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Biglang Awa St., Corner Catleya St., EDSA, Caloocan City




In what stories are the following pictures connected?

Paper Menagerie Barney

Everyone Talks Scheherazade

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What is the connection of the pictures to the content of the stories? Explain.
1. The first photo of animals is related to origami made by Jack’s Chinese mother. The
animals are, tiger, bird, rhino and a shark.
2. The second picture, is a picture of rat, Barney’s character in the story, “Barney”. He
supposed to be a lab rat, kept and to be tested. He decided to escape and things went
wrong .
3. The third photo, is a man in a hospital is related to Jack, from the story “EveryOne Talks”
4. The woman on the 4th picture is Scheherazade. She is a queen in Arabian nights. She is
related to the unnamed woman made by Habara

Guide Questions
1. Describe the characters in the story.
Nobutaka Habara is a lonely man that is bind to his house for certain reasons. Since he
cannot go outside and socialize, he is only connected to a woman he is dubbing as
Scheherazade. That woman always tell stories about sexual intercourse made by them.
Her character is kept as a secret because of her job as a sex partner of Habara while being
a mom of a two kids.

2. Why is the woman in the story “named” Scheherazade? What is the connection of the
Scheherazade with the Arabian Nights?
Scheherazade is a given name by Habara to his nameless women because of her erotic
stories. Just like in Arabian Nights, Habara was attracted to this women despite its real
existence whether it is true or not.

3. What can you say about the ending?

The ending contains an open ended scene. It left me a lot of inquisitions because of the
empathy I had for Habara while reading it and I am really curious to know what
happened next.

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4. Analyze the story using the appropriate literary approach.
The story started with a sneak peek about the lives of the character. Habara is a
man who is bound to his house and cannot go out. His socialite is only Scheherazade,
who isn’t even sure of its existence. She is a woman that always tells an erotic story to
Habara about them having sex, while she is a mother of two.
After reading it, it shows the symbolism of a man and woman’s mentality. Relating to the
story, when Habara is alone in his house, it appears to be a stereotypical view to man as
normal to be alone. However Scheherazade is completely the opposite of Habara, like
any other women, she is sociable and her life is dynamic. She might be doing dirty stuffs
but she has been acting as a mother and a follower that does anything her master wants.
Guide Questions
1. Discuss the structure of the story. Why is it structured this way?
Answer: It was written narrative and in a journal form. It is created this way to trigger
the readers’ inquisitive mind to make the plot unpredictable.

2. Who are the characters in the story? Describe them?

Answer: The characters are Barney, Scientist and Tayloe.The characters of the story are
Barney, the scientist and Tayloe. Barney is a labrat who decided to escape from the
Scientist who is about to test him. Tayloe, on the other hand, is introduced as a scientist
that is about to poison the rat.

3. What and who do you think Barney is?

Answer: Barney is a wise and impulsive rat. He might be brilliant for thinking of
escaping but he failed to understand what the consequences will be.
4. Discuss what happened in the character at the end?
Answer:. The rat became really smart and it successfully trapped the scientist under the
vault and he pretended to be THE scientist as he continued the journal of the scientist.

Paper Menagerie

1. Race and culture are significant themes here. Do you think there's any connection
between these ideas and the more fantastical elements of the story?

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Answer: Jack’s culture is symbolized by the paper menagerie from her mother. Jack
neglect his heritage and decided to hide it from the hidden areas of their house. It is pretty
similar to Asians, that hides their stuffs to pass it down to future generations that are why
most of rich Asians have their huge cabinets or chest.

2. Early in the story, when Jack’s father tells him about finding his mother in a catalog and
the lies about her, Jack wonders, “What kind of woman puts herself into a catalog so that
she can be bought?” Later, he is focused on on-campus recruiting season, and tells us, “I
schemed about how to lie to the corporate recruiters most effectively so that they'll offer
to buy me.” Why do you think the story draws this parallel between Jack and his mother
both lying in order to be “bought”?
Answer: The two character are having a fight with the oppression they are facing. