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Monday, September the 6th, 2021


In societies/the society, some groups (of people) may be considered as inferiors in reason of:

- Their gender: mostly women

- Their sexuality: LGBTQ+
- Their physical appearance (different from the majority): Black people, Chinese people,
Asians in general…
- Their religion: Catholic or Protestant in Ireland, Muslim (especially since 09/11), Jewish
- Their disability: physical or psychological
- Their poverty

People’s research are represented in this document and they are disrespectful.
Google is full of cliches.
Indeed, Google gathers people’s research., it is full of racist stereotypes/ prejudice/ judgements.
This document is an ad which is part of an Australian awareness campaign against racism.
The man on the photos shows his emotions: he looks puzzled, shocked, amazed, sad.
On the first slide, he realizes this is a stereotype.

Wednesday, September the 8th, 2021

People’s comments appear in a research bar: they are disrespectful.

The motto/slogan and the caption accuse Google with being racist whereas the bar only contains
popular research: it reflects/ reveals web users/ Google users’ points of view and racist clichés.
We can see this bar as a face mask that stops us from reading the man’s emotion on his face or as a
way to tell him “Shut up!”. It makes the man mute.

In the comments, we can read they are a shame to humanity and sub-humans, they would be stupid
like animals more than men.
They are supposed not to respect their wives their children because they beat them: they would be
violent and have no heart: they are said to be heartless.
These comments on black men are extremely aggressive and violent.

Monday, September the 13th, 2021

It is amazing/ weird/ strange that they have an awareness campaign against racism in Australia as the
man on the poster rather looks like an African-American than like an Aboriginal from Australia.
We expect Australian Aboriginals to be victims of racism as a minority within a white majority
whereas it is a surprise for the American black community as they are not always a minority
depending on the state.
We can also think as Julien reminded us that this is due to the American history including Segregation
and the Civil Rights Movement during the XXth century.
Today, the main movement is the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Vocabulary to remember:
Jewish (adj.), the Jews :
awareness campaign:→ to make people aware of
mute :
are said to be , would be, are supposed to
rather (than):
expect something to be
remind people of something
depending on/ according to:
ex: Depending on your profession, you may not suffer from discrimination so much.
According to the politician, the African-Americans from working class mostly suffer from poor
health care.

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