Employer Objectivity: Q1-Define The Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type of Performance Evaluation Source

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Q1- Define the advantages and disadvantages of each type of performance evaluation source .

Human resource managers and supervisors use performance evaluation

tools, such as multi-source assessment appraisals, to measure the
actual performance against the expected standards to enhance
efficiency of their workforce (See Reference 2). Correctly handled
evaluation of personnel performance yields honest feedback, which
benefits both employers and employees. However, like any other human
resource practices, a performance evaluation can also be
disadvantageous depending on its intention and accuracy.

Employer Objectivity

Performance evaluations highlight an individual employee’s contribution

and value to a company. They also help identify potential in employees
that can be developed, and reinforce accountability to poorly performing
employees. Most employers prefer to promote personnel as opposed to
acquiring new staff. They use evaluation reports as an avenue to
recognize and promote competent employees to higher positions.

Career Development

Performance evaluations facilitate career development. Although

employers use performance evaluations mainly to assess the overall
worth of individual workers, employees get empowered by
communicating their concerns through feedback. Employees can raise
issues such as the need for improved morale and a better work
environment, which may lead to raises and enhanced insurance
 Evaluator Bias
A disadvantage of performance evaluations is that the managers evaluating
employees may show bias to certain employees, which may happen intentionally or
unintentionally. One major risk of using performance evaluations is that some
managers unconsciously favor employees that possess similar characteristics as the
manager. Bias causes managers to focus more on the personality and style of the
employee instead of the actual achievements. This can result in good employees
feeling slighted, which may cause tension in the workplace. Bias also affects the
favorable employee because he may miss much-needed guidance to improve his

One-Sided Feedback
Another disadvantage of performance evaluations is that the meeting can result in a
one-sided conversation. Although a manager may give an employee a chance to offer
feedback, some managers already make up their mind about an employee and are not
opened to two-sided dialogue. If the performance review is one-sided, employees may
feel as if their opinions do no matter. This may cause an employee to shut down and
refuse to communicate with management in the future. Managers should listen to
feedback presented by employees, and correct evaluations if employees make valid

Q2- Why do you think some companies do not follow the four training steps? What are the advantages
of doing so?

Now, reasons for not following:

) Some firms are small and they do not require all the steps to be followed since they do not
have different departments which actually requires specific training for specific departments

ii) It saves training cost

iii) It saves time and efforts of the trainer which can be utilize for completing a different task.

iv) Some new employees already have the required skills and experience and thus, they do
not require training.

v) Some job requires just basic skills for which training is not required. Thus, if the employee
has basic knowledge, the company does not need to spend time and resources on their
vi) Training requires constant monitoring by the trainer. Till the training period gets over, the
trainer generally has to complete his /her own task plus the apply his efforts to guide the
trainee. In order to avoid two people doing the same task, some companies do not follow
the four training steps.

Companies are worried that if they spend money on training, and if the employees leave, then
their investment would go waste. This is short term thinking. Companies don't realize that
by not providing training, they are actually not able to utilize their human resource to the
Q3- What is HRD needed in modern organizations?

HRD is needed by any organisation that wants to be dynamic and growth-oriented or

to succeed in a fast-changing environment. Organisations can become dynamic and
grow only through the efforts and competencies of their human resources.

Human Resource Development (HRD) is that part of Human

Resource Management which specifically deals with the training and
development of employees.
HRD helps the employees in developing their knowledge, skills and
abilities to achieve self-fulfillment and aid in the accomplishment of
organizational goals.

Human resource development is needed in an organization

for the following purposes-
1. To Achieve Goal:

People need competencies to perform tasks. Higher degree and quality

of performance of tasks requires higher level of skills. Continuous
development of competencies in people is essential for an organization
to achieve its goals. Competent and motivated employees are essential
for organizational survival, growth and excellence.
2. To Maintain a Level of Growth:

Over a period of time, an organization may achieve a saturation point

in terms of its growth. Even to maintain such a saturation level of
growth employee competencies need to be sharpened or developed as
organizations operate in environments that keep changing requiring
the employees to acquire new competencies.

3. Improve Effectiveness:

Any organization interested in improving its services and its

effectiveness in cost reduction, reduction in delays, increased
customer satisfaction, improved quality and promptness of services,
market image needs to develop the competencies of its employees to
perform the tasks needed to bring about such improvements.

The important functions of human resource development

(HRD) are as follows:

1. Performance Appraisal:
Employees’ performance appraisal or merit-rating is an important
function of the HRD. This is necessary for the HRD to assess the
relative efficiency of various workers as reflected in their performance
of their jobs. While job evaluation is concerned with the rating of the
job to be performed, performance appraisal or merit-rating is
concerned with the rating of the workers on their jobs. HRD has to
perform this function to analyse and classify the differences amongst
the workers vis-a-vis job standards.
2. Employee Training:
The next function of the HRD is to provide proper training to its
employees or workers. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge
and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Training is
considered to be the corner-stone of sound personnel administration.
The employees could be systematically and scientifically trained, if
they are to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.

5. Successful Planning and Development:

The HRD is also required to perform the function of planning and
development of the business of the organization in successful manner.
For this purpose, it has to plan every aspect of its organization and
develop the same successfully.
6. Organisational Change and Development:
Another main function of the HRD is the organizational change and
development. It involves organizational diagnosis, team building, task
force and other structural and process interventions such as role
development, job enrichment, job re-designing etc.
Q4-Why is it important to plan your staffing before you start to hire people?

Staffing is concerned with getting the right people for the job at the right
time. staffing allows HR managers to ascertain the number of staff required and when they are
needed. This provides them time to plan in advance for the recruitment of staff for various job

Staffing is an important management function. It relates to the recruitment, selection,

development, training, and compensation of human resources in an organization. It is a
continuous management function and involves the top management of most
businesses. Staffing plays a very important role in any organization. It enables the
organization to effectively and efficiently discharge all other management functions. The
key reasons why staffing is important in organizations is discussed below:

Efficient Performance of Other

Management Functions
Staffing is an important function as it ensures efficient performance of all other
management functions. All other management functions are performed by skilled and
experienced human resources. Staffing involves recruitment and deployment of quality
personnel in various positions across an organization. If there are not competent staff,
any organization cannot perform any of the other important management tasks-
planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Staffing is also the key in ensuring
efficient utilization of resources. Human resources recruited through the staffing process
are responsible for the utilization of the latest technology, capital, material, and other

Improved Productivity
Another important contribution of the staffing process is its contribution to improved HR
productivity. Staffing helps to recruit the best possible human resources for different job
roles in the organization. It focuses on recruitment, training, and development of human
resources in organizations. This helps to contribute to improved productivity in the

Building Morale and Motivation of Staff

An efficient staffing system helps considerably in building staff morale and motivation.
Staffing not only deals with the recruitment of staff, but it also entails assessing their
performance and rewarding them. They can be rewarded through monetary or non-
monetary incentives which can help build their morale and motivations. Staff feel valued
in such organizations and work with greater commitment. Staffing helps to develop
uniform principles for performance assessment and evaluation of staff and brings
uniformity in the process. Overall, it also helps to bring in peace and harmony within the

Development of Human Capital

Staffing is concerned with getting the right people for the job at the right time. staffing
allows HR managers to ascertain the number of staff required and when they are
needed. This provides them time to plan in advance for the recruitment of staff for
various job roles. Staffing also deals with the development and capacity building of the
existing and new staff. This not only helps in the career building of the staff, but it also
contributes to the pool of existing human capital which benefits the organization in the
long run.
Q5- As an HR manager, what do you suggest as the potential benefits of job rotation?

 Job Rotation. Job rotation allows you to work in positions throughout the

organization. ...
 Competitive Advantage. Job rotation gives you a competitive advantage by
strengthening your understanding of the business and refining the skills needed to be
effective in your position. ...
 Rapport and Insight. ...
 Training Opportunity.

Having a job rotation strategy helps employees develop their skills. By learning more skills,
employees will feel more valuable to your business. ... Instead of leaving your business for a
new job that helps an employee develop, they can rotate jobs.

1. Job rotation offers staff exposure to different

business areas
This benefit is one reason many employers encourage their star employees to
move out of the function and into the organisation. They know that if those
workers come back to the department someday, they will return with
knowledge of the organisation that can help them be better employees.

And if they decide to stay in another function, their expertise can help them
spot business risks, and they can help that team to work more effectively with
that department because they understand both points of view.

 Job rotation accelerates professional

Professional development is all about helping employees to grow. But
managers often find it challenging to provide meaningful and “hands on”
learning opportunities. Job rotation is an answer.

Employees will gain new skills fast if they are immersed in a situation where
they must ramp up their knowledge quickly and start applying it.
4. Job rotation strengthens succession
Obviously, not having a succession plan for key roles in the company could
prove disruptive and costly.

With job rotation, you have the opportunity to not only identify future leaders,
but also provide them with valuable training that will enable them to step
smoothly into roles of greater responsibility when the time comes.

Skills and Organizational Capacities Increase

Job rotations broaden skills because they expose employees to different

functional areas of the company. When a research and development employee
rotates to a sales position, for instance, they learn more about building
relationships with customers, understanding their needs and how the whole sales
cycle works. Employees gain a fuller picture of how the business works, which
benefits all involved.

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