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BS Semoceidomasd Sempra capt Spleios apt evar scp. Sales omc aperies lve — Detoid Pectoral jer, steno pat _> over obliga “cep baci lng head Arsen superior spine “Tocep bch medial had Triceps bch ter hd Bicep baci rch Breciradlis upinatn Latins dos Anco ewe digitorum Seca nein Z Palmaris anges Theat taal bone tenor igtrum Ges tis ander gl asia Proximal plane Gates maxis Dial phalane renter echanee Tenor ca ata“ Fri at, tia and Biceps femoris fnghesd su aeras 1 ‘ss mes — Bicep emer short heed ‘st ntemedias ta Patats as onieiel cele fer, eral cone we rs, mel ead ia, mail sutace Head fa als ante Gasrcneis, steal ead soles Slew bus longs Flexor dgforr fonges tenor dorm agus ese hall ny Tecan “This ntsice Metal maels Tas Fils evi Peroneus Lateral males xeric brevis Anda dit pais Semi capts Yaa Sy ‘Thearical were spins oo ‘apenis Saino sap \ amen es" ote see a as asiraus ‘eps trac tral head Toe ia wees edo rats Tes mr Fonts mjc Peat oes “Hora rab, rus ss econ eran asin dt achiats Toschi aia Foor ca a aloe — Patria urea gone —— Fer al aris ae coat en a ars Fer igirum sprite ~ ci ‘us mes, tena Ate ass taeera ect rer pis ions Tr ita Fistor eater rota: aes mais 4 ee sertesions ge) | oS nat et fa ) vis le Boss rd vas are cw tet nt Fes on N rae ese il casement Prorat ies ssn reeves Poh ts tral mates —tetea tira is es pun ee vn nes tert cts Teocks ey “etal ety ‘Sarita soles, sie portion sera ane Lites cs rae Toes bach, med ead / Pa es Larisa : erwin oon S 4 ‘ Cramaanat f CZ tse cals is area sgtrim state pls ings — Buel bos Fascia ta, iil at — tbat vat — Has i casocneise Cases Tas ator —_ Perms ong Siew —_© Wl wt i rar dtm gs ‘ih aa Fur agin ergs. era felis gs Pres tie el recut arora es frédéric dela STRENGTH TRAINING ANATOMY SECOND EDITION [FP \ ‘Nw ®) XY N \\, 6 BUTTOCKS 7 ABDOMEN ..... eetGousens CURLS... o CONCENTRATION CURLS. HAMMER CURLS LOW-PULLEY CURLS ... HIGH-PULLEY CURLS BARBELL CURLS sen . ELBOW STRUCTURE AND ITS EFFECT ON TRAINING MACHINE CURLS PREACHER CURLS. REVERSE CURLS REVERSE WRIST CURLS WRIST CURLS PUSH-DOWNS REVERSE PUSH-DOWNS ‘ONE-ARM REVERSE PUSH-DOWNS. TRICEPS EXTENSIONS ‘DUMBBELL TRICEPS EXTENSIONS ‘ONE-ARM DUMBBELL TRICEPS EXTENSIONS ‘SEATED DUMBBELL TRICEPS EXTENSIONS SEATED E-Z BAR TRICEPS EXTENSIONS TRICEPS KICKBACKS TRICEPS DIPS " 12 13 a 15 16 a so oD v2 on B son BB 2 Bh 8S 2B Eder pois ong, nn tere enum Ser tsb | ar pation | ceraronianieso | | ene cm radon achat ‘eps bra econ cn ass on rca es, tn ‘a eins rune / petra een. een <7” Fewest sine, nn tare dae sero Blas ahi ——— ce dt rs, sn == = pecs ie Act i tos sont rte — er ples is \\ saree \ ren mae a on a re et vere hat onto seerbe wonreaener, \ \ Fle dg pounds Fier dar sper, end umes err pts onus Pur dgtour perils arias, tron ‘Begs bret tendon | errs Cornea ‘Wwe bi, meal ead ‘Hons wah, ong bead Crile Bp gone uate crete vaserutae\\ Praia re Mie pate Dist ph: ae "atl bert “raped Scan / Humes Twanea ‘me pon CURLS Pex cai unas, Foor carpi aa Palais ons Prot eres “Hoos rach, modal head Pectoral mor (Gata had “ices bach, ble bead Brachialls Brachioradialis -xercr cari alas ons rome ono cari ais rows tensor dgtrum tersor cari ints tensor dg mini a @ (Tisupwanion (2 PRonaTion ‘COMMENT: This exercise takes the biceps trough is compete range of mation, which includes flexion, protacion, and supination. ‘THREE WAYS TO EXECUTE CURLS EMPHASIZE BICEPS WORK BRACHIORADIALIS INTENSELY |WORK MAINLY BICEPS AND BRACHIALIS. ES St hoding a dumbbell in each hand with arms hanging dow andthe palms ofthe hands facing the body: ‘ Inhale an bend the the eto, cating the psn up before the forearm reaches horizontal ‘Continue by raising the bows atthe endo tre movement ‘This exercise primarily uses te bractoradalsfong supa), brechial, ices braci and anlrior dtoid and, toa lesser extent, the cracobrachiais and claviclar head ofthe corals maj, CONCENTRATION CURLS (2) Tapers Pecoras major oer dts Mate doit Biceps brachit “eps trachea head Coracobrctiais “eps bracing head Brachiais Bs bac, endon i “Tice tech, eda head FINAL POSITION St holding a dumbbell wth the ‘palm facing forward an the elbow postoned against he ine thigh: Ine and ft the forearm by bending he bow. Exhale at the end ofthe efor. “This sotaton exercise allows you to anil the range of motion speed, an fm ofthe movement. Fe mainy works the biceps bracti ana brachial 3) HAMMER CURLS Infaspnats Tees minor Teres mejor Lair cx ‘ated head “ioeps traci Long head Nel ead Eder cai ais onus Ete ai adie bes ecoas Serer ca ats Pr ca ats tensor dgtrun Extensa it ini Stand or st ging dumb in eat hand with the palms facing each other: * Ine and ras the forearms together [BRACHIORADIALIS MUSCLE alternate ‘ahaa the end ofthe maverent, Tis 18 the best exercise for developing the achiral, naga develops the ices braci,rachia, ad, to ‘a lesser dogo, the extensor carpi rads brevis and tongus. Pres aime LOW-PULLEY CURLS (4 | Dera Pectoral lor Biceps baci denser capi cada gs Poomeus Stand facing the machine, raping the handles with an underan grip thumbs facing aay rom eech ote: “+ tnale and ben the elbows to raise the forearms, “aaa the end ofthe movernent. ‘is exercse focuses the effort onthe biceps rahi and works the muse intense. VARIATION “War byt ‘THE MOVEMENT 10 (5) HIGH-PULLEY CURLS Fer drum supetiias SOx Oy exer cal unas, Patras ngs For cap ails, ‘Stag between the pully withthe ams outstretched ina cross" ad rasp the hands of the high piles wh an underhand a: * Intl and bed the elbows to beng the hands toward the body. Exhale atthe end ofthe movement ‘This exercise, wich is most oftn performed as a col down atthe end ofan er session, focuses the werk onthe short head ofthe biceps brah, which has been stretched and put unde tension inthe "cross" start-up positon, ‘This evercise also contacts the monocular racials elbow flexor. Peo this exercise with tt weighs so thal you can concentrate and fe the contacto atthe inside of he biceps bach ‘Sets of hgh eps provide the best resus. VARIATION want enc mag vo ne ‘ror cn ore i, ‘e Bose ten nt, W pcan ==. = oa mms etd ere ls poe esl won eos at ccs Ne a (Giwdhewagetastmsce’s Mrpmrteai comnts | | |Oammt m etn otic a oem few; be partially wrapped around the radius. ‘the radius to pivot on its axis, bringing biceps | the most powerful supinator. ‘he hand ino supination, BARBELL CURLS (6 | Bley bac, apne. or cal ada, Fever ca unaris Palmar ng.s Eterar cari ails longs, ating rs Lumber veto Etoso: cari radi bres For pls nga Flexor digitorum superticts Fa ‘ = = aight = Ly pe A “SLE ‘He moveMeNt Stonvth he tack staph gasping te bate withon nt gp and hands shy wie ban sole apart «tl ar rete ately uc theo, king caret stabi eo and pb meal contacting te tle med, bin mcs, an pn uses. «tal athe endo te moter Tis eerie manly cract the cas ba, ach 2, toa oe ee, the rach, pent, and te i fxr. Variatons: vy he with ft eto wake parts ote ‘uct mr eee + Pacing tetas ate pa eats start nada he Dips bach + adn te hard csr ger ete ng nado he bps hac faiing bah eons ater they ae flexed incoases the conacton alte eps ac ancora aor To make te exc moc, pert te mrenet vth the ack ag a al oat he sherds dont mor. BARBELL CURLS “You can lift more weight and gain strenath by leaning the torso back on ite EN ce on ting he ar; were prover ny, sees gad a eno ‘ecnique and wel-Sevlopd abdominal ae umbar muscles, aon wos Pe ote sp as " | Scapa Caron fossa Mel eiconc. 4 “ocies sri “7 proces | nar ubersty Hanae Mesacarpal Prosi paar Mile paar ‘ Distal pala Head of mens (eater beast ese ubersiy } Ba gore Y crest of ser bere Crest of greater uber Ht 1 Upper exter witha smal angle {ro common in women) When training the biceps bracit using a babel, fake inlo account variations in each person's plysical structure. In the anatonical positon arms ranging anode ‘the body, gas facing fora, and tums pointing lateral, the aol at he elbow beeen the upper ‘athe forearm vais from person to person ‘Someone whose forearm hangs disney ay fom ‘the boty in vig poston mest beak excessively al the wrist when gerfoming acu witha sbaght bar, cn is pin These, hase people should work wih an Zao spare ther ris. [ Comment: Valgus of the elbow is usualy more pronounced in women, 2 (2) Upper extremity witha significant valgus angle ARMS: MACHINE CURLS 7 | “eps bach, aa hed Sederes ‘Stat the machine and grasp the bar with an undeand qr arms extended, an esting onthe support: tne and raise the forearms. ‘nhl at the end of the movement. ‘Tiss one ofthe bet exercses for working te biceps Bracing the ams against the support makes i Impossible to "chest" ‘Ath beginning, he muse tension nese, so be sto vax up propery using ght weights. To vod the sk of tendonitis, dona completly extend the am, “This movement also works the brachial and, to lesser extent, tho brachial and pronto tees. Pore cw an a ply ogee nm here 8) PREACHER CURLS Biceps brat Ponto es enor ca rads. Stor stand with he arms resting on the support pad and ras the ar with an undetiand rip: * Inhale and raise the forearms by bending the eows. Exhale a the endo he eft. “This one ofthe best exercises fr slatng the biceps. ‘Attention: Te angle ofthe support pad places significant tension on the forearms when the arm i completely extended. Therefor, warm up the muscles propery and begin wih lighter weights. Biceps trac pores parson Paar gus a ‘THE MOVEMENT REVERSE CURLS (9 Soleus cgi ‘cee ate Totyad Lara sone — ae Lester seapus oor — "we screen 3 senodetonasid_~ fstror . IMI ape Emmott bus phot re fg [MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM (LATERAL VIEW) ‘Stonotyoid % apes Long neat “eps bach Lair head Brachioradiats Extensor carpi radials longus Olevanmn. Ancanens Extensor capi radials brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor dit minimi Extensor carpi unaris Aoascor polis longs ens: pls toes Flexo carpi urs ‘+ tna an rag the forearms by Bending the loos. + ahaa he end of te movement. ‘This exercise works the extensor muscles of the wri: extensor carp radials longus, extensor cap rads brevis, extensor ‘igtrum, extensor ig min, nd extensor carpi ints Ivalo acts on he brachioradali, trail, an, toa lesser degree, the ices breci. ‘Comment: This isan excelent exercise for strengthening the wrist, which is ften week because ofan imbalance caused by using the wrist xo rather ‘than the wrist extensors. Fr tis reason, many boxers include itn ther traning. Many bench ress champions use ito keep their wrists from trembling under extreme weights. 15 10) REVERSE WRIST CURLS evo capris Extensor carp y } — Humans ‘ails longus xay z le Extensor carpi radials brevis. Pats Extensor digitorum Adu pls kngus Estee polis revs _- Extensor carp radials longus _- Extensor carp racials brevis Fler ples kgs — Extensor ciitorum + extensor agit minim Fevordgitrun supers Eton pals tenor indi ~ alts ergs Fan capi vests Sith he forearms esting onthe thighs ron bench nd aso the bar wit an overhand grip and keep the wrists relaxed: ‘+ aie th hands by extencing tthe miss This exercise contacts te extensor carp radials longus and bovis, extensor digitorum, extensor dg minim, as wel as the extensor carp unas. ome ona dgtrun ena ats ‘Comment: This exercise strengtnens the wrist, which are ee fen valneable because of weak wist extensors nara H FINAL PostTiON Pecks mor Det ‘eps bac “eps brah, ong bed Brats Tips tachi medal ead Prorat es, Bachiradals Flexor carpi rails: Flexor digitor Pasi IST CURLS (11) edi tubers Flexor digitorum superticials ‘covering flexor cigitrum profundus Flexor policis longus St wt the frees resting on he thighs on bench and grasp the bar with an undermand ‘ip tn urs relve: + Ine and rise the hand by fexing at he sits. ‘is exercise contacts the flexor carpi radials, pamars longs, flexor cap vais, and the ‘eros digtorum superciasand profundus. “Theatr two muses, although located deep in ‘he ws, make up most ofthe muscle mass of ‘he west exo. nist FLExoRS. oer