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This is our original work and has not been presented or submitted for the award of a degree in any
other University

Abayenew Muluye : Registration No. ENG(R) 0004/06

Sign_____________________ Date____________

Abaynew Molla: Registration No. ENG(R) 0009/06

Sign_____________________ Date____________

Esubalew Birhan: Registration No. ENG(R) 0731/06

Sign_____________________ Date____________

Getnet Diress: Registration No. ENG(R) 0904/06

Sign_____________________ Date____________

Habtemariam Zena: Registration No. ENG(R) 0647/06

Sign_____________________ Date____________

We confirm that the work reported in this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our
supervision and has been submitted for examination with our approval.

Mr. Yusuf Ali

Sign ________________ Date________________

Mechanical Engineering Department

Debre Tabor University


First of all, we would like to thank the almighty God for his help blessings unconditional love and
grace upon our life. Glory be to his holy name.

The success of this project is the result of the contribution of different individuals.

We want to express our gratitude to the following for their enormous contributions.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Debre Tabor University for giving
us the chance to undertake BSc Degree in mechanical engineering.

Secondly we would like to thank our advisor, Mr. Yusuf Ali, an instructor of mechanical
engineering, for his time, commitment, constructive feedback and intellectual guidance on this
project from the beginning up to the end. We are grateful for his encouragement.

Thirdly, we would like to extend our thanks to all lecturers and mechanical staff of University for
their support and encouragement.

Fourthly, we also like to thank mechanical engineering students for friendship and help when
thinking through problems and for sharing their knowledge of machine system.

Finally to all who were involved but have not been mentioned, we are very grateful for their
support. God bless them.

Table of Contents

Declaration ............................................................................................................................................. I

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... II

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ VI

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... VIII

List of symbols and abbreviations ...................................................................................................... IX

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................ XI

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................... 1

1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 1

1.2 Honey Processing in Ethiopia ................................................................................................ 3

1.3 Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Objective of the project .......................................................................................................... 5

1.4.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 5

1.4.2 Specific objective ............................................................................................................ 5

1.5 Scope of the Project................................................................................................................ 6

1.6 Significance of the Project ..................................................................................................... 6

1.7 Limitation of the Project. ....................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................. 7

2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Honey production and consumption in Ethiopia .................................................................... 7

2.2 Theories and Principles of Processing Equipment Design................................................... 14

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 16

3 Material and Methods .................................................................................................................. 16

3.1 Data Collection Method ....................................................................................................... 17

3.1.1 Primary data collection ................................................................................................. 17

3.1.2 Secondary data collection method ................................................................................ 18

3.2 Design analysis Method ....................................................................................................... 18

3.3 Materials Used (Material Selection for Production) ............................................................ 18

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................... 21

4 Design and data analysis.............................................................................................................. 21

4.1 Motor Selection .................................................................................................................... 21

4.1.1 Mounting the Motor ...................................................................................................... 21

4.2 Solar Photovoltaic Systems .................................................................................................. 23

4.2.1 Sizing of PV System ..................................................................................................... 26

4.3 Input data .............................................................................................................................. 32

4.4 Production analysis of the Machine ..................................................................................... 33

4.5 PART DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 34

4.5.1 . DESIGN OF V-BELT................................................................................................. 34

4.5.2 DESIGN OF PULLEY ................................................................................................. 39

4.5.3 DESIGN OF FRAME ................................................................................................... 41

4.5.4 Design of Frame Holder................................................................................................ 43

4.5.5 DESIGN OF SHAFT .................................................................................................... 44

4.5.6 DESIGN OF KEY......................................................................................................... 48

4.5.7 SELECTION OF BEARING ........................................................................................ 51

4.5.8 Selection of Bolt and Nut .............................................................................................. 54

4.5.9 Bolt Joint Analysis ........................................................................................................ 54

4.5.10 Cylinder Design ............................................................................................................ 58

4.5.11 Design of Leg ................................................................................................................ 60

5 RESULT AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 62

5.1 MANUFACTURING PROTOTYPE................................................................................... 62

5.2 COST ANALYIS ................................................................................................................. 63

CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................... 67

6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................... 67

6.1 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 67

6.2 RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................................... 68

7 References ................................................................................................................................... 69

8 Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 70

8.1 Appendix one:-Part drawing ................................................................................................ 70

8.2. Appendix Two:- Assembly Drawing ....................................................................................... 79


Figure 1-1Traditional honey Extraction (www.wild .................................................. 4

Figure 2-1 Extraction of honey by hand (www.wild 7
Figure 2-2 Manual stainless steel honey (Jeff Rounce, 2002) ............................................................. 8
Figure 2-3 Electrical honey extractor (Jeff Rounce, 2002)................................................................... 9
Figure 2-4Solar powered honey Extractor .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-5 Tangential honey extractor (White, and Landis W. Doner.2013) ..................................... 13
Figure 2-6 Radial extractor( White, and Landis W. Doner.2013) ...................................................... 14
Figure 4-1 Motor Positioned above the Vat ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 4-2 Motor Positioned Adjacent to Vat..................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-3 Photovoltaic Cell, Module and Array .............................................................................. 24
Figure 4-4 Peak power tracking photovoltaic power system .............................................................. 25
Figure 4-5 V-belt................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 4-6 Types of belts. ................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4-7 Aluminum Foil pulley ...................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4-8 Frame................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 4-9 Modern hive wood frame .................................................................................................. 42
Figure 4-10 Frame holder ................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-11 Shaft with bearings .......................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4-12 Geometry of rectangular sunk key .................................................................................. 49
Figure 4-13 Roller ball bearing ........................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-14 types of welded joint ....................................................................................................... 55
Figure 4-15 Enlarged view of a fillet weld. ........................................................................................ 56
Figure 4-16 Cylinder with leg ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 4-17 knife gate valve type. ...................................................................................................... 60


Table 2-1Comparison of extractors .................................................................................................... 11

Table 2-2 Comparison of the two types of Extractor .......................................................................... 14
Table 3-1 selected materials and their properties ............................................................................... 19
Table 4-1 Standard table of PV panel specification............................................................................ 27
Table 4-2 Standard table of Battery specification............................................................................... 29
Table 4-4 Annual data of selected area ............................................................................................... 30
Table 4-5 cycle time of the production ............................................................................................... 33
Table 4-6 standard width of pulley ..................................................................................................... 39
Table 4-7 principal dimension for radial ball bearing (2) p 1001 ....................................................... 53
Table 4-8 Stresses for welded joints ................................................................................................... 56
Table 4-9 Recommended minimum size of welds.............................................................................. 57
Table 4-10 Valve type based on diameter........................................................................................... 60
Table 5-1 summery of cost analysis.................................................................................................... 63
Table 5-2 Result of the components ................................................................................................... 64

List of symbols and abbreviations

ASME = American society of mechanical engineers

= ultimate strength of the material

= yield strength of the material

= tensile strength of the material

= compressive strength of a material

ρ = density of a material

E = elastic modules of a material

HB = material hardness

RPM = revolution per minute

HP =hours power

PV = photo voltaic

DC =direct current

AC = alternating current

Kwh/m2/day = kilo watt hour per square meter per day

DDP = depth of discharge of the battery

d1 = Diameter of the driver pulley

d2 = Diameter of the follower pulley
N1 = Speed of the driver pulley
N2 = Speed of the follower pulley
L1 = length of the belt over the driver pulley
L2 = length of the belt over the follower pulley
V1 = velocity of the belt

r1 = Radii of smaller pulleys,
r2 = radius of larger pulley
x = Distance between the centers of two pulleys
L = Total length
T1 = tension in the tight side

T2 = tension in the slack side

XO = radial load factor for bearing

WR = radial load for bearing

YO = axial load factor for bearing

WA = axial load for bearing

Co = static load rating for bearing

= bending strength of the material

IS = Indian standard


Honey is the most important primary product of beekeeping both from a quantitative and an
economic point of view. This project took care of data collection, the design analysis of the solar
powered honey extracting machine, material selection for each component, the design calculations
of the machine parts, operating description of the system, engineering drawings and required system
assembly as well as the estimated production cost.

The main objective of this project is the development and performance evaluation of a solar
powered honey extractor. The main functional parts of the machine are solar panel of
dimensions(1970× 990 ),battery,pulley,v-belt , net frame, wire mesh, driving shaft (30 x
750mm), operating motor(made of iron rod coated with rubber material to facilitate the winding
process) , frame holder (designed to hold and spin eight honeycomb frames, constructed using
wood, placed vertically into the extractor). The honey extractor is cylindrical in shape and driven by
solar power source. The time taken for honey extraction had significant effect on the performance of
the honey extractor; the machine capacity, efficiency and weight of honey extracted decreases as the
time taken for extraction increases. The machine is portable and can be operated without any
special training or technical-know-how, the machine also has the ability to preserve and leave the
honeycomb undamaged after honey extraction. It has the advantage of being used in both urban and
rural areas where there is no electricity.

