Use of Steam Table - Additional Problem

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Determine the state of water and supply the missing properties (SV: specific volume, U: internal energy, H:
enthalpy and S: entropy).
P = 300 kPa, SV = 700 cm3/g

First, determine the state of the water (we cannot determine the missing properties of water unless we
know its state).

Step one: With the given pressure, determine the specific volume of the saturated liquid and saturated

P, kPa SV (saturated liquid), cm3/g SV (saturated vapor), cm3/g

300 kPa 1.073 605.56

ANSWER: From the solution above, the property is greater than the specific volume of saturated vapor at
300 kPa. Therefore, the water is superheated steam.

Step two: Determine the other missing properties:

Since it is superheated steam, we are going to find the missing properties basing from the pressure and the
given property (specific volume).

With a specific volume of 700 cm3/g, we are going to find values of specific volume under 300 kPa that make
700cm3/g in the middle.

From the steam table, 700 cm3/g is in between of 675.49 and 716.35. Use the other values under 675.49 and
716.35. Therefore, via interpolation, we are able to determine U, H and S.

SV, cm3/g U, kJ/kg H, kJ/kg S, kJ/kg-K

675.49 2610.8 2813.5 7.1990
716.35 2650.6 2865.5 7.3119
700 2634.6742 2844.6924 7.2667

Via interpolation (based from SV of 700), other values are determined.

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