Pras rs orca ‘THE MOVEMENT 7 18 12) PUSH-DOWNS Soles Intaspras, Tres inor —— Tees aioe vi Lateral head Long head Medial head: ‘cep bach Olcrren ‘Stand withthe back ote machin and grasp the handle wih an ‘varand gro, koping the etows tucked int the body * Ina and extend the forearms, keeping the elbows tucked into the bod, + sale at the en ofthe movement aN ‘Comment: This exercise isolates the Wiceps and the anconeus, ‘The variation using arope rather than a handle engages the lateral head ofthe triceps mor intensely Perorming the movement with an undethand rp requires ‘more contrbuton rom the mesa head of tceps. Hold an isometric contraction for one or two seconds atthe end ofthe moverentt foe! the effort more intensely, \Wnen using heavy weights, ean forward wth the torso. Bepinners can use tis exercise to develop enough strength ta move on to more ecu exercises, Bits ech Brachioks a _- Brachial ton ‘tensor cari aa longus tensor cari as brevis Extensor dato Esters ca ues Head of ura Eerer enacuum \VARIATION WITH BACK TO THE MACHINE Tat ea a of te as ‘VARIATION WITH & ROPE REVERSE PUSH-DOWNS (13) veka AN vienna ——— ‘ Teves minor ol Tees major Long head Tes rinar ~ : Humerus a “Aaron lead — ‘hoes traci | Leng head ue Medd neat Scapa Fomor Beeps tract Bratials oo (canan Pre tees Lats os Boas ac sprees Vetere achiral "Dae ; Tora ei Fever ca ais ; — ster abiue Palmar igus escrito Peer carl unas ‘Sor stand and ai a dumbbell in one hand with the arm verte * lot an bend the elow to aver the Gumbel behind the head tothe neck. + otun tothe intial poston + xh a the endothe movement ‘The vertical poston of the arm stethes the long head of he tices rac, emphaszng ts contraction wile woking. w | sao obo iatal oa ewan Foon ose | se wovenent 28 Patrais longs. fi, Edens dg minim Ferorca ris Eto don exer ca nats tr ait bes fnconeus HRA? — Eror cai is nos ‘rceps brachii, ‘medial head Intasiehs Lass dai Sorat ante Sitor stand and grasp an 2 bar with an oven sp and arms vrteak xr carp ats pas ws behind the head, + otun to the ina postn. ‘+ Esl at the endo the extersion, Bactondal ‘The vrtal position ofthe ams sonal stetches ecnevetis eps the fong head ofthe triceps tachi, emphasizing is conracton while working. {noverand rip ica the lateral head ofthe ‘ces bec ‘contac the abdominal muscles and avoid arching ‘he ow back. posse use a bench with support forthe lw back ‘THe MOVEMENT Prat tres Bachials TTeops rach, ‘medial head“ eps baci “Ticeps brachii, ong head wei! ff “yy Tees if cravat // Lass do” 8) SEATED DUMBBELL TRICEPS EXTENSIONS Stand grasp a dumbbel, holding behind te neck: «+ tna and exer the forarm, ‘+ Exhaoatthe end of te movement. ‘Te vertical poston ofthe am strong stretches the long head of the triceps tract emphasizing its contraction while working, Contact the abdominal care to Drevent arching the tow beck. Possible use a bench with Support othe ow bac, cep rach eon ~ Medial head Lateral head Long head oat of ures iceps brachit le Seana * Rb TRICEPS KICKBACKS (20) eee : Benser digionmn mg head Eten ig i Braco, Eensor cai unas Exonsor pais bes Biceps achi Peet ar Bahia torn cal as ons err cap als ris ‘Stand wit the knees sSfty tent an lean forward a the wait, malntanng a stag back. Bond the elbow and old te uper arm horiontaly alongside the boy: «Inhale and extend the forearm. + Exh at the end ofthe maveront ‘This is an excelent exercise for puming the triceps group. Perform tis exercise unbl you feel a bum for best resus 24) TRICEPS DIPS res yy! esi Irrspinats [| Tres aor hombeid Lass dorsi Fer capitis —_ a funeeteoe Estensor cari ulis or cries tere atom » Exerc ii TRICEPS BRACHH MUSCLE ses \ ‘weap a og rea econ, esp ral aoa, ‘wg tea ba eat Hoe ba, loge tte ‘erp rai tn Teas bei msl et ImTiaL PosiTion Suspend the body between wo benches by placing the hands onthe edge of one bench andthe feet on he edge ofthe oter bench “+ Irae, then dp by bending the eles and rise by extending the forearms. ‘Exhale a heen ofthe movement This exercise works the ticeps an pectoral s wel asthe anterior det, esting weights ontop ofthe thighs inceases the acu and intensty of the dp. L nowt nox a oie seri stn sa reco. rae CA sets te sto Det mens, a oe Bees act _— tener — dt : + sate excite — 4 ot cont ra “aa sce sone ates Serre Y/ Y), I ~ seri cme \ Nett race is / %, tus abcominis, ‘Scala ~ \,_ ler heat omen /// amen, Sel / \ se wena / ; vere veo a tr Hf Wy —— 7 \\\ Sct Sica } ‘isc sine Meena \ es ine Pectorais malar” Pyramidalis men / \ nraspinats ‘Serra anterior’ publ sph oblique | eset 1 BACK PRESSES. 2 SEATED FRONT PRESSES .... oH) SHOULDER INJURIES / WING ‘DUMBBELL PRESSES 3. SEATED DUMBBELL PRESSES. 4 FRONT DUMBBELL PRESSES ....... ‘5. BENT-OVER LATERAL RAISES 6 LATERAL DUNIBBELL RAISES . 7 ALTERNATE FRONT ARM RAISES 8 SIDE-LVING LATERAL RAISES 9 LOW-PULLEY LATERAL RAISES. 10 LOW-PULLEY FRONT RAISES... 11. HIGH-PULLEY LATERAL EXTENSIONS. o 12. LOW-PULLEY BENT-DVER LATERAL RAISES... 13. ONE-DUMBBELL FRONT RAISES. 14 BARBELL FRONT RAISES 15 UPRIGHT ROWS... 16 NAUTILUS LATERAL RAISES. ‘17 PEC DECK REAR-DELT LATERALS. 2 ‘SHOULDERS 1) BACK PRESSES Eiri octal bay Anterior detoid Senses ats Cranium Dots | ie det, \ solnis. \/ \ cis, ee Mastod process Poser di \ (Conical vert cor \ Eton carl vada bes Spine of ca la Esesar carl as nso: carph__ ‘dale longus Humes drones “exes mir! / Soe epee Tos ajo“ tha 'eePS | Medial head brachil vfaspnas / Thora verte omg head” hobs mao Lass dos terra obique Luar va Thorium fia ‘Sith the back staat, holding the bar across the back ofthe nck wth an ovehand fp © Inte and extend th bar straight up, keeping the low backs sagt as possible. shale at the ond ofthe efor. ‘This exercise uses he deol, mail the midland posterior Nes, as wel ashe trapezius, cep brechil, and seratus anterior Although not workod as intenoey the ambos, inaspints, teres min, and, deope te supraspinats als contract. You can aso perform this exercise whe tain at ame that guides the barb, Vato specie machines can hep with the performance ofthis exercise prevent injury tothe shoulder joint, which is vulnerable, lower the bar only as far as your ‘shoulder structure and flexibility allow you todo comfortably. tw uni ‘THe MOVEMENT SHOULDERS > SEATED FRONT PRESSES 2 Soler, Teo, sone ct an Anterior deltoid | | acronion Detoid| Poster deo m/ ie dete | Beeps bac. Brachials Brachial Eensor cami Fadl longus ‘cones omboid mejor Laisims drs Pectoral major ‘salar head FRONT VIEW Sit wit the back stight and old the bar with an ‘oveand grip, testing it cross the upper chest: * Inhale an extnd the bar vertical + Exhale atthe end f the maverent This fundamental exercise mainly uses the antec and lateral dtd, clavicle head of the pectoris ean en inn bn eRe (los th sts aut athe te ‘major, tacepsbraci, serratus antrio,rapeius and, ‘sam eeper in, hesoaspnatis, ‘ou can also perform this exercise standing, a lang as you keep the heck strat, avldng excessive curvature ofthe lumbar spine. Exeneing te barbell with the ‘bows foward Spates the anterior dtd Extending the bar withthe elbows spread apart isles the mide Sti ‘ou can use various machines fortis execs, SHOULDERS SHOULDER INJURIES we sor oe SHOULDER JOINT Compare ote lately stale onotennal fin, Be ‘shoe its ss ence ‘Sedan § mae male, whieh as roe wae rae inn ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES FROM THE FRONT Perinat rovion — (oraoid pocess — ‘Supraspinatus tendon Humerus ser iberie Beeps bri, Jong ead, eon Oorancbroctias {Shot head eps baci | | tong ead Subscapularis ‘cep, mel border ‘Stour inure zur fequenty in weighting and especial yin booytuldng where deveonng the entire debit grup rues the aie to perm a signfcant numberof eet: ‘tons and variations in ewries, when maltipis the 1k of iio, (Cormpard to the stay ofthe hip jot, where he toad othe femur sis dep inthe aero cavity of he pls te shoulder ion wits very bie and alos ear oma vou alle ange of moto sin act much fess contained and pro- ‘eco, he shoulder i defod as ball and-sect ont because the head of tbe humerus is ml eld within th glen avy of ‘he srapla by a complex muscublntinows prow. ‘ost eightiing juries occur hen train the dis, and they rary rut m mus pulls of ears. They ave usualy cau sed by poor tecique or averse ofthe tendons enrcng the tua capsule. In coast to contact sports, suchas fatal, where suiten ‘2m ovement can cele srs inuiosinohing ication even tm tendons the mest sereus iy in wetting involves entrapment hon some peopie perform execs in wich thy as the ‘ams, such a8 exesions fom the pack o ater rates, the ‘suprainas fnden i rubbed and compress ble th hao the humerus and the estelamerous ein crexted ty he ir surace ofthe eromion and he cxactacromal ligament, Infammatin falons. Ths genealy begins wth the ecus bass hh normaly roles He supraspnas rom excess ve freton, and exends to the sypasnaus tenon isa, ‘ic, wtbout weetent ends up fet the adjacent nas nls enon posterity and tong heed of te ies bra ‘Supraspinatus, Ciice —~_Coracotnvicutcigarents \ | gfe \ Coraptroligmont ti ante, Raing the rm becomes eteray painful and ‘rental can cause overs deterioration ofthe sueasi- ‘us tendon rough caliaton and even tang; however ‘his usu hppens to people 40 years of age or oles ‘he space between the huneus andthe esteabamontoss anromococnd cetng ates fom person to person. Some tees cannot ase ears latealy whut excessive f= ‘on, These people shuld avoid all extensions ftom the neck, leeral raises hat 0 foo hgh andbeck presses. ‘AL Darel extensions fr to shouldrs mus be parted t> the ont wth te ttons sot fond Wen ding teat ibe ries, jot nee fo detente prope eight to Fae theamsto The tet movements hears you can pet= ‘orm witht causing pan. Nei everyone responds te sare way othe sare solder 1 Same neple may perfor al sot fam rao tat com ress the tendon, sometimes even causing tendon dogonera tion, without iitting pit inlmmatry press. This is how to supresinaus tendon can be dscoveed during assessment without that person ever having compsined of in Another cause of shoulder pain mayan imbalance in muscle tension around the aula capsule. Remember tat he head oto humerus sally bed agaist the dei fossa tthe scapula by a grup of muse tendons aheing too rssing ner the arc capsule: nn, hs 6 the sbscapns Ite more antrrshe ang heat of he beeps; super. the sipraspnats and fal poster, the inespnais and eres inns Spas, hypertonic, rhypotniiy in one more of ese muscles can pul the shou joint ino an incorrect sin. Thispsiton can cause ion durng am meen, reat in inferno. ‘SHOULDERS ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES, SEEN FROM BEHIND Supraspinatus Shine of sania Inrspinatus ‘eres minor Scapa, ei border Long he Tiers Trac | {6 Peat Example Strtenng or spasm ofthe ees minora the ntas- pints wil oul the head ofthe hues in etal eatin, view cause robin a he anterior shoud: jit aurng ‘arm mover Overt, tis wal jure te lng bead ofthe ico rac Balance the trning ofthe shoulder muses and avoid exer ‘aes that eel and rp [CORONAL SECTION OF THE SHOULDER JOINT LATERAL VIEW OF ScAPULA DISPLAYING THE SEROUS BURSA HIGHLIGHTING THE CORACOACROMIAL LUGAMENTOUS CEILING ‘minor ad infaspinatus. crete tne caine ‘too ee ‘SHOULDERS This is one of the rare exercises that may be performed by people suffering from the all too-common entrapment syndrome. Pecocming arm extensions wih dumbbells while ying on @ bench nd kee- ing the elbows next to the body works te anterior deld and, toa lesser degree, the middle detid intensely while preventing excessive rubbing at ‘the anterior shoulder. ‘When performed regulary, this maintain size and tone of detoids despite the este of injury. You can aso use tis exercise to reesucate te pectrals major folowing tearing, ending while Keeping the elbows agaist the bony reduces its stretch, thus reducing the rsk of tearing the soared area Performing the exercise: ‘Lie ona bench withthe chest expanded, back slighty arched feet fat onthe round, andthe