Keywords: honey, honey extractor, PV module, battery, material selection, design analysis,
manufacturing procedure,

Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018



Honey is the natural sweet substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of blossoms or
from these lection of living parts of plants or excretions of plant sucking insects on the living
parts of plants, which honey bees collects, transformed and combine with specific substances
of their own, store and leave in the honey comb to ripen and mature in which all
commercially required characteristics of the production are described.. It was also the first
bee product used by human kind in ancient times. The history of the use of honey is parallel
to the history of man and virtually every culture evidence can be found of its use as a food
source and as a symbol employed in religious, magic and therapeutic ceremonies is an
appreciation and reference it owes among other reasons to its unique position until very
recently, as the only concentrated form of sugar available to man in most parts of the world.

The same cultural richness has produced an equally colorful variety uses of honey in other
product. Because of these important reasons, honey used to be extracted (collected) to meet
the demand both in raw form or as valued added to other products. The economic and
medicinal importance of honey warrants the development of low cost, locally made and
portable extractor that can be accessed by the honey farmers.

Honey is used in moisturing and nourishing cosmetic creams but also in pharmaceutical
preparations and also applied directly on open wounds, sorbed sores, ulcers, varicose ulcers
and burns. It helps against infections promotes tissue regeneration and reduces scar rig also in
its pure, unprocessed form (Biesmeijer, 2003), and (Weaver, 2000) further emphasized that
honey improves food assimilation and is to be used for chronic and infective intestinal
problems such as constipation, duiodenalulcers and liver disturbance. A lot work has been
done on honey therapy by (Schneideretal,1998 and Sammataro andAiphonse,1986).The
tropical applications under controlled conditions have shown under rated wound healing in
animals(Richard,1990)and of experimental burn wounds in rats but also of various types of
wounds including post operation ones in humans (Thorpe et al, 1971).Honey can be made
dried or dehydrated by various industrial techniques by including inclusion in some
recipes(Sanford,2000).Dried honey (Thorpe et al, 1971)described to be hygroscopic and
needs to be stabilized by mixing other powders such as starches, flours or other none
hygroscopic sugars. This can be made to a powdered honey which can be used in dry mixes
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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
for cakes, breads, and drinks or energy health powders and avoids the need to handle any
liquid or sticky honey. (KAk, 2001) discusses the use of dried honey in baked goods in
Germany. (Krell 1996) describes different production techniques used in Turkey to stabilized
dry honey powder.(Hoopingerner, 2001) reports granular dried honey as reducing shrinkage
of meat products by 19% and production of an additive free dried honey powder has been
mentioned in the speedy bee(1988).Because of these afore mentioned benefits derived in
honey, its extraction is very important to make it available for its unlimited demands. Almost
20 years ago, industrial consumption of honey was only 5 to15% of total honey consumption
(Krell, 1996).This proportion has increased in the mean time and is expected to continue
increasing considering the advantageous consumer appeal of products with honey as an
ingredient. It is possible to enjoy extracted honey without recourse to machine extractor,
using basic kitchen implements to cope with one or two supers. It will be time consuming,
sticky and inefficient, but if it means that her beekeepers family can obtain some benefits
from his or her obsession, it will be worthwhile. Series of extractor have been developed in
advance countries e.g. United States, Germany, Australia, Italy and other such extractors as
tangential, radial, automatic programmable and electrical driven types (Sammataro
andAlphonse, 1986).A fortunate beginner will not be able to buy the types mentioned above
because of their costs. In addition to the above, if intending to purchase, the choices faced are
tangential or radial? Plastic or Stain less steel, manual or electric driven? Therefore, there is
need to developed in portable solar powered driven radial type extractor of low cost used for
commercial purpose with its material locally sort for and electricity which its supply is
irregular was considered.

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

1.2 Honey Processing in Ethiopia

Honey processing starts with uncapping of the honey combs which consists of the removal of
the thin wax layer that seals the honey cells. The wax capping are sliced off by a sharp long
knife or special knives heated by steam or electricity or by capping scratchers (Jeff Rounce,
2002) .After uncapping honey frames are arranged in the centrifugal extractor. The honey
extracted by centrifugation above 60 rpm. Though complete and fast extraction of honey can
be achieved at higher temperatures, the combs become softer and may break. Therefore,
extraction temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Extracted honey is heated to 50 °C in a
processor, left to settle and then filtered before packaging. Some processing plants carry out
honey pasteurization where heating is done very fast to 70- 78 °C fine filtered and quickly
cooled to avoid deterioration. The fine filtering is done by high pressure filters with
diatomaceous earth (Codex Alimentarius, 2001). This removes all the fine materials,
including pollen, in order to delay crystallization for as long as possible. Since this process
pasteurizes and particularly removes some natural ingredients such as pollen, some
consumers regard the honey as inferior, though preferred in supermarkets and other large
marketing chains which want a product with a long shelf-life in a homogenous liquid state
(EU Council, 2002).

There are several causes not exist for a good honey production, that have been identified

 Invasion by ants
 Hive beetles
 Animal disturbance
 Effect of drought
 Lack of proper bee management and human disturbance

Depending on such type of problems faced by farmers all of the domestic produced honey
marketed locally. As mentioned earlier, production is generally low with average output (kg)
per hive. Economies of scale remain a key issue to address, as it affects the marketing of
honey and it’s by product. Honey is usually sold to individual through price negotiations.
Most of the honey is sold in raw forms, with minimum packaging. The packaging commits of
food trays, covered with a clear plastic. Other farmers sell liquid honey in bottles, and the
prices of comb honey are high from un extracted honey.

Types of honey that are available in marketing price are expressed before like,

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Design of Solar
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 Bottle honey (liquid form extracted traditionally)
 Pure honey (extracted)
 Wax honey (un extracted)

Bee keeping has been considered as potential source of commercial honey and also contribute
to the protection of the environment and agricultural production through the pollination
action of bees. Wax which holds the pure honey is prepared by the worker bees. Extractor
machine works for modern honey bees’ hive from our information there are different honey
extraction system. Such systems are: -

 Extractor worker with centrifugal force.

 Extractor worker with compression
 Extractor works by slightly heating up to 40°c

1.3 Statement
tatement of the Problem

Traditional method of extracting honey leads to reduction in nutritional value and quality
thus, a honey extractor; a mechanical device that extracts honey from its comb was designed
and constructed using easily available materials. In our country Ethiopia,, honey is extracted
by traditional techniques.

These techniques of honey extraction decrease the quality of honey which is not competitive
in price for other foreign country with Ethiopia,
Ethiopia cause damage during extraction on the body
of the person, wastage of
honey nature of honey when it is heated,, mixing of wax with
honey, consumes energy and destruct comb.

Figure 1-1Traditional
Traditional honey Extraction (www.wild
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
These problems faced by the country can be avoided by designing solar powered honey
extraction machine in modern way technique in order to increase quality of honey, price, and
production rate without loss of time and energy. So this project will solve the disadvantaged
community’s problems to create good sustainability of environment for people.

1.4 Objective of the project

1.4.1 General objective

The main objective of the project is to design and manufacture solar powered honey
extraction machine.

1.4.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the project include:-

 To select material for each component.

 To design each component of the machine by analyzing of gometric, force,
stress, welding
 To model the machine.
 To manufacture components.
 To assemble the overall machine.

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

1.5 Scope of the Project

This project is concerned with the design of solar powered honey extraction machine. The
scope of the project is limited to selection analysis, and design of parts and manufacturing of
the physical prototype of the machine.

1.6 Significance of the Project

The machine has the following benefits:

 The equipment is portable,

 Easy to assemble, replace , repair and operate,
 Durable, all inclusive in its operation.
 Attractive and affordable to the target group which includes small scale
beekeepers and businessmen.
 The pure honey extracted from this machine is widely used in food manner,
beverage and pharmacy stoical industries.
 Increase overall efficiency of honey extraction process.
 It increase the quality and price of honey competitiveness.
 It is designed ergonomically.
 Help the beekeepers to attain better standard of living through improved
honey production.
 Reduces honey extraction time.
 Reduces tiredness of the operator.
 Reduces honey waste.

1.7 Limitation of the Project.

 Scarcity of required materials.

 Limited when enough sun power is not available.
 Cannot be used in cold part of Ethiopia.

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2.1 Honey production and consumption in Ethiopia

Ethiopian honey production is characterized by the widespread use of traditional technology,

resulting in relatively low honey supply and poor quality of honey harvested when compared
to the potential honey yields and quality gains associated with modern beehives. In Ethiopia,
honey production remains traditional as 94 to 97% of bees are still kept in traditional hives.
The country’s potential for honey production, the variety of natural honey flavors’ associated
with the country’s diverse sources of bee forage, and Ethiopian honey’s desirable qualities,
such as low moisture content, have been widely recognized. Faulty handling, from the time of
its harvest until it reaches the market is responsible for its inferior quality.

