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Seat Number (In Numbers): 


Seat Number (In Words):Four lakh fifty four thousand six

hundred and eighty five.

Semester: II



In today's marketing, segmentation targeting positioning marketing is a

key notion. Without it, marketing programs would be generic, lack
personalization, and fail to convert at a level that most businesses would
consider effective.
STP stands for segmentation, targeting, and positioning in
marketing. STP Marketing simplifies the marketing process. It is
simple to comprehend and apply in the workplace. STP Marketing's
primary goal is to attract customers, and not just any customers, but the
right customers who will be interested in our product. We will first divide
the group into segments, then target the segments that will be interested
in our product, and finally, we will prepare our product to meet the needs
of the targeted segment. The following is a detailed description of STP

Segmentation S
Targeting T
Positioning P
Using segmentation techniques, divide the market into distinct groups of
customers (segments). Determine which customer segment (group) to
target with your marketing efforts. Create a product positioning and
marketing mix that will appeal to the target market.

Demographic- Demographic data helps in determining the size of target
market. Market can be segmented on the basis of its demographics such
as age groups such as youth (18-25), matured (25-45) and elderly (45
and above). Gender also plays an important role in market. Segmentation
can also be done on the basis of income, social class( upper, middle,
lower), gender and occupation as it shows the individual’s purchasing
capacity. Harley Davidson has divided its audience into segments on the
basis of age group as it has analysed that the youth and matured people
are more enthusiast about bikes than elderly people thus it provides the
accessories and clothing according to their style, on the basis of gender
that males are more interested in motorcycles and a few females too, on
the basis of income that the middle to higher upper class people buy its
products more and prefer the premium services and quality too. It
additionally organises events and adventures as to retain its customers by
simply developing an emotional connect with its products.
PSYCHOGRAPHIC: – Psychographic segmentation can be done on the
basis of activities, interests, personality and life style. If a consumer has
interest in long drives and cruising then he will look for some specific
requirements in his motorcycle such as fuel economy, good suspension,
comfortable seating. Personality and behaviour traits of a consumer also
affect their purchasing decision to a great extent. Harley is chosen over
others because people love to ride and buy premium motorcycles. The
distinct & innovative design has helped the company in making Harley
motorcycles popular across the world.
BEHAVIORAL: – Another way of segmenting the market is on the basis
of how the consumers actually use the product and what all benefits do
they seek from the products. For two wheelers, the end use of the
product can be multifold. Some consumers just see it as a mode of
transportation. But for some users such as youngsters, having Harley
motorbike can be a status symbol. Consumers want different benefits
from their two wheeler vehicle such as quality, fuel economy, after sales
service and looks.
Geographic segmentation- It means calls for dividing the market into
different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties,
cities, or neighbourhoods. For example- Blockbuster, which has databases
to track the video preferences of its 85 million members and buys
additional demographic data about each store’s local area. As a result of
this segmentation, it stocks its San Francisco stores with more gay-
oriented videos, reflecting the city’s large gay population, while it stocks
Chicago stores with more family-oriented videos. The key markets for
Harley are the USA as it amounts to 71% of company’s total automotive
revenues, while Europe is the second largest market for Harley and ither
countries such as Japan, India etc.

Targeting in marketing is a strategy that breaks a large market into

smaller segments to concentrate on a specific group of customers within
that audience. It defines a segment of customers based on their unique
characteristics and focuses solely on serving them.
Effective Targeting Requires:
• Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs
and preferences
• Select one or more market segments to enter
• Establish and communicate the distinctive benefits of the market

There are various patterns of targeting such as

•Single Segment Concentration- the firm focuses on just one product
like Mahindra and Mahindra concentrates on tractors, primarily targeted
at agricultural markets
•Selective Specialization- A firm selects a number of segments, each
objectively attractive and appropriate. Example- Horlicks
•Product Specialization-The firm makes a certain product that it sells to
different market segments. Example- A microscope manufacturer, for
instance, sells to university, government, and commercial laboratories.
•Market specialization- the firm concentrates on serving many needs of
a particular customer group. For instance, a firm can sell an assortment of
products only to university laboratories. The downside risk is that the
product may be supplanted by an entirely new technology.
•Full Market Coverage-The firms attempt to serve all customer groups
with all the products they might need. Example- Coca Cola.

POSITIONING: – Positioning is the act of designing the company’s

offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target
market. The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of consumers to
maximize the potential benefit to the firm.
Initially the marketers have to determine the position of their
competitors. They have to show that their product is superior from
competitor’s product. As Harley Davidson comes in the premium bike
segment, their competitive advantage comes from the fact that their
bikes are perceived by its customers as status symbol. The consumers
believe that as the bike has an enormous price tag, the quality will be
superior too. Harley Davidson bikes are often associated with celebrities
such as cine stars and sports personalities which in turn give an exclusive
and royal touch to the brand image of company. It accesses the needs of
the consumers such as price, fuel efficiency, after sales service, warranty,
looks and design an appropriate advertising campaign. Harley Davidson
promotes its bikes in India by conducting more practical campaigns like
bike rallies which enables the prospective customers to get a feel of their
Harley Davidson should open more dealers to reach out more customer
They should focus on new product development as their customer base is
shifting toward elderly segment. They should bring in more trendy and
stylish models to attract the youth.
They should provide adequate number of service centres to cater their
spread out customer base.
Harley Davidson should introduce new models in relatively less price
range in order to capture better market share as there is a lot of
untapped potential market in luxury bike segment.


According to Philip Kotler – “Sales promotion consists of a diverse

collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate
quicker and/or greater purchase of particular product/services by
consumers or the trade.”

Promotions refer to the entire set of activities, which communicate the

product, brand or service to the user. The idea is to make people aware,
attract and induce to buy the product, in preference over others. 

