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Executive Summary

Grab is a leading technological company that offers chauffeured rides transportation such as cars
and coach services in Southeast Asia, targeting both male and female on all ages. It is discovered that
Grab will have a competitive advantage over the competitors with effort place on variant of service
provide and development of technologies that further enhance the current mobile application platform as
well as many other factors that are elaborate in the report.

This report describes about the Grab service marketing. This is contains the company profile,
SWOT Analysis, internal and external environment, services problem and solution also the service
blueprint. It believed that this new service will allow Grab to gain more market share and give the better
service quality with focus on customer satisfaction.

1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 2
3.0 Internal & External environment ...................................................................................................... 3
4.0 Service 1 (Grab-send) ....................................................................................................................... 5
Problem 1: Weather .................................................................................................................................. 6
Solution 1: Develop choices of truck. ....................................................................................................... 6
Problem 2: Delay on delivery time. .......................................................................................................... 6
Solution 2: Provide driver with foldable huge backpack. ......................................................................... 7
Problem 3: Lost packages. ........................................................................................................................ 7
Solution 3: Develop application with GPS one-time tracking. ................................................................. 7
5.0 Service 2 (Grab-ride) .............................................................................................................................. 7
Problem 1: Safety and Security ................................................................................................................. 8
Solution 1: Provide helmet, jacket, mask and check the motorbike before driving. ................................. 9
Problem 2: Standardization of motorcycle,............................................................................................... 9
Solution 2: Grab upholds the Code of Ethics for all its partners so that all drivers will have a clear
understanding of the laws of compliance, safety, security and service standards................................... 10
Problem 3: Environment and Society ..................................................................................................... 10
Solution 3: A strict regulation made by Grab to ensure that its drivers comply with the traffic
regulations ............................................................................................................................................... 11
6.0 Service Blueprint (Grab-shop) .............................................................................................................. 12
Why we select this blueprint? ................................................................................................................. 13
Physical evidence .................................................................................................................................... 13
Bottleneck: .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Fail points: .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Bottleneck solution: ................................................................................................................................ 14
Fail points solution:................................................................................................................................. 14
7.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 15
References ................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.0 Introduction

Grab, previously known as GrabTaxi, is one of the biggest startup company in Southeast Asia.
Grab was founded in 2012 by Anthony Tan and Tan Hooi Ling in Malaysia. Recognized as MyTeksi in
Malaysia, Grab already available in 30 cities across Southeast Asia.

Anthony Tan and Tan Hooi Ling, Harvard Business School graduates, coming up with the idea to
the panel of the 2011 Harvard Business Plan Competition, which placed them in second. Anthony Tan
admitted that Grab started because the taxi system in Malaysia was a mess and needed to do something
about it.

Initially, Grab works to help users find taxi in the area. As the name GrabTaxi, Grab provided
taxi hailing app to the market. It ensures safety and price issues that associated with traditional taxis in the
region. This application also supports to get fare estimation ahead of time. In the beginning, to introduce
Grab application to taxi drivers was a challenged. Many drivers were not tech savvy and unwilling to try
this new concept. Tan had to go from driver to driver at the place where they hang out – at airports,
shopping malls and gas stations. However, as the application received more attention, the drivers come to
Grab and sign up with the service.

For the funding, previously, Grab was funded by Tan family. In April 2014, Grab announced a
funding round led by Vertex Ventures which raised more than $10M. A month later, Grab raised their fun
by $15M led by GGV Capital. Still in the same year, in October, Grab raised $65 series C funding round
from Tiger Global, Vertex Ventures, GGV, and Chinese travel giant Qunar. Then, in December 2014, it
raised $250M series D funding round from SoftBank. Among all the investment of start up company,
Grab investment is one of the largest on record in Southeast Asian startup history. In August 2015, Grab
raised $350M funding round from China Investment Corporation, Didi Kuaidi.

