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INDIR South Eastern Railway

Office of the Principal Chief Safety Officer

TET, TAT/ Garden Reach, Kolkata-700043
THT/No: SFY/DM f / Dated: 09 /09/2020

Sub: Hon'ble Prime Minister's 10 Point Agenda for Disaster

Management issues.
Refi. i)Member Secretary, NDMA's D.O. Letter No. 1-61/2020
-PP(Pt-ii), dated 15.07.2020.
ii) Executive Director/ Safety (M)/ Railway B0ard's Letter
No. 2020/ Safety (DM)/ 6/14, dated 31.08.2020

In reference to Member Secretary, National Disaster Management

Authority (NDMA)'s letter referred above, Railway Board has conveyed the
instruction given by Hon'ble Home Minister in a review meeting held on
It has been advised that 10 Point Agenda on disaster related issues
announced by Hon'ble Prime Minister is to be a guiding factor for all
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities and programmes. The Disaster
Management Plans need to be prepared following NDMA's NDMP-2019 so
that the 10 Point Agenda is duly incorporated in the DMP.
It has further been advised by Member Secretary/ NDMA that the
Hon'bie Prime Minister has launched the Vulnerability ATLAS prepared by
Building Material Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) in 2019, which
may be taken into consideration while carrying out development
Lworks/projects for disaster resilience
The ATLAS is available in the Website of Building Material
Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC.ORG) home)>Area of
work>Disaster mitigation and management>Vulnerability Atlas of India.
Third Edition).
As per Member Secretary/ NDMA, various Ministries can use the
ATLAS to make all the structures under their jurisdiction disaster
resilient by retrofitting/ upgrading existing building/ structure/ bridges
etc., infrastructure constructed and maintained by. them hazard resistant
and people/ economic activities less susceptible

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It was 3
also stated that
the the Hon'ble Prime
construction and Minster had urged that all
vulnerability ATLA^ as building related tenders
guiding factormay utilize this
include Disaster-Resilience. to arrive at the cost, which will
It has
also been advised
Prime Minister on that directives/ suggestions of
Disaster Hon'ble
disseminated amongst officers toManagement be
identified and widely
their duties. address the issues in
the discharge of
Key action
against Hon'ble Prime Minister's 10
Disaster Risk Reduction Point Agenda on
may be seen at,
necessary action as per NDMA's Annexure:1. is requested that
"Action Taken instruction are to be taken and an
Report" in this regard is to be sent to this office for
transmission to
Railway Board. onward

DA:Annexure: 1

TH. HETYTEATT/S .Mukhopadhyay

r E FTAT HfLATT/ Principal Chief Safety Officer
Copy to
1. Secretary to GM -

for kind information of GM.

2. Secretary to AGM - for kind information of AGM.
3. Executive Director/Safety (M)/Railway Board - for kind information
Annexure :1
Srl Agenda Item Key Actions
1) For key sectors with highest

Risk of risk
Reduction in Public identify concrete
measures for
disaster risk reduction.
Expenditure, 2) Mainstream DRR in flagship schemes
particularly in Government of India. of
infrastructure 3) Establish a mechanism to ensure that
development standards for disaster resilience are
periodically upgraded and disseminated.
Risk Coverage for 1) Development of
al, particularly for
disaster insurance
mechanisms for home-owners in
the poorest. disaster
prone area.
2) Development of parametric insurance for
weather and climate related disasters.
3 Develop insurance products to cover major
infrastructure projects.
3 Greater involvement | 1) Include amnong the new units of
and Leadership of NDRF andSDRF under development.
Women in Disaster 2) Sizeable representation of women in
Risk Management development of volunteer schemes such as
3) Prioritize training and sensitization of
elected women representativesat the local|
4. Invest in Mapping 1) Undertake national level disaster
a risk
Disaster Risk, assessment along with an online platform.
covering all hazards. 2) Undertake state level multi-hazard risk
assessments in all states.
3) Develop maps for all major hazards in a|
format to facilitate disaster
risk reduction.
4) Develop standards/ guidelines for different|
types of risk assessments.
5. Leverage Technology 1) Assess the efficacy of India Disaster
to enhance the Resources Network (IDRN) and revive it with
efficiency of disaster modifications.
risk management 2) Develop an e-platform to map expertise arnd
efforts resources on highly specialized aspects of
disaster response.
3) Increase the efficacy of early warning
systems for all major hazards through the
application of technology.
6. Develop a network 1) Thematically focused network of universities
of Universities to and technical institutions (e.g on

work on disaster earthquake risk management, landslide risk |

issues. management, coastal hazards.)

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Make use of Social 1) Develop a social media strategy for Disaster
Media and Mobile Risk Management in the country.
Technologies 2) Capacity Development of State level officials
in DRM.
3) Develop partnership with the CSR arms of
key social media platforms.
8. Invest local 1) Initiate a national programme on Community
capacity, not only Based Disaster Risk Reduction on the lines of
for response but erstwhile GOI-UNDP programmne.
also for disaster risk 2) Take stock of on-going community based
reduction programmes ledd by CSOs and explore|
opportunities for up-sc ling good practices.
9 Systematize Post- 1) Develop national guidelines for Post-Disaster|
Disaster Recoveryy Recovery/ Build Back Better'
based on lessons 2) Operationalize the use of PDNA methodology
learned from past adapted to Indian context.
disasters 3) Systematically document post-disaster
recovery work and lessons learned.
10 Bring about greater 1) Take steps to become a certified member of
cohesion in INSARAG in order to be able to participate in
international international USAR operations.
response to 2) Engage with international mechanisms such?
as South - South co-operation mechanisns:
to support post-disaster recovery.

As per Disaster Resource Network (, availability of different

equipments (as per list available in the dashboard of to


made in the format given below. equipments which are required for
disaster management in the context of Indian Railway, may also be added.

State District Item Quantity Item Agency Name

Details Description which should
include name of
the department,
address, contact
contact number
and contact e.mai
2 3 4

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