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Issaiah Nicolle L. Cecilia Nov.

20, 2020

3 BSN A Prof. Herman Zoleta


As a Nursing student, it is crucial to understand that a nurse’s routine acknowledges the

confidence of daily practice, based on developing the most capable and effective way of performing
different nursing skills. The past 3 days have been one of the most memorable experience for me,
as I felt that I had learned many important skills especially in performing an IV Priming and IV
Insertion. When I first started practicing this skill I was quite nervous and hesitant as this was a totally
new skill for me and I was very unsure about the processes. Luckily, my sister agreed to become my
patient. I felt proud of myself that I stepped out of my comfort zone and practiced a skill that I knew
I wasn’t confident in. I was relieved when the video presentation was over and I appreciative the
professor’s feedback. Eventually as a registered nurse in the future, I will ensure that I will be
confident and I understand the process of priming, connecting and inserting an IV line. I want to gain
more experience to enhance and broaden my ability, motivate myself as a future health care provider
to perform my duty as a competent nurse someday.

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