3: Selected Concrete Grades
Component Concrete Grade
Slabs, Beams and Stair C 20/25

Columns and Foundation C 25/30

2.3.2 Rebar
The application rules in Eurocode 2 recommend using bars within 400 – 600MPa range of yield stress.

EC2 does not cover the use of plain or mild steel reinforcement. Principles and rules are given for
deformed bars, de-coiled rods, welded fabric and lattice girders.

Annex C, Table C.1 of EC 2 gives the following summary of reinforcement steel properties
Table 4: Reinforcement Property
Material Symbol E (GPa) kN/m3)  
Steel S400B 205 78.5 0.012 0.3

There are additional limitations concerning seismic performance of primary seismic elements. We
have summarized the limitations as follows:
Table 5: Ductility Classes and material requirements
Ductility Class DCL DCM DCH
Concrete grade No limit ≥ C16/20 ≥ C20/25
Steel Class (EC2, Table A–C B or C Only C
Longitudinal Bars Only ribbed Only ribbed

Hence, based on all basic and limiting values mentioned above, class B, ribbed reinforcing steel of
grade S-400 will be used in the project unless stated otherwise.

2.4 Fire Resistance

The European code gives minimum dimension, cover and axis distances, for structural elements based
on the expected fire resistance. This resistance is expressed in terms of the hours of fire rating; the
time taken by an individual to get to the bottom exit from the very top floor of the building.
The building we are designing has 3 stories and may accompany small number of people and children
at a given time due to its design purpose. A potential fire incident may also occur at night when
people are not alert and ready to evacuate quickly. For these reasons, the building is designed to have
30min of fire rating.

| Structural Analysis | Analysis Structural

Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

The following three tables taken from EN 1992, part 1.2, Table 5.2a, 5.8 and 5.6 respectively, give
appropriate dimensions for columns, beams and solid slabs respectively.
Table 6: Column fire resistance requirement
Minimum dimensions in (mm)
Standard Fire Column width bmiin/axis distance a of the main bars
resistance Column exposed on more than one side Exposed on one side
   
R30 200/25 200/25 200/32 155/25

Table 7: Slab fire resistance requirement

Minimum dimensions in (mm)
Standard Fire
resistance Slab thickness Axis distance a
one way Two way, Two way,
ly/lx </= 1.5 1.5 < ly/lx </= 2
REI 60 10* 10* 10*

Table 8: Beam fire resistance requirement

Standard Fire Possible combinations of a and bmin where a is the average axis distance and bmin is
resistance the width of the beam
R30 bmin = 80 160 12*
a = 15*

2.5 Concrete Cover

The code provides minimum cover depending on the exposure class we have selected. For exposure
class XC1 and XC2 the minimum cover is 10mm and 25mm respectively, according to Eurocode 2,
table 4.4N. In addition to this amount an allowance for construction deviation which demands
additional 10mm is required.

Considering both factors, the following concrete cover is used in the structural analysis and design of
every structural element in the building:
Table 9: Concrete cover
Component Concrete Grade Concrete Cover
Slabs and Stairs C 20/25 20mm
Beams C 20/25 25mm
Columns C 25/30 25mm
Foundation C 25/30 50mm
2.6 Loads and load combinations
2.6.1 Permanent load

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

The self-weight of every member is taken into consideration as an applied load. These loads are
determined according to the unit weight of the material. As specified above, the main construction
material in this project is reinforced concrete. Hence, the following amount is taken into consideration
as a self-weight.
Table 10: Self-weight of concrete and rebar
Material Unit Weight  kN/m3)
Normal weight concrete 25.0*

Reinforcement 78.5
*Increase by 1 kN/m3 for normal percentage of reinforcing and pre-stressing steel

Super imposed dead load

In addition to the structural member, there are finishing elements that are permanently placed inside
the building. To take into account the weight from these elements, their load has been added in the
analysis. The unit weight for each finishing element varies and hence the load varies as well.
However, conservatively a maximum value of 1.7kN/m 2 has been considered on top of each floor

Partition loads also need to be considered as super imposed dead loads. For the slab elements
1.8kN/m2of load from partition wall and for beams with walls on top 8kN/m of load from partition
wall has been considered.

2.6.2 Variable load

The code gives different variable load amounts for floors according to their functionality. The
following table summarizes these functions and the corresponding variable loads considered.
Table 11: Live load and categories of floor levels
Component Live Load, qk (kN/m2) Category
Roof Maintenance, 0.4 kN/m2 Category - H
First Floor Bed rooms, 2kN/m2 Category - A Category – A
Stairwells, 3kN/m2
Second Floor Bed rooms, 2kN/m2 Category - A Category – A
Stairwells, 3kN/m2
Third Floor Gymnasium 5 kN/m2 Category – C
2.6.3 Seismic load
The seismic load in a building is assigned considering the ground type, ground acceleration, seismic
zone, response spectrum, behavior factor and the structural regularity. The following portion of this
report summarizes these properties for the specific building under consideration.

The ground types given in EN 1998: 3.1.2 is defined by the stratigraphic profiles and parameters of
the soil condition.

National divisions of seismic zones are important in determining the specific zone of the site for a
building under design. According to the Ethiopian seismic zone map, in ESEN 2015, Addis Ababa 17
belongs in zone 2 with coefficient of acceleration in determining the peak ground acceleration as 0.1.
This entails designing the building as ductility class medium.

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

EN 1998 represents an earthquake motion at a given point by an elastic ground acceleration response
spectrum. The elastic response spectrum is the same for both no-collapse and damage limitation
requirements. Determining the response spectrum for a specific location demands detailed
geotechnical study. For the fundamental period we expect in our building, Type 1 response spectrum
governs our design giving a more conservative result. Hence, Type 1 response spectrum is used in the
analysis procedure.

The behavior factor according to Eurocode 8,, depends on the regularity of the structure and
the type of structural system. Following the procedures specified in the code, behavior factor value of
3.0 can be used. However, in order to give allowance for construction deviation, behavior factor of 2.0
has been conservatively taken. The regularity of the structure has been evaluated based on the
requirement specified in Eurocode 8, 1998. The building has been determined to be regular in
elevation and irregular in plan.

