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Tiếng Anh lớp 10-11-12 | Gia sư tiếng Anh Ngoại thương

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1. Boil /bɔɪl/ v Sôi, đun sôi, luộc Water boils at 19. Condition /kənˈdɪʃən/ n Điều kiện They left the
100 °C flat in a terrible condition - there was
a mess everywhere.
2. Buffalo /ˈbʌfələʊ/ n con trâu Every day, he leads
the buffalo to the field for work. 20. CV /ˌsi:ˈvi:/ n Bản lí lịch Applicants for the
position should submit their CVs to the
3. Arrive /əˈraiv/ v Đến, đạt tới Our plane arrived
manager. (cirriculum vitea)
in Hanoi at 8 p.m yesterday.
21. Determine /dɪˈtɜ:mɪn/ v Xác đinh, quyết tâm
4. Plough /plaʊ/ v Cày ruộng, xới đất The farmer
People should be allowed to
led the buffalo to the field to plough his
determine their own future.
5. Rest /rest/ n Nghỉ ngơi, sự nghỉ ngơi. He often
22. Diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/ n Văn bằng, chứng chỉ My
brother has got a diploma in business
takes a short rest after lunch.
6. Repair /rɪˈpeəʳ/ v Sửa chữa My brother is
23. Ease /i:z/ v Làm dịu đi, giảm bớt These pills
repairing his bicycle.
will ease the pain.
7. Transplant /træns'pla:nt/ v Cấy ruộng, trồng cây
24. Obtain /əbˈteɪn/ v Đạt được, có được In the
Farmers are doing the transplanting in
second experiment they obtained a
the field.
very clear result.
8. Crop /krɒp/ n Vụ mùa, vụ thu hoạch We hope
25. Gift /gɪft/ n Có tài, có năng khiếu He has a
to have a bumper crop this year.
gift for languages.
9. Contented /kənˈtentɪd/ adj Hài lòng, vừa ý, toại
26. Humane /hju:ˈmeɪn/ adj Nhân đức, thương
nguyện I am contented with my life.
người She treats animals in a humane
10. Corner shop /ˈkɔ:nər / n cửa hàng ở góc phố You can way.
buy foods and other things at the corner
27. Humanitarian /hju:ˌmænɪˈteəriən/ adj Nhân đạo The
shop over there.
prisoner has been released for
11. Marital /ˈmærɪtəl ˈsteɪtəs/ n Tình trạng hôn nhân humanitarian reasons.
status Could I ask you about your marital
28. Interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ v Tạm ngừng, làm gián đoạn
Don't interrupt while I am talking.
12. Origin /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ n Nguồn gốc, lai lịch It's a book
about the origin of the universe.
29. Mature /məˈtjʊər/ adj trưởng thành, chín chắn
He's very mature for his age.
13. Profession /prəˈfeʃən/ n Nghề nghiệp Teaching is an
30. Rare /reər/ adj Hiếm, hiếm có It's very rare
underpaid profession.
to find these birds in England in
14. Semester /sɪˈmestər/ n kì học The new semester winter.
will begin next month.
31. Romantic /rəʊ ˈmæntɪk/ adj Lãng mạn I'm reading
15. Stuck /stʌk/ adj Bị kẹt, bị tắc This door seems a romantic novel.
to be stuck - can you help me push it
32. Tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adj Bi thảm, bi kịch It is
tragic that the theatre has had to
16. Traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ n Giao thông There was heavy close.
traffic on the roads this morning
33. Add /æd/ v Cộng If you add three and four
17. Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adj Tham vọng, có tham vọng. you get seven.
My brother is very ambitious
34. Deaf /def/ adj Điếc He's been totally deaf
18. Background /'bækgraund/ n Lai lịch The school has since birth.
pupils from many different backgrounds.
35. Demonstration /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃən/ n Sự thể hiện, sự 52. Keyboard /ˈki:bɔ:d/ n Bàn phím I have to buy a new
thuyết minh Let me give you a keyboard for my computer
demonstration of how the camera 53. Miraculous /mɪˈrækjʊləs/ adj Kì diệu, thần kì The
works. diet promised miraculous weight-loss.
36. Determination /dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃən/ n Sự quyết tâm She 54. Mouse /maʊs/ n Con chuột (máy tính) My
has great determination to succeed.
computer's mouse is broken.
37. Disabled /dɪˈseɪbl d/ adj Tàn tật The accident 55. Press /pres/ v Ấn, nhấn Press this button to
left him severely disabled. start the machine.
38. Dumb /dʌm/ adj Câm He's been deaf and 56. Printer /ˈprɪntər/ n Máy in We use a printer to
dumb since birth.
print documents.
39. Enclose /ɪnˈkləʊz/ v Gửi kèm Please enclose a 57. Software /ˈsɒft weər/ n Phần mềm We should use
curriculum vitae with your letter of appropriate software to run on the
application. computer
40. Exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən/ n Cuộc triển lãm The 58. Altitude /ˈæltɪtju:d/ v Độ cao We are flying at an
photographs will be in the exhibition altitude of 1000 m.
until the end of the month
59. Botanical /bəˈtænɪkəl 'gɑ:dn/ n Vườn bách thảo
41. Passion /ˈpæʃən/ n Niềm say mê Politics and Garden This Sunday, our class will go to the
philosophy were his lifelong passions.
Botanical Garden.
42. Require /rɪˈkwaɪə/ v Yêu cầu,đòi hỏi Please 60. Cave /keɪv/ n Hang động The ancient people
telephone this number if you require used to live in caves.
any further information
61. Destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən/ n Nơi đến, đích We arrived
43. camcorder /ˈkæmˌkɔ:dər / n Máy quay video I at our destination tired and hungry.
bought a new camcorder last week.
62. Glorious /ˈglɔ:riəs/ adj Rực rỡ, lộng lẫy The match
44. CD ROM /ˌsi:di:ˈrɒm/ n Đĩa CD dùng để lưu trữ was over and Vietnam had a glorious
Give me the CD
45. CPU (Central /ˌsi:pi:ˈju:/ n Bộ xử lý trung tâm The 63. Permission /pəˈmɪʃən/ n Sự cho phép You will need
Processing most important component of the permission from the council to extend
Unit) computer is the central processing your garage.
64. Persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ v Thuyết phục He is trying to
46. Communicator /kəˈmju:nɪkeɪtər / n Người giao tiếp persuade local and foreign businesses to
She is a great communicator. invest in the project.
47. Computer /kəm'pju:tə skri:n/ n Màn hình máy 65. Picturesque /ˌpɪktʃərˈesk/ adj đẹp như tranh I like the
screen tính I am cleaning my computer picturesque streets of the old city
66. Resort /rɪˈzɔ:t/ n Nơi nghỉ They are going to
48. Dial /ˈdaɪəl/ v Quay số Can I dial this build a resort here.
number direct, or do I have to go
through the operator?
67. Site /saɪt/ n Địa điểm, vị trí The manager is
going to visit the building site this
49. Floppy disk /ˈflɒpi disk/ v Đĩa mềm I need a new afternoon
floppy disk.
68. urally /ˈɔ:rəli/ adv Bằng thính giác, bằng tai We
50. Hardware /ˈhɑ:dweər/ n phần cứng Each time receive information aurally when we
you turn the computer on, with listen to the radio.
appropriate hardware and software,
it is capable of doing almost
69. Cartoon /kɑ:ˈtu:n/ n Phim hoạt hình I like
everything you ask it to. watching cartoons.

51. Insert /ɪnˈsɜ:t/ v Cho vào, chèn vào Insert

70. Comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ n Hài kịch I prefer
the key into the lock.. Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies.
71. Documentary /ˌdɒkjʊˈmentəri/ n Phim tài liệu There 89. Holiday /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ rɪˈzɔːt/ n Khu nghỉ mát, thành
was a documentary on animal resort phố du lịch We arrived at the holiday
communication last night. resort at 2 p.m yesterday.
72. Feature /ˈfi:tʃər / n Đặc điểm, đặc trưng The 90. Last /lɑːst/ v Kéo dài The meeting lasted two
town's main features are its beautiful hours.
mosque and ancient marketplace. 91. Mud /mʌd/ n Bùn The vehicles got bogged
73. Internet /ˈɪntənet/ n Mạng internet I often down in the heavy mud.
search information on the Internet. 92. Muddy /ˈmʌdi/ adj Bùn, đất nhão Don't bring
74. Mass media /mæs ˈmiːdiə/ n Thông tin đại chúng those muddy boots inside!
Mass media has a great effect on 93. Raise /reɪz/ v Nâng lên The government plans
human life. to raise taxes.
75. Orally /ˈɔ:rəli/ adv Bằng miệng, bằng lời nói 94. Resurface /ˌriːˈsɜːfɪs/ v Trải lại (mặt đường) Drivers
This subject will be checked orally. will experience delays while stretches
76. Passive /ˈpæsɪv/ adj Thụ động He is always of the road are being resurfaced.
passive in relationship. 95. Shortage /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/ n Sự thiếu thốn The long hot
77. Quiz show /kwɪz ʃəʊ/ n Chương trình đố vui I like summer has led to serious water
watching quiz shows on TV such as shortages.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? 96. Straw /strɔː/ n Rơm rạ After the harvest, straw
78. Visually /ˈvɪʒuəli/ adv Bằng mắt, thị giác is gathered in the field to be burnt.
Children can learn visually very well. 97. Widen /ˈwaɪdən/ v Mở rộng Reading books
79. Weather /ˈweðər ˈfɔ:kɑ:st/ n Dự báo thời tiết helps me to widen my knowledge.
forecast Farmers usually watch the weather 98. At stake /ət steɪk/ n Bị đe dọa Thousands of lives
forecast to prepare for farming work. will be at stake if emergency aid does
80. Wildlife /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ n Cuộc sống/ động vật not arrive in the city soon.
hoang dã There was a program on 99. Biodiversity /ˌbaɪəʊ da ɪˈvɜːsɪti n Đa dạng sinh học A
wildlife on TV last night new National Biological Survey will
81. Atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪər / n Không khí There's a protect species habitat and
very relaxed atmosphere in our office. biodiversity.
82. Better /ˈbetər/ v Cải thiện, làm cho tốt hơn 100. Carnivore /ˈkɑːnɪvɔːr / n Động vật ăn thịt Lions and
The organization was established to tigers are carnivores.
better conditions for the disabled. 101. Dolphin /ˈdɒlfɪn/ n Cá heo Among sea animals, I
83. Brick /brɪk/ n Gạch The chimney was made like dolphins the most.
of bricks. 102. Entrapment /ɪnˈtræpmənt/ n Sự đánh bẫy, mắc bẫy
84. Bumper crop /ˈbʌmpər krɒp/ n Vụ mùa bội thu Sperm whale populations are at risk
Farmers have reported a bumper crop due to hunting and their accidental
this year. entrapment in fishing nets.
85. Cash crop /kæʃ krɒp/ n Cây trồng thương phẩm 103. Gestation /dʒesˈteɪʃən/ n Sự thai nghén The
The farmers in our village grow mainly gestation period of rats is 21 days
cash crops. 104. Gulf /gʌlf/ n Vịnh, vùng vịnh The gulf of
86. Crop /krɒp/ n Vụ mùa The main crops grown Tonkin is in the South China Sea.
for export are coffee and rice. 105. Herbicide /ˈhɜːbɪsaɪd/ n Thuốc diệt cỏ Herbicides
87. Farming /ˈfɑː.mɪŋ ˈmeθəd/ n Phương pháp canh are widely used in agriculture to kill
method tác Farmers in our country are applying unwanted plants.
new farming methods. 106. Jellyfish /ˈdʒelifɪʃ/ n Con sứa The jellyfish is a sea
88. Flooded /ˈflʌdɪd/ adj Bị ngập lụt The government animal with a soft oval almost
is trying hard to help the flooded area. transparent body.
107. Krill /krɪl/ n Con tôm (rất nhỏ, sống ở vùng 124. Destruction /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/ n Sự tàn phá Many
biển quanh Nam Cực), nhuyễn thể Krill people are very concerned about
are very small animals with a hard destruction of the rainforests.
outer shell which live in the sea and 125. Endangered /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/ n Các loài động
are eaten in large numbers by some species thực vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
types of whale. Most countries are trying hard to
108. Offspring /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ n Con cái, con đẻ In the case protect endangered species.
of the guinea pig, the number of 126. Erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ n Sự xói mòn The farmers
offspring varies between two and five.
fight against soil erosion every year.
109. Organism /ˈɔːgənɪzəm/ n sinh vật cá thể 127. Forester /ˈfɒrɪstər / n Người trông coi rừng,
Amoebae and bacteria are single-
người làm rừng A forester is a
celled organisms.
person who is in charge of taking
110. Reveal /rɪˈviːl/ v Tiết lộ He was jailed for care of the forest.
revealing secrets to the Russians. 128. Imprison /ɪmˈprɪzən/ v Bỏ tù,tống giam He was
111. Seal /siːl/ n Con hải cẩu Now, we can see imprisoned in 1965 for attempted
many seals at some aquariums. murder.
112. Shark /ʃɑːk/ n Cá mập The movie 'Jaws' is 129. Reconstruction /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃən/ n Sự xây dựng lại
about a man-eating shark. City reconstruction work after the
disaster must be carried out
113. Sperm whale /spɜːm weɪl/ n Cá nhà táng The sperm
whale is a large whale with a very
large long head. 130. Risky /ˈrɪski/ adj Đầy rủi ro, nguy hiểm It's
114. Starfish /ˈstɑːrfɪʃ/ n Con sao biển The starfish is risky to buy a car without some good
a beautiful fish.
131. Variety /vəˈraɪəti/ n Sự đa dạng She does a
115. Submarine /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/ n Tàu ngầm They have
sent a submarine to investigate the variety of fitness activities.
seabed. 132. Vegetation /ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃən/ n Thực vật, cây cối
The railroad track construction area
116. Turtle /ˈtɜːtl/ n Rùa biển The turtle is an
must be clear of vegetation.
animal which lives in or near water
and has a thick shell covering its body. 133. Will /wɪl/ n Mong muốn, ý chí From an
117. Whale /weɪl/ n Cá voi The whale is a very early age she had a very strong will
large sea mammal that breathes air 134. Abandon /əˈbændən/ v Từ bỏ The match was
through a hole on the top of its head. abandoned at half-time because of
118. Breed /briːd/ v Nuôi, gây giống His main the poor weather conditions.
income comes from breeding cattle. 135. Butterfly /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/ n Con bướm Butterflies
are a type of insect with large often
119. Cancer /ˈkænsər / n Ung thư He died of liver
brightly coloured wings.
120. Conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/ n Bảo tồn So much
136. Contamination /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ n Sự ô nhiễm, sự
nhiễm bẩn The water supply is being
effort has been put into wildlife
tested for contamination.
121. Create /kriˈeɪt/ v Tạo ra He created a
137. Endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər / v Gây nguy hiểm He
wonderful meal from very few would never do anything to
ingredients. endanger the lives of his children.
138. Ethnic /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrɪti/ n Dân tộc thiểu
122. Damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ n Tổn hại Strong winds had
minority số The plan was designed to help
caused serious damage to the roof.
women and ethnic minorities
123. Defence /dɪˈfens/ n Sự bảo vệ A good diet helps overcome discrimination in the
build the body's natural defences. workplace.
139. Explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr / v Thám hiểm The best way 156. Jazz /dʒæz/ n Nhạc jazz To be honest, I don't
to explore the countryside is on foot. like jazz.
140. Fauna /ˈfɔːnə/ n Hệ động vật The scientists 157. Lull /lʌl/ v Ru (ai đó) ngủ The motion of the
are studying fauna in Cuc Phuong car almost lulled her tosleep.
National Park. 158. Lyrical /ˈlɪrɪkl ̩/ adj Trữ tình The book contains
141. Fine /faɪn/ n Tiền phạt If found guilty, he lyrical descriptions of the author's
faces six months in jail and a heavy childhood.
fine. 159. Mournful /ˈmɔːnfəl/ adj Tang thương, buồn thảm I
142. Flora /ˈflɔːrə/ n Hệ thực vật We were hate to listen to mournful music.
surprised at the various flora in this 160. National /'neiʃənl ˈænθəm/ n Quốc ca The national
area. Anthem anthems of the teams are played at the
143. Orphan /ˈɔːfən/ v Làm cho mồ côi The children beginning of a big international football
were orphaned by the war. match.
144. Sub-tropical /ˌsʌbˈtrɒpɪkəl/ adj Cận nhiệt đới 161. Powerful /ˈpaʊəfəl/ adj Mạnh mẽ China is
Vietnam has a sub-tropical climate. becomeing more and more powerful.
145. Wilderness /ˈwɪldənəs/ n Vùng hoang dã, bãi 162. Action /ˈækʃən fɪlm/ n Phim hành động I do like
hoang This is such a beautiful film action films.
mountain wilderness. 163. Audience /ˈɔːdiəns/ n Khán giả The audience were
146. Classical /klæsɪkəl mju:zik/ n Nhạc cổ điển Do clearly delighted with the performance.
music you prefer classical music like Mozart 164. Cartoon /kɑːˈtuːn fɪlm/ n Phim hoạt hình In my
or pop? film opinion, Tom and Jerry is one of the
147. Communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v Giao tiếp We can greatest cartoons of all time.
now communicate instantly with 165. Character /ˈkærɪktər / n Nhân vật The film revolves
people on the other side of the world.
around three main characters
148. Compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ v Soạn thảo The music 166. Cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ n Phim ảnh, rạp chiếu phim
was specially composed for the film.
The town no longer has a cinema.
149. Composer /kəmˈpəʊzər / n Người soạn thảo,nhà 167. Detective /dɪˈtektɪv/ n Trinh thám I like reading
sáng tác A composer is a person who detective stories like Sherlock Homes.
writes music, especially classical
168. Disaster /dɪˈzɑːstər / n Thảm họa This is one of
the worst natural disasters ever to befall
150. Delight /dɪˈlaɪt/ v Làm hài lòng Peter's
the area.
success at college delighted his
169. Discover dɪˈskʌvər / v Khám phá, tìm ra Who
discovered America?
151. Emotion /ɪˈməʊʃən/ n Tình cảm Like a lot of
men, he finds it hard to express his
170. Horror /ˈhɒrər fɪlm/ n Phim kinh dị I do not dare
film to see a horror film.
152. Folk music /fəʊk 'mju:zik / n Nhạc dân ca I enjoy
171. Liner /ˈlaɪnər/ n Tàu thủy Titanic was
listening to folk music. considered the largest liner at that time.