Figure 2-1 Extraction of honey by hand (www.wild

Limitations of traditional honey extraction method

 Wastage of honey.
 Time consuming.
 Comb destruction.
 messy
 Denature of honey when it is heated.
 Absence of quality.
 Injury on the body of person.
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
 In separation of wax from the honey.
 Case of diseases.
 Reduction in nutritional value.
 The product does not meet up with international market standard.

Manual honey extractor

The manual honey extractor is operated using hands or through the use of physical effort. It
does not require electricity to operate. Manual extractors generally have the same internal
components as its electric counter parts except the electric motor it can hold 2 to 4 frames.

Figure 2-2 Manual stainless steel honey (Jeff Rounce, 2002)

Supported ideas from this machine are

 It does a good job even in areas without electricity.

 It does not damage honey combs since speed is controlled by hand
 Energy conscious, no electricity bills to be paid.
 It is cheaper than electric extractors

Limitations of manual honey extractors

 Large force is required to overcome the load.

 Takes long time before out flowing of honey from honey combs due to delay
in gathering momentum on time.
 Operator easily gets tired after few repetition of the extraction process.
 Not good enough to mass production.

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 time consuming,
 sticky and
 Less efficient when compared to electric extractors
 Dose not suit commercial
co bee keepers

Electric honey extractor

As the name implies, this type of honey extractor is powered by electricity when spinning the
bee frames placed at the central shaft of the extractor’s drum. This unit uses an electric motor
that is linked to
o an electric current supply we generates the power required for spinning the
frames within set speed. The speed at which the frames are spun must be regulated. Too high
speed can damage the frames and render them useless. Spinning speed that is too low on the
other hand may not remove any honey from the frames. Electric honey extractors are used in
large scale commercial operations but they can also be used by smaller bee keepers too.

Figure 2-3 Electrical honey extractor (Jeff Rounce, 2002)

The supported ideas from this machine are:

 The electric honey extractor removes large amounts of honey with in a shorter time.
 They are the easiest to operate.
 Once the electric motor turns on, spinning begins automatically.
 In terms of speed, the electric unit is faster than a manually operated extractor.
 It is best suited for large scale bee farms.
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
Limitation of this machine

 Quite expensive when compared to manual extractors

 Not suitable for rural areas where there is no electricity
 It requires trained operator

Solar powered honey extraction machine

This honey extraction machine design is modified to avoid a regular problem in traditional
honey extraction as the traditional extractors are difficult for farmers and, large force is
required to overcome the load, it takes long time before out flowing of honey from honey
combs due to delay in gathering momentum on time, operator easily gets tired after few
repetition of the extraction process, and not good enough when it comes to mass production
in manual extractor. In order to overcome these short comings in the former extractors, the
system was changed to solar powered system type, to make the required large force available
in spinning the metal basket, its load may gather momentum within a short period and the
honey available get discharged within a very short period, and the extracting process can be
repeated as many times as possible without the operator being tired.. This will also help the
beekeepers to attain better standard of living through improved honey production. Therefore,
there is need to developed in portable solar driven radial type extractor of low cost
used for commercial purpose with its material locally sort for .

Figure 2-4Solar powered honey Extractor

Advantage of solar powered honey extractor over the others:

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
 Avoid frequent damage of the comb.
 Time could be minimized up to a great extent.
 Applicable both in rural and urban areas.
 Highly efficient.
 Spines more frames.
 Well suited for commercial beekeepers.
 Can be used for any place where sun power is available.
 Can replace electricity.

Table 2-1Comparison of extractors

Extractor Supported idea Limitation
Traditional  Versatile  Wastage of honey.
 ease of access  Time consuming.
 Comb destruction
 Messy.
 Denature of honey when
it is heated.
 Absence of quality,
Injury on the body of
 In separation of wax
from the honey,
 Case of diseases,
 Reduction in nutritional
 The product does not
meet up with
international market

Manual  It does a good job even in areas without  Large force is required
electricity. to overcome the load.
 It does not damage honey combs since  Takes long time before
speed is controlled by hand. out flowing of honey
 Energy conscious, no electricity bills to be from honey combs due
paid, It is cheaper than electric extractors. to delay in gathering
momentum on time.

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
 Operator easily gets
tired after few repetition
of the extraction
 Not good enough to
mass production.
 time consuming,
 sticky and
 Less efficient when
compared to electric
 Dose not suit
commercial bee keepers

Electrical  The electric honey extractor removes large  Quite expensive when
amounts of honey with in a shorter time. compared to manual
 They are the easiest to operate. extractors
 Once the electric motor turns on, spinning  Not suitable for rural
begins automatically. areas where there is no
 In terms of speed, the electric unit is faster electricity
than a manually operated extractor.  It requires trained
 It is best suited for large scale bee farms. operator

Solar  Avoid frequent damage of the comb,  Limited when enough

powered  Time could be minimized up to a great sun power is not
extent, Applicable both in rural and urban available.
 Highly efficient,
 Spines more frames,
 Well suited for commercial beekeepers,
 Can be used for any place where sun power
is available,
 Can replace electricity.

Tangential honey extractor

A tangential honey extractor refers to the extractor where the every frame is removed then
flipped for a second round of spinning. Each side of the frame has to span once so as to

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Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
remove the honey from both of the sides. This means it takes plenty of effort to spin a bigger
number of honey frames.

Figure 2-5 Tangential honey extractor (White, and Landis W. Doner.2013)

Advantages of the extractor

 It is cheaper than the radial extractor.

 Since spin every side individually, nothing remains in the frames.
 Ideal for a small enterprise since it is cheaper.

Disadvantage of the extractor

 This is taxing since the frames have to be removed and flipped every time.
 It may not suit a beekeeper with many frames to extract.
 Not the best for the commercial beekeeper.

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Radial extractor

The radical extractor is the most popular among beekeepers. In this extractor, the honey
frames are usually loaded once those both sides of the frames are span at once. This is highly
efficient when compared to the tangential since one has not have to keep removing and
flipping honey frames. It will therefore be a great choice for commercial beekeepers since
they have to spin
in plenty of frames.

Figure 2-6 Radial extractor( White, and Landis W. Doner.2013)


 Highly efficient
 Spines more frames within a short time
 Well suited for commercial beekeepers or those who have many beehives
 No double work when extracting honey from frames.

The main disadvantage is more expensive when compared to tangential honey extractors.

Table 2-2 Comparison of the two types of Extractor

Extractor Tangential Radial
Limitation This is taxing since the frames It is more expensive when
have to be removed and flipped compared to
t tangential honey
every time. It may not suit a extractors.
beekeeper with many frames to
extract. Not the best for the
commercial beekeeper.

2.2 Theories and Principles of Processing Equipment Design

In the design of processing equipment, certain theories and principles are utilized and are
important in determining the amount of energy required in the process, production capacity of
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
the equipment, selection of material for construction, wall thickness of the vessels and covers.
They include material balance, energy balance, design pressure, design temperature, design
stress, corrosion allowance, and joint efficiency. Honey processors are considered as pressure
vessels. A pressure vessel is any closed vessel over 150 mm diameter which is subjected to a
pressure difference of more than 1 bar in relation to atmospheric pressure. This definition is
not strict on what constitutes a pressure vessel. For the purpose of design, two types of
vessels are considered. Thin walled and thick walled pressure vessel. Thin walled are vessels
with a wall thickness to diameter ratio of less than 1:10 while that of thick wall is above that
ratio (ASME, 1998). Most of the food processing vessels, including honey processors are thin
walled and when these vessels are subjected to pressure load, they experience significant
circumferential and longitudinal stresses in comparison with the radial stress. This is because
during design the radial stresses are ignored. In the thick walled vessels, radial stress is
significant and the circumferential stress is spread along the wall. The majority of the vessels
used in food manufacturing industries, experience these type of stresses and are significantly
considered in their design (Douglas, 2005).

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3 Material and Methods

Methodology is one of the most important things to be considered to ensure that the project
will run smoothly and achieve the objective.

The project methodology shows that how the project started, how data was collected, how
the data was analyzed, the methods used to achieve the project and how the next steps done.

The methodology of this project took care of data collection, the design analysis of the solar
powered honey extracting machine, material selection for each component designed, the
design calculations of the machine parts, operating description of the system, engineering
drawings and required system assembly as well as the estimated production cost.

The overall methodology applied to the project seems like the following:

Problem discovery/identify the existing problem.

 Project question(finding which project solves the problem)

 imagination/logical reasoning

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 project objective(aim and plan of the project)
 literature review
 selection of explanatory project technique
 secondary (historical data)
 pilot study
 experience survey
 case study
 problem definition(statement of the project objectives)
 selection of basic project method :
 survey, interview, questioner
 secondary data study
 observation
 selection of sample design(conceptual design)
 note probability sampling(generating concept)
 collection of data
 editing of data(analyzing dimension ,force, stress)
 interpreting or finding the result
 recommendation and conclusion
 report document/project

3.1 Data Collection Method

3.1.1 Primary data collection

Primary data collection is data observed or collected directly from firsthand experience.