Table 12: Seismic properties

Ground Type Type C
Peak Ground 0.1g m/s2
Ductility class Medium
Elastic response spectrum Type 1

Behavior factor 2
Importance Class 2
Importance factor 1.0
Regularity in Plan No
Regularity in Elevation Yes


| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

3. Slab design
The slab type has been specified by the architect to be a two way solid slab. This has been confirmed
to be compatible with the structural demand and hence all floors are designed as two-way solid slabs.

The following portion of the report summarizes the analysis and design outputs obtained for the slabs.

3.1 Loads
As specified in the introductory chapter, the following live loads have been applied on each slab panel
in addition to the self-weight, 1.7kN/m2 of floor finish load and
1.8kN/m2 of partition load.

3.2 Model
Solid Slab
The solid slab panels on the floor have been designed using the software Excel. Both service and
ultimate limit state design principles have been taken into consideration.

Figure 1: First floor slab layout 17

Ultimate Limit State Design

The following Ultimate limit state design outputs were obtained for the floor slab.

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Figure 2: First slab reinforcement

Figure 3: Second floor slab reinforcement 18

Service Limit State Design

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In addition to the ultimate limit state design service limit state conditions have been considered. From
the above condition deflection requirement is checked usingSAFE

Figure4: Second floor slab


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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

4. Stair Design
4.1 Design Basis
According to the architectural drawing there is one stair in the building. The following table
summarizes the story levels they run at and their axis locations.
Table 13: Stairs in the building
Stair ID Axis Location Story levels (from – to)
Stair 1 2-3/B-C Ground – Third floor
Initial depth

The stair spans approximately 4.1m between its supports. The initial depth of the soffit has been taken
as 17cm. The depth provided has been checked for deflection.

4.2 Loads
Permanent load
Each element in the stair system has been taken into account in assigning the dead load. The weight of
the soffit slab, the tread-riser triangles, floor finishes have been included. Depending on the floor
height, different riser heights have been used in the design. The following brief report shows the
design for Stair 1 on the typical floor. Load from soffit slab in one flight

B= 1.2m
D= 0.16m
 25kN/m3
load/m 5.52
Load from tread-riser triangle in one flight b= 0.28m
h= 0.16m
n= 10
B= 1.2m
Live load  25kN/m3
load/m 7.45
According to the Eurocode specification, a 3kN/m 2
distributed load over the area of the stair has been applied. Design results
Having applied these loads the following reinforcement values have been determined considering both
ultimate and service limit state conditions
Table 14: Stair design results
Top Reinforcement 14 c/c 150
Bottom 14 c/c 150
5. Finite Element Model and Lateral Stability
5.1 Finite Element Model
As it has been previously state, for analysis and design of the structure, ETABS software has been
used. The following chapter briefly explains all the parameters used as an input to the model and
major analysis results related to lateral stability of the building. 18

Material properties
As described in the design basis, the following concrete and steel grades have been used in the finite
element model:

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Table 15: Structural members and concrete grades

Component Concrete Grade
Slabs, Beams and Stairs C 20/25
Columns and Foundation C 25/30
All reinforcement steel is of grade S400.

Section properties
Beam cross-section
Table 16: Beam cross-sections
Floor level X-Section (cmXcm)
Ground 20X40
First -Third Floor 25X40
Top Roof 20X40
Column cross-section
Table 17: Column cross-sections
Floor level X-Section (cmXcm)
Ground- First 40X40 and 30X30
First – Third 40X40 and 30X30
Third – Roof 30X30

Loads and load combinations

All loads included in the model are according to Eurocode 1, 1991. A total of 64 static and 16
dynamic load combinations have been used.

For lateral load stability analysis, Eurocode 8 gives two optional analysis methods, Lateral force
method and response spectrum method.

In order to use the simplified analysis method, which is the lateral force method, the code gives the
following two requirements.

Eurocode 8, (b): The building must be regular in elevation; as discussed in the design basis,
this requirement is satisfied.

Eurocode 8, (a): The building’s fundamental period must be less than 2sec; having run the
first analysis with the material, section and load specifications already stated we have obtained the
fundamental period of the building to be 1.491s in Mode 1.
Table 18: Modal periods
Case Mode Period Frequency Frequency Eigenvalue
sec cyc/sec rad/sec rad²/sec²
Modal 1 1.239 0.807 5.0711 25.7164
Modal 2 0.931 1.074 6.7496 45.5573
Modal 3 0.808 1.237 7.7738 60.4322
Modal 4 0.42 2.379 14.9468 223.4081

| Structural Analysis | Analysis Structural

Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Modal 5 0.378 2.643 16.6077 275.8158

Modal 6 0.345 2.903 18.237 332.59
Modal 7 0.264 3.79 23.8137 567.0925
Modal 8 0.227 4.414 27.7349 769.2232
Modal 9 0.181 5.511 34.6264 1198.991
Modal 10 0.159 6.287 39.5034 1560.522
Modal 11 0.137 7.32 45.994 2115.4514
Modal 12 0.125 8.024 50.4164 2541.8115
Hence, it is reasonable to use the response spectrum method of analysis. For the dynamic load
combinations, the following response spectrum period values and soil properties are used.
Table 19: Response spectrum parameters
Ground Type Type C
Peak Ground 0.1g m/s2
Elastic response Type 1
Behavior factor 2
Importance Class 2
Importance factor 1.0
Correction factor 1.0
S 1.15
TB(s) 0.2
TC(s) 0.6
TD(s) 2.0
Modal Analysis
Based on the dynamic analysis, the following modal participating mass ratios have been determined:
Table 20: Modal participating mass ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY UZ RX RY RZ
Modal 1 1.239 0.0275 0.5768 0 0.1498 0.0024 0.2319
Modal 2 0.931 0.5434 0.1084 0 0.0499 0.1845 0.0954
Modal 3 0.808 0.1581 0.0963 0 0.0407 0.1074 0.3968
Modal 4 0.42 0.00003152 0.0635 0 0.3204 0.0136 0.0087
Modal 5 0.378 0.0802 0.000004149 0 0.0006 0.1611 0.0084
Modal 6 0.345 0.0024 0.0093 0 0.0077 0.0441 0.0611
Modal 7 0.264 0.0001 0.0302 0 0.0843 0.00004258 0.0022
Modal 8 0.227 0.0376 0.0125 0 0.0263 0.088 0.0029
Modal 9 0.181 0.027 0.0126 0 0.0182 0.0379 0.0806
Modal 10 0.159 0.0016 0.0322 0 0.0897 0.002 0.0025
Modal 11 0.137 0.0491 0.0122 0 0.038 0.1292 0.0034 18
Modal 12 0.125 0.0043 0.0057 0 0.0209 0.0217 0.0037