eliows bent next tothe body, holding 2 dumbbel in each and Inhale and extend the ams vertical + hale atthe end ofthe movement, “+ etumn to the inital poston with a controled movement SEATED DUMBBELL PRESSES (3) surat \ tearm \ \ tera pllis ‘ons Extensa Sone of sap _ Pectorais major, ‘laveular head \ Etensr digitorum ‘Stemeclédomastid Soleus Begs bacht Brctoradals —_ Leste seauts err carl ile eis Midd dota Brachals Posterior deold | Detoid aon wk TERUG EENSONS Sensor capa ongus — \ Nee dottoid ‘Sion a bench, kooping the back LL Ibraspras ‘right With eBows. bent and Lateral head Tees iar oting foward, hoi te dumb | Triceps brachil| Long head ~~ bos at shoulder level wih an Medial head ~ To mee underhand grip (humbs pointing nay trom each ote * Inhale and extend the arms vertically while rotating 180 degrees at the wrists, bringing them into an overhand grip (thumbs pointing toward each oer “+ Exhale atthe end of the move ment ‘is exercise salts the dtd, ‘many the anterior dtd, 25 wo asthe caviular head ofthe pac ‘oral major, tices rac, ape 2s, and serratus anterior. Variations: Tis exercise may be performed sated against backrest to help prevent an excessive arch inthe buck, standing, and alternating ‘Comment: Working with the elbows pointing foward provenis excessive friction, which tigger inammaton inthe ‘shoulder that can eventually develop into a more serous injury. This movement s recommended for people with weak shoulders and is meant o replace more intense exercises, such 2s classic dumbbell extensions wi the elbows pointing othe sides or extensions from behind the neck. BENT-OVER LATERAL RAISES ( 5 ) Dottoid | Posterior detoia Mie dtd Eteeor carpi ais longus ooonaus Feo capi ura“ Eons cami rows Estersor cari ues tensor dg isin’ ‘Stand with legs sight apart and knees sity bent and ean forward at the waist while keeping the back straight. With arms hanging down, rasp the dumbbels with the ebows sigity bent + Ina and raise the arms to nrzont + ele atthe end ofthe ofr. “This exercise warks the shouldor group aczentng the work of ‘he posterior eto. Squeeze he aude lads together at ‘he er ofthe movement to contact the mele and lower portions ofthe trapezius, ombois, tees minor, and inras- Pinas. Variation: The excise may be perfarmed facedown on an intne bench ‘Sterraddomasid Pectoral major leaps baci Bractorsals Prono tes Flexor carp ras Palais gus Flex digicam sperials Beene digtoum FINAL POSITION Stemotyoit \ Ss ett ce oat jf a vost | ns ‘Tees inc Long tet “Scapula een sann Lats asi enna Extemal abiique ~~ Pubie symptysts Pocus abdoins tes mau Wopsoas — Petineus Teor ei la Abdo ngs Sarotus ‘SUPRASPINATUS MUSCLE ACTION soon aim ‘oe B ‘ho sig tm ray sap Pa nae! tetas eg _ ‘B) LATERAL DUMBBELL RAISES ie Posterior detoid 1) poeror dtd | vetoia \ | mie dete scar —— Siam __—— Pati sys Fem Stand with a straight back, wth tegs ‘sight apart, arms hanging next to the boy, lng a barbel nea hand ‘+ fais the arms to horizontal withthe ttbows sly bent + Retunto the inital poston. This exercise mainly uses the middle del tai ‘Tho thao dvsons of he dots erato a multipenate muscle whose ferent fer rections converge onthe humerus. Their funtion 1s to support relatvely beary ‘weight ad to move the arm trough its range of moion wit precision. Therefor, tis important to adept waning tothe specs ofthis muscle by ‘varying the ita pasion of te moverent fants behind, tothe side, or in ron, This throughly warks all ‘ho rs of he mide dtd Because everyone's pysicalstucure i ferent ength ofthe cave, shape ‘ofthe acromion, and eight of th insertion at the humerus), you must fn the ange of the ial poston tat is best for you. Lateral alses contract the suprapiats, although you car's this becaus itis located deep in the suprasinatus fossa of the scapula shoulder bade), where it attaches tothe lesser tubercle of the humerus Raising the arm above horizontal contacts the upper par ofthe trapecis; however, many bodybuilders don't ‘work above horonal so that hy islte the the lateral det. This exercise should nt be performed wth heavy weights, but instead insets of 10 to 25 rps, tile varying te woking angle without much recuperatan time unt you fel a bur. To inceas the intensity, maintain an fometc contraction for a few seconds with ‘the arm at hoional between each repetion, oti ote oo IMAL PosriONS: vaRTiONS no - ore oar] ‘SHOULDERS Splius ‘Stackidaastid tersr carl ads bres Anterior deltoid a 71 Nene Detad | mde tis \ (one \ [xm span / Extensor carpi uberis Paooneus | / | scent | Tres major is 08 _ fas en oe “ices bach ais Fromids Lover pot Etna oblique Latsinus dos CONVERGENT © PENNATE CONVERGENT PENNATE MUSCLE ‘MUSCLE MUSCLE ‘MUSCLE FINAL POSITION: VARIATIONS. onan nie dpa pase wee mito sar wa emir Tanase ftorecmepn musiebaagrastere | | stfem mac cena rs see hme ee et aa eo 1 a to tat Doing iis cus gonae__| |e no cn and ms ants Bes ae ‘est here od peace eae | | pate nodes eq oe sols akan ye ra | |e ers A mt ‘ahh ane dscns yeumatecorat | | shee sant oa muse ose m= num ie of ern spain 49 paca sar SHOULDERS 7) ALTERNATE FRONT ARM RAISES eid Sterraclddomestot Tapes Pectoralis major. clavicular head ‘cd ‘ bated | ja eet Boss brat Brchas ‘Troe rah Broctoadas Extensor cal rads longs noone Eonar gto tere cal radials bres Exons ig mii Aout pois angus Tero jor Lasers dost Pras mac Sorat arr ‘Stand wi the feet siphy apart, holding the barbels with an ‘ovehand grip as they rest agaist the front ofthe thighs or sight tothe side: * Ine an aternate raising the arms tothe tonto ee lve. + hale atthe ed ofthe efor. ‘This exercise uses mainly the anterior deo the clavicular head of ‘he pecarais maj, and, to a lesser dere, the remaining deo, ‘AM movements tat raise the ams contract the muscles that anchor ‘he scapla tthe rib cage, such asthe seats anterior and rhombi, ven create a stable support forthe humerus to move from, vvxniarion Lato mio vaniaTion seg te ob a, ‘SHOULDERS SIDE-LYING LATERAL RAISES (8) Eten carla bes ee