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Time: 3 hrs.
M.M.: 75
Note: Attempt five questions in all including question no. 1 which is compulsory. Select
each unit.
one question from

Q.1.Attempt any five ofthe following. 5 x5 25)

9.1. (a) Differentiate between LAN, MAN and WAN.
Ans. A Local Area Network is a privately owned computer network covering a small
Networks geographical area, like a home, office, or groups of buildings e.g. a school
Network. ALAN is used to connect the computers and other network devices so that the
devices can communicate with each other to share the resources.
MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Networks is one of a number of types of
networks. A MAN is a relatively new class of network. MAN is larger than a local area
network and as its name implies, covers the area ofa single city
AWide Area Network (WAN) is a telecommunication network. A wide area network*
is simply a LAN of LANs or Network of Networks. WANs connect LANs that may be on
opposite sides of a building, across the country or around the world. WANS are
characterized by the slowest data communication rates and the largest distances.

Size 100s of metres to 10s of km 100s to 1000s of km

several km
Coverage Buildings, offices, City, large industrial Country or continent
campus or military site
Data rate <155 Mbit/sec <622 Mbit/sec > 80Gbit/sec

Error rate Moderate Low Very Low

Terminal Owned by user Owned by user Owned by user
equipment or PSN or PSN
Network Owned by user Owned by user Owned by user PSN
Equipment or PSN

Cabling Owned by user OWned by user Owned by PSN

or PSN

Cable type Twisted pair, Coax, Fibre Optic Fibre, Satellite

coax, fibre optie

Q.1. (b) Write a short note on DNS.

Ans. Refer Q.1.(e) from End Term Examination May 2018.(Page no.2-2018)
Q.1. (c) Differentiate betwecn TDM and FDM?
Ans. Refer Q.1.(b) from End Term Examination May 2017.(Page no.4-2017)
Q.1. (d) How router boots up.
Ans. How router boots up?
1. The router is powered on.
4. The bootstrap program (ROMmon) in ROM runs Power-On SelfTest (POST)
Fourt who-
value to specify e to load
2-2019 Configuration
Register isl o a d
checks the
value of
102, in
3. The
d e f a u l t (the
"boot aystem"
commands ini Btartup-config file.
order thev
the 10S.
the r o u t e r first
looks for
boot 8ystem
c o m m a n d s in they ear
it will r u n is loaded from Flash
from Flash.Ifthe

the 10S image


from TFTP 8erver

Ifit ver
to locate
c a n try
to load tho [OS from
Flash, the
i8 not found
ROM m m 10S) into RAM.
found, it is loaded (startup-config) from
4 A R e r the 108 in configuration
file AM
to load the the IOS attempts to load
T h e 10S attempts found in NVRAM,
1f the startup-
config is not
t h e r o u t e r enters Setup Mod
to RAM TPTP s e r v e r responds,
fron TFTP. If n o
onfiuration file
Initial Configuration Mode).
between physical and logical address? Give
What is the
9.1. (e)
exmples. manufacturers encode in
address that
the 48-bit MAC
address is
Ans. Physical is unique, referred to as the
interface cards (NICs). This type of address
their network
cannot be change.
The physical address is associated
Ethernet o r hardware address,
MAC address of a n interface can be
2 of the OSI model. In IP networks, the
with Layer Resolution Protocol (ARP) for Internet
the IP address using the Address
queried given
address is used on Ethernet protocols like
Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). The physical
address is a 32-bit IP address that
is not embedded in the network card
The logical
between networks. This type of address
but it is assigned to it for the purpose of routing
the OSI Model. IP addresses a r e 32-bit numbers
operates at Layer 3 (network) of
decimal number." Eg.
normally expressed as four "octets" in a "dotted
can have values between
The four numbers in an IP address are called octets because they
on Internet.
0 and 255 (28 possibilities per octet). The logical or IP address is used
Q.1. (Discuss 4 different topologies in deteial with examples.
Ans. Network topology is the name given to the way in which the devices (called
nodes) are physically connected in a network.
Followings are some of the types of topologies:
Ring topology:
Ring Topology

In a ring topology, thhe nodes are connected in a

using a controlsignal called a token'.
ring and data travels in one aire tion
Not greatly affected by
node with the 'token' adding further nodes or heavy network traffic as o
can transmit data so there are no data collisions.
Relatively cheap to install and expand


Slower than a star topology under normal load.

the cable fails anywhere in the ring then the
whole network will
Ifany node fails then the token fail
cannot be passed around the ring any
whole network fails.. longer so the
.The hardest topology to troubleshoot
because it. can be hard to track
n the ring the failure has occurrod. down where
Harder to modify or expand because to add or
remove a node you must shut
the network temporarily. down
In order for the nodes to communicate
with each other they must all be switched
Bus (line) topology:

Bus Topology

Nodes are connected to a main (bus) cable. If data is

being sent sent between nodes
then other nodes cannot transmit. If too many nodes are connected then the
transfer of
data slows dramatically as the nodes have to wait longer for the bus to be clear.
The simplest and cheapest to install and extend.
Well suited for temporary networks with not many nodes.
.Very flexible as nodes can be attached or detached without disturbing the rest of
the network.
Failure of one node does not affect the rest of the bus network.
Simpler than a ring topology to troubleshoot if there is a cable failure because
sections can be isolated and tested independently.
I f the bus cable fails then the whole network will fail.
Performance ofthe network slows down rapidly with more nodes or heavy network

limited length and must be terminated properly at both
The bus cable has a
ends to
prevent reflected signals
is in use
than a ring network as data cannot
be transmitted while the bus
byo wer
by other nodes.
Fourth Semester, Computer Networks
20 19
Star topology:
Star Topol ogy


In this type of network, a central computer (server) usually forms the

and the subsidiary nodes are connected to it and to each other througha switeh ode
.The most reliable because the failure of a node or a node cable does
other nodes.
not a
Simple to troubleshoot because only one node is affected by a cable break hat
the switch and the node. ween
Adding further
nodes does not greatly affect performance because the data does
not pass through unnecessary nodes.

Easily upgraded from a hub to a switch or with with a higher performance switch.
Easy to install and to expand with extra nodes.
Uses the most cable which makes it more
expensive to install than the other two
The extra hardware required such as hubs or switches
further increases the cost.
As the central computer controls the whole
system, the whole system will be
affected if it breaks down or if the cable link between it and
the switch fails.
I f the switch, the link to the server or the server
fails itself fails then the whole network
Mesh Topology:- In this
topology, each node is connected to every other node in the


Computer Computer


I.P. University-[BCAJ-Akash Books 2019-5
Advantage of Mesh Topology
.Notraffic problem as there are dedicated links.
.It has multiple links, so if one route is blocked then other routes can be used for
data communication.

.Points to point links make fault identification easy.

Disadvantage of Mesh Topology
There is mesh of wiring which can be difficult to manage.
Installation is complex as each node is connected to every node.
Cabling cost is high.
Q.2. (a) Explain the process of link state routing. Explain the events when
the routing table is exchanged between routers? (6)
Ans. Link state routing is a technique in which each router shares the knowledge of
its neighborhood with every other router in the internet work.
The three keys to understand the Link State Routing algorithm:
Knowledge about the neighborhood: Instead of sending its routingtable,a
router sends the information about its neighborhood only. A router broadcast its
identities and cost of the directly attached links to other routers.
Each router sends the information to every other router on the
internetwork except its neighbors. This process is known as Flooding. Every router that
receives the packet sends the copies to all its neighbors. Finally, each and every router
receives a copy of the same information.
Information sharing: A router sends the information to every other router only
when the change occurs in the information.

Link State Routing has two phases:

Reliable Flooding
Initial state: Each node knows the cost ofits neighbors.
Final state: Each node knows the entire graph.
Route Calculation
Each node uses Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph to calculate the optimal routes to
all nodes.
The Link state routing algorithm is also known as Dijkstra's algorithm which is
used to find the shortest path from one node to every other node in the network.
The Dijkstra's algorithm is an iterative, and it has the property that after kth
iteration of the algorithm, the least cost paths are well known for k destination nodes.
Routing Tables:
To allow information to be passed outside the local broadcast domain to other
networks or sub-networks, a routing table is maintained. Each entry in the routing table
contains information about any reachable network the router has learned about,
including the network address, hop count to the network, the interface for the link and
how the information about the network was obtained

Q.2. (b) For the following topology, find the best path between each pair of
nodes maintained in routingr table using link state routing. Show the status of
routing table at router A. (6.5)
l'ourth 9omontor, Computor Notwork




.Link state Routing

Using Dijkrta algorithm
1. Set root to A and move A to tentative list.

2. Move A to permanent list and add B,C, E, and F to tentative list

.. B)

3. Move F to permanent list and nove G to tentative list.

(A - -

I.P. University-(BCA-Akash Books 2019-7
list and move D to tentative list
4. Move C to permanent

A 1

5. Move B to permanent list

6. Move E to permanent list


7. Move D to permanent list

oplar Notworka

. Mov (



tablo for A: Noxt Router|
Routing Cast

2 F
G ior data communication?
the different components required
Q.3. Discuss different layers & their functions
TCP/P models. Discuss
Compare 0SI and (12.5)
briefly. communication:
Ans. Components of data
Transmission Medium 4. Protocol
1. Sender 2. Receiver 3. Message 4.

Rule 1:
Rule 1:
Rule 2
Rule 2:
Protocol Protocol
Rule 1:||
Rule 1:

Sender Receiver
Message: The message is the information or data that is to be
may consist
of text,numbers, pictures,
sounds, videos or any(or data) is combinatlo ed
o or
2. Sender: A device that is used for sending messages sender
a video
is also called transmitter or source. The video

camera etc.
sender can be a computer, telephone, or a
Usually, a computer is used as sender in data stem.