| Structural Analysis
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According to the translation and rotation effect observed from the analysis result, we can infer the
following about the first three modes of our building during a seismic action.
Table 21: Modal response summary
Mode Period Mode
1 1.239 Translation
2 0.931 Translation
3 0.808 Rotation
Based on the recommendation of Eurocode 8, 1998,, second order effects are to be taken into
account depending on the inter story drift sensitivity coefficient.

The inter story drift sensitivity was computed and the following results were obtained for both X and
Y directions.

Table 22: X-direction inter-story drift sensitivity
Story Case/Combo Direction Drift P VX Q
GR EQX14 X 0.000659 10364.86 -63.4008 2 -0.21547
GR EQX16 X 0.00066 10364.73 -66.4894 2 -0.20577
GR EQX8 X 0.000673 10363.57 -90.3851 2 -0.15433
1ST EQX3 X 0.004636 9702.063 -826.665 2 -0.10882
1ST EQX1 X 0.004546 9702.063 -826.665 2 -0.10671
1ST EQX11 X 0.003938 9702.063 -826.665 2 -0.09244
2ND EQX3 X 0.00351 6719.454 -665.213 2 -0.07091
2ND EQX1 X 0.003433 6719.454 -665.213 2 -0.06935
2ND EQX2 X 0.003126 6719.454 -665.213 2 -0.06315
3RD EQX12 X 0.003409 3840.034 -429.733 2 -0.06092
3RD EQX10 X 0.003331 3840.034 -429.733 2 -0.05953
3RD EQX9 X 0.003109 3840.034 -429.733 2 -0.05556
3RD EQX11 X 0.00303 3840.034 -429.733 2 -0.05415
RF EQX12 X 0.003438 926.7366 -119.383 2 -0.05338
RF EQX9 X 0.00338 926.7366 -119.383 2 -0.05248
RF EQX10 X 0.003374 926.7366 -119.383 2 -0.05238

Table 23: Y-direction inter-story drift sensitivity

Story Case/Combo Direction Drift P VY q y
GR EQY9 Y 0.001716 10218.32 -224.867 2 -0.15596
GR EQY11 Y 0.001659 10217.98 -218.399 2 -0.15524 17
GR EQY1 Y 0.001633 10217.88 -215.507 2 -0.15485
1ST EQY9 Y 0.003675 9702.063 -621.092 2 -0.11481
1ST EQY11 Y 0.003549 9702.063 -621.092 2 -0.11088

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1ST EQY1 Y 0.003495 9702.063 -621.092 2 -0.10919

2ND EQY9 Y 0.003867 6719.454 -499.789 2 -0.10398
2ND EQY12 Y 0.003761 6719.454 -499.789 2 -0.10113
2ND EQY11 Y 0.003737 6719.454 -499.789 2 -0.10048
3RD EQY12 Y 0.002895 3840.034 -322.868 2 -0.06886
3RD EQY10 Y 0.002792 3840.034 -322.868 2 -0.06641
3RD EQY9 Y 0.002765 3840.034 -322.868 2 -0.06577
RF EQY12 Y 0.002046 926.7366 -89.6947 2 -0.04228
RF EQY10 Y 0.001968 926.7366 -89.6947 2 -0.04067
RF EQY4 Y 0.001935 926.7366 -89.6947 2 -0.03999

The maximum inter-story drift sensitivity value obtained is on the first floor in X direction and in Y-
direction. According to the code, an approximated way could be followed to account p-  effects,
however; conservatively, iterative second order analysis has been taken into account.

6. Frame design
6.1 Ductility class medium requirements
There are geometrical and stress limiting conditions that need to be ensured in order to attain the
desired ductility in the building. The following portion of the report summarizes these requirements as

This is intended to limit the adverse effects of cover spalling and avoid the situation where only
limited ductility is available in the member, which occurs when a member is subjected to high levels
of axial stress.

With the column cross-sections mentioned above, the maximum normalized axial compression force
is obtained at foundation column under the ground with a value of 0.51, which is below the specified
limit for the ductility class the building is expected to attain.

The summation of column moment strength at the face of a joint should at least be 30% greater than
the summation of beam moment strength at the face of that joint.

The purpose of this requirement is in order to meet the strong column/week beam structural set up we
want to have in our frame system. This has been well attained in the final design and reinforcement
determination procedure.

"...Unless θ <0.1, the cross-sectional dimensions of primary seismic columns should not be smaller
than one tenth of the larger distance between the point of contra flexure and the ends of the column,
for bending within a plane parallel to the column dimension considered. " Euro code 8 PrEN 1998-

This has also been confirmed by assessing the Bending Moment Diagrams of the columns in different 18
load combinations; most of the columns are in double curvature and hence the above set requirement
is satisfied.

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Offset of beam centerline from column center line should be limited to less than the quarter of column

The purpose of this requirement is to promote efficient transfer of moment between columns and
beams and reduce any secondary effects.

Even though, the column cross-section is not yet determined until the next sub-topic, we have
addressed this requirement by making sure that there are no offsets in center line of beams from
column center lines.


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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

The width of the beam should be limited to the minimum of twice the column width and the sum of the
column width and the beam depth.

6.2 Beam analysis and design

The following report briefly presents the analysis and design of a beam on First and Second floor.