eagotert | | carat on Exons dlgton Bractiodls Arconeus Peer cai ars Ester carp lets For cai ua Palmas ngs Ue on oe side onthe fer of on a bench lng a dumbbell ith an ovorhand Unik standing raises, which progressively work the muscle to. maximum to: Intansty at the end ofthe moveront (tan te arm reaches nrizona, this + Inhale an rise the am to vertical frercse works the det ferent by focusing he efor atthe beginning of + ale atte end ofthe movment ‘he aise. Sts of 10 0 12 repetitions work best Comment: This movement contracts the supraspioatus, the musce mainly responsible {or inating abduction. Varying the inital postion (dumbbell in font of or behind the ‘high allows you to work the dato iter, (9) LOW-PULLEY LATERAL RAISES Stroked Seas Topas Orcs ‘Anterior dtd Pectoral major cus andominis nda he aponetzosis Ere obiqve Edereor cara longus Socores Bers cal unas Feo cpus tensor cries tensor dru tensor tg mi Abc pole ngus Eonar pales brevis Grasp the hand th the arm next tothe Body “Inhale and raise the arto hrizontal ‘Exhale out athe end ofthe movement. ‘This exercise mainly develops the mide de- ‘oi, Bacaus the muscles mutipenat,com- sed of many fiers inthe shape of feather, itis best ovary the wrkng angles inorder to ‘war al the fers ‘SHOULDERS: LOW-PULLEY FRONT RAISES Tapezis, Exar cal censor dgtorun breve Star wi est lay apart, ams eto tebe. Grasp eharde wih anvatand This etc tbat tod ay he ane det a we ste Caves red i ith one fet cf he petals rand, ba sr cy, est heat of he Boe rac 1 nce and seo arm up ooo te eal eed of fe mover a ‘SHOULDERS Trapezius, Anterior dato, Dettoid | “Middle deo Posterior deltoid Brahios, “Thos rah Eterraloblque (uius metus RHOMBOID MAJOR ANO HKIVOR MUSCLES Lastnsp te tops Ba Reno ple cha bc er ‘te snang pes em are oe nse pape, apr as hens ae hs ces ee me 11 HIGH-PULLEY LATERAL EXTENSIONS / Extensor: son tri pn | | Fer pu Send fxg he ply win ho ams exenced to te fr, gong te gt Rae wh he et ee atte let eed wth eit hand ‘nan exten ans nei nd ak ‘ie at ee of he more Feu to he inl postion wih cnt vee ard begin apn, Tis excise mely conads the potafor dei nests tes mio an, te ed of he move te sur Hes coe tte, te pans aed eee i te orks Comment: People wo cay ther shoul fo wa because of chest muscle devdopmest can afr his ence in cont pte shu der wn at a mactire to ep rebalrce te pos- we To ealgn shoulders wher hey belong, work ith moa wih, anda he endothe maveent suena the shoul back, ‘SHOULDERS LOW-PULLEY BENT-OWER LATERAL RAISES (12) Posterior detoid Inrspinatus \ idle detoid “Ticeps brachii, ateral head re ‘Stand wie ot par, bs slob, ard ean fora ore wt, oping a fat bak. rp a hard Inch are wth te cols se Ihara tessa thsi to haat © Gta atthe end eet “is mcs marty waste ptr dati Ate endo te moment, a Wo sods Squae ‘ata ba rapes ie ad over pris] nd sami cara. SHOULDERS 13 ONE-DUMBBELL FRONT RAISES ‘Stemoekidomastoid Splrius Lest scan Seaenes ono Patras mir was terse cap als nas Pectoral majo Biers bat élaveuar head Mido detois ~ Doltoit | Posterior deltoid Anterior deltoid Brachiedals oconeus Eerser dium Bersor capi rads revs ‘Reexor carpi unaris —< Ly Cot tensor ca nas tensor di ini ‘Sand itn helo sity apr, a bait ek an he abn muses contacted ith ams ‘een asp 2 dure both ands win ges assed oe ach oer as ess asst te bigs: «te antral fe dumbbal oe ove get aveng abt movers bala ene ta momen. “Tis everekemlyconrass he anor dt, i daub hese of te pacts ao, and the sot ead of he is. Nu ha te es oe scapu ews dig fe mere contacto hich ln he humans move oma bp, SHOULDERS BARBELL FRONT RAISES (14) Fron oy ‘Serndeienesid Srabres nyc Tepes Pectoralis major, clavieuar head Anterior deltoid “eres aor Latsius dost Toes trac Batis feornass Btersr dtu Eten gh mini torr carl las Fer cam unas Sre ith te os sity apart athe tak stag cena these me Hold te bate hn ‘stare io asi et apart he: “nh area th babel wih exon ams fo ye boo ‘Era at the et of fe move. “Wis eerie cats te arto do, te dau head othe ecole maj, he tain, and, 0 less dogs topes Sores are and stot hat boas TF you carinus raking te ars, he pos ot cantar the werk of Pe cher muses nt lng yo oa ms fv Tre exec doe permed ih your ack low uly and the cle pas beeen Me eg. ‘THE MOVEMENT [Comment Tre biceps tac arpa oa seer re nl anor kas 45° UPRIGHT ROWS Medal eat Latertest | css Long hed 7 THE MoveMENT Sand wth fogs lity cart nd bak sight. Gasp the babel ih an overand lg wr hn tur ih estes ait te hs + hak anpul tease up large body ote cn Keira he bows as highas poste, > Love fe as ina contol ener witol bug moves hl ale end of tee. “Tis erose mit ues te deb, raped, and oops ano a ser dees he muscles fe reas he te ruses te nbxsarals au, and tear muscles “Tis sa nde cece hts crpeterehe adhe dopa Hees sine ‘he i lh ee sxe hae loa eam "benim praca ‘SHOULDERS NAUTILUS LATERAL RAISES (16) Steet ects me, iar ex. Pectos ra vee Sterum Detoid Boaps bat Peer capt vadals| Fexor iat supericals Fear carp ats Jana orqus Beans cap als Toogs Stats mecie, gasping he hands «nee an ase te os ta ‘inte at hee of he mane Tis evr uses ne dtd foc. mast of fit on te mie dt) andthe sass raed une fe ded air he am cow het he ups par of te eps ao twoores nk Comment: Tiss an excelent bering exercise bacause you oat ave to won out ‘your fom 0 ostoing, nd it ons ng ses of peti, THE MOVEMENT a 17), PEC DECK REAR-DELT LATERALS Brachiols Teres minor ‘Trapezius, lower portion Romboia Tres aoe “eps bath, ‘ong head Lass ds INFRASPINATUS ANO TERES MINOR ut te use en a tr oe apa ee epsom he epunhareatu, ‘arg wis sto cp, ee at toe as hone ‘anor etna tn em ec eo a he a ee race mean en on ee Comme: 7 Se pa ees hor and aa wee, Tg ere OST j ef ad lag hed Betis © tensor cap das tnos| Enso cap rai res "THE MOVEMENT Stee be meng, th tsa aga te tack a, ars fava, ing he hares: ‘heb ad separate he ams, satzng he coater ads ingoherat te eto te mover Bie, Tis rtd yong th poster eins rau and res mo a, te end ofthe meres, ‘ben he sutras Saez ogo he tenes and hon wearaeetan tba INCLINE PRESSES. PECTORALIS MAJOR TEAR .. BENCH PRESSES CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESSES. BENCH PRESS AND ELBOW PAIN DECLINE PRESSES PUSH-UPS. PARALLEL BAR DIPS DUNIBBELL PRESSES DUNIBBELL FLYS. INCLINE DUMBBELL PRESSES INCLINE DUMBBELL FLYS. PEC DECK FLYS CABLE CROSSOVER FLYS DUMBBELL PULLOVERS BARBELL PULLOVERS. 