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Phrasal Verbs in Use Set Twelve

Listen to the accompanying MP3 and read this short passage. Think about
the meanings of the phrasal verbs as you listen and read. This will train
your brain to master these phrasal verbs.

Situation: A woman is talking about her job, and how she wants to leave the
company and join a different one.

I’ve been at this company for over ten years now, but I think it’s time to leave
and find another one. I really enjoyed working here, but recently the company
was sold to new owners and things have changed for the worse. I’m tiring of
the work as there is no challenge in it anymore, and the new owners aren’t
motivating the workers. I’m going to stick with this job for now, but as soon as
I get accepted for another job, I will leave. I really want to quit today and walk
out of the door, but I won’t yield to that temptation. I just need to soldier on
and wait for the next opportunity to come.

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