With the loads and load combinations described in the previous sections of the report, the following analysis
result was obtained from the software.
Table 24: First floor beam analysis result
(-) (-) (+) (+)
Label Story Section Location Moment Combo As Top Moment Combo As Bot
B1 1ST BM25X40 End-I -100.145 EQY14 954 50.0723 EQY14 430
B1 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 65.6279 GRAVITY 582
B1 1ST BM25X40 End-J -113.702 EQY9 1101 56.8508 EQY9 495
B2 1ST BM25X40 End-I -110.603 EQY14 1073 55.3015 EQY14 480
B2 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 76.3968 GRAVITY 692
B2 1ST BM25X40 End-J -110.644 EQY9 1075 55.3219 EQY9 481
B3 1ST BM25X40 End-I -93.3677 EQY14 876 46.6838 EQY14 399
B3 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 41.1895 GRAVITY 350
B3 1ST BM25X40 End-J -95.6185 EQY9 902 47.8093 EQY9 410
B4 1ST BM25X40 End-I -106.098 EQY14 1026 53.0492 EQY14 458
B4 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 97.918 GRAVITY 929
B4 1ST BM25X40 End-J -132.909 GRAVITY 1275 66.4547 GRAVITY 590
B5 1ST BM25X40 End-I -148.882 EQY14 1418 74.4408 EQY14 671
B5 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY15 249 97.779 GRAVITY 928
B5 1ST BM25X40 End-J -126.562 GRAVITY 1218 63.2811 GRAVITY 559
B6 1ST BM25X40 End-I -98.4617 EQY14 935 49.2308 EQY14 423
B6 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 63.6763 GRAVITY 562
B6 1ST BM25X40 End-J -104.407 EQY9 1006 52.2033 EQY9 452
B7 1ST BM25X40 End-I -62.7639 EQY8 553 31.382 EQY8 262
B7 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 37.0606 GRAVITY 312
B7 1ST BM25X40 End-J -81.1766 EQY12 743 40.5883 EQY12 346
B8 1ST BM25X40 End-I -125.917 EQY5 1210 62.9586 EQY5 554
B8 1ST BM25X40 Middle -16.3402 EQY12 249 83.9437 EQX3 772
B8 1ST BM25X40 End-J -90.6415 EQY9 846 45.3207 EQY9 388
B9 1ST BM25X40 End-I -96.608 EQY5 913 48.304 EQY5 414
B9 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 75.6422 GRAVITY 684
B9 1ST BM25X40 End-J -70.5346 EQY2 630 40.5367 GRAVITY 344
B10 1ST BM25X40 End-I -115.458 GRAVITY 1118 57.729 GRAVITY 504
B10 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 105.0782 GRAVITY 1015
B10 1ST BM25X40 End-J -121.212 GRAVITY 1170 60.6059 GRAVITY 532
B11 1ST BM25X40 End-I -59.7612 EQX15 523 6.982 EQY15 249
B11 1ST BM25X40 Middle -1.1159 EQY16 249 0 EQY16 249
B11 1ST BM25X40 End-J -51.8605 EQX12 448 16.7001 EQY16 21
B12 1ST BM25X40 End-I -126.457 GRAVITY 1217 63.2285 GRAVITY 558
B12 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 117.0895 GRAVITY 1133
B12 1ST End-J -130.501 GRAVITY 1253 65.2506 GRAVITY 578

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B13 1ST BM25X40 End-I -69.2498 EQX15 618 34.6249 EQX15 290
B13 1ST BM25X40 Middle -4.3337 EQY15 249 9.131 EQY16 249
B13 1ST BM25X40 End-J -49.7831 EQX12 429 44.4514 EQX15 380
B14 1ST BM30X50 End-I -208.053 EQX8 1577 104.0262 EQX8 705
B14 1ST BM30X50 Middle 0 EQY15 381 181.4035 GRAVITY 1331
B14 1ST BM30X50 End-J -206.077 EQX3 1557 103.0386 EQX3 697
B15 1ST BM25X40 End-I -89.4804 EQX8 832 44.7402 EQX8 381
B15 1ST BM25X40 Middle -35.6764 EQX8 299 11.0568 EQY16 249
B15 1ST BM25X40 End-J -67.0794 EQX3 596 68.2557 EQX8 609
B16 1ST BM25X40 End-I -119.431 EQX8 1153 59.7156 EQX8 523
B16 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 74.0912 GRAVITY 668
B16 1ST BM25X40 End-J -117.132 EQX3 1133 58.5658 EQX3 512
B17 1ST BM25X40 End-I -95.9217 EQX8 906 61.5542 EQX3 542
B17 1ST BM25X40 Middle -43.6157 EQX8 371 5.2787 EQY16 249
B17 1ST BM25X40 End-J -63.3537 EQX3 559 47.641 EQX8 410
B18 1ST BM25X40 End-I -74.2877 EQX8 670 37.1439 EQX8 313
B18 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY12 249 43.7932 GRAVITY 374
B18 1ST BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 35.9682 GRAVITY 303
B19 1ST BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY12 249 49.9366 GRAVITY 430
B19 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 78.7896 GRAVITY 717
B19 1ST BM25X40 End-J -2.8312 EQY16 249 49.6749 GRAVITY 428
B20 1ST BM25X40 End-I -52.3983 EQX8 452 7.0156 EQY15 249
B20 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY12 249 40.7225 GRAVITY 346
B20 1ST BM25X40 End-J -31.756 EQX3 264 35.1296 EQX8 297
B21 1ST BM25X40 End-I -108.37 EQX8 1059 113.6319 EQX3 1062
B21 1ST BM25X40 Middle -28.7775 EQX8 250 45.2396 EQX3 349
B21 1ST BM25X40 End-J -125.694 EQX3 1132 103.7558 EQX8 995
B31 1ST BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY15 249 58.6739 GRAVITY 514
B31 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 91.7756 GRAVITY 859
B31 1ST BM25X40 End-J -4.916 EQY16 249 55.0608 GRAVITY 479
B32 1ST BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY12 249 15.7873 EQY16 249
B32 1ST BM25X40 Middle -37.0196 GRAVITY 312 0 EQY16 249
B32 1ST BM25X40 End-J -90.1766 GRAVITY 841 45.0883 GRAVITY 385
B33 1ST BM25X40 End-I -108.732 GRAVITY 1057 54.3662 GRAVITY 472
B33 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY12 249 65.4612 GRAVITY 580
B33 1ST BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 44.8945 GRAVITY 384
B34 1ST BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY15 249 8.9018 EQY16 249
B34 1ST BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 2.9982 EQY16 249
B34 1ST BM25X40 End-J -29.8627 GRAVITY 249 6.4024 EQY16 249