Since Malaysia, Grab started to expand in August 2013 to Philippines. In October 2013, they
expanded to Singapore and Thailand. Four months later, they launched in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Grab
entered Indonesia in June 2014 started in Jakarta. Meanwhile, in July 2014, they launched in Cebu,
Philippines. Grab offers a wide range of services. Started out with GrabTaxi, there is also Grab Car,
GrabBike, GrabHitch, GrabExpress and GrabFood. GrabCar is the budget and premium options. It is
firstly introduced in July 2014. GrabBike is the service by using motorcycle, which is popular in
Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand to avoid traffic jam. It is introduced in November 2014. Meanwhile,
GrabHitch is the service where passengers who going to the same direction with the drivers can hitch a
ride which introduced in November 2015. GrabExpress is on-demand pick-up and delivery services and
introduced in July 2015. Grab newest service is GrabFood where Grab drivers can deliver food to Grab
users (, 2017).

In Indonesia, all of the services are available in Jakarta. However, it is not all cities can
experience it. For GrabCar, it is available in Jabodetabek, Denpasar and Bandung. For GrabTaxi, it is
available in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Padang and Bandung. Temporarily, GrabBike only available in
Jabodetabek and Bandung. Grab also tries to improve their service by built a Singapore R&D center in

April 2015. They also open an engineering center in Seattle in January 2016. So far, Grab has over
320,000 drivers across their network. The application itself has over 17 million mobile downloads.

2.0 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning technique taken by an organization to identify the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the business planning. This can be used as
strategy development and as a basis against which to generate strategic options and assess future course of


The strengths of Grab are its established strong brand recognition, with a diversity of
transportation service provided to the users. Grab has successfully differentiated themselves from its
competitors with a high standard of service quality and the same time has a quite low cost rate. The Grab
system is convenient, which is user-friendly technology that consumers find easy to use the application.
Grab also have a variety and unlimited fleet of vehicles in order to fulfill the customer needs.


The weaknesses of Grab are there is some of the drivers have a bad attitude and behavior that
makes the customers not comfortable during the ride. The Grab’s company and its customers have no
bonding at all due to the lack of number of incentive among them to keep in touch. Also, the drivers
usually depending on the tips that customers given, its can make the customers feel repulsed and decide
not to use the service anymore.


Grab should seek opportunities to improve the service and the quality. Innovation and new
service is one of the good opportunities for Grab to keep their target market attract with it. Nowadays
people reliance on technology, with the new feature can make the users can easily do their thing.
Technology has advanced with years and its can help Grab to achieve their target, because as people’s
demands and life style change, the demand for advancing the type of technology use is high. Also, with
corporate social responsibility (CSR), Grab can gain more attention from people and increase the brand


The Threat that Grab face is price competition, Grab must know how to maintain their quality but
offer low cost of service. Change in consumer also often happen, this is occurs because the bad service
experience and lack of promotions, and its will affect the customer to switch the brand which is offer
more interesting. Other threat that Grab face is the drivers are miserable with the low-profit margins, This
might lead to the bad publicity and in result it can discourage the new drivers from joining the Grab.

So, with the strengths that Grab have they can improve the brand awareness and improve the
quality of the service in order to make the users keep using the service and attract the new user, also, Grab
must avoid the weaknesses and seek opportunities to make differentiate with the competitors. Grab should
focus on reduce threats that they faced so they can keep their brand recognition and expand their business
widely to the global market.

3.0 Internal & External environment

 Internal Environment

Grab’s client interface is all around practical; it can offer access to high-and low-end dependable item for
people and organizations. What more, the brain behind the operation is skilled and equipped. Second, it
must make a “critical commitment to the apparent client formal of the finished item.” The way Grab’s

administrations are bundled, displayed and ran is the thing that makes Grab so unique. Grab understands
that comfort of client is what separates them from its competitors.

 External Environment

a. Legal Issue

When something new is introduced, oftentimes there won’t be regulation put out for it immediately. This
has also been the case for the very popular e-hailing services Grab. While normal taxis have an obvious
employer-employee relationship; the taxi company is the employer, and the drivers their employees, Grab
has no exclusive contract that the drivers sign with the companies, it is not clear whether the drivers are
considered employees, legally.

Grab drivers were technically working illegally as the Land Public Transport Act 2010
considered it an offense to operate a public service vehicle without having an operating license, while
driving a private vehicle.

Section 16(1) of the Land Public Transport Act 2010 – Requirement for operator’s licence:

Subject to sections 194 and 195, no person shall operate or provide a public service vehicle service using
a class of public service vehicles unless he holds an operator’s licence issued under this Chapter.