153. Funeral /ˈfjuːnərəl/ n Lễ tang The funeral will

172. Love story /lʌv ˈstɔːri fɪlm/ n Phim tâm lí, tình cảm
film Do you like love story film?
be held next Friday.
154. Gentle /ˈdʒentl ̩/ adj Nhẹ nhàng, dịu êm He's
173. Motion /ˈməʊʃən/ n Sự chuyển động The motion
very gentle with his kids. of the car almost lulled her to sleep.

155. Integral part /ˈɪntɪgrəl pɑ:t/ / n phần thiết yếu He's

174. Movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ n Sự chuyển động, dịch
an integral part of the team and we chuyển Loose clothing gives you greater
can't do it without him. freedom of movement.
175. Science fiction /saɪəns ˈfɪkʃən fɪlm/ n Phim khoa học 191. Title /ˈtaɪtl ̩/ n Danh hiệu (vô địch) Our
film viễn tưởng Avatar is one of the most nation hopes to win the honoured title
exciting science fiction films that I've in the championship this year.
seen. 192. Tournament /ˈtʊənəmənt/ n Vòng thi đấu They were
176. Ambassador /æmˈbæsədər/ n Đại sứ She's a defeated in the first round of the
former ambassador of the United tournament.
States. 193. Trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ n Cúp, chiến lợi phẩm Brazil
177. Champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ n Nhà vô địch, quán quân became the first team to win the
She is the world champion for the trophy five times.
third year in succession. 194. Victory /ˈvɪktəri/ n Chiến thắng Vietnam had a
178. Championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ n Giải vô địch, chức vô victory over Malaysia in an elimination
địch The world championships will be match in this year's Sea Games.
held in Scotland next year. 195. Volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/ n Người tình nguyện He
179. Committee /kəˈmɪti/ n Ủy ban, hội đồng The local took part in the 2010 World cup as a
council have just set up a committee volunteer.
to study recycling. 196. Attract /əˈtrækt/ v Thu hút, hấp dẫn These
180. Compete /kəmˈpiːt/ v Đua tài, cạnh tranh The flowers are brightly coloured in order
two athletes are competing for the to attract butterflies.
gold medal. 197. Base /beɪs/ n nền, cơ sở This cream
181. Competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ n Cuộc thi đấu, sự cạnh provides an excellent base for your
tranh There's a lot of competition make-up.
between computer companies. 198. Characterise /ˈkærəktəraɪz/ v Đặc trưng hóa The city
182. Defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ v Đánh thắng, vượt qua If we is characterised by its hundreds of tall
can defeat the Italian team, we'll be offices and apartment buildings.
through to the final. 199. Crown /kraʊn/ n Vương miện He plans to
183. Event /ɪˈvent/ n Sự kiện This year's Olympic defend his Olympic crown.
Games will be the biggest sporting 200. Convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ adj Thuận tiện A bike's a
event ever.
very convenient way of getting around.
184. Globe /gləʊb/ n Quả địa cầu She is a 201. Finance /ˈfaɪnæns/ n Tài chính New York is the
superstar all around the globe. center of global finance,
185. Hero /ˈhɪərəʊ/ n Anh hùng He became a communications and business.
national hero for his part in the 202. Located /ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ adj Ở vị trí New York city is
located in the southeastern part of
186. Host /həʊst/ n Chủ nhà We thanked our New York state.
hosts for the lovely evening. 203. Metropolitan /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪtən/ adj Thuộc về khu đô
187. Postpone /pəʊst ˈpəʊn/, v Hoãn lại They thị lớn With a population of more than
decided to postpone their holiday 7 million in the city and 19 million in
until next year. the whole metropolitan area, New
York is the largest city in the US.
188. Professional /prəˈfeʃənəl/ adj Chuyên nghiệp She's
a professional dancer. 204. Mingle /ˈmɪŋgl ̩/ v Hòa lẫn, trộn lẫn The two
flavours mingle well.
189. Runner-up /ˌrʌnəˈrʌp/ n Người về nhỉ, người đứng
thứ 2 Brazil was the runner-up in the 205. Reserved /rɪˈzɜːvd/ adj Dè dặt, kín đáo She is a
championship last year. quiet, reserved woman
190. Score /skɔːr/ n Tỉ số The score of the match 206. Robe /rəʊb/ n Áo choàng Judges wear black
was 3-2. robes when they are in court.
207. Torch /tɔːtʃ/ n Ngọn đuốc The Statue of 223. constancy /´kɔnstənsi/ n. sự kiên định Constancy
Liberty holds a torch in its right hand. is one of the most valuable qualities of
a true friendship.
208. Unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ adj Kì lạ, đặc biệt I was
actually on time, which is unusual for 224. enthusiasm /ɛnˈθuziˌæzəm/ n. lòng nhiệt tình They
me take up new interests with
209. Bombardment /ˌbɒmˈbɑːdmənt/ n Sự ném bom
Thong Nhat Conference Hall was built 225. give-and- /'give ænd 'teik/ n. sự cho và nhận
in 1865 and heavily damaged by an take Friendship must be give-and-take.
air bombardment in February 1963. 226. loyalty /'lɔiəlti/ n. lòng trung thành Loyalty is
210. Categorise /ˈkætəgəraɪz/ v Phân loại The books one of the most valuable qualities of a
are categorized into beginner and true friendship.
advanced. 227. residential /,rezi'denʃəl 'eəriə/ n. khu dân cư I'm
211. Chamber /ˈtʃeɪmbər / n Phòng lớn Meetings of area renting a small flat in the Nguyen Cong
the council are held in the council Tru Residential area in Hanoi.
chamber. 228. two-sided /'tu:'saidid/ adj. hai mặt, hai phía Did
212. Citadel /ˈsɪtədel/ n Thành lũy The town has a Robert say he wanted to be the
14th century citadel overlooking the manager? He told me he did not. He's
river. so two-sided.
213. Engrave /ɪnˈgreɪv/ v Khắc, chạm trổ The 229. unselfishness /ʌn´selfiʃnis/ n. tính không ích kỉ A true
bracelet was engraved with his name friendship is based on unselfishness
and date of birth. and equality.
214. Flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/ v Phát triển My tomatoes are 230. affect /ə'fekt/ v ảnh hưởng His upbringing by
flourishing this summer. his parents deeply affected his
215. Heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n Di sản Hue's Imperial personality.
City was listed as a Cultural World 231. appreciate /əˈpriʃiˌeɪt/ v coi trọng, đánh giá cao He
Heritage site by UNESCO in 1993 highly appreciates her efforts to help
the disabled.
216. Legend /ˈledʒənd/ n Truyến thuyết The dance
was based on several Hindu legends. 232. attitude /'ætitju:d/ n thái độ He always has a
positive attitude to others' work.
217. Mausoleum /ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm/ n Lăng, lăng tẩm
President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum 233. confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n sự tự tin, lòng tin She
has a lot of confidence in her little
218. Merchant /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ n Nhà buôn, thương gia He
is a wine merchant. child.
234. embarrassing /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ a ngượng ngùng, lúng
219. Scholar /ˈskɒlər/ n Học giả My uncle is a
túng One of my most embarrassing
history scholar
experiences was to forget my
220. acquaintance /ə'kweintəns/ n. người quen daughter's name at her wedding.
Yesterday, I came across an old
235. embrace /im'breis/ v ôm, ôm ấp He rushed to
acquaintance in the street.
embrace me at the airport.
221. apartment /ə´pa:tmənt/ n. căn hộ (khép kín) Mai
236. floppy (hat) /´flɔpi/ a (mũ) mềm My biggest dream
and Lan shared an apartment in
Hanoi's Nguyen Cong Tru Residential was a red hat - a floppy cotton hat like
the one my favourite pop star wore in
her video clip.
222. brighten up /´braitn ʌp/ v. làm rạng rỡ, làm bừng
sáng I will be there to brighten up
237. glance at /glæns ət/ v liếc nhanh, nhìn qua The
girl was so shy that she didn't look him
even your darkest night.
in the eye. She just glanced at him and
looked away
238. make a fuss /meik ə fʌs/ làm ầm ĩ lên She complains 253. hostess /ˈhoʊstɪs/ n chủ nhà (nữ) The hostess
noisily about anything she doesn't like. in the hostel is very friendly.
She is the type of person who is always 254. icing /ˈaɪsɪŋ/ n lớp kem phủ trên mặt bánh
making a fuss.
There is a thick chocolate icing on the
239. memorable /'memərəbl/ a đáng ghi nhớ My 21st birthday cake.
birthday was memorable because my 255. New Year's Eve /nju: jə:z i:v/ n đêm giao thừa All the
sweetheart proposed to me.
members of our family gather on New
240. sneaky /´sni:ki/ a vụng trộm, lén lút The Year's Eve.
pickpocket gave a sneaky look at her 256. party-goer /ˈpɑrtiˌgoʊər/ n người đi dự tiệc Every
handbag. party-goer wore casual clothes.
241. scream /skri:m/ v kêu thét, la hét Passengers 257. refreshments /ri'freʃmənts/ n món ăn nhẹ There will
screamed when the car crashed into a
be delicious and cheap home-made
refreshments at Wray Institute all
242. outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ n quan điểm, cách nhìn nhận week.
His outlook on this issue is quite 258. charity /ˈtʃærəti/ n lòng bác ái, nhân đức, từ
subjective. He ignores his employees'
thiện This billionaire frequently does
charity to help the disabled.
243. anniversary /ˌænəˈvɜrsə ri/ n ngày kỉ niệm Fedel's 259. clear /klɪər/ v dọn, dọn dẹp It's your turn to
tenth anniversary makes me realize
clear the table.
how far we have come in such a short
260. co-operate /koʊˈɒpəˌreɪt/ v hợp tác, cộng tác, giúp
đỡ Women should not co-operate in
244. celebrate /ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/ v làm lễ kỉ niệm Our
demeaning womanly things just so
National Independence Day is men can feel proud of themselves.
celebrated on September 2nd.
261. co-ordinate /koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt/ v phối hợp, xếp đặt
245. celebration /,seli'breiʃn/ n lễ kỉ niệm I'm looking
This month, our school is co-
forward to many more birthday
ordinating with a local charity to
celebrations with her.
launch a programme to raise money
246. childish /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ adj trẻ con Paul said: " When I for those who have suffered heavy
become a man I'll put away childish flooding.
things." 262. craft /krɑːft/ n thủ công We hope you enjoy
247. clap /klæp/ v vỗ, vỗ tay After each our wonderful collection of handmade
performance, we clapped our hands. crafts that have been imported from
248. cosy /ˈkoʊzi/ adj ấm cúng I enjoy the cosy
atmosphere in my family. 263. disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒd/ a bị thiệt thòi Many
students take part in volunteer
249. enthusiastic /ɛnˌθuziˈæstɪk/ adj hăng hái nhiệt tình
She is very enthusiastic about social organizations to help disadvantaged
activities at school.
264. donation /doʊˈneɪʃən/ n sự đóng góp, dâng hiến
250. enthusiasm /ɛnˈθuziˌæzəm/ n sự hăng hái, lòng nhiệt
tình His enthusiasm for disabled We highly appreciate his generous
donation to our school.
children is highly appreciated.
265. gratitude /ˈgrætɪtjuːd/ n lòng biết ơn On
251. helicopter /ˈhɛlɪˌkɒptər/ n máy bay trực thăng On
Teachers' Day, students often express
his 9th birthday, he was given a toy
their gratitude to their teachers.
helicopter by his father.
266. handicapped /ˈhændiˌkæpt/ a tàn tật, bị tật nguyền
252. host /hoʊst/ n chủ nhà (nam) Vietnam was
At university, we volunteer to help
the host country in the 3rd Asian Indoor
handicapped children at Nguyen Dinh
Chieu school.
267. issue /ˈɪʃuː/ v phát, phát hành Next month, 282. rate /reɪt/ n tỉ lệ The government is anxious
VietinBank is going to issue a new to reduce the rate by half within the
service. next ten years.
268. martyr /ˈmɑːtər/ n liệt sĩ, người hi sinh We are 283. strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ n chiến lược To get good
grateful to the martyrs who sacrificed results, students must have effective
their lives to protect our country. learning strategies.
269. minority /maɪˈnɒrəti/ n thiểu số, số ít Most 284. survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ n khảo sát, điều tra Our school
ethnic minorities live in the highlands. has conducted a survey of students'
attitudes to teachers in the classroom.
270. mow /moʊ/ v cắt cỏ, xén cỏ Many workers
are mowing the lawns in the park. 285. universal /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəl/ a thuộc/ có tính toàn cầu
Illiteracy is a universal issue.
271. wounded /wuːndɪd/ a bị thương My brother who
was wounded in the war receives a 286. stimulate /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ v khích lệ, khuyến khích
monthly allowance. Reading stories can stimulate children's
272. remote /rɪˈmoʊt/ a xa xôi, hẻo lánh In summer,
a lot of students volunteer to work in 287. sponsor /ˈspɒnsər/ v bảo trợ Pepsi sponsored the
remote areas to provide education for AFF cup.
children. 288. worksheet /´wə:k¸ʃi:t/ n tờ giấy làm bài Each group
273. campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ n chiến dịch Last week, was given a worksheet to write their
Oxfam launched a new fair trade answers on.
campaign. 289. observe /əbˈzɜrv/ v quan sát, theo dõi Our
274. effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ a có hiệu quả Her advice has teacher will observe and score our
proved highly effective for my job. performance.
275. eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v xóa bỏ More effort is 290. judge /dʒʌdʒ/ n trọng tài The judge's verdict
needed to eradicate illiteracy in our was against the footballer..
country. 291. smoothly /ˈsmuːðli/ adv một cách trôi chảy The
276. eradication /i¸rædi´keiʃən/ n sự xóa bỏ By 2000, competition was held smoothly.
sixty-one provinces and cities 292. recite /rɪˈsaɪt/ v ngâm (thơ), kể lại They earn
throughout Vietnam had completed
millions of dollars per film by reciting
programmes for Illiteracy Eradication.
277. ethnic /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrɪti/ n dân tộc thiểu số 293. appoint /əˈpɔɪnt/ v chỉ định, bổ nhiệm She has
minority The Tay and Thai are ethnic minorities been appointed Prime Minister.
in Vietnam.
294. on behalf /ɒn bɪˈhɑːf əv/ adv thay mặt cho On
278. expand /ɪkˈspænd/ v mở rộng Our company is of behalf of the class, I would like to
expanding production to meet its express our gratitude for your
279. illiteracy /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ n mù chữ There is a mass 295. poetry /ˈpəʊətri/ n thi ca A poetry reading
campaign aiming to mobilize 100,000
competition was held in our school last
teachers with the aim of eradicating
296. participant /pɑrˈtɪsəpənt/ n người tham dự There
280. mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl rɪˈspekt/ n tôn trọng lẫn
are 44 participants in this competition.
respect nhau Friendship is based on mutual
297. procedure /prəˈsidʒər/ n thủ tục She would like to
know some information about the entry
281. performance /pəˈfɔːməns/ n sự thể hiện, thành tích
procedure for the competition.
She explains how sports medicine can
help improve athletic performance.
298. venue /ˈvenjuː/ n nơi thi đấu My Dinh stadium
is one of five main venues in the Asian
Indoor Games.
299. birth-control /bə:θkən'troul 'meθəd/ n phương 313. get together /get təˈgeðə(r)/ v tụ tập, đoàn tụ All the
method pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ Safe birth- members of my family always get
control methods for family planning together at my grandparents' house at
are not available to those living in Tet.
the mountainous areas. 314. grand /grænd / adj hành tráng, quan trọng
300. decrease /'di:kri:s/ v làm giảm A high The Lunar New Year is the grandest
population growth rate decreases occasion of the year.
economic development. 315. green bean /gri:n bi:n/ n đỗ xanh Banh Chung is
301. family planning /ˈfæmili / n kế hoạch hóa gia đình made from sticky rice, green beans
Family planning is essential for each and fatty pork.
family and the whole society. 316. influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ v ảnh hưởng My father was
302. double /'dʌbl/ v gấp đôi The world the biggest influence on my character.
population doubled from 1945 to 317. kumquat /ˈkʌmkwɒt tri:/ n cây quất In the North
1970 tree of Vietnam the kumquat tree is a
303. figure / figɜ:/ n con số These are all figures: popular plant at Tet.
5, 12, 1997. 318. longevity /lɒnˈdʒevəti/ n trường thọ We wish you
304. increase /in'kri:s/ v gia tăng, tăng lên The both health and longevity.
number of injuries from automobile 319. lucky money /'lʌki'mʌni/ n tiền mừng tuổi Children
accidents increases every year.
receive lucky money inside red
305. overpopulation /'ouvə,pɔpju'leiʃn/ n sự đông dân quá envelopes at Tet.
mức Many environmental, social, 320. parade /pə´reid/ n cuộc diễu hành Later that
and economic problems stem from day there was a torchlight parade
the overpopulation problem.
around the streets.
306. probably /´prɔbəbli/ adv có thể, có lẽ The 321. plum /plʌm/ n quả mận Plums are popular
decision to set up a new company is in the northern areas.
probably his most risky decision.
322. pray /prei/ v cầu mong, cầu nguyện People
307. raise animal /reiz 'æniməl/ nuôi động vật My
often go to a pagoda to pray for good
grandparents raise many kinds of
things in their life.
323. shrine /∫rain/ n đền thờ Japanese people
308. Third World /θə:d wɜ:ld/ n Thế giới thứ ba Most often go to a shrine at Tet.
of the countries in the third world
are very poor.
324. represent /repri'zent/ v đại diện, tượng trưng cho
The colour violet represents faith.
309. agrarian /əˈgreəriən/ adj thuộc về nghề nông,
nông dân Agrarian people depend on
325. pine tree /paɪn tri:/ n cây thông The Japanese
the lunar calendar to care for their usually decorate their houses with
crops. some small pine trees.

