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Digital Signal Processing ECR305_L7

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Lecture – 7 Objectives


To learn and understand

 the
Signal Sampling
sampling and
reconstruction of signals.
& Reconstruction
IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 1
Sampling & reconstruction of analog signal ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

In many applications, for example, in digital communications, real

world analog signals are converted into discrete signals using sampling
and quantization operations (collectively called ADC).

Then the discrete signals are processed by DSP, and the processed
signals are converted into analog signals using a reconstruction
operation (called DAC).

Using Fourier analysis, we can describe the sampling operation from

the frequency-domain viewpoint, analyze its effects and then address
the reconstruction operation.

We also assume that the number of quantization levels is sufficiently

large so that the effect of quantization on discrete signals is negligible.

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 2

Ideal sampling & reconstruction of CT signal ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Let xa(t) be an analog signal. Its spectrum (continuous time

Fourier transform - CTFT) is given by

 
X a    xa t e  jt
dt X a F    xa t e  j 2Ft dt
 

where  = 2F is an analog frequency in radians/sec.

The signal xa(t) can be reconstructed by inverse continuous time

Fourier transform (ICTFT) as

 
xa t    X a e d jt
xa t    X a F e j 2Ft
 

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 3

Sampling & reconstruction of discrete signal ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

We now sample xa(t) at sampling interval Ts seconds apart to

obtain the discrete-time signal x(n).

xn   xa nTs 

Let X() be the discrete-time Fourier transform of x(n). Then

 
X     xne
n  
 jn
Xf  
n  
xn e  j 2fn

The signal can be reconstructed from its spectrum by the inverse


 
xn   X a  e xn   X a  f e j 2fn df
1 1
 
j n
2  2 

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 4

Sampling & reconstruction of signals (contd.) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 5

Band-limited signal & Sampling theorem ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

A signal is band-limited if there exists a finite random frequency

0 such that Xa(j) is zero for || > 0. The frequency F0 =
0/2 is called the signal bandwidth in Hz.

Sampling principle: A band-limited signal xa(t) with bandwidth

F0 can be reconstructed from its sample values x(n) = xa(nTs) if
the sampling frequency Fs = 1/Ts is greater than twice the
bandwidth F0 of xa(t).

Fs  2F0

Otherwise aliasing would result in x(n). The sampling rate of 2F0

for an analog band-limited signal is called the Nyquist rate.

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 6

Reconstruction ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

If we sample band-limited xa(t) above its Nyquist rate, then we

can reconstruct xa(t) from its samples x(n). The reconstruction
follows two steps:

1. First the samples are converted into a weighted impulse train.

 xn t  nT   ... x 1 n  T   x0 t   x1 n  T   ...

n  
s s s

2. Then, the impulse train is filtered through an ideal analog

lowpass filter band-limited to the [-Fs /2, Fs /2] band.

Impulse train Ideal lowpass

x(n) xa(t)
conversion filter

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 7

Reconstruction (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

The above two-step procedure can be described mathematically

using an interpolation formula
 sin   t  nTs  / Ts 
xa  t    x n
n    t  nTs  / Ts 
 
  x  n  sinc  t  nT  / T    x  n  sinc  F  t  nT 
n 
s s
n 
s s

MATLAB implementation: The sinc function can be used to

implement the above interpolation formula in MATLAB. If {x(n),
n1nn2} is given and if we want to interpolate xa(t) on a very
fine grid interval t, then the above equation
xa mt    xnsincFs mt  nTs , t1  mt  t2
n  n1

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 8

Reconstruction (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 9

Sampling & reconstruction of signals (contd.) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak


IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 10

MATLAB implementation ECR 305_L7


IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 11

MATLAB implementation ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

In a strict sense it is not possible to analyze analog signal using

MATLAB unless we use the symbolic toolbox.

However, if we sample xa(t) on a fine grid that has sufficiently

time increment to yield a smooth plot and a large enough
maximum time to show all the modes, then we can approximate
its analysis.

Let t be the grid interval such that t <<Ts. Then

xG m   xa mt 

can be used as an array to simulate an analog signal.