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6a 85 49 CHEST 1) INCLINE PRESSES | Bacioatels rs ar spores WA uma Of ‘PART OF THE PECTORALS anny seo SS ocr dtoun spots Anterior deltoid SE Bees ac SSO ooratctits For cap als Pars gus For cari unas Een carl inars Anconeus Ticeps brah, long head Bachiaks Ticeps brachi, medial head ye scais Le Serratisaterior ‘Siton an cine bench angled at 4510 50 degroes, rasp the barbell with an coverhand gip wider than shoulder wat “ a | meme | ea This eercse mainly solicits the lavioular head of the pectralis jor, anterior det tics brat, serratus anterior, and_pectoralis minor. This exerse maybe done at ‘rae that guides te bar ‘Comment: Contrary to popular ore, the ining ress des not tone the beasts and inno way preven their sagging, Beasts are composed of adipose tssue canting the mammary mts i lands, al of which Is contained in not of connote tissue that rests on top of the poctorals major ol CHEST "cove ee coh iste a Stomodeitorastad sterahis Pedals ric | dlaculer head oN apes Canice Acromion “ear inthe tendon ofthe clavicular head ofthe pectoralis major Serum Humerus ena Costa catanes Clavier es Stermondtalhead | Petals ajo Aerie ead ter dois Mice Boos bec Tice rh _-Lassius dai Seats anor Brains ects abtominis tarred cbigve Prono res Tho poctrais majo originates atthe anterior surface of tho rib cage and insets atthe antor surface of ‘te upper end ofthe humerus. ‘tf & powerful muscle whose main function isto ‘ing the ams togetter in roto he ribcage. tis ‘te huang muscle) Unlike most sports, where pavtorals mejor injuries rare, wooing, especialy the bench pres, can lead to smal oars and even par capture of ts tenon. exo mk ‘sponig ‘ieee (Sceieein) So theme Sree hs Sarenersng 2 ‘on staan tan ‘This timate injury is seen only in relathey powetl athletes using abnormaly rapid force before the ‘tendon as hed tne io stengten. Sometimes tis associated with Inv-clre et aimed at neeasad ‘must definton. (These des tnd to weaken the usc, tendons, nd jot The ing, which always ocurs during heay boncn- pressing, generally affects oy the tendon of the Caviar head ofthe pectras majo. ‘torn tendon is exterely painful, and the aete ‘may faint. Sweling and bruising often appear on the INSERTION OF THE PecroRNUS vuhdoR MUSCLE ON THe HUMERUS DISPLAVNG HOW THE TENDON "TWISTS ON ITSELF CREATING AUSHE During bench presses ors, the most lateral pat of the pectoris major tendon, wie comesponds to the ‘davicuar head, put under the most stress. ‘Therefore, when iting heavy weights, this isthe tendon tatters o pus aay fom inset, intl te oct ae anterior surface of the arm, and action of the ‘avicuar ned leads oa hallow tats mei to the anterior ti The problem vith tes injury is a doctors often mstagnose This mstake is uortonatly common but is understandable. tecause dung. the pstraumatic examination the inured arty is able 1 Diefonn all te movements tat indicate fll motor unecton ofthe pectoral major. Therefore, the injury appears to be 2 simple muscle tear rater han te mare serious tear ofthe endnous insertion. Far example, despite atx of he caieulr oad of the pectrals maj, anterar elevation ofthe am, ihc spar of function, compensate for by the ante dat. And abduction is pertormed by the Semel and atdominal hea ofthe pectrais mor If the tendon ofthe caviular ead ofthe pects majors tom, tmust be surgical reinserted onto the humerus a5 soon as possible. this 1S not done prompt, traction ae ross ofthe muscle occurs, and he operat wl no lange be pssible ‘though you ean inove your arm through is ful range of mofon witaut tho supetor bead of the pectrals major, you wil sever recover your ital strength ad vil beat a serious disadvantage if you ‘rant ocontine heavy weight rang 51 52 CHEST (2) BENCH PRESSES Brioni Prono ts, Subs Sorat eis Tees mor Lass ct For Aigtoun supericals Paranis ogus For cari hans Eetoner cam unas Foor Ue faceup on ahora! bene, wth butocks onthe bench and feet fat on the ground: * Gras he barel with an overhand ap wider han stoulder with * Inale ant ower the bar oth cest with conte maxon + cand the arms and exale tthe an afte ator. ‘This exercise engages the complete pectralls mor muscle, pctras mio, anterior et, serratus ant, and coracodrachia Variations 1. This movement may be performed while arcing the back power. sty This psion ngs he more powerful lower pat of te pectoral muscle int play, allowing yout it heavier weights. 2. Executing the extension wth te bows net tothe body concentrates the work nto theater detox. ‘3. Varying te wth ofthe hands isolates cferent parts ofthe muste += Yands closer togeter alates te canal part ofthe petals + ands wide part slates te tral pat ofthe pectoral 4. Varying the angle ofthe barb lates diferent parts ofthe muscle * Lowering the bar tothe chonocostal border ofthe ribcage isolates the lover par ofthe pectoral * Lowering the barbell ono the middle pat ofthe pectoras slates the mine fers. * Lowering the bar ono the steal ot isolates the clair head ofthe muscle, 5. you have back problems or want slate the pectras, parton the extension withthe gs raised. 