Table 25: Second Floor beam analysis result

(-) (-) (+) (+)
Label Story Section Location Moment Combo As Top Moment Combo As Bot
B1 2ND BM25X40 End-I -94.5316 EQY15 888 47.2658 EQY15 403
B1 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 64.4492 GRAVITY 57022
B1 2ND BM25X40 End-J -105.558 EQY12 1019 52.7787 EQY12 455
B2 2ND BM25X40 End-I -106.033 EQY15 1026 53.0165 EQY15 458

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B2 2ND Middle 0 EQY16 249 74.9658 GRAVITY 677

B2 2ND BM25X40 End-J -105.924 EQY9 1025 52.962 EQY9 459

B3 2ND BM25X40 End-I -84.8188 EQY15 781 42.4094 EQY15 360
B3 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 40.923 GRAVITY 347
B3 2ND BM25X40 End-J -91.7951 EQY12 858 45.8975 EQY12 392
B4 2ND BM25X40 End-I -107.352 GRAVITY 1043 53.6759 GRAVITY 466
B4 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 97.49 GRAVITY 924
B4 2ND BM25X40 End-J -127.259 GRAVITY 1224 63.6295 GRAVITY 562
B5 2ND BM25X40 End-I -140.645 EQY14 1343 70.3223 EQY14 628
B5 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY15 249 91.1576 GRAVITY 852
B5 2ND BM25X40 End-J -119.499 GRAVITY 1154 59.7493 GRAVITY 524
B6 2ND BM25X40 End-I -91.3807 EQY14 853 45.6903 EQY14 390
B6 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 62.0423 GRAVITY 546
B6 2ND BM25X40 End-J -111.001 EQY12 1078 55.5005 EQY12 483
B7 2ND BM25X40 End-I -46.4304 EQY8 397 34.9917 GRAVITY 294
B7 2ND BM25X40 Middle -5.818 EQY15 249 42.2379 GRAVITY 359
B7 2ND BM25X40 End-J -85.0817 EQY12 784 42.5408 EQY12 362
B8 2ND BM30X50 End-I -191.246 EQY5 1419 95.6231 EQY5 643
B8 2ND BM30X50 Middle -12.501 EQY12 381 175.5992 EQX2 1279
B8 2ND BM30X50 End-J -189.048 EQY3 1399 94.5239 EQY3 636
B9 2ND BM25X40 End-I -101.048 EQY5 965 50.5241 EQY5 435
B9 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 58.2428 GRAVITY 509
B9 2ND BM25X40 End-J -72.8144 EQY2 654 36.4072 EQY2 306
B10 2ND BM25X40 End-I -125.545 EQX15 1205 62.7723 EQX15 551
B10 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 104.4285 GRAVITY 1007
B10 2ND BM25X40 End-J -114.862 GRAVITY 1112 57.4308 GRAVITY 502
B11 2ND BM25X40 End-I -67.8927 EQX15 603 34.9484 EQX12 295
B11 2ND BM25X40 Middle -31.3781 EQX15 261 32.6312 EQX12 275
B11 2ND BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 36.8883 EQX15 312
B12 2ND BM25X40 End-I -134.34 GRAVITY 1288 67.1697 GRAVITY 597
B12 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 113.8439 GRAVITY 1103
B12 2ND BM25X40 End-J -132.067 GRAVITY 1267 66.0335 GRAVITY 586
B13 2ND BM25X40 End-I -65.3233 EQX15 577 40.7062 EQX12 347
B13 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 7.8336 EQY16 249
B13 2ND BM25X40 End-J -60.0382 EQX9 526 30.0191 EQX9 249
B14 2ND BM30X50 End-I -208.485 EQX8 1581 104.2424 EQX8 707
B14 2ND BM30X50 Middle 0 EQY15 381 174.4466 GRAVITY 1269
B14 2ND BM30X50 End-J -199.004 EQX2 1490 99.5017 EQX2 671
B15 2ND BM25X40 End-I -65.5067 EQX8 580 39.9072 EQX3 339
B15 2ND BM25X40 Middle -38.365 EQX3 323 0 EQY16 249
B15 2ND BM25X40 End-J -82.6641 EQX3 757 42.712 EQX8 365

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B16 2ND BM25X40 End-I -100.737 EQX8 962 50.3685 EQX8 433
B16 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 72.7201 GRAVITY 654
B16 2ND BM25X40 End-J -99.4561 EQX3 947 49.7281 EQX3 428
B17 2ND BM25X40 End-I -67.6249 EQX8 601 50.3827 EQX3 43523
B17 2ND BM25X40 Middle -1.4681 EQY16 249 0 EQY16 249
B17 2ND BM25X40 End-J -74.6094 EQX3 672 37.3047 EQX3 314
B22 2ND End-I -95.6884 EQX5 904 104.3024 EQX2 958

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B22 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY10 249 37.1038 EQX5 340