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 12

MATLAB implementation (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Similarly, the Fourier transform relation should also be

approximated as

X a  j   xG me jmt t  t  xG me jmt (5)

m m

Now if xa(t) [and hence xG(m)] is of finite duration, the above

equation is similar to discrete Fourier transform of the form

X  Wx (6)

Hence the above equations can be implemented in MATLAB in a

similar fashion to analyze the sampling phenomenon.
IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 13
MATLAB example 3.18a ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Let xa(t) = e-1000|t|. (a) Sample xa(t) at Fs = 5000 sample/sec to

obtain x1(n). Determine and plot X1(j).

% File name: ex3p18.m

% Analog signal
dt = 0.00005; t = -0.005:dt:0.005;
xa = exp(-1000*abs(t));

% Discrete-time signal
Fs = 5000; Ts = 1/Fs; n = -25:25;
x = exp(-1000*abs(n*Ts));

% Discrete-time Fourier transform

K = 500; k = 0:K; w = pi*k/K;
X = x*exp(-j*n'*w); X = real(X);
w = [-fliplr(w), w(2:K+1)]; % omega from -wmax to wmax
X = [fliplr(X), X(2:K+1)]; % X over -wmax to wmax interval

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 14

MATLAB example 3.18a (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

% Plotting

plot(t*1000, xa);
xlabel('time in ms','fontsize',15);
ylabel('x1(n)','fontsize', 15);
title('Discrete-time signal','fontsize', 15);
hold on
gtext('Ts = 0.2 ms','fontsize',12);
hold off

xlabel('Frequency in pi units','fontsize', 15);
ylabel('X1(w)','fontsize', 15);
title('Discrete-time Fourier transform','fontsize', 15);

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 15

MATLAB example 3.18a (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 16

MATLAB example 3.19 ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Let xa(t) = e-1000|t|. Sample xa(t) at Fs = 5000 sample/sec to obtain

x1(n). Reconstruct the original signal and plot it.
% File name: ex3p19.m
% Original analog signal
t = -0.005:0.00005:0.005;
xa = exp(-1000*abs(t));
% Discrete-time signal x(n)
Fs = 5000; Ts = 1/Fs; n = -25:25; nTs = n*Ts;
xn = exp(-1000*abs(nTs));
% Analog signal reconstruction
dt = 0.00005; t = -0.005:dt:0.005;
ya = xn*sinc(Fs*(ones(length(n),1)*t-nTs'*ones(1,length(t))));
% Error calculation
Error = max(abs(xa-ya))

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 17

MATLAB example 3.19 (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

% Plotting
plot(t*1000, xa);
ylabel('x(n)','fontsize', 15);
title('Discrete-time signal','fontsize', 15);
hold on
hold off

plot(t*1000, ya,'r');
xlabel('time in ms','fontsize',15);
ylabel('x_a(t) and y_a(t)','fontsize', 15);
title('Original & reconstructed signal','fontsize', 15);
hold on

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 18

MATLAB example 3.19 (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 19

MATLAB problem prob3p22 ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Let xa(t) = cos(20t+) sampled xa(t) at Ts = 0.005 sec intervals to

obtain x1(n). Reconstruct the original signal using the sinc
function and plot it.
% File name: ex3p19.m
% Original analog signal
t = -0.2:0.00001:0.2;
xa = cos(20*pi*t); % theta = 0 degree
% Discrete-time signal x(n)
Ts = 0.005; Fs = 1/Ts; n = -40:40; nTs = n*Ts;
xn = cos(20*pi*(nTs));
% Analog signal reconstruction
ya = xn*sinc(Fs*(ones(length(n),1)*t-nTs'*ones(1,length(t))));
% Error calculation
Error = max(abs(xa-ya))
IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 20
MATLAB problem prob3p22 (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

% Plotting
plot(t, xa);
ylabel('x(n)','fontsize', 15);
title('Discrete-time signal','fontsize', 15);
axis([-0.2 0.2 -1.5 1.5]);
hold on
hold off

plot(t, ya,'r');
xlabel('time in ms','fontsize',15);
ylabel('x_a(t) and y_a(t)','fontsize', 15);
title('Original & reconstructed signal','fontsize', 15);
hold on
IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 21
MATLAB problem prob3p22 (contd..) ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 22

References ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak

1. John G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson, 4th

Edition, Seventh Impression, 2011. (pp. 384–440)

2. Vinay K. Ingle, and John G. Proakis, Digital Signal

Processing using MATLAB, Thomson Learning
Bookware Companion Series, 2007. (pp. 60–79)

IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 23

Next class.. ECR305_L7
Dr. Abdur Razzak


IUB Dr. Abdur Razzak 24

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