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Timo:3 hrs.
M.M.: 75
Alate: Attempt any five questions including Q. no. 1 which is compulsory. Select one question
from each unit.

Q.1.Answer the following:

(a)Explain Shannon Capacity Theorem. (2.5)
Ans. It is used to find the maximum data rate of a channel. The fornula is
C Blog, (1+ S/N)
Bis the bandwidth of the channel.
SN is the signal to noise ratio
Cis the capacity in bps (Shannon capacity)
Q.1. (b) What are different components of data communication? (2.5)
Ans. 1. Message: The message is the information or data that is to be communicated.
It may consist of text,mumbers, pictures, sounds, videos or any combination of these.
2. Sender: Adevice that is used for sending messages (or data) is called sender. It
is also called transmitter or source. The sender can be a computer, telephone, or a video
camera etc. Usually, a computer is used as sender in data comunication sy'stern.
3. Receiver: A device that is used for receiving messages is called receiver. It is also
known as sink. The receiver can be a computer, telephone set, printer, or a fax machine
etc. Usually, a computer is also used as receiver in data conmunication system.

Rule 1: Rule 1:
Rule 2:
Rule 2:
Protocol Protocol
Rule n: rule n

Sender Medium Receiver

duta is transmitted (or sent) from one location

4. Medium: The path through which
It is also called communication channel. It
to another is called transmission medium.
or telephone line etc. If the
sender and receiver are
may be a wire, or fiber optie cuble, are located at different locations,
within a building, a wiro is used as the mnedium. they
microwave or satellite system.
the medium may be telephone line, fiber optics,
that data comnmunication. It represents
5. Protocol:A protocol is a set ofrules govern
communication devices. Without a protocol, two devices may
an agreement between the as a person speaking. French cannot be
be connected but not communicating, just
understood by a person who speaks only Japanese.
impairments. (2.5)
1 . (c) Discuss dilferent types of transmission
Examination May 2017.
Ans. Refer Q. 3. (b) from End Term
2-2018 Fourth Semester, Computer Network

Q.1. (d) What is Flooding?

Ans. Iu a network, flooding is the forwarding by a router ofa packet fron any
the node from which the packe de to
every other node attached to the router except arrived
Plooding is a way to distribute routinginformation updates qulekly to every node
large network. It is also sometimes used in multicast packets (from one source ode to
many specific nodes in a real or virtual network).
The Internet's Open Shortest Path Pirst (OSPP) protacol, which updates
information in a network, uses flooding.
Q.1. (e) Writo a shortnoteon DNS.
Ans. Domain Name Systems (DNS) is mechanisms that assign easy to remember
names to IP address. Donmain is a large group of computers onthe Internet. Underthis
scheme each conmputer has an IP address and a domain name. Domains have been made
on the base of organization type or geographical locations,
e.g., the domain namne (where, .con indicates that Google is a commercial organization).
The Domain Name System (DNS) associates various information with
names; most importantly, it serves as the "phone book" for the Internet
by translating
hunman-readable computer hostnames into IP addresses.
It also stores other information such as the list of mail servers that
for a given domain. In providing a worldwide accept email
keyword-based redirection service, the
Domain Name System is an essential component of
contemporary Internet use.
DNS makes it possible to assign Internet names to
the physical routing hierarchy organizations independent of
represented by the numerical IP address. Because of this,
hyperlinks and Internet contact.information can remain the same, whatever the current
IP routing arrangements
may be, and can take a human-readable form, which is easier
to remember than the
IP address.
The Domain Nam
System distributes the responsibility for
assigning domain
names and mapping them to IP
networks by allowing an authoritative name server for
each domain to keep track ofits own
be continually consulted and
changes, avoiding the need fora central register to
Q.1. ( Define network. Discuss various
notwork criteria. (2.5)
Ans. A network is defined as a
of two or
group more
together. Computer network is a telecommunication computer systems linked
channel which we can share
data with other
computers or devices, connected to the same using
The major criteria that a Data
Communication Network must meet are:
a. Performance:
Performance is the defined as the rate of
Response Time. Response Time is thetransferring
data. It is measured by the error free
the end of an
inquiry and the beginning of a response. elapsed
time betwee
Consistency: Consistency is the predictability of
data. response time and accuracy
Reliability: Reliability is the
(Mean Time Between Failures) is a measure of how often a network is useable. TBF
measure of the cte
to operate between
failures. average time a component 1s
be: Normally provided by the manufacturer. A ure
hardware, data carrying medium and Network network
d. Recovery: Operating
Recovery is the Network's ability to return to System vel of
operation after a network failure. a
prescribea ie
e. Security: Security is the
unauthorized access. protection of Hardware, Software and
L.P. University-[BCAJ-Akash Books 2018-3
Q.1.(g) Explain Piggybacking and its benefits. (2.5)
Ans. Pigeybacking: In two-way comniunication, whenever a data frame is received,
the receiver waits and does not send the control frame (acknowledgement or ACK) back
to the sender immediately.
The receiver waits until its network layer passes in the next data packet. The
delayed acknowledgement is then attached to this outgoing data frame.
This technique of temporarily delaying the acknowledgement so that it can be
hooked with next outgoing data frame is known as piggybackiug.
Piggybacking data is a bit diferent from Slhding Window Protocol used in the Os
model. Inthe data frame itself, we incorporate one additional field for acknowledgment
(called ACK).
Whenever party A wants to send data to party B, it will send the data along with
this ACK field. Considering the sliding window here of size 8 bits, ifA has received liranies
up to 5 correctly (from B), and wants to send frames starting from frame 6, it will send
ACK6 with the data.
Three rules govern the piggybacking data transfer.
Ifstation A wants to send both data and an acknowledgment, it keeps both fields thero
IfstationA wants to sendjust the acknowledgment, then a separate ACK frame is sent.
If stationA wants to sendjust the data, then the last acknowledgment field is sent
along with the data. Station B simply iguores this duplicate ACK frame upon receiving.
Beneit: Improves the efficiency, better use of available channel bandwidth.
Q.1. (h) What is a datagram? (2.5)
Ans. A datagram is a basic transfer unit associated with a packet-uwitehed network.
Datagrams are typically structured in header and payload sections. Datagrams provide
a connectionless communication service across a packet-switched network. A datagram
has the following characteristices:
Data is transmitted from source to destination without guarantee of delivery
Data is frequently divided into smaller pieces and transmitted without a defined
oute or guaranteed order of delivery

