Insights Eed 3 Teaching Math

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Upon watching the short video on how to use the Google classroom, and

considering my context as a second year BEEd pre-service student, I perceived that

the main advantage of using the Google Classroom is its accessibility. Google
Classroom can be accessed from any computer through Google Chrome or from any
mobile device regardless of its platform. From what I observed and experienced many
students suffer from having difficulties in gaining access in different educational online
platforms for there are many encountered problems or barriers such as internet
connection, sudden brownout, limited access on technology devices ( mobile phones,
laptop and etc.) and having financial crisis. There are times that students may not be
present in virtual classes/meetings but because of the extensive accessibility of the
platform Google Classroom all files uploaded by their professors will be stored in the
classroom folder on Google Drive wherein students can access these
files/lessons/activities anytime whenever they can. Students will no longer have to worry
about being left behind for this platform will sure notify and can be accessed easily with
just few taps. Though there are many advantages in using the Google classroom there
are also disadvantages and the main disadvantage of using this platform is that it is
impersonal, many students are having a hard time adjusting and familiarizing with the
newly implemented learning method wherein the interaction between the educator and
students are lessen. Because of the pandemic students are forced to use these online
platforms and whenever there is a new task given by their professors/teachers they tend
to proceed in answering the modules without even reading or comprehending the
content of the materials inserted in the tasks, as we all know online platforms can never
compensate the learnings that the students will obtain from face to face classes or face
to face learning method. In my perception learning is more effective when we
experienced it, for effective education, learning or knowledge requires active
interactions. Despite of the disadvantages in using the platform Google Classroom, I
tried to overcome and adapt to the different and difficult situations by exploring the
platform ahead of time and researching about the platform and how to use it. I also try
to ask for help from those who are familiar with the platform but in often times I would do
it myself by exploring and researching.

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