In response to this, in July 2017, the government followed our neighbors in Singapore,
Philippines and Indonesia in changing the law to allow e-hailing drivers to operate legally. These changes
were made to the Land Public Transport Act 2010 and the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board Act
1987 and approved by the Malaysian Parliament. However, they have yet to be changes have not come
into effect.

b. Technological Factors

Grab spread like wildfire through social media. People explaining their riding experiences online
spread and share stories. It encouraged new users to do the same. Buyers are searching for cheaper
transportations options and Grab fulfilled this need. The application is incredibly important to Grab. It
cannot function if the application goes down or suffers difficulties. The company must ensure everything
is working, reliable and ready to go.

c. Economic Factors

The removal of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) this year has injected more amount of ringgit
for consumers to spend, boosting retail spending, increasing public consumption and expanding the

overall economy. The government was able to generate about RM42 billion in revenue with the
implementation of GST. The target for the Sales and Services Tax (SST) is smaller around RM21 billion.
Therefore, the difference of RM21 billion now belongs to the consumers, giving Malaysians higher
purchasing power.

4.0 Service 1 (Grab-send)

Brief Description

First service that we suggested to be developing by Grab Malaysia is Grab-Send. Grab-Send is an

instant courier service to send items and documents quickly, with no limits on distance. This service can
become alternative for those who need to deliver goods easily and quickly. Sometimes there are only
items left behind when leaving college / work, whether it's documents or assignments. With the Grab-
Send, it is very easy for customers; they only need to order like Grab-Car in general. The difference is the
grab driver will come to the pickup location and drive the goods to our location. This is very easy if there
are no people at home who can deliver our goods due to transportation constraints.

We can develop this service through two options, such as motorbike and pickup truck. For those
send a small/medium size of items that can carry by motorbike, they can use Grab-Send Motorbike.
Absolutely, in the motorbike will be provided with a box to carry customer goods, this is done to facilitate
drivers in carrying, especially if the item is quite a lot. the box will be in the back seat of the driver, for
the model it would be like this.

As mentioned above, there is second options using pickup truck. This is can be called the
premium service from Grab-Send because we use pickup truck as our transportation to deliver goods.
This service intended for those who want to deliver a huge size of items, such as table, some big box that
can’t carry by motorbike, electronic, cabinet, etc. By using pickup truck, it easier for customer to delivery
a huge size/ some big box in one trip. For those who want to move house easily and quickly can use grab-

send using pickup truck. Same as grab-send motorbike, they only need to order from Grab application.
Then the driver will come to your location pickup those goods and deliver it to destination. Very simple
and quickly rather than rent a pickup truck early days before you move out.

Don't worry, All drivers and vehicles have passed security and background checks. Your
consignment will be insured. Get a pickup or a truck right away. Customer can place an order directly or a
day in advance.

Problem 1: Weather

We can’t correctly forecast the weather today and tomorrow, sometimes the forecast is true and
might be false. If the costumer order pickup truck to moving house, and suddenly raining. This will be a
problem because the driver might not have to stop for a moment to shade, it impact the delivery time will
be longer than estimated. Whereas the customer chooses this service because it is faster and more
efficient. The choice is the driver must keep running, but the risk of the customer's item will be damaged
and wet because this roofless pickup truck.

Solution 1: Develop choices of truck.

To solve this problem, we can develop the transportation of Grab-Send premium version. We
should provide some choices vehicles, such as : pickup truck, box truck, single-axle truck, single-axle box
truck. With so many choices of these vehicle, customer can choose a vehicle that most suits their needs.
By using box truck it more safe, no matter the weather today and tomorrow. A simple pricing scheme
based on vehicle type and shipping distance. No more haggling. With one click, you get a fixed price and
the reassurance that the vehicle will get to its destination(s) as soon as possible.

Problem 2: Delay on delivery time.

Each day more than hundred packages are delivered by one delivery service provider in a country. Delay
is a problem that commonly happen to a delivery service provider. One of the reasons that caused delay in
delivery is the size of transportation. Especially, when couriers use motorcycle to deliver packages, they
usually have big box on the back seat, which the size is wider that the motorcycle itself. This situation
usually makes courier could not pass through alleyway to shorten the distance in order to avoid traffic jam.

Solution 2: Provide driver with foldable huge backpack.