310. comment / ˈkɒment/ n lời nhận xét People

326. equip (with) /ɪˈkwɪp/ v trang bị It's going to cost $4
should only make positive million to equip the hospital.
comments during the days of Tet. 327. equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ n thiết bị, sự trang bị A
311. dress up /'dres ʌp/ v ăn mặc đẹp She dressed lot of money was spent on the
up to attend the ceremony. equipment for the new hospital.

312. fireworks /ˈfaɪəwɜːks/ n pháo hoa Our family

328. advanced /ədˈvɑːnst/ adj tiên tiến This is the
often watches fireworks on New most advanced type of engine
Year's Eve. available.
329. advancement /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ n sự tiến bộ All she
was interested in was the
advancement of her own career.
330. advance /ədˈvɑːns/ v tiến lên, tiến bộ We have 348. EMT /iː em tiː/ n chuyển tiền nhanh Express
advanced greatly in our knowledge of Money Transfer is a speedy and secure
the universe. service.
331. spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ adj rộng rãi It is a spacious 349. Express /ɪkˈspres ˈmʌni trænsˈfɜːr/
house with ten rooms. Money
332. space /speɪs/ n không gian Is there any space
for my clothes in that cupboard?
350. speedy /ˈspiːdi/ adj nhanh chóng He's a very
speedy worker.
333. well-trained /wel-treɪnd/ adj lành nghề The staff in
this post office are very well-trained.
351. speed /spiːd/ n vận tốc He was travelling at a
speed of 90 mph.
334. staff /stɑːf/ n nhân viên The staff are not
very happy about the latest pay
352. secure /sɪˈkjʊər/ adj an toàn That ladder
increase. doesn't look very secure to me.
335. thoughtful /ˈθɔːtfl/ adj chín chắn, biết suy nghĩ He
353. security /sɪˈkjʊərɪti/ n an ninh, sự an toàn The
has a thoughtful approach to his work. insurance policy gave the family
336. courteous /ˈkɜːtiəs/ adj lịch sự Although she often
disagreed with me, she was always
354. transfer /trænsˈfɜːr/ v chuyển He has been
courteous. transferred to a national hospital.
337. mail /meɪl/ n thư tín She spent the morning 355. transferable /trænsˈfɜːrəbl ̩/ adj có thể di chuyển
reading and answering her mail. This ticket is not transferable. có thể
nhượng được
338. parcel /ˈpɑːsəl/ n bưu kiện, gói hàng The
parcel was wrapped in brown paper. 356. Messenger /ˈmesɪndʒər kɔːl ˈsɜːvɪs/ n dịch vụ điện
Call Service thoại Messenger Call Service is one of
339. mail and /meɪl ə nd ˈpɑːsəl ˈsɜːvɪs/ n dịch vụ
the latest services in our post office.
parcel chuyển thư và bưu phẩm The mail and
service parcel service here is quite
357. notify /ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ/ v thông báo Has everyone
satisfactory. been notified of the decision?
340. airmail /ˈeəmeɪl/ n thư gửi bằng máy bay If you 358. notification /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n thông báo You must
send it by airmail, it'll be very give the bank written notification if you
expensive. want to close your account.

341. surface mail /ˈsɜːfɪs meɪl/ n thư gửi bằng tàu, xe, ... I 359. recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt/ n người nhận He was the
sent the parcel by surface mail. only recipient of the school's
scholarship this year.
342. EMS /ˌiːemˈes/ n dịch vụ thư chuyển phát
nhanh Please send this letter via
360. shape /ʃeɪp/ n hình dạng These bricks are all
Express Mail Service. in different shapes.
343. Express Mail /ɪkˈspres meɪl ˈsɜːvɪs/ 361. original /əˈrɪdʒənl ʃeɪp/ n hình dạng ban đầu
Service shape Using this service will keep your
documents in their original shape.
344. weight limit /weɪt ˈlɪmɪt/ n trọng lượng giới hạn The
weight limit for this service is 5 kg. 362. facsimile /fækˈsɪmɪli/ n bản sao, máy fax Have
you got a fax at home?
345. competitive /kəmˈpetətɪv/ adj có tính cạnh tranh
The product was sold at a very 363. fax /fæks/
competitive price. 364. transmission /trænzˈmɪʃən n sự truyền đi The
346. compete /kəmˈpiːt/ v cạnh tranh Both girls transmission of that document was
compete for their father's attention. done by fax.
347. competition / ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn / n sự cạnh tranh There's 365. transmit /trænzˈmɪt/ v truyền đi You should use
a lot of competition between computer a fax machine to transmit that
companies. document.
366. graphics /ˈgræfɪks/ n đồ họa, bức họa You can 384. make /meɪk/ n hiệu (hàng hóa) What make of
transmit texts and graphics over car does he drive?
distances by fax. 385. communal /ˈkɒmjʊnəl grəʊθ/ n sự phát triển cộng
367. Press /pres ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən/ n dịch vụ phân growth đồng Telephones play an important part
distribution phát báo chí When you use Press in communal growth.
distribution newspapers and 386. commune /ˈkɒmjuːn/ n xã This commune is not very
magazines will be delivered to your large.
house early in the morning.
387. rural /ˈrʊərəl/ adj biệt lập The area is still very
368. subscribe /səbˈskraɪb/ v đăng kí She subscribes to rural and undeveloped.
several women's magazines.
388. network / ˈnetwɜːk/ n mạng lưới The telephone
369. subscription /əˈrɪdʒɪnəl ʃeɪp/ n sự đăng kí We bought
network in Vietnam should be upgraded.
an annual subscription to the tennis
389. capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ n sức chứa, khả năng, năng
lực The stadium has a seating capacity
370. subscriber /səbˈskraɪbər/ n người đăng kí The of 50,000.
number of subscribers for this
magazine is now over 1,000.
390. fixed /fɪkst ˈtelɪfəʊn/ n điện thoại cố định I
telephone have a fixed telephone at home.
371. cramped /kræmp t/ adj chật hẹp We have six
desks in this room, so we're rather
391. digit /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ n con số The number 345
cramped. contains three digits.

372. rude /ruːd/ adj thô lỗ, khiếm nhã He's a very
392. digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/ adj thuộc về số, kĩ thuật số I
rude man. bought a digital camera yesterday.

