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Ge mms GSPL INDIA GASNET LIMITED Transmittal Sheet Ref, No. GIGL/ISIW//HO/SECTION 3/NOV/2019/ME/T-036 Date: 05-11-2019 Issued To M/s JSiw Kind Attention Name of Project: MBPL Phase-II (Section-IIl) Mr. Atit Shah Sub: QAP for BV & Anti buoyancy calculation Dear Sir, ‘We enclose the under mentioned documents as indicated 1: Approved/Released For Construction 2: Approved subject to the incorporation of comments, 3:Not approved, 4: For information only Sr.No. | Document Name Doc. /Dwg. No Rev [soe ‘Copies 1 ‘GIGLM-1004-0000-PL-DOC-CAL- ala ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION _| R-00002 1 2 | QAP FORBALL VALVE (FE) | ITP 1R19335-01 a fa 0 Note: M/s JSIW is advised to distribute copy of these documents to site office of GIGL, EC (HO), CS (Site), and TPIA. ‘Also upload the scanned copies of original documents on PIMS. Copy Distribution ‘Distribution wi [ Ref. | Study Review Resub | Record ca vv v v (Site) v v v v Tia vp v v Contractor v v v v Prepared By ‘authorized By Name & Designation Signature Name & Designation Sinpture Arvind Makwana Jayendra Kanani { MTs) © AM (P) of 1. ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION Gia) el FOR SECTION Ill MBPL PHASE — ll PIPELINE | eRoleer | Doe. No. GIGLAI-1004-0000-PL-00C-CAL-R-0002 PROJECT MEHSANA-BHATINDA GAS | PIPELINEPROJECT-PHASE it OWNER “| GSPL INDIA GASNET LIMITED (GIGL) CONSULTANT ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED EPG CONTRACTOR JSIW INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD. DESIGN CONSULTANT __ | PETROCON ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS. JOB NO. GIGLM-1004__ _ - ATE ow | @ vdcumbyr review evans | cc eka page SGURDFOR REV % w W qT —— frou SUED FOR REVI # we w aoe ame ear aie ‘naemaay | Gina wy | aosoveb ey) SR) ignature wife rae TREVOR, lame of Reviewer” @ANGOPADHYAY BAYANTAN (2880) seco. Antst—_____ | iste ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION FOR SECTION Ill EEL PS or TINE] Doc. No. GIGLM-1004.0000-PL-00C-CAL-R-0002 | oe oD INDEX 1.0 GENERAL. a oe . . - 3 1.1. Project Description 3 1.2 Scope .... oe eo a . 3 2.0 References . - pct ne) 2.1 Reference documents . . oe os . 3 2.2 Design Codes, Standards and Regulations. ese sootsetentieetennceenensee 3.0 Buoyancy Calculation. 4 3.4 Objective 4 3.2 Parameters required... 4 4.0 Methodology of calculation. 5 4.1 Pipe weight (W,) 5 4.2 Buoyant force(W.). 5 43. Flotation check in water during installation . “ se 6 4.4 Flotation check in water during Operation a 5 4.5 Flotation check in liquid Soil. - 6 5.0 Buoyancy Control MEASURES 6 6.0 MIN. required & RECOMMENDED CONCRETE COATING THICKNESS 7 etre ig: Rect Name of Reviewer @ANQOPADHYAY SAVANTAN (0860) 3S iw Ge ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION | 8? Siteucu mtn 4 FOR SECTION III a) MBPL PHASE — i! PIPELINE fev Page PROJECT Doc. No. GIGLM-1004-0000-PL.DOC-CAL-R-0002 01 3 1.0 GENERAL 4.1 Project Description M/s GSPL India Gasnet Limited (GIGL) proposes to install a Natural Gas pipeline network from Palanpur to Bathinda to cater gas demand of various industrial consumers in the State of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab 1.2 Scope This document covers the basic pipeline parameters, material properties and other data’s required for carrying out anti-buoyancy calculation, brief methodology of calculation and analysis, results and recommendations for the anti-buoyancy measures to be adopted for the proposed pipeline system, This document is applicable to section- II! only. Section-lIl_ consists of pipeline size of 30" starts from CH: 417.306 KM to 567.186 KM approximately 149,88 km length 2.0 — References 24 Reference documents @ documunT REView DETAILS UG Lr conan 7) Pec [FR] retain tr ce A286-000-11-42-EDB-0001 R-11 Project Design Basis A286-000-11-42-SP-0013 R-1 Specification for buoyancy control ABBREVIATIONS NG Above Ground ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers as Alignment Sheet DB Design Basis cs Carbon Steel csB Concrete Set on Blocks oD Outside Diameter PIL Pipeline RoW Right of Way Specified Minimum Yield Strength Under Ground ‘Wall Thickness Mp ue sigue will Be OCERAT | Name of Reviewer aygoe. atte wosariz . - T - 7 JIS iW) Giq) @ ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION No FOR SECTION Il! urRasTaUCTUE FE 19, MBPL PHASE - Il PIPELINE PRGUECT Doc. No. GIGLM-1004-0000-PL-DOC-CAL-R-0002 22 Design Codes, Standards and Regulations ‘The calculations performed based on the provisions of the following codes and standards. ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems o1sD-226 Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines And City Gas Distribution Networks PNGRB Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board APLSL Specification of Line Pipe BS 8010-1:2004 Steel Pipeline on Land ALAJASCE, Guideline for the Design of Buried Steel Pipeline OLSD-STD- 14d = Design and Gonstsuetion Reguizumets fee 3.0 Buoyancy Calculation (055 Counbay HydSocuahon pi pelinas » 34 ‘Objective ‘The main objective of this document is to determine the possibilty of flotation of pipeline during installation and operating conditions in areas like stream crossing, flood plains, and high ground water areas, marshy and low lying areas. Pipeline Alignment sheet to be referred for the locations where the anti-buoyaney measures te be implemented 32 Parameters required The essential parameters required to determine the buoyancy calculation for the proposed pipelines route is summarized below. 3.2.1 Pipeline size, Wall Thickness, Wiatetial and External Coating Thickness The pipeline Size, Wall thickness with respect to location class and external Coating thickness is given below table Pipe size Wall thickness, mm External (ON), mm Material Coating Class-1 | Class-2 | Class-3 | class-4 | thickness inmm 762(30") | APISLGrx-70, | 10.8 13.0 155 19.4 28 PSL2, SLPE | Coated 3.2.2 Depth of cover _____The pipeline cover as per table -5 of OISD-226. @S PoCOMENT REVIEW DETAILS] 7 mcn8Zo Factor of safety ‘commit ps fety shal] be considered as 1.1. The downward force due to weight of pipeline ea 10% higher thar that of buoyant force inence the pipeline seems to stable ISiw ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION | 8 ittesteute FOR SECTION Ill ow Page o1 5S MBPL PHASE ~ Il PIPELIN PROJECT | bo No. Glatt ane0L.D06-0AL 0088 4.0 Methodology of calculation The buoyancy of a pipeline depends upon the weight of the pipe, the weight of the volume of water displaced by the pipe, the weight of the liquid load carried by the pipe and the weight of the backfill. As a conservative analytical practice, consider the pipeline empty for two reasons, so the weight of the liquid will be considered as an additional safety factor and the possibility of the pipeline not being in use during a period of time 44 Pipe weight (W,) The weight of pipe per unit length shall be estimated based on the material selected for line pipe. Pipe weight consists of the following: 1. Steel pipe weight per unit fength (W1), Kg/m Weight of PE external coating applied on the line pipe per unit length (Wz), Kg/m Wight of Concrete Coating per unit length (Ws), Ke/m Weight of contents per unit length (Wa), Koi. Total Pipe Weight, Wp =W1#W.+Ws Kg/m- ~(1) ‘The total pipe weight is the summation of the above weights acting in downward direction. A oR 4.2 Buoyant force (Ws) The force excerted upon the pipeline by the surrounding water which is acting in upward direction. Buoyant force, W» =Area pipe x density of water, kg/m. -— 2) The diameter including coating thickness shall be considered for calculating area of pipe. 4.3 Flotation check in water during installation Flotation of line pipe occurs when buoyant force exceeds the total pipe weight calculated as per 14-1 during installation with 110 back fil material in presence of water. Flotation occurs when Ws > Wp- ~ (3) In other words if the resultant force is negative then the flotation occurs else the total pipe weight sufficient enough to lay the pipeline during installation. When flotation occurs during installation then the buoyancy control measures to