3. Receiver: A device that is used for receiving messages is called receiver.
fax machi
known sink. The receiver can be a
etc. Usually, a computer is also used computer, telephone set, printer, or a stem.
as receiver in data
I.P. University-[BCAJ-Akash Books
Medium: The path through which data is transmitted (or sent) from one location
ather is called transmis81on medi um. It is also called communication channel. It
b e a wire, or fiber optic cable, or telephone line ete. If the sender and receiver are
aihin a building, a wire is uBed as the medium. If they are located at different locations,
ke medium may be telephone line, fiber optics, microwave or satellite system.
5. Protocol:A protocol 18 a set of rules that govern data communication. It represents
n agreement between the communication devices. Without a protocol, two devices may
an agre
e connected but not communicating, just as a person speaking French cannot be
understood by a person who speaks only Japanese.
Comparison between OSI andTCP/IP Model
OSI provides layer functioning and also TCP/IP model is more based on protocols
defines functions of all the layers and protocols are not flexible with other|
In OSI model the transport layer In TCP/AP model the transport layer does

guarantees the delivery of packets not guarantees delivery of packets

Follows horizontal approach Follows vertical approach
OSI model has a separate presentation TCP/IP does not have a separate

layer presentation layer

TCP/IP model cannot be used in any other
OSI is a general model
Network layer of OSI model provide both The Network layer in TCPAP model provides
connection oriented and connectionless connectionless service.
OSI model has a problem of fitting the TCP/IP model does not fit any protocol.
protocols in the model
Protocols are hidden in OSI model and are In TCP/AP replacing protocol is not easy

easily replaced as the technology changes

OSI model define services, interfaces and In TCP/IP it is not clearly separated its
protocols very clearly and makes clear services, interfaces and protocols
distinction between them.
It has 7 layers It has 4 layers


Data Application
Network Process to Application
Data Application
DataRepresentation andEncEYption
Inter host Com1nunication
Segment Transport Transport
J End to End connection and reliapilty
Packet Network Internet
and jP (LoyIcal) Addressing
B e s t path delermunatron

Data Link
MAC and LUC (Physical Addressing . Network Access
Bits Physical
Media, Slgnal and Binary Transmission
Computer Networks

Model electrical
OSI m e c h a n i c a l and
a u

Layers in with the on of the

deals conversio
Layer: It 18
c o n c e r n e d with
bits into signals
1. Physical m e d i u m . It
transmission -
the number of bits sw
and rate
interface transmission

optical, physical topology.

electrical o r r e c e i v e r and
sender and

of ode delivery. It is is
for node-to-node contCened wis concerned wit
Layer: It is and error control.
flow c o n t r o l and error
2. D a t a addressing,
deliv ery o a
bits, physical to destination
the framing ofthe
Layer: It is
for the
Network Layer also knoPacket
works at etwork
know Logical
3. Network The IP
networks. is routing
layer is routing of the packets
multiple Network one

Other important
job of router.
device called
using the
network destination
lestination deliverv
livery of the ntire
to other source to
takes care
of and do notre
Layer: It the m e s s a g e
i n t o packets
4. divides
N e t w o r k layer layer divides
Whereas transport
in oorder,
message. packets.
between those s h o u l d be
transferred intact and
relationship message
that whole
dialog controller. It establishoa
from source network
Session layer is the Specific
Layer: communication

6. Session the interaction


maintains, and Control and

a r e Dialog
the syntax and semantics of
concerned with
P r e s e n t a t i o n layer:
It is of presentation layer are
6. Responsibilities
between two systems.
information exchanged
and Compression. for services such a8
Translation, Encryption interface and support
layer: It provides shared database
management and other
7. Application transfer,
file a c c e s s and
electronic mail, remote services.
types of
TCP/IP Layers network layer
Network Layer: The physical
1. Network
Access/ Physical
to be used for
the network. For example,
the hardware
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of conmunications
specifies the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the
specifies the physical IEEE 802.,
physical network layer describes hardware
standards such as
of TCPIP for standard
media. The physical layer and RS-232, the specification
Ethernet network media,
the specification for the OSI Model.
consist of physical and data link layer of areIP
pin connectors. It The c o r e protocols used at this layer ir
Internet Layer / Network Layer: datagrams
to tne
2. in directing
RARP etc.ARP assists IP
ICMP, IGMP, ARP and bits long) to know
Ethernet addresses (48
appropriate receiving system by
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
IP addresses (32 bits long). The
conditions. in
reports network e r r o r that packets art
3. Transport Layer: The TCP/IP transport
layer ensures and
data reception,
acknowledgments of
sequence and
without error, by swapping eor
unication is end known as
retransmitting lost packets. This type of comm (TCP),
Transmission Control
Transport layer protocols at this level are (SCTP).
Transmission Protocol
Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Stream Control
unreliable datagra .nd
SCTP provide reliable, end-to-end service. UDP provides an

Internet se layer
4.Application layer: The application layer defines standard
network applications that anyone can use. These services work with the tra

to send and receive data. Many application layer protocols exist.

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