373. rudeness /ˈruːdnəs/ n sự thô lỗ, khiếm nhã His

393. upgrade /ʌpˈgreɪd/ v nâng cấp More money should
rudeness made me very sad. be spent on upgrading the post office
system in Vietnam.
374. outdated /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ adj lỗi thời Nowadays this
technique is rather outdated.
394. reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ n sự giảm sút There has been
a reduction in the number of bikes in this
375. unique /jʊˈniːk/ adj duy nhất Do not miss this area.
unique opportunity to study abroad.
395. reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ n giảm, rút gọn I have stopped
376. imaginative /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ adj giàu tưởng tượng He
eating sugar to reduce my weight.
is an imaginative designer.
396. demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ n nhu cầu I demanded an
377. evidence /ˈev.ɪ.dəns/ n bằng chứng There is no
explanation. v yêu cầu
scientific evidence to prove that.
397. expansion /ɪkˈspænʃən/ n sự mở rộng, bành trướng
378. install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ v cài đặt, lắp đặt We're going
Expansion into new areas of research is
to install a new washing machine possible.
398. expand /ɪkˈspænd/ v mở rộng, bành trướng The
379. installation /ruːd/ n sự cài đặt, lắp đặt Do you have telephone networks in rural areas should
to pay extra for installation?
be expanded.
380. registration /ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃən/ n sự đăng kí You need 399. expansive /ɪkˈspænsɪv/ adj rộng lớn There was an
to fill out this registration form.
expansive view from the window.
381. register /ˈredʒɪstər/ v đăng kí I registered the 400. attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/ n thái độ He has a very bad
car in my name. attitude at work.
382. fee /fiː/ n phí We couldn't pay the lawyer's 401. arrogant /ˈærəgənt/ adj kiêu căng, ngạo mạn I
fee. found him arrogant and rude.
383. Flower /ˈflaʊər ˈtelɪgræm ˈsɜːvɪs/ n dịch vụ điện 402. arrogance /ˈærəɡəns/ n sự kiêu căng, ngạo mạn His
Telegram hoa I often send flowers to my arrogance annoys me.
Service girlfriend via Flower Telegram Service.
403. pickpocket /ˈpɪkˌpɒkɪt/ n trộm móc túi He is a real 421. species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ n loài Over a hundred species
pickpocket. of insect are found in this area.
404. reasonable /ˈriːzənəbl ̩/ adj hợp lý I bought this 422. cheetah /ˈtʃiːtə/ n báo đốm Cheetahs are only
telephone at a reasonable price. found in Africa.
405. unreasonable /ʌnˈriːzənəbl ̩/ adj vô lý That was an 423. estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/ v ước tính, ước lượng It was
unreasonable demand. difficult to estimate how many trees
406. punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ n sự đúng giờ had been destroyed.
Punctuality has never been his strong 424. panda /ˈpændə/ n gấu trúc Pandas live in
point. forests in China.
407. punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ adj đúng giờ You are all 425. wild /waɪld/ adj hoang dã Wild animals can
required to be punctual. be very dangerous. n nơi hoang dã
408. resident /ˈrezɪdənt/ n cư dân The local 426. influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ v, n ảnh hưởng Helen has a
residents are happy with the good influence on him.
punctuality of the post office. 427. influential /ˌɪnfluˈenʃl/ adj có ảnh hưởng She
409. brave /breɪv/ adj dũng cảm The hero was wanted to work for a bigger and more
very brave. influential newspaper.
410. bravery /ˈbreɪvəri/ n sự dũng cảm They were 428. pollutant /pəˈluːtənt/ n chất gây ô nhiễm These
awarded medals for their bravery. pollutants are extremely dangerous
and harmful.
411. break into /breɪk ˈɪntuː/ v đột nhập A burglar
breaks into houses to steal things. 429. pollute /pəˈluːt/ v làm ô nhiễm We won't invest
in any company that pollutes the
412. shoplifter /ˈʃɒpˌlɪftər/ n kẻ ăn cắp ở cửa hàng A
shoplifter has just been arrested by environment.
the police. 430. in all / ɪn ɔːl rɪˈspekts/ n về mọi phương diện
respects In all respects, the new film is better
413. coward /ˈkaʊəd/ n người hèn nhát A coward is
than the original.
someone who is not brave. adj hèn
nhát 431. result in /rɪˈzʌlt ɪn/ v gây ra This can result in
severe problems.
414. tenant /ˈtenənt/ n người thuê (nhà, đất) A
tenant is someone who rents a house 432. consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ n hậu quả If you do that,
or a flat. the consequences can be very serious.
415. pacifist /ˈpæsɪfɪst/ n người theo chủ nghĩa hòa 433. rare animals /reər ˈænɪməlz/ n động vật quý hiếm
bình He has been a pacifist since he Rare animals should be strictly
left the war. protected.
416. orphan /ˈɔːfən/ n trẻ mồ côi An orphan is 434. as a result /æz ə rɪˈzʌlt/ phrase do đó, kết quả là
someone whose parents are dead. He was lazy, as a result, he failed the
417. impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ adj không kiên nhẫn He
can't be a teacher - he is too 435. extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ adj tuyệt chủng There is
impatient. concern that the giant panda will soon
418. release /rɪˈliːs/ v thả, phóng thích He was become extinct.
released from prison last year. 436. extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃən/ n sự tuyệt chủng The
419. endangered /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd/ adj có nguy cơ tuyệt extinction of the dinosaurs occurred
millions of years ago.
chủng The panda is one of the most
endangered species. 437. fund /fʌnd/ n quỹ The company has set up a
special fund to preserve the
420. endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər / v làm cho nguy hiểm
What we do to the environment can environment. v cấp tiền
endanger our own lives.
438. prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ v cấm Motor vehicles are 454. measure /ˈmeʒər/ n phương pháp, biện pháp
prohibited from driving in the town What further measures can we
centre. taketo avoid terrorism?
439. prohibition /ˌprəʊh ɪˈbɪʃən/ n sự nghiêm cấm The 455. discourage /dɪˈskʌrɪdʒ/ v làm nản chí Telling
local government has announced a that story before an exam might
prohibition against the hunting of discourage our children.
whales. 456. discouragement /dɪˈskʌrɪdʒmənt/ n sự làm nản chí
440. interfere /ˌɪntəˈfɪər/ v can thiệp It's their problem His comments created a feeling of
and I'm not going to interfere. discouragement.
441. interference /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ n sự can thiệp Human 457. impact /ˈɪmpækt/ n ảnh hưởng Global
interference in the lives of wild animals warming has already had impacts
can result in serious consequences. on our lives . v làm ảnh hưởng
442. survive /səˈvaɪv/ v sống sót These plants cannot 458. scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ adj thuộc phong cảnh
survive in very cold conditions. National parks usually contain a
443. survival /səˈvaɪvəl/ n sự sống sót His survival variety of scenic features.
during the storm surprised everybody . 459. scenery /ˈsiːnəri/ n phong cảnh They stopped
444. offspring /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ n con cháu, dòng dõi A cow at the top of the hill to admire the
usually has one offspring.
445. co-exist /ˌkəʊɪgˈzɪst/ v sống chung I wish the
460. devastate /ˈdevəsteɪt/ v tàn phá, tiêu hủy Such
pollutants can devastate the
Earth could be a happy planet where
human beings, animals, and plants environment.
peacefully co-exist. 461. devastation /ˌdevəˈsteɪʃən/ n sự tàn phá The
446. co- /ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪstəns/ n sự chung sống The storm left behind widespread
existence two communities enjoyed a period of devastation.
peaceful coexistence. 462. approximately /əˈprɒksɪmətli/ adv khoảng, gần như
The job will take approximately
447. dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔːr / n khủng long Dinosaurs
three weeks.
became extinct millions of years ago.
463. maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ n sự bảo trì, bảo
448. fur /fɜːr / n lông (mao) She stroked the
rabbit's soft fur. bộ lông dưỡng Old houses need a lot of
449. capture /ˈkæptʃər / v bắt giữ Two of the soldiers
were killed and the rest were captured.
464. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ v bảo trì, gìn giữ We
n sự bắt giữ have standards to maintain.

450. recreation /ˌrekriˈeɪʃən/ n sự tiêu khiển, giải trí We

465. vehicle /ˈviːɪkl ̩/ n phương tiện Road vehicles
include cars, buses and trucks.
shouldn't hunt or capture animals for
recreation. 466. preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ v gìn giữ, bảo tồn We
should do everything to preserve
451. cultivation /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən/ n sự canh tác, trồng trọt
Using fertilizers and pesticides for the environment.
cultivation is dangerous to the 467. preservation /ˌprezəˈveɪʃən/ n sự bảo tồn, gìn giữ
environment. We should spend more time and
efforts on the preservation of old
452. cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ v canh tác, trồng trọt Most of
the land there is too poor to cultivate.
468. preservative /prɪˈzɜːvətɪv/ n chất bảo quản No
453. discharge /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ v đổ ra Discharging chemical
pollutants into the environment should preservatives are used in the
be prohibited. n sự tuôn ra, đổ ra making of this food.
469. currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ adv hiện tại The Director
is currently having talks in the USA.
470. coastal /ˈkəʊstəl/ adj thuộc bờ biển I used to live 489. nuclear energy /ˈnuːkliːɚ ˈenədʒi/ n năng lượng hạt
in a coastal town. nhân I think nuclear energy will be
widely used in the future.
471. abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ adj nhiều, phong phú Natural
resources are abundant in this part of 490. nucleus /ˈnuːkliəs/ n hạt nhân của nguyên tử,
the country. nhân DNA is stored in the nucleus
472. abundance /əˈbʌndəns/ n sự nhiều, thừa mứa There of a cell.
was an abundance of wine at the 491. need /niːd/ n nhu cầu It is difficult to
wedding. satisfy all people's needs.
473. swear /sweər/ v thề I don't know anything 492. needy /ˈniːdi/ adj nghèo đói The profits
about what happened, I swear. n lời thề from the sale go to help needy
people in the area.
474. snore /snɔːr/ v ngáy Do you know any cures for
snoring? n tiếng ngáy 493. heat /hiːt/ n hơi nóng, nhiệt độ Cook the
475. grateful /ˈgreɪtfəl/ adj biết ơn I'm so grateful for meat on low heat.
all that you've done. 494. geothermal /ˌdʒiːəʊ ˈθɜːməl hiːt/ n địa nhiệt
heat Geothermal heat comes from deep
476. gratitude /ˈgrætɪtjuːd/ n lòng biết ơn She sent
them a present to show her gratitude. inside the Earth.

477. owe /əʊ/ v nợ I owe Janet ten pounds.

495. dam /dæm/ n đập nước Dams have to be
built in order to use this kind of
478. be blamed /bi bleɪmd fɔːr/ phrase bị khiển trách vì I energy.
for was blamed for letting the child go out
496. potential /pəˈtenʃl/ adj tiềm năng, tiềm ẩn
There is great potential in
479. fossil /ˈfɑːsəl/ n hóa thạch Fossils of early alternative sources of energy. n khả
reptiles were found in this area. năng, tiềm lực
480. fossil fuel /ˈfɑːsəl fjʊəl/ n nhiên liệu hóa thạch 497. make use of /meɪk juːz əv/ v tận dụng How to
Fossil fuels include fuels such as gas, make full use of the alternative
coal and oil formed underground millions sources of energy is a really big
of years ago from plant and animal question.
remains .
498. ceremony /ˈserɪməni/ n nghi lễ The graduation
481. strictly /ˈstrɪkt li/ adv một cách nghiêm khắc The ceremony lasted 4 hours.
use of cameras in this museum is strictly
499. nuclear reactor /ˈnuːkliːɚ riˈæktɚ/ n lò phản ứng hạt
nhân Radiation from a nuclear
482. demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ n nhu cầu, yêu cầu Good reactor is very dangerous.
teachers are always in great demand.
500. hydroelectricity /ˌhaɪdroʊɪlekˈtrɪsət ̬i / n thủy điện It
483. exhausted /ɪgˈzɔːstɪd/ adj cạn kiệt Because of is expensive to build a dam for
increasing demand, fossil fuels will be electricity.
exhausted in the near future.
501. hydroelectric /ˌhaɪdroʊɪˈlektrɪk/ adj thuộc thủy
484. exhaust /ɪgˈzɔːst/ v làm cạn kiệt I'm afraid he's điện Is there a hydroelectric power
exhausted my patience. station in your area?
485. exhaustion /ɪgˈzɔːstʃən/ n tình trạng kiệt sức, mệt lử 502. run out (of /rʌn aʊt/ v hết (cái gì) Our major
She felt ill from exhaustion. something) sources of energy are running out.
486. alternative /ɑːlˈtɝːnət ̬ɪ v/ adj thay thế Tea can be a 503. radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃən/ n sự bức xạ, phóng xạ
good alternative to coffee. n sự lựa chọn Many people suffered radiation
487. alternate /ˈɒltəneɪt/ v luân phiên, xen kẽ She sickness from the nuclear reactor
alternated between cheerfulness and accident last year.
deep despair. 504. radioactive /ˌreɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ adj thuộc về phóng
488. nuclear /ˈnuːkliːɚ/ adj thuộc hạt nhân How many xạ Uranium is a radioactive
nations have nuclear weapons? material.
505. renewable /rɪˈnuːəbl ̩/ adj có thể hồi phục được 521. fence /fens/ n hàng rào A fence is being
There are some renewable energy built around my garden.
sources such as wind and wave power. 522. surround /səˈraʊnd/ v bao quanh Gwen sat at
506. renew /rɪˈnuː/ v thay mới, làm mới I'll use this her desk, surrounded by books and
material to renew the chair covers. papers. vây quanh
507. renewal /rɪˈnuːəl/ n sự phục hồi, thay mới The 523. surrounding /səˈraʊndɪŋ/ adj bao quanh, vây
next renewal date is November 20th. quanh A lot of the children at the
school come from the surrounding
508. harmful /ˈhɑːrmfəl/ adj có hại This group of
chemicals is harmful to people. countryside.

509. harm /hɑːrm/ n sự tổn hại Such activities

524. experiment /ɪkˈsperɪmənt/ n cuộc thí nghiệm
can harm the environment. v làm tổn Some people believe that
experiments on animals should be
banned. v thí nghiệm
510. ecologist /iˈkɒlədʒɪst/ n nhà sinh thái học An
525. experimental /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentəl/ adj thuộc về thí
ecologist studies the natural
relationships between the air, land, nghiệm The drug is still at the
water, animals, plants, etc. experimental stage.