B22 2ND BM25X40 End-J -110.64 EQX3 1000 86.4439 EQX8 814
B23 2ND BM25X40 End-I -80.9429 GRAVITY 740 40.4714 GRAVITY 343
B23 2ND BM25X40 Middle -42.7954 GRAVITY 364 0 EQY16 249
B23 2ND BM25X40 End-J -2.1743 EQY16 249 1.0872 EQY16 249
B24 2ND BM25X40 End-I -76.8338 GRAVITY 696 38.4169 GRAVITY 325
B24 2ND BM25X40 Middle -38.032 GRAVITY 321 0 EQY16 249
B24 2ND BM25X40 End-J -0.3885 EQY16 249 0.1942 EQY16 249
B27 2ND BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY12 249 13.0552 EQY16 249
B27 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 48.6777 GRAVITY 419
B27 2ND BM25X40 End-J -0.2777 EQY16 249 36.2001 GRAVITY 305
B31 2ND BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY15 249 56.963 GRAVITY 497
B31 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 89.9761 GRAVITY 838
B31 2ND BM25X40 End-J -5.8235 EQY16 249 53.5305 GRAVITY 464
B32 2ND BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY12 249 15.0384 EQY16 249
B32 2ND BM25X40 Middle -37.5413 GRAVITY 317 0 EQY16 249
B32 2ND BM25X40 End-J -91.1116 GRAVITY 851 45.5558 GRAVITY 390
B33 2ND BM25X40 End-I -108.165 GRAVITY 1052 54.0826 GRAVITY 469
B33 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY12 249 65.8019 GRAVITY 584
B33 2ND BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 44.9856 GRAVITY 384
B34 2ND BM25X40 End-I 0 EQY15 249 7.2104 EQY16 249
B34 2ND BM25X40 Middle 0 EQY16 249 1.9725 EQY16 249
B34 2ND BM25X40 End-J -13.2656 EQY16 249 6.6328 EQY16 249
B35 2ND BM25X40 End-I -53.9011 GRAVITY 468 0 EQY15 249
B35 2ND BM25X40 Middle -1.5297 EQY16 249 0 EQY16 249
B35 2ND BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 4.4016 EQY16 249
B36 2ND BM25X40 End-I -117.805 EQY5 1139 0 EQY11 249
B36 2ND BM25X40 Middle -91.6694 EQY5 857 4.2498 EQY16 249
B36 2ND BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 4.5255 EQY16 249
B38 2ND BM25X40 End-I -71.7048 EQY2 643 35.8524 EQY2 302
B38 2ND BM25X40 Middle -38.2647 EQY2 323 2.9653 EQY16 249
B38 2ND BM25X40 End-J 0 EQY16 249 0.0242 EQY16 249

6.3 Column analysis and design

Concept design

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

For conceptual design as a basis to the model we have used the compressive load that the column is
subjected to as the only load applied on the column. It is true that the columns are subject to moments
in one or two directions in addition to the compressive load, but determining the value of these
moments require rigorous hand calculation and/or analysis value from model.

Tributary area method is followed in determining the compressive load. A given column will then be
subjected to permanent and variable loads on the corresponding tributary area. In the permanent
loads, the self-weight from the slab, the self-weight of beams present and the super imposed loads
from floor finishes and partition walls have been taken into account. The variable loads are
determined according to the function as specified in the design basis.

Flexural design

Eurocode 8 specifies that at a given joint the summation of the moment capacity of columns should be
greater than the summation of beam capacity by at least 30%. In design the columns, this and other
requirements mentioned at the beginning of this chapter have been ensured.

Label Story Section Location P M Major M Minor Combo
C1 GR COL40X40 Top 739.7948 15.3879 -64.3093 EQY16
C1 GR COL40X40 Bottom 748.1948 15.432 -64.3093 EQY16
C2 GR COL40X40 Top 963.7715 -19.803 -65.0298 EQY16
C2 GR COL40X40 Bottom 972.1715 -19.9804 -65.0298 EQY16
C3 GR COL40X40 Top 1017.54 -29.2608 -65.1625 EQY16
C3 GR COL40X40 Bottom 1025.94 -29.3049 -65.1625 EQY16
C4 GR COL40X40 Top 421.8813 -37.6388 -55.9874 EQY16
C4 GR COL40X40 Bottom 430.2813 -37.6829 -55.9874 EQY16
C5 GR COL40X40 Top 973.464 24.8572 -56.1521 EQY16
C5 GR COL40X40 Bottom 981.864 24.9013 -56.1521 EQY16
C6 GR COL40X40 Top 1436.205 -29.9086 -68.9326 EQY16
C6 GR COL40X40 Bottom 1444.605 -30.0908 -68.9326 EQY16
C7 GR COL40X40 Top 1361.267 -32.507 -53.7535 EQY16
C7 GR COL40X40 Bottom 1369.667 -32.5511 -53.7535 EQY16
C8 GR COL40X40 Top 662.975 -41.7017 -47.8753 EQY16
C8 GR COL40X40 Bottom 671.375 -41.7458 -47.8753 EQY16
C9 GR COL30X30 Top 497.3729 10.3979 -12.3329 EQY16
C9 GR COL30X30 Bottom 502.0979 10.5011 -12.3329 EQY16
C10 GR COL40X40 Top 881.9237 -20.597 -34.5084 EQY16
C10 GR COL40X40 Bottom 890.3237 -20.6411 -34.5084 EQY16
C11 GR COL40X40 Top 763.7736 -24.1364 -23.3128 EQY16
C11 GR COL40X40 Bottom 772.1736 -24.1805 -23.3128 EQY16

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Table 27: First floor column analysis