 Interview with some bee keepers

 Producing different forms of questionnaires-i.e., simple and quick way to
gather data that comes straight from the sources.
 Perform scientific experiments in the laboratory class
 Direct observation at each packing line-scientists rely on observation to
determine the results of theories.
 Done case- studies
 Using fly back stop watch, time study bard and meter are use

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3.1.2 Secondary data collection method

 Books and handouts greatly related to the study

 Internet service etc

3.2 Design analysis Method

 Geometric analysis(dimensions of the component)

 Force analysis(identify, the load acting on the component):
 Compression
 Tension
 Torsion
 Bending
 Stress analysis(indentify the stress induced on the components
 Vibration analysis
 Part design
 Modeling(software)
 Sampling test(manual, experimental)
 Production Cost analysis
 Result and desiccation

3.3 Materials Used (Material Selection for Production)

The criteria of selecting materials are:

 Durability of the material,

 Strength of the material,
 Suitability of the material for honey extraction,
 Availability of the material and
 The cost of the material.
The selected materials are summarized in the following table:

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Table 3-1 selected materials and their properties
Part No Part name Material Specification Mechanical Importance property
property of selected material
1 Shaft Carbon steel 40C8 =560Mpa High strength
=320Mpa Good machinability
3 High wear resistant
ρ =7853kg/m
Low notch sensitivity
Good heat treatment
2 Pulley Aluminum ρ=2700 Light in weight
foil to2750 kg/m Good friction and
wear resistance
3 Frame Mild steel =250Mpa
4 Belt Leather belt ρ = 1000kg/m3 Strong,
=1.75Mpa flexible, durable
5 Bearing Ceramic Low starting friction
(rolling hybrid Reliability of service
contact) bearing Low cost of
Less axial space
Less sensitive to load
and temperature
6 Cylinder, Martenistic Heat treatment
frame holder, stainless steel hardness
round bar Easily welded
Easily machined

7 Bolt and nut Plain carbon 50C4 =460MPa, High strength

steel =660MPa Good harden ability
HB= 241 Good machinability
and wear resistance

8 Leg Plain milled =248MPa High strength

steel ρ Good corrosion

=7850kg/m3 resistance less

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9 Key Plain carbon 50c4 =460MPa, High strength
steel =660MPa Good harden ability
HB= 241 Good machinability
and wear resistance

10 Rectangular Aluminum Aluminum ρ =2700kg/m3 Vibration resistant

hallow bar 6061 High strength
Good machinability

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4 Design and data analysis

4.1 Motor Selection

One of the project‘s requirements is to have an electric motor that will create the centrifugal
force in order to extract the honey from the wax frames. However not just any motor will
work in this situation. The motor we need is a motor with enough torque to rotate at least
eight frames full with honey, and on top of that the metal assembly that will be holding the
wax frames, which by estimations may add up to forty-fifty pounds at about 300RPM. Also,
as mention by the requirements, the motor should be electrical and be powered by a regular
wall outlet of 110-120 volts. With these two main requirements, the choices became very
limited. However most motors that meet these requirements are very expensive, over $150
but since it is also a requirement for the project to make this device as low cost as possible,
none of them fit the bill. For that reason we had to ―dig deeper and find a motor that could
be used for our purposes and that is fairly cheap compared to the other ones. And we found
With the quarter of a Horse Power the problem with the torque is taken care of. Also the
voltage that it uses is 115 Volts, so that makes it possible for it to be powered by a regular
wall outlet. And finally the price tag of $50 sold us in this particular motor. A picture of the
motor can be found below.

4.1.1 Mounting the Motor

The placement of the motor in the honey extractor plays a big part. The project needs to place
the motor in a place that will be the most convenient. There are two possible positions where
we can place the motor at. The first position is to mount it above the extractor, and directly
connect the motor to the wax frame holders. A diagram can be found below.

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Figure 4-1 Motor Positioned above the Vat

The problem with positioning the motor in this manner is that it takes up the space above the
extractor, which makes the loading of the frames into the extractor a little inconvenient,
however it reduces the number of parts used to connect the motor.
The second possible way of mounting the motor is by placing the motor adjacent to the vat
and having a rubber belt that will connect the motor and the frame holder. So as the motor
spins, the belt will rotate as well and spin the frame holder. However connecting the motor in
this manner adds more components to the project as well as makes the extractor a little
unstable due to the weight being on one side on the vat unlike how it was in the center in the
previous method. A diagram can be found below.

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Figure 4-2 Motor Positioned Adjacent to Vat

All in all, choosing either method would create some problems, however decided to first go
with the second method and place the motor adjacent to the vat we will see how that turns
out, and if the extractor becomes too unstable, we will reconnect the motor using the first
method of positioning the motor above the frame holder and directly connecting it without
the use of a belt or other connecting components, and deal with the problem of loading the
frames some other way.
4.2 Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Photovoltaic systems provide electricity. Silicon, are exposed to sunlight, they release small
amounts of electricity. This process is known as the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric
effect refers to the emission or ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal in response to
light. It is the basic physical process in which a solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) cell
converts sunlight directly to electricity.

Sunlight is made up of photons or particles of solar energy. Corresponding to the different

wavelengths of the solar spectrum, photons contain various amounts of energy. When
photons strike a PV cell, they may be reflected absorbed photons generate electricity. When
this happens, the energy of the photon transferred to an electron in an atom of the PV cell
(which is a semiconductor). Because of the absorbed energy the electron escapes from its
normal position in the atom of the semiconductor material and becomes part of the current in

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an electrical circuit. By leaving its position, the electron causes a hole to be formed. Special
electrical properties of the PV cell provide the voltage needed to drive the current through an
external load (such as a light bulb).

The individual PV cells are assembled in series and/or in parallel combination to build a
module. The number of cells in series determines the module voltage and the number of cells
in parallel determines the module current capability. The number of solar cells electrically
connected to each other and mounted on a support structure or frame is called a photovoltaic
module. Modules are designed to supply electricity at a certain nominal voltage (commonly
12 volts). The current produced is directly proportional to intensity of solar energy striking
the module. Multiple modules can be connected together to form an array.

In general; the larger the area of a module or array the more electricity produced.
Photovoltaic modules and arrays produce direct-current (DC) electricity.

Figure 4-3 Photovoltaic Cell, Module and Array

Advantage of solar cells

Solar cells have a lot of advantages over other forms of electric generation systems:
1. The “fuel” ─ “sunlight” is:

2. Free;

3. Virtually unlimited; and

4. Not geographically concentrated (enough sunlight is available over almost the entire
surface of earth to make PV useful almost everywhere).

5. Solar cells are environmentally friendly renewable energy sources - convert sunlight to
electricity without producing SOX, NOX, CO2, or noise.

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4.4.1 PV System Components

The array by itself does not constitute the PV power system.

Figure 3.2 shows the necessary components of a stand-alone PV power system.

Figure 4-4 Peak power tracking photovoltaic power system

The functions of the major components are given as follow:

 The peak power tracker senses the voltage and current outputs of the array and
continuously adjusts the operating point to extract the maximum power under the
given climatic conditions.
 The output of the array goes to the inverter, which converts the DC into AC.
 The array output in excess of the load requirement is used to charge the battery. The
charger is usually a DC-DC buck converter. If excess power is still available after
fully charging the battery, it is shunted in dump heaters, which may be space or room
heaters in a stand-alone system. When the sun is not available, the battery discharges
to the inverter to power the loads.
 The battery discharge diode Db charger is opened after a full charge or for other
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 The array diode Da is to isolate the array from the battery, thus keeping the array from
acting as load on the battery at night.
 The mode controller collects the system signals, such as the array and the battery
currents and voltages, keeps track of the battery state of charge by bookkeeping the
charge/discharge ampere-hours, and commands the charger, discharge converter, and
dump heaters on or off as needed. The mode controller is the central controller for the
entire system.

4.2.1 Sizing of PV System

The first step in designing a solar PV system is to find out the total power and energy
consumption of all loads, which are to be supplied by the solar PV system. This can
be performed by following the following steps:
 Calculate the daily power(total Watt-hours per day) demand of the connected load
 Calculate the daily power (total Watt-hours per day) needed from the PV system. This
can be obtained by multiplying the daily power demand by 1.3 (to consider the energy
lost in the system)

The second step is sizing of the PV module. This can be done by the following steps:

1. Calculate the total Watt-peak rating needed for PV modules .To calculate this divide total
Watt hours per day needed from the PV modules by PGF (panel generation factor). The peak
watt (Wp) produced depends on size of the PV module and climate of sit location. The PGF
of PV system is different from site to site.

2. Calculate the number of PV panels for the system. To get this, divide the answer obtained
by the rated output Watt-peak of the PV modules available to you can be selected from
standard tables). Increase any fractional part of result to the next highest full number and that
will be the number of PV modules required.