511. ecology /iˈkɒlədʒi/ n sinh thái She hopes to

526. sponsor /ˈspɒnsər/ n người bảo trợ The team
study ecology at college. is sponsored by JVC, so the players
wear the letters JVC on t /ˈspɑːnsɚ/ v
512. ecological /ekə'lɔdʤikl/ adj thuộc sinh thái The tài trợ
destruction of the rain forests is an
527. intercultural /ˌɪntəˈkʌltʃərəl/ adj liên văn hóa The
ecological disaster.
Asian Games are held for the
513. fertilize /ˈfɜːtɪlaɪz/ v làm màu mỡ Remember to purpose of developing intercultural
fertilize the plants once a month. /ˈfɝːt knowledge and friendship within
̬ə laɪz/ bón phân Asia.
514. fertile /ˈfɜːtaɪl/ adj màu mỡ The soil in my 528. knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ n kiến thức, sự hiểu biết He
garden is so fertile. /ˈfɝːt ̬ə l/ has limited knowledge of French.
515. consumption /kənˈsʌmp ʃən/ n sự tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng 529. knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl ̩/ adj có hiểu biết He's
We need to cut down on our fuel very knowledgeable about German
consumption by having fewer cars on literature.
the road.
530. event /ɪˈvent/ n sự kiện This year's Olympic
516. consume /kənˈsjuːm/ v tiêu dùng This country Games will be the biggest sporting
consumes 25 percent of the world's event ever.
531. solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti/ n tình đoàn kết The
517. proportion /prəˈpɔːʃən/ n sự cân đối, phần lecturers joined the protest march to
Children make up a large proportion of show solidarity with their students.
the world's population. /prəˈpɔːrʃən/
532. decade /ˈdekeɪd/ n thập kỉ There have been
518. trend /trend/ n xu hướng, khuynh hướng more and more students studying
There's been a downward trend in overseas in the past decades.
sales in the last few years.
533. aspect /ˈæspekt/ n khía cạnh Which aspects
519. shrug /ʃrʌg/ v nhún vai He shrugged his of the job do you most enjoy?
shoulders as if to say that there was
534. official /əˈfɪʃəl/ n quan chức The number of
nothing he could do about it.
officials has also been increasing
520. splay /spleɪ/ v giang ra, bẹt ra The petals over time.
splay out from the middle of the
535. facility /fəˈsɪləti/ n điều kiện dễ dàng A new
sports facility is going to be built
here this month.
536. aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/ adj dưới nước Swimming is 555. freestyle /ˈfriːstaɪl/ n kiểu bơi tự do He won the
an aquatic sport. 400 metre freestyle.
537. athletics /æθˈletɪks/ n điền kinh Students are 556. gymnast /ˈdʒɪmnæst/ n chuyên viên thể dục He
involved in all forms of college is a great Russian gymnast.
athletics. 557. gymnasium /dʒɪmˈneɪziəm/ n phòng tập thể dục
538. weightlifting /ˈweɪtˌlɪftɪŋ/ n môn cử tạ Of all the How often do you go to the gym?
sports, I like weightlifting the best. 558. gym /dʒɪm/
539. shooting /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ n bắn súng He goes shooting 559. gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ n thể dục The US
most weekends. women's gymnastics team has 12
540. wrestling /ˈreslɪŋ/ n đô vật Is wrestling the most members.
popular in Eastern countries? 560. record /ˈrekɔːd/ n kỉ lục She set a new
541. squash /skwɑːʃ/ n bóng quần Do you know European record in the high jump.
where squash comes from? 561. bar /bɑːr/ n xà, thanh The bar has fallen
542. fencing /ˈfensɪŋ/ n môn đấu kiếm I did a bit of too.
fencing while I was at college. 562. long jump /lɑːŋ dʒʌmp/ n môn nhảy xa I am not
543. rugby /ˈrʌgbi/ n bóng bầu dục He is a really very good at the long jump.
good rugby player. 563. high jump /haɪ dʒʌmp/ n môn nhảy cao She won a
544. mountain /ˈmaʊntən baɪkɪŋ/ n môn đi xe đạp leo silver medal in the high jump.
biking núi Of course you need a bike to go 564. car park /kɑːr pɑːrk/ n bãi đỗ xe The car park is
mountain biking. just over there.
545. enthusiasm /ɪnˈθuːziæzəm/ n sự hăng hái, nhiệt 565. guest house /gest haʊs/ n nhà khách That guest
tình After the accident he lost his house was built over 100 years ago.
enthusiasm for the sport.
566. recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ v tuyển dụng For further
546. enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk/ adj nhiệt tình, hăng hái information on the recruiting process
You don't seem very enthusiastic
please take a look at the website.
about the sports event tonight.
567. recruitment /rɪˈkruːtmənt/ n sự tuyển dụng The
547. appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ v đánh giá cao We really
recession has forced a lot of
appreciate all the help you gave us companies to cut down on recruitment.
last weekend.
568. diamond /ˈdaɪəmənd/ n kim cương Diamonds are
548. bodybuilding /ˈbɑːdiˌbɪldɪŋ/ n thể dục thể hình extremely expensive.
Bodybuilding helps make your muscles
569. ring /rɪŋ/ n nhẫn How much is this diamond
549. hockey /ˈhɑːki/ n khúc côn cầu He started
playing hockey at the age of 10.
570. book /bʊk/ v đặt chỗ She'd booked a table
for four at their favourite restaurant.
550. boxing /ˈbɑːksɪŋ/ n môn quyền anh I think
boxing is too dangerous.
571. enjoyable /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl ̩/ adj thích thú, thú vị Thank
you for a very enjoyable evening
551. host country /hoʊst ˈkʌntri/ n nước chủ nhà South
Africa was chosen as the host country
572. present /prɪˈzent/ v trình bày He presented the
for 2010 World Cup. report to his colleagues at the
552. standing /ˈstændɪŋ/ n vị thế, địa vị He had little
standing in the community.
573. presentation /ˌprezənˈteɪʃən/ n bài trình bày The
speaker gave an interesting
553. bronze /brɑːnz/ n đồng He got a bronze medal
presentation on conservation of the
in the high jump. environment .
554. live /laɪv/ adj trực tiếp This evening there
will be a live broadcast of the sport
574. accomplished /əˈkɑːmplɪʃt/ adj có tài, cừ khôi She's a 594. category /ˈkætəgɔːri/ n hạng, loại I classify the
very accomplished pianist. stamps into different categories.
575. tune /tuːn/ n điệu, giai điệu That's a very 595. categorize /ˈkæt ̬ə gəraɪz/ v phân loại, chia loại The
catchy tune. books are categorized into beginner and
576. accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/ v đệm đàn Miss Jessop advanced.
accompanied Mr Bentley on the 596. overseas /ˌəʊvəˈsiːz/ adj ở nước ngoài, hải ngoại
piano. There are a lot of overseas students in
577. keep fish /kiːp fɪʃ/ v nuôi cá Keeping fish is one
of our hobbies. 597. hero /ˈhɪərəʊ/ n anh hùng He is a true hero in
my heart.
578. modest /ˈmɑːdɪst/ adj khiêm tốn, không
nhiều/to/đắt lắm They live in a fairly 598. profitable /ˈprɒfɪtəbl ̩/ adj có lợi, sinh lợi I think it
modest house. will be a very profitable business.
579. fish tank /fɪʃ tæŋk/ n bể cá, chậu cá She gave 599. profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ n lợi nhuận Company profits are
me a fish tank as a birthday present. down from last year's figures. /ˈprɑːfɪt/ v
580. avid /ˈævɪd/ adj thèm thuồng, khao khát My kiếm lời
brother is an avid football fan. 600. bygones /ˈbaɪgɒnz/ /ˈbaɪgɔːnz/ n quá khứ, chuyện
581. discard /dɪˈskɑːrd/ v bỏ, vứt bỏ Don't discard đã qua Just let bygones be bygones and
be friends again.
that trash, save it and sell for money.
601. gigantic /ˌdʒaɪˈgæntɪk/ adj khổng lồ, kếch xù Look
582. mostly /ˈmoʊst li/ adv chủ yếu, hầu hết The
band are mostly teenagers, I think. at that gigantic statue.
602. ignorantly /ˈɪgnərənt li/ adv ngu dốt He ignorantly
583. once in a /wʌns ɪn ə waɪl/ adv thỉnh thoảng We
while meet for lunch once in a while. said that climate change is no big deal.

584. indulge (in) /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ v say mê I love champagne

603. ignore /ɪgˈnɔːr/ v phớt lờ I smiled at her but she
but I don't often indulge myself. just ignored me.

585. for a while /fər ə waɪl/ adv trong chốc lát Please
604. ignorance /ˈɪgnərəns/ n sự phớt lờ Her ignorance
wait for a while. about what I said really annoyed me.

586. occupied /ˈaːkjʊpaɪd/ adj bận rộn My hobbies

605. cope /kəʊp/ v đương đầu, giải quyết It must be
(with) difficult to cope with three small children
really keep me occupied.
and a job.
587. admire /ədˈmaɪər / v ngưỡng mộ, khâm phục I
606. bump into /bʌmp ˈɪntə / v đụng, va phải His car
admired him for his determination.
bumped into a truck.
588. admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃn/ n sự ngưỡng mộ/khâm
607. spare time /sper taɪm/ n thời gian rảnh rỗi I like to
phục My admiration for that woman
grows daily. do gardening in my spare time.

589. admirable /ˈædmərəbl/ adj đáng ngưỡng mộ The

608. spare /sper/ adj thừa, dư Have you got a spare
police did an admirable job in keeping pen?
the fans calm. 609. by far /baɪ fɑːr/ phrase nhiều, bỏ xa He is by far
590. stall /stɔːl/ n quầy, sạp I often buy books the best student in the class.
from second-hand book stalls. 610. household /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ n hộ gia đình By the 1960s,
most households had a TV.
591. classify /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ v phân loại The books in
the library are classified by subject. 611. view /vjuː/ v xem There's a special area at the
airport where you can view aircraft
592. classification /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự phân loại My
classification of stamps is based on taking off and landing.
the regions they come from. 612. pursuit /pɚˈsuːt/ n thú vui đeo đuổi I enjoy
593. broaden /ˈbrɔːdən/ v mở rộng Travel broadens outdoor pursuits, like hiking and riding
your mind. /ˈbrɑːdən/ bikes.
613. include /ɪnˈkluːd/ v bao gồm Tax and service 630. practical /ˈpræktɪkəl skɪl/ n kĩ năng thực hành
are included in the bill. skill This course provides people with
614. inclusion /ɪnˈkluːʒən/ n sự bao gồm, sự gồm cả practical skills they can do with their
She is being considered for inclusion
on the England team. 631. entry /ˈen.tri ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n điều kiện
qualification nhập học What entry qualifications are
615. inclusive /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ adj bao gồm, kể cả My rent
is $700 a month inclusive. needed for this course?

616. spectator /spekˈteɪt ̬ɚ spɔːrts/ n những môn thể

632. generous /ˈdʒenɚrəs/ adj dễ dãi, rộng lượng He
sports thao thu hút nhiều khán giả Football is was so generous when he gave me $10
a week.
one of the most popular spectator
sports. 633. basement /ˈbeɪsmənt/ n tầng hầm Our company's
parking lot is in the basement.
617. do-it-yourself /ˌduːɪtjɚˈself/ n tự làm Don't look for
help, this is a do-it-yourself 634. spectacular /spekˈtækjʊlɚ/ adj hùng vĩ From the
environment. window you can have a spectacular
618. gardening /ˈgɑrːdənɪŋ/ n công việc làm vườn view of the mountain.
Many people in Britain are fond of 635. hire /ˈhaɪər/ v thuê, cho thuê How much
gardening. would it cost to hire a car for a
619. undertake /ˌʌndɚˈteɪk/ v thực hiện Students are
required to undertake simple 636. memento /məˈmentoʊ/ n kỉ vật I keep a stone as
experiments. a memento of our holiday.
620. snooker /ˈsnuːkɚ/ n môn snooker (1 loại hình 637. campground ˈkæmpgraʊnd/ n bãi đất cắm trại This
bi-da) Is snooker popular in your area would make a wondeful
country? campground.
621. pool /puːl/ n môn pool (1 loại hình bi-da) Do 638. trash /træʃ/ n rác Don't throw the trash away,
you know where pool comes from? save it and sell it for money.
622. darts /dɑːrts/ n môn phi tiêu Do you like 639. giant /ˈdʒaɪənt/ adj khổng lồ What a giant
darts? cabbage!
623. enormous /ɪˈnɔːrməs/ adj nhiều, to lớn He earns 640. giant tree /ˈdʒaɪənt triː/ n cây cổ thụ Wait for me
an enormous salary. at the giant tree.
624. on offer / ɔːn ˈɔːfər/ phrase sẵn có There are a 641. dirt bike /dɝːt baɪk/ n xe đạp địa hình Is it
number of courses on offer at the expensive to buy a new dirt bike?
moment. 642. depressed /dɪˈprest/ adj chán nản, thất vọng She
625. bricklaying /ˈbrɪkˌleɪɪŋ/ n sự xây gạch Bricklaying is became deeply depressed when her
a skilled job. husband died.
626. sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adj tinh vi, phức tạp 643. solitude /ˈsɑːlətuːd/ n sự biệt lập, cô độc She
These are among the most enjoys her life of solitude.
sophisticated weapons in the world. 644. wilderness /ˈwɪldənəs/ n miền hoang dã Mary likes
627. stock market /stɑːk ˈmɑrːkɪt/ n thị trường chứng the solitude of the wilderness.
khoán You should learn how to make 645. desert /ˈdezət/ n sa mạc They were lost in the
your own stock market decisions. desert for nine days.
628. shoemaking /ʃuːmeɪkɪŋ / n đóng giày I'm going to 646. umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə tent/ n lều dù We need an
learn shoemaking. tent umbrella tent for camping.
629. engrave /ɪnˈgreɪv/ v khắc, chạm He started 647. wallet /ˈwɑːlɪt/ n ví (thường dùng cho nam
learning glass engraving 10 years ago. giới) Do you see my wallet anywhere?
648. conquest /ˈkɒŋkwest/ n cuộc chinh phục There 667. psychological /ˌsaɪkəlˈɒdʒɪkəl/ adj thuộc về tâm lí
have been many achievements in His illness is due to psychological
human's conquest of space. problems.
649. conquer /ˈkɒŋkər / v xâm chiếm, chinh phục 668. psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ n tâm lí học She studied
The Spanish conquered the New psychology at Harvard.
World in the 16th century. 669. failure /ˈfeɪljər / n sự thất bại The meeting
650. human /ˈhjuːmən/ n con người Gagarin was was a complete failure.
the first human being in space. 670. fail /ˈfeɪ/ v thất bại He failed in his
651. human being /ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ/ attempt to break the record.
652. humanity /hjuːˈmænəti/ n loài người The 671. venture /ˈventʃər/ n cuộc mạo hiểm How do
massacre was a crime against you feel about man's first venture into
humanity. space?
653. space /speɪs/ n không trung, vũ trụ Who was 672. feat /fiːt/ n chiến công, chiến tích The Eiffel
the first Vietnamese to fly into space? Tower is a remarkable feat of
654. spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ adj rộng rãi This room is so engineering.
spacious. 673. tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adj thảm kịch, bi thảm The
655. orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ n quỹ đạo Once in space, the bomb explosion resulted in a tragic
loss of life.
spacecraft willgo into orbit around
the Earth. 674. tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ n bi kịch Hitler's invasion
of Poland led to the tragedy of the
656. orbital /ˈɔːbɪtəl/ adj thuộc về quỹ đạo An
orbital space station has been built. Second World War.
675. occur /əˈkɜːr/ v xảy ra A tragic accident
657. cosmonaut /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ n phi hành gia He is a
cosmonaut. occurred near my house this morning.

658. weightlessness /ˈweɪtləsnəs/ n trạng thái không trọng

676. occurrence /əˈkʌrəns/ n điều xảy ra, sự xảy ra
lượng He became the first person to Traffic accidents are an everyday
occurrence in this city.
eat and drink in weightlessness.
659. weightless /ˈweɪtləs/ adj không trọng lượng The
677. crash /kræʃ/ n va chạm, đâm sầm The plane
crashed into a mountainside. v sự va
experiment was carried out in
weightless conditions. chạm, sự đâm sầm

660. uncertainty /ʌnˈsɜːtənti/ n sự không chắc chắn

678. lift-off /ˈlɪftɒf/ n sự phóng The lift-off took
Life is full of uncertainties. place in 1961.

661. precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv chính xác But it's

679. spacecraft /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ n tàu vũ trụ Have you
precisely because of the noise that ever seen a spacecraft?
they're thinking of moving. 680. launch /lɔːnt ʃ/ v phóng The launch of the
662. precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj chính xác He caught me spacecraft was delayed for 24 hours.
/lɑːnt ʃ/ n sự phóng
at the precise moment that I fainted.
681. manned /mænd/ adj có người lái It is a
663. react /riˈækt/ v phản ứng She slapped him,
but he didn't react. manned spacecraft.
682. milestone /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ n sự kiện quan trọng The
664. reaction /riˈækʃən/ n sự phản ứng You need to
have quick reactions to play these successful flight marked a milestone
computer games. in China's space project.

665. deal with /dɪəl wɪθ/, v đối phó It's a difficult

683. carry out /ˈkæri aʊt/ v thực hiện Our soldiers
carried out a successful attack last
matter to deal with.
666. tension /ˈtenʃən/ n căng thẳng There are
684. artificial /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl/ adj nhân tạo Sputnik is the
growing tensions between the two
countries. first artificial satellite.
685. caption /ˈkæpʃən/ n lời chú thích Match the 703. bury /ˈberi/ v chôn cất, mai táng His father is
pictures with the captions. buried in the cemetery on the hill.
686. crew /kruː/ n phi hành/thủy thủ đoàn The 704. chamber /ˈtʃeɪmbər / n phòng, viện Council
aircraft has a crew of seven. meetings are held in the council
687. challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ n thử thách You need to be chamber.
very strong to overcome those 705. belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ n đồ dùng, của cải I put a few
challenges. personal belongings in a bag and left the
688. mission /ˈmɪʃən/ n sứ mệnh My mission in life is
to educate the rich about the suffering 706. base /beɪs/ n chân, nền At the base of the cliff
of the poor. was a rocky beach.
689. reminder /rɪˈmaɪndər/ n vật nhắc nhở Mum sent 707. surpass /səˈpɑːs/ /sɚˈpæs/ v vượt qua, vượt xa
me off with a final reminder to be back The book's success surpassed everyone's
before 11pm. expectations.
690. remind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ v nhắc nhở Could you 708. theory /ˈθɪəri/ n lý thuyết Can you explain
remind Paul about dinner on Sunday? Darwin's theory of evolution?
691. achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ n thành tựu, thành quả 709. plateau /ˈplæt.əʊ/ n cao nguyên A plateau is a
There have been great achievements large flat area of land that is high above
in human's space conquest. sea level.
692. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ v giành được She finally 710. mysterious /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ adj huyền bí She's an
achieved her ambitionto visit South actress whose inner life has remained
America. mysterious, despite the many interviews
she has given.
693. press /pres/ n báo chí The incident has been
widely reported in the press. 711. mystery /ˈmɪstəri/ n điều huyền bí, bí ẩn The book
tries to explain some of the mysteriesof
694. portable /ˈpɔːtəbl ̩/ adj có thể mang theo, xách
tay I bought a portable computer life.
yesterday. 712. ramp /ræmp/ n đường dốc I pushed the
695. quote /kwəʊt/ v trích, trích dẫn Can I quote wheelchair up the ramp and into the
you on that?
696. vice- /vaɪs ˈtʃeəmən/ n phó chủ tịch He was
713. spiral /ˈspaɪərəl/ n đường xoắn ốc A corkscrew
chairman is spiral-shaped.
appointed the vice-chairman of the
committee in 1986. 714. tomb /tuːm/ n mộ The tomb had been built
before he died.
697. investigate /ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt/ v điều tra We are
investigating how an error like this 715. mandarin /ˈmændərɪn/ n quan lại He used to be a
could have occurred. mandarin.
698. investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈgeɪʃən/ n sự điều tra We have 716. wheelchair /ˈwiːltʃeər/ n xe lăn He spent the last ten
finished a thorough investigation of the years of his life in a wheelchair.
incident. 717. snail /sneɪl/ n ốc sên Can you describe a
699. space shuttle /speɪs ˈʃʌtl ̩/ n tàu vũ trụ con thoi The snail?
space shuttle lifted off on time. 718. shell /ʃel/ n vỏ (ốc, sò) I like collecting sea
700. leap /liːp/ v nhảy That's one small step for shells.
man, one giant leap for mankind. 719. proceed /prəʊ ˈsiːd/ v tiếp tục, tiếp diễn
701. man-made /ˌmænˈmeɪd/ adj nhân tạo It's a man- Preparations for the festival are now
made lake. proceeding smoothly.
702. burial /ˈberiəl/ n việc chôn cất, mai táng We 720. procedure /prəˈsiːdʒər/ n thủ tục, cách tiến hành
went back to England for our uncle's The company has new procedures for
burial. dealingwith complaints.
721. magnificence /mægˈnɪfɪsəns/ n vẻ nguy nga, tráng lệ, 737. puppy /ˈpʌpi/ n chó con Our dog has just had
lộng lẫy The splendour and four puppies.
magnificence of the pyramids are what 738. eternal /ɪˈtɜːnəl/ adj mãi mãi, vĩnh cửu I want
I am deeply interested in. our love to be eternal.
722. magnificent /mægˈnɪfɪsənt/ adj nguy nga, tráng lệ, 739. biologist /baɪˈɒlədʒɪst/ n nhà sinh vật học Mary
lộng lẫy What a magnificent view!
wants to become a biologist in the
723. significance /sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns/ n đầy ý nghĩa, quan trọng future.
The discovery of the new drug is of 740. biology /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ n sinh vật học The book
great significance for people suffering deals with human biology.
from heart problems.
741. biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ adj thuộc sinh vật học
724. significant /sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ adj có ý nghĩa, có tầm Eating is a biological necessity!
quan trọng There has been a
significant increase in the number of
742. join hands /dʒɔɪn ˈhænd z/ v nắm tay nhau, cùng
women students in recent years. nhau Why don't you join hands with us
in helping the poor children?
725. dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti/ or /ˈdaɪnəsti/ n triều đại The
Mogul dynasty ruled over India for
743. give /gɪv ˈsʌmbədi ə hænd/ v giúp đỡ ai
somebody a Could you give me a hand with these
hand boxes, Mike?
726. visible /ˈvɪzəbl/ adj có thể nhìn thấy được The
writing on the tombstone was barely
744. run /rʌn/ v điều hành, quản lý He runs his
visible. business very well.

727. roadway /ˈrəʊdweɪ/ n lòng đường An overturned

745. run the /rʌn ðə ˈhaʊshəʊld/ v trông nom gia
household đình My mother runs the household in
bus was blocking the roadway.
my family.
728. architecture /ˈɑːrkɪtektʃɚ/ n lối kiến trúc, môn kiến
trúc I love the architecture of this
746. will /wɪl/ n ý chí From an early age she had
building. a very strong will.

729. marble /ˈmɑːrbl ̩/ n cẩm thạch It is a marble

747. be willing to /bɪ ˈwɪlɪŋ tə du 'sʌmθɪŋ/ v sẵn sàng làm
do gì If you're willing to fly at night, you can
something get a much cheaper ticket.
730. dedicate (to) /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ v dâng hiến, cống hiến He
has dedicated his life to scientific
748. finality /faɪˈnæləti/ n trạng thái cuối cùng I felt
research. that terrible finality when Jim said he
doesn't want to stay together with me.
731. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự dâng hiến, cống hiến
She thanked the staff for their
749. finalize /ˈfaɪnəlaɪz/ v hoàn tất phần cuối We
dedication and enthusiasm. should finalize all the documents
before the meeting.
732. sandstone /ˈsænd stəʊn/ n sa thạch Sandstone is
a type of rock formed from sand.
750. pressure /ˈpreʃər/ n He put too much pressure on
the door handle and it snapped.
733. throne /θrəʊn/ n ngai vàng, ngai Charles is
next in line to the throne.
751. be under /bi ˈʌndər ˈpreʃər/ v She is under a lot of
pressure pressure at work right now.
734. illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ v minh họa The lecturer
illustrated his point with a diagram on
752. pressurize /ˈpreʃəraɪz/ v sức ép A pump is used to
the blackboard. pressurize the fuel.

735. homeless /ˈhəʊmləs/ adj vô gia cư Thousands of

753. mischievous /ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/ adj nghịch She has a
people became homeless after the mischievous sense of humour.
storm. 754. obedient /əˈbiːdiənt/ adj vâng lời Students are
736. prisoner /ˈprɪzənər/ n tù nhân He has been a expected to be quiet and obedient in
prisoner for ten years. the classroom.
755. disobedient /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiənt/ adj không vâng lời He is
a disobedient child.
756. obedience /əˈbiːdiənts/ n sự vâng lời, tuân lệnh 772. marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/ n hôn nhân They had a long
Military service demands obedience and happy marriage.
from its members. 773. marry /ˈmæri/ v kết hôn Men tend to marry
757. obey /əˈbeɪ/ v vâng lời A child should obey his later than women.
parents. 774. married /ˈmærid/ adj lập gia đình When are you
758. supportive /səˈpɔːtɪv/ adj ủng hộ Children with getting married?
supportive parents often do better at 775. contractual /kənˈtræktʃuəl/ adj thỏa thuận, thuộc về
school than those without. hợp đồng Are you under a contractual
759. permit /pəˈmɪt/ v cho phép The regulations do obligation to any other company?
not permit much flexibility. 776. contract /ˈkɒntrækt/ n hợp đồng Are you going to
760. permission /pəˈmɪʃən/ n sự cho phép You will need break the contract?
permission from the council to extend 777. precede /prɪˈsiːd/ v đi trước It would be helpful
your garage.
if you were to precede the report with
761. permissive /pəˈmɪsɪv/ adj cho phép, tùy ý It's a very an introduction.
permissive school where the children 778. precedence /ˈpresɪdəns/ n sự đi trước Business
are allowed to do whatever they want. people often think that fluency and
762. confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n sự tin tưởng I should communication take precedence over
never have taken him into my grammar when speaking.
confidence. 779. engagement /ɪnˈgeɪdʒmənt/ n đính hôn They
763. have /hæv ˈkɒnfɪdəns ɪn ˈsʌmbədi/ v tin tưởng announced their engagement at the
confidence ai I have complete confidence in her. party on Sunday.
in She'll be perfect for the job. 780. engaged /ɪnˈgeɪdʒd/ adj đã đính ước, đính hôn
Did they get engaged on Saturday?
764. confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt / adj tự tin Miss Venezuela
781. counterpart /ˈkaʊntəpɑːt/ n bên tương ứng The
looks confident in her red dress.
Prime Minister will meet with his
765. confide in /kənˈfaɪd ɪn ˈsʌmbədi/ v tin tưởng, giãi European counterparts to discuss the
somebody bày tâm sự với ai She's nice, but I don't war against drugs.
feel I can confide in her.
782. generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən/ n thế hệ The younger
766. diverse /da ɪˈvɜːs/ adj khác biệt New York is a generation smokes less than their
very culturally diverse city. parents did.
767. diversity /da ɪˈvɜːsɪti/ n sự khác biệt, đa dạng 783. generational /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃənəl/ adj thuộc thế hệ There
There is a wide diversity of opinion on are generational differences in opinion
the question of raising her salary. between parents and children.
768. diversify /da ɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ/ v đa dạng hóa Many 784. signify /ˈsɪgnɪfaɪ/ v biểu thị Nobody really
wheat farmers have begun to diversify knows what the marks on the ancient
into other forms of agriculture. stones signify.
769. approval /əˈpruːvəl/ n sự chấp thuận The project 785. significant /sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ adj quan trọng, đáng kể
has now received approval from the There has been a significant increase
government. in the number of women students in
770. disapproval /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvəl/ n sự không chấp thuận recent years.
Although they said nothing about her 786. significance /sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns/ n tầm quan trọng The
suggestion, she could sense their discovery of the new drug is of great
disapproval. significance for people suffering from
771. approve /əˈpruːv/ v chấp thuận We had to wait heart problems
months for the council to approve our 787. socialize /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ v giao lưu, hòa nhập xã hội
plans to extend the house. It is a good opportunity to socialize
with new colleagues.
788. socialization /ˌsəʊʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ or /ˌsoʊʃələˈzeɪʃn/ n 803. regulate /ˈregjʊleɪt/ v điều chỉnh Her mother
sự hòa nhập xã hội Going to school strictly regulates how much TV she can
improves children's socialization watch.
skills. 804. regulator /ˈregjʊleɪtər/ n máy điều chỉnh We use
789. social /ˈsəʊʃəl/ có tính xã hội I had an the heat regulator to keep the room
active social life when I was in warm in winter.
college. 805. interruption /ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən/ n sự gián đoạn I worked
790. verbal /ˈvɜːbəl/ adj bằng lời nói He gave her all morning without interruption.
a verbal apology. 806. interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ v gián đoạn I wish you'd
791. non-verbal /ˌnɒnˈvɜːbəl/ adj không bằng lời nói stop interrupting.
Body language is a potent form of 807. discourtesy /dɪˈskɜːtəsi/ n sự thô lỗ I was amazed
non-verbal communication. at her father's discourtesy.
792. communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự giao tiếp, 808. discourteous /dɪˈskɜːtiəs/ adj bất lịch sự According
truyền thông Television is an to the customer survey, 6% said that
important means of communication. employees were unhelpful and
793. communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v giao tiếp Unable to discourteous.
speak a word of the language, he 809. approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ v, tiếp cận, cách thức Since
communicated with his hands. our research so far has not produced
794. communicative /kəˈmjuːnɪkətɪv/ adj có tính giao tiếp any answers to this problem, we need
He was in a bad mood at breakfast to adopt a different approach to it /ə
and wasn't very communicative. ˈproʊtʃ/ n
795. communicable /kəˈmjuːnɪkəbl ̩/ adj có thể truyền 810. compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ adj bắt buộc Swimming
đạt In this period, there were 974 was compulsory at my school.
outbreaks of communicable disease 811. compulsion /kəmˈpʌlʃən/ n sự bắt buộc We were
attributed to the consumption of under no compulsion to attend.
raw milk.
812. compel /kəmˈpel/ v bắt buộc As a school boy
796. compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt ˈsʌmbədi ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ he was compelled to wear shorts even
somebody on v khen ai vì điều gì I was just
in winter.
something complimenting Robert on his new
813. academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ adj có tính học thuật I
don't like academic subjects.
797. compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ n lời khen The boss
paid her a compliment for finishing
814. academy /əˈkædəmi/ n học viện We graduated
the project early. from the Academy of Finance.

798. complimentary /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentəri/ adj ca ngợi The

815. state school /steɪt skuːl/ n trường công It doesn't
reviews of his latest film have been cost much to study in a state school.
highly complimentary. 816. private /ˈpraɪvət skuːl/ n trường tư My younger
school sister studies at a famous private
799. kid /kɪd/ v nói đùa You won first prize?
You're kidding! school.