As generally known that backpack is suitable for a motorcycle rider, we suggest them to bring along
foldable huge backpack specifically for Grab-Send rider to save the packages. So, when the courier
already sent package safely, he/she can fold the backpack. In addition, it is expected that courier can pass
by alleyway to avoid traffic jam so that package can arrive on time.

Problem 3: Lost packages.

Customer mostly ask Grab-Send to deliver their valuables to the destination. In this case, not all couriers
can be honest and keep the trust that they will not do any theft actions. The examples of packages that
customer might ask to be delivered are electronic devices, household furniture, important documents, and
many more. If there any theft actions happen, the company should take responsibilities and might causing
bad reputation to the company.

Solution 3: Develop application with GPS one-time tracking.

Application is the most important for Grab-Send. By developing GPS one-time tracking, customers can
track and observe the driver from the beginning the driver accept order, arriving to the customer’s spot,
until the last destination to deliver packages. This application is activated directly after the driver accepts
order. So, if the driver stops in any point, customer can know it from the feature of application that will
give notification to the customer as well as when the packages arrive safely. In conclusion, customers can
track the road taken and stop points taken by the driver.

5.0 Service 2 (Grab-ride)

Brief Description

Second service that we suggest to be develop by Grab Malaysia is, provide Grab-Ride for
customer. Grab-Ride service to deliver passengers like the concept of grab car, but the vehicle used is a
motorbike. The selection of motorbike in the concept of grab ride because it has many advantages for

both passengers and drivers. By using motorbike, the driver can shorten the distance of time, because the
motor is more flexible and can beat other vehicle due to the size of motorbike is smaller than car. The
short period of travel will affect the driver can pick up customers faster than the car, it makes the
passenger more satisfied. With a new service grab ride that absolutely faster than car, it can be an
alternative for those passengers that rushing in time.

There will be same procedure as grab car to book Grab-Ride. Passenger should download grab
application and sign up/log in. After that passenger choose grab ride service, and pick-up location. Driver
will accept and pick up passenger by motorbike. There will be a GPS that can access by passenger to
track the destination. After reach the destination, no need to worry about getting the right change or not
having enough cash. Grab-Pay offers such a convenient transport experience. Passenger can top up their
Grab-Pay balance easily and instantly from ATMs, by mobile banking or internet banking, and through
driver. By using driver as medium to top-up grab-pay it will beneficial for passenger. The passenger only
needs to give a cash amount they want to deposit to driver, and driver will top up it.

Commonly, hiring employee system in Grab-Ride has the same steps with other firms. The most
important requirement for all applicants is having their driving licences. All prospective employees could
send their CV to the company, afterwards human resource department will conduct interview for each
applicant. Interview is the crucial step for the company to get the right employees. In this step, applicants
will be asked about their past experience of working, skills and backgrounds. Those who are accepted as
employees will become freelancers. Before starting their works, they need to pass through some steps.
First is the introduction of work tools, which are mobile phone and Grab-Ride application. Next step is
communication etiquette to customers. Lastly, mapping or recognising areas, as they will accept orders
from and/or to various areas. Likewise, they will be registered as employees and having their Grab-Ride
driver accounts.

Identity jacket and two helmets will be given to those who passed all steps well in order to help
customers recognising the drivers. As freelancers, they can choose their working hours, however if they
want to obtain more earnings, they can complete all orders every day at any time. Thereafter, they use
their own motorcycle to work and its licence plate should be the same as on the application. Grab-Ride
will provide face masks and headgear for the customers carried by drivers to protect them from pollution
as well as maintain helmet’s hygiene.

Problem 1: Safety and Security

The issue of safety and security has always been of concern to any users of public transportation. The
safety and security of the customer is the important thing for a service industry to maintain the business
running. Grab has established various programs to tighten the security for its passengers and driver
partners. Grab Bike which using a motorbike to take the customer to the destination will face safety and
security issue.

Motorbike is usually known for not safety for public transportation and accidents often occur with it. As
motorbike do not have seat belts, the driver and customer can be thrown off from the seat in a crash,

which can result in serious injury or even death. This is make the customer think twice before using this
service because safety reason.

In Indonesia, there is case that the driver steals the customer things and even takes away the customer and
rapes her. This is happen because the lack of security, information and caution when recruited the driver
and also negligence of the owner of the business.

The weather condition also the problem that face by Grab Bike, when raining the customer will get wet
and cause the customer to get cold and fever, and when the weather is hot the customer will feel not
comfortable and dehydrate which is not safety for the passenger.

