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If you are going to add a 5th feature for a constructivist classroom, what feature would it be and

why? Just explain in no more than 3 sentences.

Tam (2000) list four basic characteristics of constructivist learning environments which must
be considered in implementing constructivist teaching strategies:
(1) Knowledge will be shared between teachers and students;
(2) Teachers and students will share authority;
(3) The teacher's role is one of a facilitator or guide; and
(4) Learning groups will consist of small numbers of heterogeneous students.

If I will have a chance to add a 5th feature for a constructivist classroom, the feature that
I will add and implement is the “Teachers and students will have a one-on-one dialogue.”
Learning and understanding what constructivist classroom is, allows me to distinguish and
recognize the focus of the theory. Constructivist classrooms focus on student questions and
interests, they build on what students already know, they focus on interactive learning and are
student-centered. For me it is important for the teachers as a facilitators and mentors to have a
dialogue with their students, in this way teachers will be able to assess, evaluate and measure
the different needs of their students. I believe that every students are unique and because of
that it also requires different approaches in order for them to learn. By having a one-on-one
dialogue, teachers will have the chance to know their students more and help them construct
their own knowledge. Teachers will be able to consider and ponder the best technique or
methods to support the students need for learning. They will have a better understanding of
what are the needs of their students and provide the appropriate critical thinking activities that
also emphasizes their interests and supports interactive socialization.

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