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Table 4-1 Standard table of PV panel specification


There is a huge range of batteries including lead acid batteries, nickel-metal hydride
batteries[Ni MH], Nickel- Cadmium batteries[Ni Cd], silver zinc, Lithium ion batteries or
polymer batteries which can be used. Load acid batteries are less expensive and easier to
work with but have less power to weight ratio.

The minimum energy that can be stored by the battery is given by:

Eb = Total load / ηb (Wh/day)

Then, the net capacity that the battery can store in Ah/day will be
Cbn = Eb / VCC (Ah/day)

The net capacity of the battery depends on the depth of the discharge of the battery (DDP),
and the depth of discharge determines the life cycle of the battery. Deep cycle lead acid
battery can store 30% to 80% depth. Then the total commercial capacity of the of the battery
is calculated as

Cb = Cbn / DDP (Ah)

This value is correct, if and only if there aren’t cloudy days.

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Table 4-2 Standard table of Battery specification

Charge Controller

If the required power output is Pout and the voltage required for the solar home system is VCC,
which usually is 12V, then the charge controller must work at a maximum current of
ICC = Pout / VCC

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Table 4-3 Annual data of selected area

Power required to be delivered to a machine is 0.75 kW (11.06 HP); the machine operates 16
hrs per day. The average solar radiation in least sunny month at this site is 5.88kWh/m2/day.

The average solar radiation in least sunny month at this site is 5880Wh/m2/day. This is equal

5880/12=490Wh/m2. Taking a factor of 1.3 for the energy lost in the system

Required solar =490*0.3=147Wh/m2.


System power=demand power/solar power =750/343=2.2.

Number of PV module=system power/pmax.

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Now we can select the appropriate PV module from the standard table (table 4.2).
Let us use YL-280P – a PV module with peak watts of 240 and 1.95 m2 of area,
whose dimensions are 1970mmand 990mm.
The battery storage time is 5 hrs and the battery rated voltage is 12V.
 Total load required
Total load (Wh) = Power required * Time of operation = 0.75 * 16 = 12 kWh.
Allowing for 20% safety factor accounted for unforeseen addition to the system load,
Lower ambient temperature, recent discharge, and system losses; the total load
required from the battery (Eb) will be:
Eb = 12*1.2 = 14.4 kWh/day
, the total energy needed from PV panels (EPV) will be:
EPV = Eb * 1.3 = 14.4 * 1.3 = 18.72kWh/m2/day
 Total peak watt
Total peak watt (WP) of PV panel is calculated as: Wp = EPV / PGF
But PGF = Collective efficiency * Average solar radiation in least sunny month
Assuming a collective efficiency of 36% for the solar panel, the panel generation
factor becomes,
PGF = 0.36 * 6.16 = 2.2176 kWh/m2/day.
Therefore the total peak watt of the PV panel will be Wp = 18.72/2.2176 = 8.44Wp
 Battery capacity
To calculate the battery size required to provide for 5hrs, the battery bank must be
rated as follows;
Cb = Eb / (VCC DDP) = (Total battery load*time of storage)/ (12*0.8)
= [14.4x103 * (5hr/24hr)]/(12*0.8)
= 312.5Ah at 12V
Since we used 12V battery and we don’t want the number of batteries to be high. We
chose a battery with Ampere hour capacity of 240 (i.e. 12A for 20 hrs) see table 4.3.
 Number of Batteries
Number of batteries required is 187.5Ah / 240Ah = 1.3=2
This means 2 batteries with 240Ah@12V can be used
 Charging time of battery
The equation used to find the peak hours required to charge the battery is given as:
Peak hours required = [Vbatt * Battery Capacity]/ PV Power

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= [12*240]/240=12 hrs

1 cylinder

2 leg

3 Hallow shaft

4 V-belt

5 motor

6 pulley

7 panel

8 battery

9 Valve

4.3 Input data

 Length
ength of a main vertical shaft 750mm
 Diameter of driven or follower pulley 180mm
 Diameter of driving pulley 120mm
 Center distance between pulleys 1000mm
 Length of frame holder 500mm
 Length of round bar 50
 Length of hollow rectangular bar 800 mm
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
 Motor
Power (kW):0.75
RPM: 350

4.4 Production analysis of the Machine

Depending on source from experience bee keepers, the production per day of the machine is
i.e. weight of honey comb frame (average of which is 1.6kg in honey) and 0.00256kg is the
wood frame and its wax. The machine is taking 8-frames i.e. 1.6kg×8=12.8kg (in one round
at a time).

This takes an average time of 11 min which include the time to scratch the honey comb to
facilitate it for extraction and the time to rotate the eight frames.

Therefore, in one hour

11 minute =12.8kg

60 minute =?

It will be 768kg/11min=69.8kg/hr..

Taking working time in a day to be 16hr, 69.8kg×16hr=1117.1kg/day.

The machine extracts honey 1117.1kg per day for each day.

To get honey during one cycle to be setting, the machine cycle time given below the table.

Table 4-4 cycle time of the production

Number Operation Time

1 Static time 0 minute
2 Set up time 0-4 minute
3 Running time 4-8 minute
4 Removal time 8-11 minute
5 Total time cycle 11 minute

The machine can produce (extract honey1117.1 kg/day.)1117.1kg/16hr = 69.8kg/hr.

60 min =69.8kg

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11min=? = 767.8/60 =12.8kg.

12.8kg =1cycle

1117.1 kg? = 87 cycles

To extract 1117.1kg/day to be needed 87 cycles.



The belts or ropes are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys
which rotate of the same speed or different speed

Figure 4-5 V-belt

The amount of power transmitted depends up the following factors:
1. The velocity of the belt.
2. The tension under which the belt is placed on the pulleys.

3. The arc contact between the belt and the smaller pulley.

4. The condition under which the belt is used.

Advantages of V-belt drive over flat belt drive
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1. The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between the centers of
2. The drive is positive, because the slip between the belt and the pulley groove is negligible.
3. Since the V-belts are made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is
4. It provides longer life, 3 to 5 years.
5. It can be easily installed and removed.
6. The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet.
7. The belts have the ability to cushion the shock when machines are started.
8. The high velocity ratio (maximum 10) may be obtained.
9. The wedging action of the belt in the groove gives high value of limiting ratio of tensions.
Therefore the power transmitted by V-belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of
friction, arc of contact and allowable tension in the belts.
10. The V-belt may be operated in either direction with tight side of the belt at the top or
Selection of a belt drive
The various important factors up on which the selection of a belt drive depends on are:
1. The speed of the driving and driven shafts,
2. Power to be transmitted,

3. Speed reduction ratio,

4. Center distance between the shafts,

5. Positive drive requirements,

6. Shafts layout,

7. Space available, and

8. Service conditions
Types of belts

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Figure 4-6 Types of belts.

There are many types of belts used now days yet, the following are well known:
1. Flat belt. The flat belt, as shown in Fig.2 (a),
), is mostly used in the factories and
Workshops, where a moderate amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to
another when the two
wo pulleys are not more than 8 meters apart..
2. V-belt. The V-belt,
belt, as shown in Fig.2 (b),
), is mostly used in the factories and workshops,
Where a moderate amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the
two pulleys are very near to each other
3. Circular belt or rope. The circular belt or rope, as shown in Fig.2 (c),
), is mostly used
in the factories and workshops, where a great amount of power is to be transmitted, from one
pulley to another, when the two pulleys are more than 8 meters apart.

Material used for Belts

The material used for belts and ropes must be strong, flexible, and durable. It must have a
high coefficient of friction. The belts, according to the material used, are classified as
1. Leather belts.
2. Cotton or fabric belts.
3. Rubber belt
4. Balata belts. Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive

It is the ratio between the velocities of the driver and the follower or driven.

It may be expressed, mathematically, as below:

L1= ×d1×N1=
N1= ×180×350=197920.34mm
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

L2=L1= ×d2×N2⇒ = = =1.5⇒N2=1.5×N1=1.5×350=525RPM

× × × ×
V1= = =3298.67mm/s=3.3m/s

× × × ×
V2= = =3298.67mm/s=3.3m/s=V1

L= (d1+d2) +2x+ ( ) = (180+120) +2×1000+ ( )



Let b=width of the belt in mm

We know that power transmitted in (kW)
P= (T1-T2) V,

Where P=0.75kw and

× × ×
V= ( ×r) m/s = ×r1= ×90=3.3m/s

V= 3.3m/sec×60sec/min =198m/min

750W= (T1-T2)3.3

T1-T2=227.3N……………………………………………….. (1)

We also know that 2.3 log (T1-T2) = ………………………………. (2)

Sin = = =0.06, =sin 0.06=3.44degree

θ = (180-2 ) = (180-2×3.44)× rad=3.02 rad

Then from equation 2, 2.3log (T1/T2)=0.3067×3.02=0.93

LogT1/T2=0.404= or T1/T2=2.54⇒T1=2.54T2………….. (3)

Therefore by equating (1) and (3)

We get T1=374.85N and T2=147.58N

Assuming the thickness of the belt is 10mm.

the cross sectional area of the belt

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=b×10=10bmm2 = 0.00001bm2

Mass of the belt per meter length


Where L=2471.3mm=2.4713m

2 3
M=0.00001bm ×2.4713 m×1000kg/m =0.0247bkg

2 2
TC=MV =0.0247bkg× (3.3) =0.269b

The maximum tension in the belt, T=σ ×b×t

Therefore T=1.75×b×10 =17.5bN

(T1) =T-TC

374.85=17.5b -0.269b =17.231b=b=21.75mm


b=21.75mm, the standard width of belt is 21mm

Then mass of belt m=0.0247×b kg=0.0247×21.75mm=0.537kg





V= = =15.37m/s
∗ .