Solution 1: Provide helmet, jacket, mask and check the motorbike before driving.

The solution for the safety of using a motorbike is to make sure the driver wear helmet and provide
helmet for the customer. Beware of helmets that do not meet the correct safety standards. A helmet could
be the only source of protection in a serious crash. Also provide a jacket for the customer to avoid injuries
because it offers full protection. Driver must be training before work; they must know what they need to
protect the customer, the driver must check the motorbike before driving.

To avoid the safety and security issue such happen in Indonesia. Grab must fully aware when recruited
the driver. Make sure all the applicant for driver meet the standard and regulation. Grab can create the
features SOS and Know Your Driver-Partners which could be accessed with single touch. The features
aimed to maintain the safety of its customers.

For the safety of customer during bad weather, Grab should not operate the Grab Bike when raining and
always provide the rain coat if suddenly rain when deliver the customer also watch the speed especially
around trucks and bad weather.

Problem 2: Standardization of motorcycle,

To become an online motorcycle taxi driver, motorcycle taxi drivers must meet safety, comfort and speed
standards to be able to serve passengers well.

It turns out that running a motorcycle taxi profession does not only have the expertise to ride a motorcycle,
but that expertise must also be indicated by a driver's license (SIM) and a statement that has no legal
defects or a history of bad traffic. In addition, a motorcycle taxi driver must have excellent health and not
be color blind.

And the for the motorcycle, The conditions written on the official website are "motorbikes are eligible
based on the provisions of the Grab company". Here is the standardization for grabike:

a. All types of non-modified and non-tracker motorbikes (such as trail etc.)

b. Appropriate for use as online motorcycle taxis
c. motorbike is made at least in 2009
d. Additional documents, like the name on the vehicle registration is should same as the IC or

The purpose of implementing this system is to ensure passenger comfort. In addition, with the appropriate
motorbike, the time needed to get to the destination will not be much different from what is stated in the

Solution 2: Grab upholds the Code of Ethics for all its partners so that all drivers will have a clear
understanding of the laws of compliance, safety, security and service standards.

Grab upholds the Code of Ethics for all its partners so that all drivers will have a clear understanding of
the laws of compliance, safety, security and service standards expected of them. Because Grab maintains
a zero tolerance policy, violations can result in suspension or termination of user access to the Grab

The solutions for this problem are:

a. Grab should have the program from someone who want to be a grab driver but the year of
manufacture of motorcycle is under 2009, grab can make cooperation with a motorcycle company
to provide a motorbike to the drivers who doesn’t have the motorcycle with a note that they have
to get 500 orders every month until 5 years and half of money from their orders directly flows to
the company to repay the motorbike. And if the driver is able to fulfill these requirements until
the motorbike is paid off they can take the motorbike and if they cannot meet the requirements
grab can take the motorbike back and give it to other prospective applicants.
b. The prospective applicants can borrow their brother or someone who close with him motorcycle,
with a note, attach one of the letters / invoices to buy and sell vehicles or a power of attorney /
permission to use the vehicle from the owner.

Problem 3: Environment and Society

Motorcycle might be a great alternative for traffic-prone cities like Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. Its
small size will make it able to get pass through narrowest way to reach the destination faster than the rest
private transportation can possibly be. Besides, the existence of bikes is not contributing much to the
traffic jam as much as other road transport does.

Grab bike, with the use of motorcycle, will only be capable to serve one customers every ride
whereas online taxis might be able to serve up to 6 passengers each trip. This means that the more order
Grab received at a time, the more vehicle it requires serve the customers, the denser the traffic will be.

However, the ease and convenient of using motorbike might somehow not only increase the
density of traffic, but is also increase the number of road accident. These accidents mostly happened as a
result of the wrongdoing done by drivers by breaking some traffic rules and regulations. For instance,
breaking through the traffic lights, driving opposite ways on a one-way road, taking and dropping
passenger off in an inappropriate spot like crossroads, in the middle of the road and etc.

Solution 3: A strict regulation made by Grab to ensure that its drivers comply with the traffic

A strict regulation made by Grab to ensure that its drivers comply with the traffic regulations is
seriously required as the incident will not only endanger the driver and its customer, but also the non-
customers as well as environment. This will obviously lead to a long-term company’s reputation threats.
There has to be several rules that will be written on terms & regulations that each driver has to be agreed
before finally signing up to the company.