The basic tools used to accomplish an organization’s communication

objectives are often referred to as the promotional mix.

Example:- Pottery Barn Kids tugs at the heartstrings with a cute kid in a
well-designed room. This could be your kid. This could be his room. Forty
percent is a significant discount for an expensive item, and “select
dressers” builds mystery. Which ones? Maybe there’s one that I’ll really
love? One thing I’d have changed would be to have only one CTA. If they
clicked “Shop Now,” you could easily have a CTA to find a store on the
other side.

Promotional strategies that could be used for the company Toms Shoes in
India would be promotional tools.

1.Advertising 2.Personal selling.
This is a non-personal promotion of products
and services. Marketers use it as a vital tool for This is a one-to-one communication
increasing brand awareness. between a sales representative and a
Advertisers show promotions to masses of potential customer. Direct selling influences
people using email, webpages, banner ads, people to decide to buy certain products or
television, radio, etc. services.
Various ways: It is one of the most effective ways of
 Tom Mycoskie Could advertise his promoting your brand because the sales rep
company by giving advertisements on can tailor the promotion precisely to those
television, posters in newspaper, emails who are most likely to make a purchase.
to their customers, hoardings and On the other hand, this is the most
billboards on the crowded areas of the expensive form of sales because companies
road, cookie based advertisement on the need to pay for one person’s time.
web pages, in store advertising, print Various ways:
advertisement in magazines, product  Toms Mycoskie Should appoint
placements in entertainment media salesperson who could meet the
YouTube video, in between advertisement needs and wants of the consumer and
on various OTT platfroms, hoardings in support them with the Shoes they
various malls and sport or footwear shops wish to buy. Salesperson can you
etc. suggest the customer and provide
 Firm can invite Mr. Sunil Chhetri or great him with the options of the shoes
influencers of sports such as M S Dhoni, available with the company.
who can represent as an image ideal for  This salesperson could meet the
consumers. objections and concerns of the
customers. They can also send google
forms via the e-mail platform which
would help them accumulate data on
an individual basis and help them
cater to the needs of the customers.
 Finally, the salesperson must follow
up with the shoes provided to the

3.Sales Promotion 4.Publicity

Sales promotion refers to the activities which “Non-personal stimulation of demand for
supplement and co-ordinate personal selling the product or service, or business unit by
and advertising to attract customers to buy a placing commercially significant news about
product. it in public medium or obtaining favourable
Sales promotion methods include displays, presentation of it upon radio, television, or
demonstrations, expositions, exhibitions and stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.” –
other non-recurrent selling efforts which aim at Philip Kotler.
impelling spot buying action by prospective Like advertising, publicity involves non-
customers.  personal communication to a mass
Sales promotion, as part of the total audience, but unlike advertising, publicity is
distribution system, plays a vital role in not directly paid for by the company.
inducing the consumer to buy your product. Various ways:
Sales promotion covers so many activities that  Toms Company can organize an event
it is difficult to define it precisely. to promote launches of a new shoe.
Many companies make this a core component Company can do publicity by giving
of their marketing efforts, though sometimes an advertisement on television telling
it’s the most annoying type of communication the customers that buying a shoe is
for people. equal to giving a pair of shoes to a
Various ways: needy child. As they are involving
 Toms Company could promote special themselves in a charity drive.
discounts to the valuable customers. He  They can also organize a publicity
should promote discounts in middle of a campaign by using a celebrity image.
year like June and July because  They can also get into partnership
customers buy more shoes in these with other shops or companies and
months. request them to put up various
 He could give lucky draw coupons to hoardings or give offers on
some of its lucky customers. purchasing a particular product.
 He can promote his company social media
contests and give always.
 He could also give free gifts like socks on
purchase of Rs. 10,000.
 Buy one get one options can be given to
 Credit points could be given to customers
which they could use on their next

5.Public Relations
Public relations is defined as “the management
function which evaluates public attitudes,
identifies the policies and procedures of an
individual or organisation with the public
interest, and executes a program of action to
earn public understanding and acceptance.”
Various ways:
 Toms Company can organize fundraising
campaigns and community activities
telling the customers that every pair of
shoes that Tom sells, it gives a pair of
shoes to a needy child somewhere in the
world so that would make a profit while at
the same time helping the needy of the
 He could encourage customers to buy
more shoes so that poor children can also
have shoes and they don’t have to walk

The design strategy that I would suggest to Toms Company is Viral

Marketing. Its name refers to how consumers spread information about a
product with other people, much in the same way that a virus spreads
from one person to another. Viral marketing is a sales technique that
involves organic or word-of-mouth information about a product or service
to spread at an ever-increasing rate. The internet and the advent of social
media have greatly increased the number of viral messages in the form of
memes, shares, likes, and forwards.

Life without TOMS SHOES campaign
Toms shoes are most comfortable and most long lasting shoes. Every pair
of shoes that Tom sells, it gives a pair of shoes to a needy child
somewhere in the world so that would make a profit while at the same
time helping the needy of the world and making sure that social welfare is
Challenge: Tapping into one of the world’s biggest and most competitive
markets – India!
Execution: They need to be witty and wise in order to strike the cord
with the Indian audience. They took a desi route and create something
extraordinary. They release a few short videos featuring footballer, Sunil
Chhetri from India and M S Dhoni a recognized face among the
youngsters and the youth in India, Throughout the campaign, they subtly
highlighted the advantages of Toms Shoes over traditional TV watching
with their wide choice of shows and films to choose from.

Result: The expected hashtags could be #TheTomsShoesLife that could

generate a lot of buzz on Facebook and Twitter and various other social
media platforms. This campaign can be well executed and achieve a lot of
traction and response on social media.

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