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Tracking Individuals at High-Risk for Suicide:

The Development of a Predictive Model through Social Media Channels

Megan Rich, Emma Hunt, Katie Meek, Christophe Giraud-Carrier
Computational Health Science Research Group,
Brigham Young University


During 2012, an estimated 804,000 suicides occurred ● Collect data to establish a known set of social media
worldwide, representing 11.4 per 100,000 population profiles of those at risk of committing or attempting
(World Health Organization, 2012). suicide.
● Collect data by mining social media for posts containing
FOR UTAH: known suicide buzz words and cues. .
● Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah ● Train available NLP sentiment models and algorithms
(average of 525 deaths a year). on a selection of statuses and original posts in order to
● Utah’s Suicide rate has been consistently higher determine toxic thought patterns, indications of
than the national rate for over a decade. planned attempts, etc.
● Create and test predictive model.
Social media is a communication channel where it is ● After an effective model is found, work with
possible to monitor self-expressed online indicators psychologists to find effective and safe ways to help
of suicide ideation in order to create a predictive those individuals identified as at risk.
model, with the ultimate goal of preventing suicides.

To create a computer-based predictive model to
● Brigham Young University (BYU) Computational
analyse the social media networks of individuals at
Health Science Research Collaborative has
risk for committing or attempting suicide, ultimately
previously studied suicide via computer science
to immediately connect those in need with
techniques to mine big data.
appropriate health care resources and prevent
● Past studies by the collaborative have identified
suicides from being attempted or occurring.
at-risk suicide tweets using big data techniques,
revealing a strong correlation between state
MEMBER BENEFITS Twitter-derived data and the actual state
The consequences of suicide include not only the age-adjusted suicide data as reported by the Centers
loss of individual’s life, but also an increased for Disease Control and Prevention. (Jashinsky et al.,
potential for suicide clusters. . 2015).
The creation of a proactive predictive model will ● Together this suggests that social media is
ultimately identify individuals at risk and connect commonly used as a platform for expressing suicidal
them with appropriate health care professionals and thoughts and feelings (Robinson et al., 2015).

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