be taken as detailed in a1. —4-4 Flotation check in-water during Operation (@ ocUMENT REVIEW. DETAILS hi ow. The Holation check during operation shall include weight of the contents in the pipe weight. We 2 Sem f ava [FR] retain: Ror nck ame of Reviewer GANGOPADHYAY SAYANTAN (0880) | 3s (|| ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION | %? tence ot Ga FOR SECTION Ill GR MBPL PHASE - Il PIPELINE Rew Page PROJECT Doc. No. GIGLM-1004-0000-PL-DDC-CAL-R-0002 on 66 lithe buoyant force exceeds pipe weight calculated as per c..4.4, the suitable buoyancy contro! measures to be selected based on the site conditions as detailed in cl.5. 45 Flotation check in liquid Soil ‘The fictation check in liquid soil shall be calculated by the difference between the submerged weight of pipe and weight of displaced fluid ‘Submerged weight of pipe per unit length Wpsub = Wp-Wb kgim Weight of displaced fluid Wro = pay x A Kgm Paw ~ Submerged soil density ‘A - Area of cross section of pipeline including coating Flotation occurs when the weight of displaced fluid exceeds the submerged weight of pipeline. 5.0 Buoyancy Control MEASURES If areas with high water table are found along the pipeline routes based on Survey information, or site conditions, pipelines shall be analyzed for their propensity to float, under both installation (empty) and operating conditions. Where necessary, pipelines shall be restrained against float-out by one of the following methods: © Concrete saddle weights (set-on) or Concrete set-on Bocks (CSB) Continuous Concrete Coating Concrete density of 2245 kiq/m3 shail be considered for calculations of buoyancy control measures like C58 & Continuous Conerete Coating, Pipeline is considered to be stable when pipeline is added with concrete weight coating as a measure of buoyancy control when the below condition is met Wp= Wit WotWs >1.1 Wy, = ~ (5) * Rock bolt anchoring at heavy washout areas to be identified during Pre-construction survey / local bodies information. The Method statement for Rock bolt anchoring shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by Company prior to commencement For locations for which buoyancy control is specified on the drawings, these calculations shall be presented to demonstrate the adequacy of the chosen technique based on 1.1 tactor of safety. The extent of buoyancy control measures shall be made on a site specific basis with the approval of COMPANY. © docmewraaviav eras] LY v0 commons Signroe wil Sic SOOT | Name of Reviewer GANQOPADHYAY SXYANTAN (C500) eee Na tat 12 woot Giae ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION FOR SECTION Il 3s 1 IAFRASTRUCTLRE PVT MBPL PHASE ~ il PIPELINE Doc. No. GIGLM-1004-0000-PL-DOC-CAL-R-0002 PROJECT 6.0 MIN. required & RECOMMENDED CONGRETE COATING THICKNESS Pipe Size | Material Watt ‘Concrete coating during installation (ON), mm thickness, ~ mm | Concrete | sinimum | Factor of | Recommended Density, | Reavired | safetyon | thickness, mm | Factor easy | thickness. | Min woe nt concrete satety Coating - - Od | Thickness von [ame | fa haar] tm0 ‘| tao 76230") | APISL Gr.x aie msiaix (~ag9 | 225 sof 0 135 15 j205 \ |) 8 PL ey 0 1at 494.2245 | is } TRS 430 1.60 Note-1 7 As per SOW for EPC of pipeline and associated facilities (Pipeline engineering) ¢, the minimum thickness for continuous concrete weight coating shall not less than 130mm for 30° gas pipeline. Hence the recommended Concrete coating thickness shall be selected 2s 130 mm for 30” gas pipeline. (© DocumeNr review DErams we vith Bate OCR RAS Nae of Reviewer woot (4) | ANTI BUOYANCY CALCULATION ce ea FOR SECTION Iil wep. Soe deeilad Doc. No, GIGLM-1004-0000-PL-DOC-CAL-R-0002 APPENDIX-A Buoyanoy Calculation for 30” Gas Pipeline at roe {] mnonea tc Signa eid 82 BOSERAE Name of Reviewer ~@ANGOPADHYAY SAYANTAN wwoat2 ea Ze Tansee _MOVBOOHANGY EALEULATON FOR" Gas PEELE porenna Ione sale] ] I iescarron a ee ase Sanaa Sea ee a — = = 2 - - = = 7 = = cs = = = = = == — i = boomaatwaraigncT aS i Tae saat con co == a == S = =e — =a

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