800. marvellous /ˈmɑːvələs/ adj He was a truly

817. curriculum /kəˈrɪkjʊləm/ n chương trình học
marvellous storyteller. Teachers should follow the national
801. marvel /ˈmɑːvəl/ n kỳ diệu It's a marvel to
me how they've managed to build
818. General /ˈdʒenərəl səˈtɪfɪkət əv ˈsekəndri ˌedjʊ
Certificate of ˈkeɪʃən/ n Chứng chỉ giáo dục trung học
the road so quickly. điều kỳ diệu
Secondary phổ thông You should also submit a
802. regulation /ˌregjʊˈleɪʃən/ n quy tắc, nội quy Our Education copy of your General Certificate of
company is going to have some new (GCSE)
Secondary Education.
819. tuition fee /tjuːˈɪʃən fiː/ n học phí The tuition 833. applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ n người nộp đơn How
fee of this university is quite high. many applicants did you have for
820. disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ adj quậy phá He was the job?
the most noisy and disruptive 834. applicable /ˈæplɪkəbl/ adj thích hợp The new
student at high school. qualifications are applicable to all
821. disruption /dɪsˈrʌpʃən/ n sự đập vỡ The European countries.
accident on the main road through 835. blame /bleɪm ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɒn ˈsʌmbədi/ v đổ
town is causing widespread something on lỗi gì cho ai Don't blame it on me.
disruption for motorists. somebody

822. disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ v đập vỡ, ngăn cản A 836. blameless /bleɪmləs/ adj vô tội, không có lỗi It
heavy snowfall disrupted the city's was mainly my fault, but she wasn't
transport system. entirely blameless.

823. methodical /məˈθɒdɪkəl/ adj có phương pháp, 837. daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ adj nản chí In spite of
cẩn thận Tom is a very methodical unification, the country was still
person. faced with the daunting prospect of
overcoming four decades of
824. method /ˈmeθəd/ n phương pháp The new
teaching methods encourage
children to think for themselves. 838. daunt /ˈdɔːnt/ v làm nản chí She was not
at all daunted by the size of the
825. formal /ˈfɔːməl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ n nền giáo dục
education chính quy Formal education is the
education we obtain from 839. mate /meɪt/ n bạn bè We've been mates
instruction at schools or other since our school days.
institutions and that have a 840. admit /ədˈmɪt/ v thừa nhận She admitted
predetermined curriculum. making a mistake.
826. non-formal /nonˈfɔːməl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ n nền giáo 841. admission /ədˈmɪʃən/ n nhận, kết nạp Her
education dục không chính quy After silence was taken as an admission
graduation, he looked for evening of guilt.
classes for some non-formal 842. admissible /ədˈmɪsɪbl ̩/ adj có thể thừa nhận
The judge ruled that the new
827. informal /inˈfɔːməl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ n nền giáo dục evidence was admissible.
education phi chính quy Homeschooling is a
843. reference /ˈrefərəns/ n tham khảo Let's buy
kind of informal education.
new reference books.
828. commence /kəˈmens/ v bắt đầu We will 844. reference letter /ˈrefərəns ˈletər/ n thư giới thiệu My
commence building work in August
teacher said that he would give me
of next year.
a very good reference letter.
829. commencement /kəˈmensmənt/ n sự bắt đầu Would 845. entrance /ˈentrəns ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən/ n kỳ thi
passengers please put out all examination nhập học Did you pass the entrance
cigarettes before the
examination to the National
commencement of the flight?
Economics University?
830. apply /əˈplaɪ/ v nộp đơn, áp dụng By the 846. accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/ n chỗ ăn ở Where
time I saw the job advertised it was
can we find cheap accommodation?
already too late to apply.
847. accommodate /əˈkɒmədeɪt/ v cho trọ, cung cấp
831. application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự áp dụng, đơn xin
chỗ ở The hotel can accommodate
I've sent off applications for four
up to 5 guests.
different jobs.
848. appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ n sự bổ nhiệm, cuộc
832. applied /əˈplaɪd/ adj ứng dụng My favorite
hẹn I have an appointment with the
subject is applied mathematics.
dentist this afternoon.
849. appoint /əˈpɔɪnt/ v bổ nhiệm, chỉ định He's just 866. curriculum /kəˌrɪkjʊləm ˈvaɪti:/ n sơ yếu lý lịch
been appointed as director of the vitae Applicants interested in applying for
publishing division. the position should submit their
850. requirement /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/ n yêu cầu A good curriculum vitaes to the Human
degree is a minimum requirement for Resources Department no later than
many jobs. February 15.

851. require /rɪˈkwaɪər/ v yêu cầu Please call this

867. create /kriˈeɪt/ v tạo ra The Bible says that
God created the world.
number if you require any further
information. 868. creature /ˈkri:tʃər / n tạo vật Rain forests are
filled with amazing creatures.
852. requisite /ˈrekwɪzɪt/ adj cần thiết He lacked the
requisite skills for the job. 869. creation /kriˈeɪʃən/ n sự tạo dựng Their policies
853. accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/ v đi cùng, hộ tống "May I are all aimed at the creation of
accompany you to the ball?" he asked wealth.
her. 870. creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ adj sáng tạo The program
854. category /ˈkætəgəri/ n loại, hạng How many will help develop your creative
categories of books are in the library? thinking
871. reform /rɪˈfɔːm/ v, n đổi mới For years I was an
855. categorize /ˈkætəgəraɪz/ v phân loại The books
are categorized into beginner and alcoholic, but I reformed when the
advanced. doctors gave me six months to live.

856. keenness /ˈki:nnəs/ n sự say mê You'd better

872. reformation /ˌrefəˈmeɪʃən/ n cuộc đổi mới He's
show the interviewer your keeness to undergone something of a
857. keen /ki:n/ v yêu thích She is not keen on
873. reformer /rɪˈfɔːmər/ n nhà cải cách My uncle has
worked as a social reformer for years.
being told what to do.
858. salary /ˈsæləri/ n lương hàng tháng Her
874. consumer /kənˈsjuːmər / n người tiêu dùng The
new telephone rates will affect all
monthly salary is 1 dollars.
consumers including businesses.
859. wage /weɪdʒ/ n tiền công The smaller shops
pay very low wages.
875. consume /kənˈsjuːm/ v tiêu dùng Our high
standards of living mean our present
860. retail /ˈri:teɪl/ n bán lẻ The job is open to population consumes 25 percent of
applicants with over two years' the world's oil.
experience in retail.
876. consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ n sự tiêu dùng Our
861. wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ n bán buôn We only sell consumption of junk food is horrifying.
wholesale, not to the public.
877. investment /ɪnˈvest mənt/ n sự đầu tư Stocks are
862. shortcoming /ˈʃɔ:tˌkʌmɪŋ/ n khuyết điểm Whatever regarded as good long-term
his shortcomings as a husband, he was investments.
a good father to his children.
878. invest /ɪnˈvest/ v đầu tư He's not certain
863. vacancy /ˈveɪkənsi/ n vị trí, chức vụ bỏ trống whether to invest in the property
There is a vacancy for a shop assistant market.
on Saturdays.
879. investor /ɪnˈvestər/ n nhà đầu tư Small
864. workforce /ˈwɜ:kfɔ:s/ n lực lượng lao động The investors are hoping that the markets
majority of factories in the region have will improve.
a workforce of 5 to 1 people.
880. inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ n lạm phát The rate of
865. résumé /ˈrezju:meɪ/ n bản tóm tắt, sơ yếu lý inflation this year is ten percent.
lịch She sent her résumé to fifty
companies, but didn't even get an
881. inflate /ɪnˈfleɪt/ v thổi phồng, lạm phát He
interview. inflated the balloons with helium.
882. inflationary /ɪnˈfleɪʃənəri/ adj thuộc lạm phát The 899. terrorist /ˈterərɪst/ n kẻ khủng bố Several
inflationary trends are difficult to terrorists have been killed by their
predict. own bombs.
883. eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ v loại trừ He was eliminated 900. terrorize /ˈterəraɪz/ v khủng bố Street gangs
in the third round of the competition. have been terrorizing the
884. elimination /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ n sự loại trừ We neighbourhood.
eventually found the answer by a 901. be bound to /bi baʊnd tu/ v chắc chắn They're
process of elimination. bound to be home soon.
885. stagnant /ˈstægnənt/ adj trì trệ A stagnant 902. be likely to /bi ˈlaɪkli tu/ v có vẻ như, có lẽ It's
economy is not growing or developing. likely to rain.
886. subsidy /ˈsʌbsɪdi/ n bao cấp, trợ cấp The 903. materialistic /məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk/ adj thực dụng
government is planning to abolish Children today are so materialistic.
subsidies to farmers. 904. materialize /məˈtɪəriəlaɪz/ v vật chất hóa, trở
887. substantial /səbˈstænʃəl/ adj lớn, đáng kể She thành hiện thực Her hopes of
inherited a substantial fortune from her becoming a painter never
grandmother. materialized.
888. renovate /ˈrenəveɪt/ v sửa chữa He renovates old 905. materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ n chủ nghĩa duy vật,
houses and sells them at a profit. chủ nghĩa thực dụng We have become
889. renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃən/ n sửa chữa, đổi mới The a self-centered society, preoccupied
museum is closed for renovation. with materialism.

890. sector /ˈsektər/ n khu vực, lĩnh vực In the

906. speed /spiːd/ n tốc độ What's the maximum
speed for this road?
financial sector, banks and insurance
companies have both lost a lot of 907. speedy /ˈspiːdi/ adj nhanh chóng We need to
money. make a speedy decision.
891. pessimistic /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ adj bi quan The doctors 908. speed up /spiːd ʌp/ v đẩy nhanh Can the job be
are pessimistic about his chances of speeded up in some way?
recovery. 909. eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v tiêu hủy The government
892. pessimism /ˈpesɪmɪzəm/ n tính bi quan There is claims to be doing all it can to
now a mood of deepening pessimism eradicate corruption.
about the economy. 910. eradication /ɪˌrædɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự tiêu hủy The
893. pessimist /ˈpesɪmɪst/ n người bi quan Don't be eradication of the disease which once
such a pessimist! took millions of lives has now been
894. optimistic /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ adj lạc quan She is successful.
optimistic about her chances of winning 911. contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ v cống hiến Her family
a gold medal. have contributed 2, dollars to the fund.
895. optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪzəm/ n tính lạc quan There was 912. contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃən/ n sự đóng góp She
a note of optimism in his voice as he didn't make much of a contribution at
spoke about the company's future. today's meeting, did she?
896. optimist /ˈɒptɪmɪst/ n người lạc quan She's a 913. life /laɪf ɪkˈspektənsi/ n tuổi thọ Life
born optimist. expectancy expectancy in Vietnam has been
897. terrorism /ˈterərɪzəm/ n chủ nghĩa khủng bố The greatly increased.
bomb explosion was one of the worst 914. centenarian /ˌsentəˈneəriən/ n người sống trên 1
acts of terrorism that Italy has tuổi There are few centenarians in
experienced in recent years. Vietnam.
898. terror /ˈterər/ n sự khủng bố, sợ hãi Lots of 915. acacia /əˈkeɪʃə/ n cây keo Acacia trees grow in
people have a terror of spiders. warm parts of the world.
916. aerial /ˈeəriəl/ adj trên không We go up to the 936. be driven to /bi: ˈdrɪvən tu ðə vɜːdʒ əv/ v bị đẩy
Ba Na Hills by aerial tram. the verge of... đến bến bờ của... Mokeys are being
917. aborigine /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəni/ n người dân bản xứ Úc My driven to the verge of extinction by
human beings.
friend in Australia is an Aborigine.
918. aboriginal /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnəl/ adj thuộc dân bản xứ Úc
937. deforestation /diːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən/ n sự phá rừng
Deforestation is destroying large
His work is inspired by Aboriginal art.
areas of tropical rain forest.
919. antelope /ˈæntɪləʊp/ n nai sừng tấm Look at the
herd of antelope!
938. endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər/ v làm nguy hiểm He
would never do anything to endanger
920. cactus /ˈkæktəs/ n cây xương rồng Cactuses have the lives of his children.
thick stems to store water.
939. endangerment /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərmənt/ n sự gây nguy
921. camel /ˈkæməl/ n lạc đà Camel races are very hiểm Keeping that angry dog near
popular in Africa. your family is child endangerment.
922. crest /krest/ n đỉnh, nóc, ngọn The crest of the 940. derive from /dɪˈraɪv frəm/ v bắt nguồn từ She
mountain is covered by snow. derives great pleasure from playing
923. dune /djuːn/ n cồn cát, đụn cát There are many the violin.
sand dunes at Mui Ne Beach. 941. enact /ɪˈnækt/ v ban hành A package of
924. gazelle /gəˈzel/ n linh dương gazell There are economic sanctions will be enacted
some gazelles in the local zoo. against the country.
925. hummock /ˈhʌmək/ n gò, đống The ice hummock 942. enactment /ɪˈnæktmənt/ n sự ban hành The
looks amazing. enactment of new laws will really
help the environment.
926. jackal /ˈdʒækəl/ n chó hoang sa mạc It is said
that jackals eat animals that have died 943. urbanization /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ n sự đô thị hóa Fast
or been killed by others. urbanization can cause some
environmental problems.
927. rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ n lượng mưa The average
annual rainfall in this region is 1 944. urbanize /ˈɜːbənaɪz/ v đô thị hóa The UK is a
millimetres. highly urbanized country.
928. slope /sləʊp/ n dốc There are some nice gentle 945. urban /ˈɜːbən/ adj thuộc thành phố Mary
slopes that we can ski down. lives in an urban area while her
cousin lives in a rural area.
929. spinifex /ˈspɪnɪfeks/ n cỏ lá nhọn (Úc) I've heard
that spinifex covers twenty per cent of 946. vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl ̩/ adj dễ bị tổn thương
the Australian continent. Tourists are more vulnerable to
attack, because they do not know
930. stretch /stretʃ/ v kéo dài, căng ra She stretched
which areas of the city to avoid.
out her hand and helped him from his
chair. 947. vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪlɪti/ n tính chất dễ bị tổn
thương He was intensely aware of his
931. arid /ˈærɪd/ adj khô cằn The desert is so arid
own vulnerability.
that nothing can grow there.
948. wildlife /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ n động vật hoang dã It's a
932. aridity /əˈrɪdəti / n sự khô cằn What is the
famous documentary on Peruvian
aridity index of the region?
933. moisture /ˈmɔɪstʃər/ n hơi ẩm These plants need
949. conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/ n sự bảo tồn My
rich soil which retains moisture.
biology teacher is interested in
934. moist /mɔɪst/ adj ẩm ướt Keep the soil in the wildlife conservation.
pot moist, but not too wet.
950. conserve /kənˈsɜːv/ v bảo tồn To conserve
935. moisturize /ˈmɔɪstʃəraɪz/ v làm cho ẩm You should electricity, we are cutting down on
moisturize your skin every day. our central heating.
951. conservative /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ adj bảo tồn, bảo thủ 968. distinctive /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ adj đặc biệt She's got a
Older people tend to be quite very distinctive voice.
conservative and a bit suspicious of 969. crime /kraɪm/ n tội ác He has admitted
any supposed advances. committing several crimes including
952. forest ranger /ˈfɒrɪst ˈreɪndʒər/ n nhân viên kiểm lâm two murders.
A forest ranger's duty is to protect a 970. criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnəl/ adj/n phạm tội/tội phạm
forest or national park.
He must be a dangerous criminal.
953. exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ n sự khai thác, bóc lột 971. criminalize /ˈkrɪmɪnəlaɪz/ v kết tội Many gay
A this rate of mineral exploitation all
people feel that they are being
our resources will be used up soon. criminalized just for having
954. exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ v khai thác, bóc lột We need relationships.
to make sure that we exploit our 972. love affair /lʌv əˈfeər/ n chuyện tình Their love
resources as fully as possible. affair is very romantic.
955. exploitable /ɪkˈsplɔɪtəbl /̩ adj có thể khai thác, bóc 973. reunite /ˌriːjuːˈnaɪt/ v đoàn tụ Sarah was
lột The coal mine is no longer finally reunited with her children at
the airport.
956. tropical /ˈtrɒpɪkəl/ adj thuộc nhiệt đới I'm not 974. brave /ˈbreɪv/ adj can đảm I wasn't brave
used to a tropical climate. enough to tell her what I honestly
957. digest /daɪˈdʒest/ v tiêu hóa I find that I don't thought.
digest meat well. 975. bravery /ˈbreɪvəri/ n sự can đảm They were
958. digestion /daɪˈdʒestʃən/ n sự tiêu hóa Discover awarded medals for their bravery.
how eating raw food helps balance 976. eject /ɪˈdʒekt/ v đuổi ra A number of
your body and aids digestion.
football fans had been ejected from
959. digestible /daɪˈdʒestəbl ̩/ adj tiêu hóa được the bar for causing trouble.
Congee and soup are easily digestible. 977. ejection /ɪˈdʒekʃən/ n sự loại bỏ The ejection
960. digestive /daɪˈdʒestɪv/ adj tiêu hóa The digestive of Kovu from the lion community
process is quite complicated. made Kiara feel sad.
961. dip (into) /dɪp/ v nhúng; xem lướt qua She dipped 978. penalty /ˈpenəlti/ n hình phạt The referee
her toe into the pool to see how cold it awarded a penalty kick.
was. 979. penal /ˈpiːnəl/ adj thuộc về hình phạt
962. swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ v nuốt My throat is so sore Many people believe that execution
that it really hurts when I swallow. has no place in the penal system of
963. in a word /in ə wɜːd/ adv tóm lại In a word, she a civilized society.
lost two hundred dollars. 980. penalize /ˈpiːnəlaɪz/ v trừng phạt He was
964. reviewer /rɪˈvjuːər/ n nhà phê bình He is a book penalized early in the match for
reviewer. dangerous play.