P= (T1 – T2) v =0.75kW= ⇒T= =20462.8Nmm

The torque exerted on the driving pulley is (T1 – T2) r1=227.27×90=20454.3Nmm

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The torque exerted on the driven pulley is (T1 – T2) r2=227.27×60=13636.2Nmm

∴The maximum torque can be taken as 20462.8Nmm


The pulleys are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of flat belts, v
belts or ropes since the velocity ratio is the inverse ratio of the diameter of driving and driven

According to Indian standard, is 2122 (part 2) -1973 (reformed1990), the width of

pulley is force in the following table

Table 4-5 standard width of pulley

Belt width in(mm) Width of pulley to be greater than belt width in( mm)

Up to 125 13
125-250 25
250-375 35
475-500 50

Since the width of the belt is in between 0 to 125 i.e. 21.75mm

wp =wb+13mm=21.75mm+13mm=34.75mm

The thickness of the pulley rim (t) varies from +2mm to +3mm

For single belt the diameter of the pulley (d) in mm, the thickness of the larger pulley is.

t= +3mm= +3 =3.9mm

The thickness of the smaller pulley t= +3mm= +3mm=3.4mm

Mass of larger pulley = A×t ×ρ = d2 ×3.9mm×2700kg/m3 =0.27kg

Mass of smaller pulley = A×t× ρ = d2 ×3.4×2700 =0.1kg

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Figure 4-7 Aluminum Foil pulley

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Figure 4-8 Frame

Actual length of frame=750mm

Le= = mm=350mm

= π× ×√ = × √210 =91.5

σcr =π2E× =( =250MPa
. )

= =0.5L/a√12=0.5L/b√12, a=b

=91.5, Le=350 mm then

r=Le/91.5=350mm/91.5=3.83mm, and r2=14.67mm2

r2= = = =, then a2=12*r2=12*14.67mm2=176.04mm2

a=13.3mm, say 14mm

a=b=14mm and assuming thickness t=20mm

Pcr= =202.58kN.

Centrifugal Force

Fc=m r

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We measure the wood frame dimensions that are available for modern hives to be used
shows in fig as follows.

Figure 4-9 Modern hive wood frame

The thickness of wood =15mm and the diameter of wire which is used inside the wood
frame is 0.04mm.

Total wire used =50× 50

Area of wire =πd2/4 =π× [0.04] 2/4 =0.00126mm2

Volume of wire =A× = 0.00126× (219-50)=0.00126×169= 0.213mm3

Total volume =100×0.213 =21.3mm3 =2.13×10-8m3

V1 = (478-33-50) ×25×15 =395×25×15=148125mm3 =0.000148125m3

V2= (219-50) mm×25mm×15mm =169×25×15=63375mm3 =0.000063375m3

V3=V1=395mm×25mm×15mm =14825mm3 =0.000148125m3

V4=V2=169mm×25mm×15mm =63375mm3=0.000063375m3

VT =V1+V2+V3+V4
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

M= ρ×V=0.001 kg/m3-6×0.000423m3 =4.23×10-7kg

MT=8×4.23×10-7kg=3.384×10kg [total mass of wood]

Mass of wire =density of wire ×volume of wire

= 0.00893kg/m ×2.13×10-8 m3 =1.9×10-10kg

Mass of total=mass of wood+ mass of wire+ mass of honey

4.23×10×kg +1.9×10-10kg+6kg = 6kg


Fc =m r= 6.001kg× [12.56] 2×0.254=164N

4.5.4 Design of Frame Holder

Figure 4-10 Frame holder

Width of frame holder =26mm

Height of frame holder =480mm

Length of frame holder=220mm

Area of the frame holder to be calculated using the following formula.

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A frame =2[l×h + w×l +w×h] = 2[220×480+26×220+26×480] =0.2476m2.


3 3
To calculate mass of frame holder (mfh) =ρ×v =7850kg/m ×0.0064376m =5kg

Force Analysis of Frame Holder



=2305.7+ (mass of wood +mass of wire+ mass of honey+ mass of container)

=2305.7+ [6.001+5] ×9.81=2413.6N


A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one parts of body
to another part.

Force Analysis

Vertical Component Force Bending Moment Analysis of pulley Shaft

Area of pulley= r2= (0.09)2=0.02544m2


Mass of pulley=ρ×v=2700×9.9×10 =0.268kg

Mass of belt=0.537kg

Total mass=0.537+0.268+6=6.805kg

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∑ =0



750RB=25035, RB=33.38N

RA+RB=66.76, RB=33.38

Bending moment at A


∑MC=375×33.38-(375×33.38}) =0Nmm

∑MB=66.76×375-(33.38×750) =-50070Nmm

Maximum bending moment=50070Nmm

Horizontal Component Force Bending Moment Analysis of pulley Shaft



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Maximum bending moment=380250Nmm

M=√ +

=√380250 + 50070^2=383532.36Nmm

Shaft subjected to a twisting moment only

= …………………………………………………… (1)

J= ×d4
and r=d/2, where d=diameter of the shaft.
Equation (1) can be written as

T= ×τ×d3………………………………………………………………. (2)

According to (ASME) code for the design of the transmission shafts, the maximum
permissible working stress in tension or compression may be taken as
σt =112MPa, for shafts without allowance for key ways
σt =84Mpa for shafts with allowance for key way or
σt =0.66el or σu=36 whichever is less
The maximum permissible shear stress may be taken as:
τ =56Mpa for shaft without allowance for key ways and
τ =42Mpa for shafts with allowance for key ways or
We know that the allowable shear stress for the shaft material can be found as

τ= =
× .
= =80MPa

Fs =3.5, taking a factor of safety of 3.5

. ×
T= τ×d3=20462.8Nmm= ×80×d3= =d3, d=10.92mm, say 11mm

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Shaft subjected to bending moment only

= …………………………………………………………………….. (1)

I= ×d4 and y=d/2 substitution in equation (1)

we have

M/πd4= , M= ×σb×d3 ………………………………………… (2)

Assuming factor of safety of 3.5 given by σt or σb = =560/3.5 =160MPa

M= × σb×d3

We have the maximum bending moment, M=383532.36N-mm

M= ×σb×d3
383532.36Nmm= ×160 MPa×d
383532.36Nmm×32=π× (160) ×d
. ×
d3= ,

d= √24416.43=29.01,
Therefore taking the maximum of the two the diameter of shaft is

×( . )
V=A×L= L= ×0.75=5.3×10-4m3

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Figure 4-11 Shaft with bearings


The purpose of key is to fasten pulley with the shaft and another parts. Let us use a
rectangular sunk key

The usual proportion of this key are:

Width of key, w=d/4 and

Thickness of key, t=2w/3 or d/6

Where d=diameter of the shaft.

w=30mm/4=7.5mm=10mm, thickness of key t=2×10mm/3=6.67mm=8mm

t=2 10mm/3=6.67mm=8mm

Therefore w=10mm and t=8mm

Design of Solar
lar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

Figure 4-12 Geometry of rectangular sunk key

Strength of sunk Key

F = Area resisting
ting shearing × Shear stress = l×w×

 Torque transmitted by the shaft,

T=F×D/2=l×w× × ……………………………………………………………(1),

F = Area resisting crushing × Crushing stress =l× × c

Torque transmitted by the shaft,

T=F× =l× × c× ................................................................................ (2)

The key is equally strong in shearing and crushing, if

l×w× × =l×t/2
/2× c×


= 2 ………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… (3)
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
We know that the shearing strength of key,

T=l×w×t× ………………………………………………………………… (4)

And torsional shear strength of the shaft,

T= × 1×d …………………………………………………………… (5)

(Where 1= Shear stress for the shaft material)

From equation (4) and (5) we have,

l×w×t× = × 1×d

τ × × τ τ
∴ l= × = × =1.751d× ............taking w= ………… (6)

When the key material is same as that of the shaft, then

= 1


We have w=10mm and t=8mm

Let l= length of key

Considering shearing of the key, we know that the shearing strength or torque transmitted (T)

T=l×w× ×

T=l×10×42× =6300lNmm…………………………………………….. (a)

And torsional shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of the shaft,