Q.1.i Discuss Broadband-ISDN. (2.5)

Ans. Refer Q.5. (b) from EndTerm Examination May-June 2016.
Q.1.G) Write a short note oncable moderns. (2.5)
Ans. A cable moden is a peripheral device used to connect to the Internet. It operates
over coax cable TV lines and provides high-speed Internet access. Since cable modems
offer an always-on connection and fast data transfer rates, they are considered
broadband devices. It has two interfaces on it one for computer and other for Cable
Network. The Computer side interface is usually is a USB Interface or 10Mbps Ethernet
And The Cable Network is common eable wire interface.
turned on. Cable modems are always
This Modem makes a connection when it is
eLaining the connection (unless they are switched off) because the cable operator does
not charge for the duration of connection.
When a cable Moden is switched on, it scans the downstream channel looking

and sender
packet periodically (special packet contains the modem configuration
S1s the headend). After getting the packet, the new modem sends a packet on one
of the
upstream channel.
4-2018 Fourth Semester, Computer

After getting a packet from a modem, headend sends a packet to the new
channels. The modaem
assigning the modem with downstream and upstream
it a special packet and seeinen
determines its distance from the headend by sending
1s called ranging. It is important fo
long it takes to get the response. This processthe
distance to accommodate way the upstream channels and n e
modem to know its get
tlie timing right.
Write a short
Q.2. (a) guided media.
note on (8.5)
Ans. Guided Media: Guided media, which are those that provide a conduit form
e device to another, include twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable
twisted-pair and coaxial cable use metallic conductors that accept and transport signal
in the form of electric current. optical fiber is a glass or plastic cable that accepts and

signals in the form of light.

Types of guided media:
1. Twisted-pair cable
2. Coaxial cable
3. Fiber-optic cable
Twisted-Pair Cable: The least-expensive and most widely-used guided
transmission medium is twisted pairs. Atwister pair consists of two conductors(normally
copper). Each with its own plastic insulation, twisted together as shown in fig:

Insulator Conductors

Types of twisted-pair cable:

1.Shielded twisted-pair cable (UTP)
2.Unshielded twisted-pair cable (STP)
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): UTP is the copper media, inherited from
telephony, which is being used for increasingly higher data rates, and is rapidly becoming
he de facto standard for horizontal wiring, the connection between, and including, the
outlet and the termination in the communication closet.
Twisted Pair is a pair of copper wires, with diameters of 0.4-0.8 mm, twisted
together and wrapped with a plastic coating. The twisting inereases the electrical nose
immunity, and reduces the bit error rate (BER) of the data transmission. A UTP cabie
contains from 2 to 4200 twisted pairs. UTP is a very flexible, low cost media, and can be
used for either voice or data communications. Its greatest disadvantage is the limitea
bandwidth, which restricts long distance transmission with low error rates.
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): STP is heavier and more difficult to manufac
itcan greatly
improve the signaling rate in a given transmission scheme1
provides cancellation of magnetically induced fields and currents on a pair ofconauc
Magnetic fields arise around other heavy current-carrying conductors and aro
large electric motors. Various grades of copper cables are available, with Grade ans
the best and most expensive. Grade 5 copper, appropriate for use in 100an
applications, has more twists per inch than lower grades. More twists per inen per means
more linear feet of
copper wire used to make up a cable run, and more coPP
more money.
1.P Univarsity-THCA-Aknsh Hookw
chialding provides a
moann to relloct or absorh olectrie
fioldw that nre present oround
Shielding comes inu variety of forms from copper-brniding or
copper meshen to
a l u m i n i z o d .

Mylar tape wrappod nround each conductor and again around the twinted
Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable, like twistod puir, consints of two conductors, but. is
trueted difforently to pormit. it to opernte over u wider runge of frequencien. It
aiats of a hollow outer cylindrical conductor that Burroundu a single inner wire

lductor. The inner conductor is held in placa by either regularly apaced inmulating rings
Solid dielectric material. The outer conductor is coverod with a jacket or whield. A
single coaxial cable has a diameter of from 0.4 to about 1 in. Because of its shielded,
oncentric construction, coaxial cable is much less Busceptible to interference and
erosstalk than is twisted pair. Coaxial cable can be used over longer distances and
supports more stations on a shared line than twisted pair.


(Inner conducton
Outer conductor
Plastic cover (shield)

Optical Fiber: Optical fiber is made up of glass and transmit signals in the form
oflight. In fiber optic cable light only moves in one direction for two way communication
to take place a second connection must be made between the two devices. It is actually
two stands of cable. Each stand is responsible for one direction of communication. A
laser at one device sends pulse of light through this cable to other device. These pulses
translated into "1's"and "0's" at the other end.