Label Story Section Location P M Major M Minor Combo
C1 1ST COL40X40 Top 659.3462 30.1503 -56.7716 EQY16
C1 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 672.1462 30.2527 -56.7716 EQY16
C2 1ST COL40X40 Top 860.496 48.2832 -57.4598 EQY16
C2 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 873.296 48.3856 -57.4598 EQY16
C3 1ST COL40X40 Top 910.5373 82.9017 -53.7005 EQY16
C3 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 922.9373 82.9978 -53.7005 EQY16
C4 1ST COL40X40 Top 362.8507 -94.651 -28.9812 EQY16
C4 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 375.6507 -94.7534 -28.9812 EQY16
C5 1ST COL40X40 Top 892.5307 -47.2613 -35.9083 EQY16
C5 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 905.3307 -47.3637 -35.9083 EQY16
C6 1ST COL40X40 Top 1269.845 -33.4707 -52.2055 EQY16
C6 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 1282.645 -33.5731 -52.2055 EQY16
C7 1ST COL40X40 Top 1176.988 -55.6301 17.5826 EQY16
C7 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 1233.648 -55.8851 17.5826 EQY16
C8 1ST COL40X40 Top 535.035 149.1653 -34.1615 EQX3
C8 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 547.835 149.2677 -34.1615 EQX3
C9 1ST COL30X30 Top 414.2089 -9.0353 -17.5048 EQY16
C9 1ST COL30X30 Bottom 421.4089 -9.2066 -17.5048 EQY16
C10 1ST COL40X40 Top 794.5028 -16.7399 -42.7469 EQY16
C10 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 807.3028 -17.0241 -42.7469 EQY16
C11 1ST COL40X40 Top 723.334 -65.7747 -51.666 EQY16
C11 1ST COL40X40 Bottom 686.0094 -65.6067 -51.666 EQY16
C12 1ST COL30X30 Top 353.3682 -66.0732 -15.9951 EQX8
C12 1ST COL30X30 Bottom 360.5682 -66.1308 -15.9951 EQX8
C14 1ST COL25X25 Top 99.094 41.6733 -16.4216 EQX3
C14 1ST COL25X25 Bottom 104.094 41.7133 -16.4216 EQX3
C15 1ST COL25X25 Top 106.8154 33.6707 18.1511 EQX3
C15 1ST COL25X25 Bottom 111.8154 33.7107 18.1511 EQX3
Label Story Section Location P M Major M Minor Combo
C1 2ND COL40X40 Top 466.8968 -71.9577 -62.675 EQY16
C1 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 477.6968 -72.0306 -62.675 EQY16
C2 2ND COL40X40 Top 608.3529 -84.8917 -58.9177 EQY16

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C2 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 619.1529 -84.9646 -58.9177 EQY16

C3 2ND COL40X40 Top 582.1084 -113.046 95.3781 EQY12
C3 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 592.5084 -113.113 95.3781 EQY12
C4 2ND COL40X40 Top 247.6849 43.5873 14.981 EQY16
C4 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 258.4849 43.6602 14.981 EQY16
C5 2ND COL40X40 Top 628.1094 47.2733 -86.3242 EQY16
Table 28: Second floor column analysis

C5 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 638.9094 47.3462 -86.3242 EQY16

C6 2ND COL40X40 Top 871.5227 41.2045 -73.6201 EQY16
C6 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 882.3227 41.2774 -73.6201 EQY16
C7 2ND COL40X40 Top 552.1256 162.2501 -53.4134 EQX2
C7 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 558.3256 162.2742 -53.4134 EQX2
C8 2ND COL40X40 Top 400.5713 17.9749 4.3339 EQY16
C8 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 411.3713 18.0478 4.3339 EQY16
C9 2ND CCOL30 Top 245.7024 -5.2497 -17.6613 EQY16
C9 2ND CCOL30 Bottom 250.4737 -5.3587 -17.6613 EQY16
C10 2ND COL40X40 Top 615.8041 12.6461 -97.2291 EQY16
C10 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 626.2041 12.8655 -97.2291 EQY16
C11 2ND COL40X40 Top 568.1639 38.6747 -83.1387 EQY16
C11 2ND COL40X40 Bottom 553.6037 38.6183 -83.1387 EQY16
C12 2ND COL30X30 Top 290.9291 -56.4288 43.1639 EQX5
C12 2ND COL30X30 Bottom 297.0041 -56.4699 43.1639 EQX5

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Table 29: Roof floor column analysis

Label Story Section Location P M Major M Minor Combo
C1 RF COL30X30 Top 111.516 -48.7344 43.5184 GRAVITY
C1 RF COL30X30 Bottom 120.6285 -48.8027 43.5184 GRAVITY
C2 RF COL30X30 Top 141.6406 -49.4323 -22.189 GRAVITY
C2 RF COL30X30 Bottom 150.7531 -49.5006 -22.189 GRAVITY
C3 RF COL30X30 Top 46.3375 -37.7455 9.7659 EQX5
C3 RF COL30X30 Bottom 53.0875 -37.7961 9.7659 EQX5
C4 RF COL30X30 Top 23.8416 -11.6831 3.9018 EQY16
C4 RF COL30X30 Bottom 30.5916 -11.7337 3.9018 EQY16
C5 RF COL30X30 Top 131.4913 41.8885 60.3458 GRAVITY
C5 RF COL30X30 Bottom 140.6038 41.8885 60.4142 GRAVITY
C6 RF COL30X30 Top 125.086 53.4083 -28.6566 EQX9
C6 RF COL30X30 Bottom 131.836 53.4589 -28.6566 EQX9
C7 RF COL30X30 Top 59.4278 50.1167 16.9987 EQX2
C7 RF COL30X30 Bottom 66.1778 50.1674 16.9987 EQX2
C8 RF COL30X30 Top 70.9897 35.1243 24.1297 EQX3
C8 RF COL30X30 Bottom 77.7397 35.1749 24.1297 EQX3
C10 RF COL30X30 Top 100.9617 12.6199 -14.8006 EQY16
C10 RF COL30X30 Bottom 107.7117 12.6706 -14.8006 EQY16
C11 RF COL30X30 Top 93.2848 -8.8155 27.7557 EQY16
C11 RF COL30X30 Bottom 100.0348 -8.8661 27.7557 EQY16
C12 RF COL30X30 Top 52.6912 -12.9742 38.6189 EQY2
C12 RF COL30X30 Bottom 59.4412 -12.9742 38.6696 EQY2

7. Foundation Design
Based on the geotechnical report, the following soil properties are used as the foundation design basis.
Table 30: Bearing Capacity and Foundation Type
Ground Type C
Bearing Capacity 299-421 kPa
Recommended Foundation Isolated Footing

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Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

The foundation design has been carried out using the software Excel.

7.1 Footing dimensions

The dimensions of the footings have been determined using the allowable stress limit approach. As
mentioned above, the stress limit in the soil is specified to a value of 380kPa. Hence, each footing
needs to distribute the pressure from loads above and reduce it to this value or less. In order to meet
this requirement, there are three isolated and six strap footings.