T= × ×d3= ×42×303=222660Nmm………………………….. (b)

From equation (a) and (b), we have,

63000l=222660Nmm⇒l= =35.34mm

T=l× × ×σc=l× ×70× =4200lNmm

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From Equating
quating (b) and (c), we have,

l= =53mm

Taking larger of the two values, we have length of key,



Bearing is a device that is used to enable rotational or linear movement, while reducing
friction and handling stress

Figure 4-13 Roller ball bearing

Specification of ball bearing

The basic static load rating (Co)

( in Newton’s for ball and roller bearings may be obtained as
follows: For radial ball bearings is given by

Co =foi×z×D2× cos ………………………………………………………….. (1)

Where; i = Number of rows of balls in any bearing,

α = Nominal angle of contact (angle between the line of action of the ball load and a
plane perpendicularr to the axis of the bearing=15∘),

z = Number of balls per row,

fo =Factor depending upon the type of bearing (12.3,, for radial contact and angular
contact groove ball bearings made of hardened steel, and

D = Diameter of balls =7.5mm

×7.52×cos15∘ =10kN

Static equivalent load for roller contact bearing

Static equivalent radial load for ball or roller bearing under combined radial and axial or
thrust load is given by the greater magnitude of the obtained by the following two equations:
Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

Where WR=Radial load=164N

X O =Radial load factor,

WA= Axial or thrust load=66.76N

Yo = Axial or thrust load factor.

For radial contact grove ball bearing having single row and α=15˚, XO=0.5 and YO=0.46:


Basic dynamic load rating for rolling contact bearing

Basic dynamic load rating in Newton’s for ball or roller bearings may be obtained as follows:

for radial and angular contact ball bearings, except the filling slot type, with balls not larger
than 25.4mm in diameter is given by C=fc (I cos ) 0.7×Z0.667×D1.8

Dynamic equivalent load for ball bearing:-Dynamic equivalent radial load for radial or
angular contact bearings, except the filling slot types, under combined constant radial
load and constant axial or thrust load is given by


Where V is a rotation factor, 1 for all types of bearings when the inner race is rotating

Dynamic load rating for ball bearings: - the approximate rating of life (or service) life of
ball or roller bearing is based on the fundamental equation

L=(C/W) K×106 revolutions……………………………………………………. (4)

Where L = Rating life,

W = Equivalent dynamic load,

C =Basic dynamic load rating

k =3 for ball and 10/3 for roller bearings.

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The relationship between the life in revolutions (L) and the life in working hours (LH) is
given by


, Where N=speed in rpm

The life from the standard table of the bearing in hours, LH = 20 000 hours, and life of
the bearing in revolutions become=60×350rpm×20000hr=420×106 rev.

Therefore the basic dynamic load rating (c) is;

C=164×( )0.33=40.99N

Basic dynamic load radial capacity C;


Where KS=2, service factor for radial bearing having moderate shock load.

Read using the values of the (CO = 10kN) & (C = 8.04kN) from the Basic static and
dynamic capacities of various types of radial ball bearings then the bearing number is

Therefore the bearings dimension is obtained from table number 7 below the principal
dimensions for radial ball bearings.

Therefore, for Bearing number=206, Bore diameter = 30mm, outside diameter=62mm,

Width= 16mm

Table 4-6 principal dimension for radial ball bearing (2) p 1001
Bearing No. Bore (mm) Outside diameter Width (mm)
200 10 30 9
300 35 11
201 12 32 10
301 37 12
202 15 35 11
302 42 13

203 17 40 12

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303 47 14
63 17
204 20 47 14
304 54 14
72 19
205 25 52 15
305 62 17
405 80 21
206 30 62 16
306 72 19
406 90 23

4.5.8 Selection of Bolt and Nut

A bolt is fastener with ahead and straight threaded shank and intended to be used with nut to
clamp two or more parts.

We select bolts from the table basic dimensions that are needed in our design M 10x1.5
which means that the nominal diameter of bolt is 10 and the pitch is 1.5mm

d=10, p=1.5mm dc =8.15mm D=8.375mm

Ats=58mm 2

4.5.9 Bolt Joint Analysis

A bolted joint subjected to tensile force P is the cross section at core diameter dc is the
weakest section. The maximum tensile stress in the bolt at this cross section is given by

t=P/ Πdc2/4

Bolt in tension


t = = =153.3N/mm2

σ ×π×
P= =153.3N/mm2×3.14x (8.16)2/4, P=8012.94N

Width of bolt=2D=2×10=20mm

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Height of nut =2D+4=20+4=24mm

Width of nut=D=10mm

The total length of selected bolt is 45mm.


Welded Joints analysis

A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of the edges of the two
parts to be joined together, with or without the application of pressure and a filler material.

Types of welded joints:

1. Butt joint: the parts lie in the same plane and are joined at their edges.

2. Corner joint: the parts in a corner joint forms and are joined at the center of the angle.

3. lap/fillet
llet joint: lap joint consists of two over lapping surfaces.

4. Tee –joint:
joint: in a tee joint one point is right angle to the other joint in the approximate shape
of the letter “T”.

5. Edge joint: the parts in edge joint are parallel with at least one of thei
their edges in common
and the made at the common edges.

Figure 4-14 types of welded joint

Strength of Transverse Fillet Welded Joints

Let t = Throat thickness (BD),


s = Leg or size of weld,

= Thickness of plate,

and l = Length of weld,

From Fig.3.2. We find that the throat thickness,

Design of Solar
lar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
t = s × sin 45° = 0.707 s

Minimum area of the weld or throat area,

A = Throat thickness ×Length of weld= t × l = 0.707 s × l

If t is the allowable tensile stress for the weld metal, then the tensile strength of the joint for
single fillet weld,

P = Throat area × Allowable tensile stress = 0.707 s × l × σt and tensile strength of the joint
for double fillet weld,

P = 2 × 0.707 s × l × σ= 1.414 s × l × σt

Figure 4-15 Enlarged view of a fillet weld.

A transverse fillet welded subjected to a tensile force (p) the minimum cross section of the
weld is at the throat. Therefore the failure due to tensile stress will occur at the throat section


The following table shows the stresses for welded joints for joining ferrous metals with mild
steel electrode under steady and fatigue or reversed load.

Table 4-7 Stresses for welded joints

Design of Solar
lar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018

It may be noted that size of the weld should be greater than the thickness of the plate, but it
be less. The following table shows recommended minimum size of the welds.

Table 4-8 Recommended minimum size of welds.

Considering coated electrode, steady load, and plate thickness 4mm,

t=98N/mm2, thickness of the weld which is 3 mm & length 200mm.

Then to find the tensile force applied in the welding,

P=t×l× t, where t=0.707h=0.707×3=2.121mm



Design of rectangular hollow bar

It is one part of our machine

machin which contains the pulley shaft,, and connected to the cylinder
bolt and nut in order to operate the machine without vibration
vibr and misalignment of shaft

We use the materiall for this part Aluminum (6061) st=300N/mm2, =241N/mm2

σ allow = =80.33N/mm2 Fs=300/80.33=3.7


The length of rectangular hollow bar=600mm and width=50mm

Design of Solar powered Honey Extraction Machine 2018
Area A=L ×w


= = =0.076N/mm2.

The design to be safe

4.5.10 Cylinder Design

Cylinder is used as temporarily container of extracted honey. Diameter of cylinder=540mm

and height=550mm

Figure 4-16 Cylinder with leg

Force analysis of cylinder

F1=F2=F but

F1+F2 =W

2F=W, 2F=mg


2F/2=58.86/2 =29.43N

Volume of cylinder =π×r2 h =Π× [270] 2×550=40095000mm3

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Mass of the cylinder = V×ρ =40095000×7800= 31.27kg


The valve in the honey extractor is another important part of the entire project. Without the
use of a valve, there would be no honey flow control. The idea of the valve is to open it once
the honey is configured, filtered through a screening filter and is collected at the bottom of
the vat. Looking at a variety of valves available on the market, a conclusion has been made to
use a knife gate type of valve or a specially designed valve for honey flow. The construction
of these knifes allows for fast flow of viscous fluids such as honey. A regular valve used for
water and less viscous fluids will not be a good choice because it will greatly reduce the rate
of honey flow and also may get clogged over time. Both, the knife gate type valve and the
specially designed valve for honey should perform the same.

Initially there was an idea to implement an electronic valve (typical in water flow
applications) to be controlled using the on board buttons or wirelessly with an android device,
but electronic valves have many disadvantages and will most likely not be used in the project.

The disadvantages are:

 Small diameters

 Easily clogged by viscous fluids

 Unreliable operation with honey

There are electric knife gate types of valves on the market as well. Predictably, they will
operate much better than the valves discussed above. But they have their own disadvantages
and do not meet our project goals.

These disadvantages are:

 Very expensive
 Large sized
 Hard to acquire

Analyzing all of the options discussed above, unless an inexpensive knife gate valve is found,
a decision has been made to use a mechanical knife gate valve or honey designed valve. Both
valves are very similar and are operated similarly with diameter 4cm.