Core Receiver
Q.2. (b) Define throughput, bandwidth, response timo, and frequoncy.
Ans. Bandwidth: In computer network, bandwidth is defined as the maximum
connection in a given period of time. The
umber of bits that can llow through a network
undamental unit of network bandwidth is bits per second (bps).
An ISP network connection that bandwidth of 1Mbps pieans that in
specified a
one transferred across this connection. The term
0 Second, maximum 100000 bits can be broadband
W d t h is normally used in internet subecription plan. Normally a
6-2018 Fourth Semester, Computer
than that of a lower bandui
higher bandwidth subscription plan will
cost more
subscription plan.
Throughput the actual number of bits that nflows
is defined as
In computer network, throughput is always less than
of tame. Througnput
in a given period
through a network connection bandwidth. In a computer network
never exceed the
or equal to bandwidth but can
as isted below:
throughput c a n be affected by many factors
Network congestion due to heavy network
accessing the s a m e
Too many users
between network
Low bandwidth allocation
Medium loss of a computer
Resources (CPU, RAM) of network devices.
it may not guarantee that you wil
So even ifyou have a high bandwidth to your ISP,
the above factors.
have a high throughput due to
network, frequency is the rate of radio signals to
Frequency: In term of computer
measured in hertz (hz), cycles per second. The
send and receive communication signal
in second. One hertz is one complete
frequencyofa signal voltage is measured cycles per
mean a faster system, a true measurement
cycle per second. While higher frequency can
of communication speed is bit rate.
Most data communications systems operate at millions of cycles per second, or
megahertz. In high frequencies, such as values in the MHz range, the time the cycle
requires is measured in minute fractions of a second.
Response time, in the context of computer technology, is the elapsed time between
an inquiry on a system and the response to that inquiry. Used as a measurement of
system performance, response time may refer to service requests in a variety of
technologies. Low response times may be critical to successful computing. We can define
it as the time elapsed between enquiry and response.
Q3. (a) Draw a neat diagram of OsImodel and explain the functioning of
each layer. (9.5)
Ans. 0SI reference model is a logical framework for standards for the network
communication. OSI reference model is now considered as a primary standard 1or
internetworking and inter computing. Today many network communication protocols
are based on the
standards of OSI model. In the OSI model the network/data
communication is defined into seven layers. The seven
layers can be grouped into u
groups- Network, Transport and Application.
1. Layer 1, 2 and 3 ie. physical, data link, and
network are network support yers.
2. Layer 4, Transport
layer provides end to end reliable data
3. Layer 5, 6 and 7 i.e. transmiss10n
Session, Presentation, and Application layer are user Pport
layers. su
I.P. University-{BCA-Akash Books 2018-7
S e n d i n g devvce Receiving davico
Poer-to-peer protocol (ayer 7) Appication
Intedoce intortnco
protocol (layer 6) Prosetatton
Peer-to-peer protocol (layer 5) Sesslon 5
Peer-1o-peer protocol (ayor 4) Transpor
3rd Network
Network Notwok - Natwork
2nd 2nd 2nd
Data Link
2 Data Lin Data Lnk Data Link
1st 1st
1 Physical Prysca -Prysical
Physical Communication
Communication botween the layars in CSI model
It is important to note that OSI model is just
a model. It is not a protocol that can
be installed or run on any system.
also called Layer 7, is the highest layer
Application Layer: The Application layer,
network communication. These
in the OSI model. It contains applications that facilitate
are not applications like
Microsoft Word or Excel, but rather application protocols such
for browsing the World Wide Web or File Transfer
as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (TITTP)
Protocol (FTP) for transferring files on net-works and over the Web. At the Application
that people can read and interpret.
layer, the data still resembles something
Presentation Layer: At the Presentation layer (Layer 6) data is first converted
be sent over a network. At this layerdata is compressed and
into a form that can
and encrypted or decrypted, depending on which direction it's traveling.
You can think of the Presentation layer as the "translation layer."
Session Layer: The Session layer (Layer 5) is responsible for establishing,
the sessions between computers. It
synchronizing, maintaining, and then terminating
You can think of the Session layer as the
also handles error detection and notification.
and lets the appropriate traffic flow at the
traffic cop" that directs the network traffic
appropriate time.
4) the actual processing of
Transport Layer: The Transport layer (Layer for resending any packets that do not
data between devices. This layer is responsible
destination address. It's also responsible for any
receive an acknowledgment from the
of packets.
problems that are associated with fragmentation
3) is responsible for providing the
Network Layer: The Network layer (Layer
from computer to computer o r from network to
mechanism by which data can be moved
8-2018 Vourth Somoator, Computer
network. The Network layer does not. uctually nove the data; instoud it provides
to move the dto
information and route discovery that a r e necessary
uddressing facilo
appropriate location. The Network
layer contains moany protocols that
the (1P), Internet Message Protoo.
these services, including lntornet Protocol
Management. Protocol
(TGMP), and Address Resolutio
CMP), lnternet Group
Protocol (ARP). for sending data
Data Link Layor: The Data
Link layor (Layer 2) is responsible ta

network media. The Data Ii.

onto the "wire" or
the Physical layer so that it can be put
the Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Moa
laver is subdivided into two other layers:
LIC connects the Data
Link layer to the higher-leval
Acoess Control (MAC) layers. The connects the Data Link laver
such a s IPat the
Network layer. The MAC layer
protocols address. The Data Link laver also
to the physical connection
and provides the MAC
can also perform
defines the technology that is
used for the network. This layer
that tho system u s e s to make sure that packets are
checksums, which a r e culculations
not damaged in transit.
1) defines the physical characteristic
Physical Layor: The Physical layer (Layer
that must be used as well as the voltage that
of the network such a s the type of cable
used to transmit data through the network.
Since the Physical layer defines these
will be
characteristics, it also establishes the topology of the network. Many standards are
defined at this layer, such as the IEEE 802.3 standard for Ethernet as well as the IEEE
S02.5 standard for Token Ring networks.
Q.3. (b) Differentiate between simplex, half duplex and full duplex. (4)
Ans. Simplex mode: In simplex operation, a network cable or communications
channel can only sendinfomation in one direction; it's a "one-way street". An example of
simplex is Television, or Radio.
Half duplex mode: Half-duplex data transmission means that data can be
transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time. Another
mple of half-duplex is talk-back radio, and CB Radio (Citizens Band).
Full-Duplex: Full-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted
in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time. For example, on a local area
network with a technoloEy that has full-duplex transmission, one workstation can be
sending data on the line while another workstation is receiving data.
Coninunication is Communication is two Communicatión is two
unidirectional. -directional but, one at a directional and done
A sender can send data A sender can send as well A sender can send as well as
but, cannot receive. as receive the data but receivethe datasimultaneously
one at a time.
The half duplex andd The full duplex mode Full duplex has better
full duplex yields
yields higher performance performance as it doubles the
better performance than half duplex.
than the Simplex. utilization of bandwidth.

Example: Keyboard Example: Wulkie-Talkies. | Example: Telephone.

nd monitor.

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