7.3 Footing design detail calculation

According to the finite element model prepared for the super structure, the following reaction values
at the base of each column have been obtained.
Joint Load
Story Label Case/Combo FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
BASE 29 GRAVITY 5.2023 7.4597 1030.782 -4.7656 6.3684 0.0298
BASE 29 SERVICE 3.9296 5.5705 752.7363 -3.5562 4.7406 0.0222
BASE 30 GRAVITY 3.5295 -1.5091 1434.321 2.7408 4.7725 0.1864
BASE 30 SERVICE 2.7079 -1.1367 1049.127 2.0508 3.5718 0.1368
BASE 31 GRAVITY 0.4361 -2.6033 1394.556 3.941 1.2362 -0.0604
BASE 31 SERVICE 0.438 -1.925 1022.409 2.9183 0.9941 -0.0445
BASE 32 GRAVITY 6.4352 -6.9025 694.7726 7.5614 5.5981 0.0758
BASE 32 SERVICE 4.8194 -5.1444 510.1721 5.6254 4.1809 0.056
BASE 33 GRAVITY -0.4838 10.1448 1427.843 -10.2389 1.2126 0.0408
BASE 33 SERVICE -0.4981 7.59 1041.037 -7.6301 0.7566 0.0308
BASE 34 GRAVITY 0.6936 19.916 1960.928 -17.8976 1.7966 -1.0512
BASE 34 SERVICE 0.378 14.6385 1433.305 -13.1576 1.1932 -0.7703
BASE 35 GRAVITY -2.5251 -2.6519 1856.534 1.1023 -2.0267 0.7964
BASE 35 SERVICE -1.9092 -1.9665 1357.158 0.8181 -1.5361 0.587
BASE 36 GRAVITY -2.6963 0.0544 1033.449 -0.6026 -2.1036 -0.0908
BASE 36 SERVICE -2.0455 -0.0122 754.3475 -0.4087 -1.6006 -0.0661
BASE 37 GRAVITY 5.7556 4.9302 680.6946 -4.0239 5.2166 -0.0169
BASE 37 SERVICE 4.2648 3.6735 497.3105 -3.0026 3.8561 -0.0125
BASE 38 GRAVITY 6.352 7.5654 1338.452 -6.135 6.2659 0.0539
BASE 38 SERVICE 4.6821 5.6138 980.8367 -4.5676 4.5957 0.039528
BASE 39 GRAVITY 7.2653 -5.7212 1461.694 4.5284 5.6072 -0.0653
BASE 39 SERVICE 5.3428 -4.1782 1070.249 3.2882 4.1223 -0.0482
BASE 40 GRAVITY 0.9385 -2.5618 850.2124 2.1614 0.7894 -0.0035
BASE 40 SERVICE 0.7056 -1.9378 618.9063 1.6269 0.5925 -0.0026


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| Structural Analysis
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| Structural Analysis |
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Annex A
Model Input

A.1 Story data and Material Property

1.1 Story Data
Table 1.1 - Story Data
Height Elevatio Master Splice
mm n mm Story Similar
RF 3400 13200 No None No
3RD 3100 9800 No None No
2ND 3100 6700 No None No
1ST 3600 3600 No None No
GR 2500 0 No None No
BASE 0 -2500 No None No
1.2 Mass
Mass Source
Include Include Include Include Lump at Load
Name Added Is Default Multiplier
Elements Loads Lateral Vertical Stories Pattern
MsSrc1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes DEAD 1
MsSrc1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes LIVECATA 0.24
MsSrc1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes LIVECATC 0.24

Centers of Mass and Rigidity

Cumul Cumul
Story ati ve X ati ve Y
gm kg kg m m m m m m
kg kg
RF RF 57291.1 57291.1 4.9428 9.1112 57291.1 57291.1 4.9428 9.1112 5.8032 8.6709
3RD 3RD 142309.2 142309.2 4.7536 9.3698 142309.2 142309.2 4.7536 9.3698 6.9723 7.6399
2 2 2 2
2ND 2ND 145309.5 145309.5 4.9883 9.3045 145309.5 145309.5 4.9883 9.3045 8.1098 6.5283
7 7 7 7
1ST 1ST 146513.2 146513.2 5.113 9.5658 146513.2 146513.2 5.113 9.5658 9.6403 5.3004
2 2 2 2

Mass Summary by Diaphragm

Diaphrag Mass X Mass Y Moment X Mass Y Mass
m kg kg of Inertia Center m Center m
RF RF 57291.1 57291.1 2418.9676 4.9428 9.1112
3RD 3RD 142309.22 142309.22 6319.9459 4.7536 9.3698
2ND 2ND 145309.57 145309.57 6495.9734 4.9883 9.3045
1ST 1ST 146513.22 146513.22 6924.2056 5.113 9.5658

Mass Summary by Story

kg kg kg
RF 85572.46 85572.46 0
3RD 283949.38 283949.38 0
2ND 288043.49 288043.49 0
1ST 297856.39 297856.39 0
GR 126398.6 126398.6 0
BASE 5562.5 5562.5 0

| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

2 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links. 2.1

Material Properties - Summary
E Design
Name Type ν Weight
MPa Strengths
C25 Concrete 29000 0 25 Fc=20 MPa
C30 Concrete 31000 0 25 Fc=25 MPa
S-300 Rebar 199947.98 0.3 76.9729 Fy=300 MPa,
Fu=330 MPa
S-400 Rebar 199947.98 0.3 76.9729 Fy=400 MPa,
Fu=430 MPa

2.2 Frame Sections

Frame Sections - Summary
Name Material Shape
BM25X40 C25 Concrete
CCOL30 C25 Concrete
COL25X25 C30 Concrete
COL30X30 C30 Concrete
COL40X40 C30 Concrete
GB20X40 C25 Concrete
RF20X40 C25 Concrete


| Structural Analysis |
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021

Annex 2
Sample frame analysis (Axis B)

2.1 Frame elevation view


| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis |
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis |
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis |
Ato Habtamu Arega Residence June 30, 2021


| Structural Analysis

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