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Table 4-9 Valve type based on diameter
Product Diameter(cm)
Honey Gate Valve 4.00
GV2-2 Gate Valve 3.81
M005792 Plastic Scissors Gate 3.81

From table the first valve better choice due to higher diameter which translates faster flow.

Figure 4-17 knife gate valve type.

4.5.11 Design of Leg

allow = = =82.66N/mm2

The length of legs =560mm and width =30mm

Area [A] =560mmx30mm=16800mm2

Weight on the cylinder =66.76N


= N/mm2, the smallest stress for which our design to be safe.

The mass of leg =l×w×t×ρ

=l =560×30×20×7850 =2.64kg
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Shaft is made of low carbon steels. They are produced by hot rolling and finished to size
either by cold drawing or by turning and grinding. Cold drawing produces a stronger shaft
than hot rolling. However, cold drawn shafts have certain disadvantages .the tolerances on
their diameter and straightness are not very close compared with shafts finished by turning
and grinding process and also cold drawing produces residual stress and near the surface of
the shaft. During machine operations like slotting and milling, required to make the key slot,
the residual stress are partially released causing distortion of the shaft.

Pulley is one part of the machine, in these process molten metals such as cast iron, copper,
aluminum or non-metals like plastic are poured in to the mold and solidified into desired
shapes. Therefore the pulley used in this project is made of cast iron and it can be
manufactured by using casting process.

Cylinder:-made up of sheet metal by welding process.

Leg:- made up of sheet metal by welding process.

Frame:- made up of wood used to hold honey.

Frame holder:- made up of sheet metal by welding process used to hold the frame.

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The total cost of the machine can be analyzed by considering the cost of the parts used in the
machine, manufacturing cost, designing cost, assembly cost and some other costs that are
invested on the machine. Therefore the total cost of the machine is the sum of all costs
invested on during design and fabrication the machine. For this instance we analyzed the cost
of the machine after the components are manufactured by using the mass of each component
and by kind i.e. by gathering some information from the market for the selected items. Since
the masses of each of component are calculated from the design analysis. Therefore by
calculating the costs of each component with the total mass of each component and summing
the cost of each component the total cost of the machine summarized as follows.

Table 5-0-1 summery of cost analysis

(Birr)/kg (Birr)
1 SHAFT d=30mm 1 32×4.2 134.4
2 PULLEY d1=180mm 2 59.89×2×0.37 44.32
3 BELT L=2471.3mm 1 203.96×0.537 109.53
4 FRAME 8 30×8×0.9 240

5 MOTOR p=0.75kW 1 2500 2500

N=350 RPM
6 SOLAR L=1970mm 1 2000 2000
7 KEY 3 3×32×0.5 48
8 BATTERY 1 3000 3000
9 VALVE 1 50 50
10 LEG 4 4×30×2.64 316.8
11 CYLINDER 1 34.36×31.27 1740
12 FRAME L=220mm 1 34.36×5 171.8
HOLDER H=480mm
13 BOLT AND 4 70×4 70

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14 Bearing Bore=30mm 1 90 90


Table 5-0-2 Result of the components

Sn. component effect Formula Result


1 V-belt Tension in P= (T1-T2) V T1=221.6N

the tight 2.3 log (T1- T2=94.3N

side of the belt , V=7.855m/s
V=( ×r)m/s
Tension in Slack side of Θ=2.78rad
the belt. Sin =( r1-r2)/x
θ =(180-
2 )π/180

2 shaft twisting moment /J= /r d= 12.65mm

bending moment J=π/32×d4 d=28.67mm

M/I= b/y


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3 pulley width of pulley W p=wb+13mm W p=26mm

thickness D/300 +2mm to t1=3.9mm

D/200+3mm t2=3.3

4 cylinder container A=πd2/4 A=0.28m2

V=A×l V=198m3

W=m×g W=2364.56N

Operating System:- The operating system of extractors that are used centrifugal force is
better to extract honey than compression one which is reciprocate a piston compress with
more force and pass through the filter holes result not a good quality and disturbance of a
honey comb may be appear.

Performance: - The performance of honey extractor machine is different idle to load applied
on the handle in compression, centrifugal, heating. But in compression better quantity is
passes through filter into the cylinder than other extractor machines due to pressure in the
extraction system. The other one works by centrifugal forces, due to the limited force applied
on the system.

Capacity:-it is difficult to compare each honey extractor due to different form of design
which is containing different frames. But we are comparing by manually operated and
automatically due to this work automatically have more frame holders than manual operated.

Quality product: - The quality of honey from the extractor which works by centrifugal force
is good than compression. Because in compression the piston compresses more force it may
be passes wastes through the filters.

Cost:- The cost of each honey extractor machine is differ from one to another because they
are consisting of different part components, materials, and weight of the machine to be
Operating time: - The operating time of honey extractors which work with compression is

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one to compare to the other system. But the period which works by centrifugal rotation of
handle is take a time. Our honey extractor machine works with operating time at least 16 hour
per day.
Efficiency: each extractor machine has its own efficiency related by amount of output with
amount of input. To get more efficiency from our machine which extracted honey is much
more than extract in high quality. The efficiency output of our machine is 1117.1 kg per
day but in some case our machine always not extracted this output due to the reason of
workers involved, the honey content in the hives, seasonal changes. So, the average
output is around 1000kg.

Efficiency =0.90

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It is known that almost 80% of Ethiopian’s honey extractions are traditional and manual. The
main reason to start this design is the problem in using the machines for mechanized
extraction. A very small numbers of beekeepers use the mechanized machines, but these
machines are not affordable by most beekeepers because of cost. Most of the beekeepers uses
ordinary method for manual extraction, although this is a time taking and less productive. The
design of this project is to compensate the difference between using mechanized machine and
manual extraction methods by;

 To reduce cost of the machine

 To decrease beekeepers work fatigue
 To save time wastage
 To increase the quality of honey
 To use resources wisely and properly

The project design consists of some backgrounds introductory information about the
machine, geometric analysis, force and strength analysis, detail design, manufacturing
process, and working principle of the machine. In strength analysis the force and stresses are
applied on the machine and the weight of the machine can be found. In detail design,
analytical design of each components of the machine is done. Finally manufacturing process
of the parts and working principle of the machine with assembly and part drawing of the
machine are described.

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Finally we recommend that the project should be continued by other students and interested
designers so that it will be completed and very helpful for the countries growth by solving
beekeepers problems. Someone can continue this project or modify it by using relevant
technologies like, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor and weight sensor in
order to protect the flavor of honey within a minimum cost as much as possible.

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7 References

(1) KURMI and J.K.GUPTA a Text book of machine design (2005)

(2) Biesmeijer, J., (2003); The occurrence and context of the shaking signal in honey
Bees (Apis mellifera) Exploiting Natural Food Sources Ethology.
(3) Kak, S. C., (2001);The Honey Bee Dance Language Controversy. the Mankind
(4) Krell, R., (1996); Value-Added Products from Beekeeping. FAO Agricultural
Sciences Bulletin No. 124. Rome: Food and Agriculture organization of the United
(5) Richard, E. B., (1990); Hive Management: a seasonal Guide for Beekeeper. Published
by storey communications, Powenel, VT.
(6) Sammataro, D. and Aiphonse, A., (1986): The Beekeepers Handbook, New York,
(7) Sanford, M. T., (200): Working smarter, not harder: Apicultural productivity in the
21st century. Apis Newsletter; 18(10).
(8) Schneider S. S., Visscher P. K., Camazine, S. (1998): Vibration Signal Behavoiur of
Waggle-dancers in swarms of the Honey Bee, Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera:
(9) Thorpe, W. V., Bray, G. H. James, S. P. (1971): The energy requirement of the body
biochemistry for medical students; 9th Edition. EBBS and Churchill, London. p 407
(10) Hoopingner, R. (2001); Economic plight of the American beekeeper,
American Bee Journal 141 (1), P 9-10.
(11) Jeff R. (2002). “Honey from source to sale & Show – bench,” (Northen Bee
Books) pp 10-79.
(12) EU Council, (2002). Council directive 2001/110/ec of December 2001 relating
to honey. Official Journal of the European Communities 10 47–52.
(13) Douglas W. (2005). Pressure Vessel Design DANOTES pp 10-34.
(14) Codex Alimentarius Commission, (2001). Revised Codex Standard for honey,
Codex STAN 12- 1981, Rev. 1 (1987), Rev. 2 (2001).
(15) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), (1998). Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code pp280-335.

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8 Appendices
8.1 Appendix one:-Part drawing

1. V-belt

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2. Pulley

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3. Key

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4. Shaft

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5. Ball bearing

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6. Frame

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7. Frame holder

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8. Hallow shaft

9 Cylinder

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10 Assembly drawing in 2D

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8.2. Appendix Two:- Assembly Drawing

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