6, Peror the extension ata rae that guides the ba. ‘THE MOVEMENT CHEST ARCHED-BACK VARIATION ‘Sey he book pes ihn he ik pone ents ome of he ae a dbs oI ‘trite ees mas ea any Fe favcrfetooray aha serge natin fate en bl two, he bs td fori i! he ae wn Ck lens Sy Motte bes nasty bem pe POSITIONING FOR A POWER BENCH PRESS. -RAISED-LEG VARIATION Perma th mond min sed es oes eT ‘ams a, wen cau ck Ths wen sin afi of ti a pea a eee a ur se _arTeNiON {1 For masium sft oc ont to bar with 2p in wich he mb andes oppose ‘CHEST (3) CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESSES Fever dotoumn sweats. ear cal uais Anooneus Medial head ‘iceps brachil | Lateral ead ong head eres mio PART OFTHE PECTORAL MUSCLES THAT ARE MAMUY USED EXECUTION WITH ELBOWS | onew ro THE siDes To BeTTER| ISOLATE THE TRICEPS BRACHIL Ueon horizontal berch withthe butocks onthe bench ang the feet onthe round, gripping the barbell wth an oerhand rp and wrists 4 to 15 Inches apart, depending ‘onthe fy ofthe wrists Inhale an ower the bar wi acontoled movement tothe chest, wh the elbows out to the se. Extend and ext atthe end the eto. ‘This exercise deveops he pectoral muses tte steal notch andthe cep baci (itis in in, maybe iced in a progam forthe rms) By extending and ‘keeping the bows nett the body, a greater part ofthe wok i performed bythe ater ded. Ths meverent may be perfarmed at frame that ules the ba. ‘Attention: Depending on your physical structure, the narrow pip may cause wrist pain n this as, use a wide ap. SECTION THROUGH THE ELBOW JOINT Depa ne tanen nae aro ee, te ca ap ‘out econ a Te see ‘rs on mourn, eh ae ema pel pt Innes ial CHEST DECLINE PRESSES ( 4 Fever capi unas ects acon Sara ante Brats Stoscapuari a | RR oy ten et | erp bac | ns ; Portis Uo i ave 20th ees gu nt et fe evelyn atl wt 2 ane ale wah oe "hardin eo pocas va ele one + toate ae et oe nee ; ‘This exercise contac the pecorals major (mail ts inferior fies), cep brachi, andthe anterior deca Tis exercise is useful for utnng the inferior grooe ofthe pectoral. Using light weights and lowering the br to the neck stretches the pectrals mor corecty The decline press may be performed at a frame tat guides the bax PECTORALIS MAJOR PECTORALIS MAJOR MUSCLE INSERTIONS Pecks mai, Gaye ct Pocerals mor x sesnocostl Peat Ys PART OF PECTORALIS MUSCLES uamty useD Steun Pecos main, ‘oil head Chandoo border fb cage CHEST (5 | PUSH-UPS Pectoralis maj clavieuar head Pectoralis major: ‘Bes bach — ractirails ~ poli — cai as Aodctr pols bres ~ ‘Anterior deltoid Mele cet, Demat foes — Posto dots ‘iceps bracit ‘Anconeus Etensar car adil bes tener digtorum ens igh inn tensor carl unas islngus Exenor While performing push-ups he sarratus anor contracts to malta ‘he scapula aginst the ribcage, locking the ams onto the ts ‘Support youre facedown onthe ground th ams ‘extended, hands shouler-wit or mare apart and feet touching or shy apart + Intle and bon te elon to bring the cage {ose othe ground without arching the low back ncssivoly, ‘+ Push back up to complete arm extension, ‘Exhale atthe end of te maverent This movement i excelent er he pectras major andthe trices bret PART OFTHE PECTORAL, MUSCLES MARY USED Varying the tt ofthe chest focuses the werk on ferent pars of he pectoral ‘+ Feet higher folate the the cavicular hea ofthe pectorals major, ‘+ Chest higher sats the nerior part ofthe pectcas malo. ‘Varying the with of the hands focuses the work on efent pats ofthe petra: ‘+ ands wider isoatos tho lateral part ofthe pectoras major. ‘+ ands Coser goer slats the stmal hed of the pectoral major. CHEST PARALLEL BAR DIPS (6) Anterior detoid Mile csi Tapes Bien a _ Pectorlis major Esensor car ua Baenserdigtrun i . PART OFTHE PECTORAL ‘MUSCLES may USED val bers Hang from the parallel bars wth ams extended and legs suspended: * Inhale and bend the ebows to bring the chest level with the bars, + etum to te extended arm positon Exhale at te end ofthe efor. “The more te chest is angled forward curing the exercise the moe the inferior bes ofthe pectoral are use. Conversely, ‘he more vercal the chest, the more the triceps bach will be used ‘This exorcise Is excllont fr stretching the pectoris major and for working on the flexibility of the shauder gi. However, it isnot recommended for beglners because i requiesa certain amount of inital strength, 1 you are @ beginet, use a ips machine to faniariee EXECUTING OFS AT A MACHINE yourse wth the movement 1 eta poste Ses of 10 to 20 repetitions provide the best resus. [Pratt For developing more strength and also more size, athetes sed to fs movement may use 2 weight be, or hang & ‘weight rom te logs. ‘Comment: Excite te dips with caution to prevent shoulder rauma "THE MOVEMENT 7 CHEST 7) DUMBBELL PRESSES y Eeersor dit mii tensor capi radals bens ‘Anconeus Ue faceup on a horizontal bench, with fet fat on the ground fr stably and bows bent, holding dumbbels with an overtand gi at the chest ve: “+ Inhale and extend te ams vercaly whe rotating the forearms. sa tat he pas fac each oo ‘+ Once the hands face each other, peta an isometr contraction , to focus the effort onthe sternal ead ofthe pectrals majoc. ‘Exhale atthe en ofthe mavernent ‘This exercises similar othe bench press, but with is grater range of maton, stretches the pectoris muscles. ‘though not contacted as intense, the triceps baci and anterior etc ar also used vvaniaTion ‘Bac eeu wen ing Nees, CHEST DUMBBELL FIVS (8 | Ooraotactias Pectoral major, strnocostal = ‘Subscaputis Pectoralis major, cavicular ma Sera tai Latins dst =\ \\ Tees \ For digto / swerioas Extensor ccapiuharis Fer cap vias ‘ops basi te head Eonar igh ii 7 erectile {tensor diatom i dtd — tensor cai ais bes | | Up on a narrow bench that won't inter with the shoulder ‘movement and hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms extended or sighy bent to aleve stress onthe joint Inhale ané open the ams to hoot. Rage the ams to vertal whe exhaling, ‘+ Perorm a small isomotc contraction atthe end of the ‘movement to emphasize the work onthe sternal head ofthe pects majo This exercise fs nverperormed wit heay weg This exercise focuses tho work onthe pectoral major. t sarves as a basic eercise to Incase thoracic expanson, which contributes to increased puimonary capacity lt also develops muscle fx, tas nas Prcanes ‘THE MOVEMENT ‘Comment: To aol the isk of tearing he pectoral muses, perfor the exercise with exteme caution when using healer weights

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