965. review /rɪˈvju/ v phê bình I only go to see films

981. defence/defense /dɪˈfens/ n bảo vệ The towers were
that are reviewed favourably. once an important part of the city's
966. distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ adj riêng biệt, khác biệt The
two concepts are quite distinct from
982. defensive /dɪˈfensɪv/ adj, n có tính phòng thủ/
thế phòng thủ He's currently the
each other.
best defensive player on the team.
967. distinction /dɪˈstɪŋkʃən/ n nét đặc biệt, sự khác
biệt There's a clear distinction
983. defend /dɪˈfend/ v phòng thủ How can we
between the dialects spoken in the two defend our homeland if we don't
regions. have an army?
984. opponent /əˈpəʊnənt/ n đối phương, đối thủ 1002. enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ adj nhiệt tình You
In the second game, her opponent seem very enthusiastic about the
hurt her leg and had to retire. party.
985. foul /faʊl/ n phạm luật He was sent off 1003. enthusiasm /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ n lòng nhiệt tình
for a foul on the French captain. After the accident he lost his
986. shot /ʃɒt/ n phát đạn, cú sút And that enthusiasm for the sport.
was a great shot by Marquez! 1004. spectator /spekˈteɪtər/ n khán giả The singer
987. goalie /ˈgəʊli/ n thủ môn We have an performed in front of 2 cheerful
excellent goalie on our team. spectators.

988. polo /ˈpəʊləʊ/ n môn pô-lô Prince

1005. podium /ˈpəʊdiəm/ n bục danh dự She cried
Charles is a keen polo player. when she stood on the winner's
989. water polo /ˈwɔːtər ˈpəʊləʊ/ n môn bóng nước
Water polo is not popular in
1006. precision /prɪˈsɪʒən/ n độ chính xác Great
precision is required to align the
mirrors accurately.
990. sprint /sprɪnt/ n, v chạy/bơi nước rút He
1007. precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj chính xác Can you give
suddenly broke into a sprint.
a more precise definition of the
991. scuba-diving /ˈskuːbəˌdaɪvɪŋ/ n lặn có bình khí I word?
have never tried scuba-diving.
1008. scoreboard /ˈskɔːbɔːd/ n bảng điểm There is a big
992. wind-surfing /ˈwɪnd ˌsɜːfɪŋ/ n môn lướt ván buồm scoreboard in the stadium.
She went windsurfing most
1009. break a record /breɪk ə ˈrekərd/ v phá kỷ lục He ran
the 1 metres in 9.79 seconds and
993. row /rəʊ/ v chèo The wind dropped, so broke the world record.
we had to row the boat back home.
1010. title /ˈtaɪtl / n danh hiệu Hendry won the
994. rowing /ˈrəʊɪŋ/ n chèo thuyền I really love world title after his record
rowing. performance last year.
995. synchronized /ˈsɪŋkrənaɪzd ˈswɪmɪŋ/ n bơi nghệ 1011. determination /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən/ n sự quyết định,
swimming thuật The tickets for the lòng quyết tâm She has great
synchronized swimming determination to succeed.
performance are quite expensive
1012. determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ adj quyết định, quyết
this year.
tâm She is determined to be an
996. synchronize /ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz/ v đồng bộ hóa The actor one day
show was designed so that the
lights synchronized with the music.
1013. appalled /əˈpɔːld/ adj bị choáng They were
appalled at the waste of recyclable
997. synchronization /ˌsɪŋkrənaɪˈzeɪʃn / n sự đồng bộ hóa material.
A usb always makes data
synchronization easy.
1014. appal /əˈpɔːl/ v làm kinh hãi The state of
the kitchen appalled her.
998. compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ v bao gồm The
audience was composed largely of
1015. appeal /əˈpiːl/ v/n kêu gọi/lời kêu gọi They're
old people. launching an appeal to raise money
for famine victims.
999. be composed of /bi kəmˈpəʊzd əv/
1016. dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ v cống hiến He has
1000. rival /ˈraɪvəl/ n đối thủ He beat his rival dedicated his life to scientific
by reducing the price. research.
1001. enthusiast /ɪnˈθjuːziæst/ n người say mê He's 1017. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃən/ n sự cống hiến She
a model-aircraft enthusiast. thanked the staff for their dedication
and enthusiasm.
1018. epidemic /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/ n dịch bệnh The AIDS 1035. typical /ˈtɪpɪkəl/ adj điển hình Typical
epidemic is very dangerous. symptoms would include headaches,
vomiting and dizziness.
1019. epidemiology /epɪˌdiːmiˈɒlədʒi/ n dịch tễ học Her
major is epidemiology. 1036. civilization /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ n nền văn minh How
does it feel to be back in civilization
1020. initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ adj,n bắt đầu, sáng kiến
Although she was quite young, she after all those weeks in a tent?
showed a lot of initiative and was 1037. civilize /ˈsɪvɪlaɪz/ v làm cho văn minh The
promoted to manager after a year. Romans set out to civilize the
1021. initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ v khởi đầu Who initiated the Ancient Britons.
violence? 1038. belief /bɪˈliːf/ n niềm tin It is my belief that
1022. initiation /ɪˌnɪʃiˈeɪʃən/ n sự khởi xướng And that nuclear weapons are immoral.
was her initiation into the world of 1039. believe /bɪˈliːv/ v tin I believe her to be the
marketing. finest violinist in the world.
1023. devote /dɪˈvəʊt/ v dâng, dành hết cho She 1040. believable /bɪˈliːvəbl ̩/ adj có thể tin được, thật I
devoted herself to her career. didn't find any of the characters in
1024. devotion /dɪˈvəʊʃn/ n sự tận tân Her devotion the film believable.
to the job left her with very little free 1041. childbearing /ˈtʃaɪldˌbeərɪŋ/ n việc sinh con The
time. survey only concerns women of
childbearing age.
1025. devoted /dɪˈvəʊtɪd/ adj tận tâm They are
devoted to their children. 1042. childrearing /ˈtʃaɪld,rɪərɪŋ/ n việc nuôi dạy con
Why shouldn't a woman have a job
1026. hesitate /ˈhezɪteɪt/ v do dự She hesitated
slightly before answering the after years of child-rearing?
inspector's question. 1043. advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ v chủ trương, tán thành
1027. hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃən/ n sự do dự After a slight He advocates human rights.
hesitation, she began to speak. 1044. discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ n sự phân biệt He
1028. catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/ n tai ương The showed great discrimination in his
emigration of scientists is a choice of friends.
catastrophe for our country. 1045. discriminate /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ v phân biệt She felt
1029. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ adj thê thảm An she had been discriminated against
unchecked increase in the use of because of her age.
fossil fuels will have catastrophic 1046. intellectual /ˌɪntəlˈektʃuəl/ adj thuộc tri thức I
results for the planet. like detective stories and romances
- nothing too intellectual.
1030. aim /eɪm/ n mục đích Her main aim in life
is to be a good wife and mother. 1047. intellect /ˈɪntəlekt/ n trí tuệ Her energy and
intellect are respected all over the
1031. aim to do /eɪm tə du ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ v nhắm I aim to
something be a millionaire by the time I'm 3. world.

1032. be aimed at /bi eɪmd æt ˈduːɪŋ/ v có mục đích The

1048. intellectualize /ˌɪntəlˈektʃuəlaɪz/ v tri thức hóa She
doing publicity campaign was aimed at couldn't stand all that pointless
improving the eating habits of intellectualizing about subjects that
just didn't matter.
1033. inspire /ɪnˈspaɪər/ v truyền cảm hứng The
1049. involve /ɪnˈvɒlv/ v liên quan The second
accident involved two cars and a
piece of music is inspired by dolphin
sounds. truck.

1034. inspiration /ˌɪnspɪˈreɪʃən/ n cảm hứng She has

1050. involvement /ɪnˈvɒlvmənt/ n sự tham gia I'm not
been an inspiration to us all. sure about the team's continued
involvement in the competition.
1051. lose contact /luːz ˈkɒntækt wɪð/ v mất liên lạc I 1066. forge /fɔːdʒ/ v tạo dựng She forged a new
with lost contact with all of my high career for herself as a singer.
school friends. 1067. gross /grəʊs dəˈmestɪk prɒdʌkt/ n tổng sản
1052. lose one's /luːz wʌns ˈtempər/ v mất bình tĩnh domestic phẩm quốc nội If the gross domestic
temper He lost his temper when talking product product continues to shrink, the
about his wife. (GDP) country will be in a recession.
1053. lose touch /luːz tʌtʃ wɪð/ v mất liên lạc I lost 1068. namely /ˈneɪmli/ adv cụ thể là I learned an
with touch with Katie after she moved to important lesson when I lost my job,
Canada. namely that nothing is a hundred
1054. sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ adj thông cảm He percent guaranteed.
suffers from back trouble too, so he 1069. series /ˈsɪəriːz/ n loạt chuỗi She gave a series
was very sympathetic about my of lectures at Oxford University last
problem. year on contemporary British writers.
1055. sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθi/ n mối thiện cảm, thông 1070. stability /stəˈbɪlɪti/ n sự ổn định The country is
cảm The president has sent a now enjoying a period of stability and
message of sympathy to the prosperity.
relatives of the dead soldiers. 1071. stable /ˈsteɪbl ̩/ adj ổn định She seems more
1056. sympathize /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ v có thiện cảm I know stable these days.
what it's like to have migraines, so I 1072. Islam /ˈɪz.lɑːm/ n Hồi giáo My religion is
do sympathize with you.
1057. struggle /ˈstrʌgl / v/n đấu tranh/sự đấu tranh 1073. Islamic /ɪzˈlæmɪk/ adj thuộc Hồi giáo According
By this time he'd managed to to Islamic law, a man can get married
struggle out of bed to four women.
1058. accelerate /əkˈseləreɪt/ v thúc đẩy, tăng tốc I 1074. muslim /ˈmʊzlɪm/ n người theo đạo Hồi Most of
accelerated to overtake the bus. the population in Indonesia are
1059. acceleration /əkˌseləˈreɪʃən/ n sự làm nhanh thêm muslims.
An older car usually has poor 1075. Buddhism /ˈbʊdɪzəm/ n Phật giáo Buddhism came
acceleration. to Vietnam in the second century AD.
1060. accelerator /əkˈseləreɪtər/ n chân ga In a car, 1076. Buddhist /ˈbʊdɪst/ adj thuộc Phật giáo There is a
you push the accelerator with your Buddhist temple at the centre of the
foot. city.
1061. integration /ˌɪntɪˈgreɪʃən/ n sự hội nhập The 1077. Catholicism /kəˈθɒlɪsɪzəm/ n Công giáo Christianity
integration of different kinds of is a religion based on belief in God and
cultures has become a new trend.
1062. integrate /ˈɪntɪgreɪt/ v hợp nhất, hội nhập 1078. Christianity /ˌkrɪstiˈænɪti/ n Kitô giáo The Pope is
Children are often very good at
the leader of Catholicism.
integrating into a new culture.
1079. imperialism /ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪzəm/ n chủ nghĩa đế quốc
1063. integrated /ˈɪntɪgreɪtɪd/ adj hội nhập The That was the age of imperialism.
town's modern architecture is very
well integrated with the old.
1080. imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ adj thuộc đế quốc The
imperial army is very strong.
1064. predominance /prɪˈdɒmɪnəns/ n ưu thế There is a
predominance of people with a
1081. empire /ˈempaɪər/ n đế quốc The Roman
university degree on the board of empire ruled many countries in the
governors. past.

1065. predominant /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt/ adj ưu thế Research

1082. emperor /ˈempərə/ n hoàng đế The Emperor
is the predominant part of my job. Napoleon Bonaparte is French.
1083. currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ n đơn vị tiền tệ ở một nước You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your
credit card.

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