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Hi I’m Leian Dela Pena from T-S1A1 and I will be sharing a story from our subject world of literature
under Ms. Magdalena Corre

: This story is about Datu omar and his fairy wife a Filipino folktale

: In this story


Datu Omar's deer had disappeared, leaving only hoof marks on the ground. He jabbed his spear into the
ground several times, angrier and angrier he got. Then he heard voices and saw three fairies in a pool of
water. They were maidens from another world; their skin was translucent and their hair was almost
golden. Datu Omar began to wonder what it would be like to marry one. They played in the water like
little fish, sleek and swift. And how they laughed! Their laughter transformed the dark water into a
playground of light. The two oldest fairies are done bathing and the youngest fairy wanted to stay any
longer. The two oldest fairy flew away while the youngest fairy stay. Datu Omar could hear the fairy
humming to herself as she swam.

Datu Omar acted swiftly and silently. He took her gown and wings, which were hanging from a branch of
a tree near him, and hid them in his hunting bag. When the fairy is done and sawe her dress and wings
was missing she begun to cry. Datu Omar slowly approaching the fairy and convincing to come with him
"When you have tasted happiness on earth, you will have no need of wings," he said.

Datu Omar secretly placed her gown and wings inside a bamboo tube. He carefully hid the tube among
the wooden rafters of the house. In time the fairy grew to love the hunter. They were happy. Soon they
had a child, a little girl who looked just like her mother. The baby cried and point something on the top
of them. Out of curiosity the fairy looks what’s inside of the baboo tube and then saw her dress and

She knew exactly what to do with them. She sang her child one last song and kissed her goodbye. As she
was lowering her baby into the crib, the fairy wife heard her husband entering the house. The fairy left
her husband and her child saying if Datu Omar was only honest, she might throw her dress and wings
away and be with him then she left her baby and her husband.

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