The rules include 3 terms, which are:

1. When drivers are caught doing breaking the rule for the first time, they will only be allowed to
receive limited number of orders, as a consequence. This is expected to be a strict warning from
Grab as the less order a driver received, the less income they will gain.
2. The second time a driver repeat it mistakes, he/she will be barred from doing his/her operations
for a certain period of times. (duration will depend on the fault done)
3. The third time a driver is caught not complying the regulation, the driver’s permission will be
revoked. Driver will only be able to re-apply to Grab 5 years after revocation and under several

6.0 Service Blueprint (Grab-shop)

Why we select this blueprint?

Because this service blueprints give an organization a comprehensive understanding of its service
and the underlying resources and processes, seen and unseen to the user that make it possible. The
other side, we select this blueprint because blueprints are treasure maps that help businesses
discover weaknesses and then this blueprints will help our service to identify opportunities for
optimization. The blueprint is to stimulate strategic discussions by illuminating the elements and
connections that constitute the service.

Physical evidence

1. Mobile phone

Mobile phone is used to visit application store and download Grab send application. As
Grab is a technology-based company in providing its service to the customers, mobile phone is
very crucial as all the transactions of this service (Grab send) are conducted in this device.

Mobile devices really helpful to make transaction process to be more convenient. With
mobile phone, customers will be able to experience shopping at anytime and anywhere instead of
having to purchase traditionally.

2. Identity card

Company required its customers’ identity card in registering a Grab account in order to
ensure and verify that the data provided by the customer is valid. This is important for the
company to avoid any potential fraud.

After customers input their valid data to Grab account, they can easily find the nearest
available stores based on their address they input once they registered their accounts. Moreover,
this will ease the customer’s matter as they do not require to fill the data anymore each time they
place an order. This will be a time saving for the customers and will be more efficient. This will
lead to an increase of customer’s satisfaction.

- Traffic jam.
This bottleneck often occurred when the driver delivers the order. Traffic condition is
very unpredictable. This unpredictability might lead to a delay in delivering products to
- Weather.

Weather is uncontrollable and unpredictable. This fact might cause a product damage.
Rainfalls might damage non water resistant products and sun exposure might cause damage
to those products who cannot resist sun and heat.

Fail points:
- Internet connection: Internet connection is extremely essential for a company in providing
this service to the customer as all transactions are done online. However, various conditions
might affect the internet connection. Slow internet connection will affect the ordering process
as well as delivery process. This will decrease the satisfaction of our customer.

- High demand: The overwhelming demand might cause to a massive problem for Grab.
Customer might find it hard to get a driver and at the same time, company might find it hard
to control the application – tracking orders, tracking customers.

Bottleneck solution:

- Traffic jam: Company has to ensure and keep monitor the road condition. This will make it
easier for the driver in avoiding traffic jam as well as finding alternative ways, the fastest to
reach customer’s location.

- Weather: Company has to ensure that they will also keep monitor the weather forecast as well
as providing any equipment to tackle this unpredictable condition such as a raincoat for the
driver and a storage box that resistant for any type of weather to keep the product safe.

Fail points solution:

- Internet connection: To solve the problem regarding internet connections, customers should
have a strong internet connection by having a clear-line-of sight between them and the
internet router.

- High demand: Grab should have a high technology installed on the application because high
demand might be occurred anytime. Then, Grab send could provide numerous number of
driver to make customers easier to have their driver to deliver the orders.

7.0 Conclusion

From the information presented, Grab taxi is a Smartphone application for booking taxi service. If
everyone wants to take a taxi in immediately they can get it from now to anywhere. Grab Taxi is very
satisfied with the consumer because of application are offer 5 kinds of transportation service with on
demand taxis, private cars, bikes & deliveries across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam
and Indonesia all of this service are satisfied to destination. Moreover, Grab Taxi is easier to setting by
app store, Google play store, windows store or blackberry world.
With possible new service that Grab offers to the customers, its can make the customers to get variants of
service which can meet the customers need. There are three service that Grab offers, which are Grab-send,
Grab-ride and Grab-shop. In this new service that Grab provide, expected to increase the brand awareness
for the people and attract them to using this services.


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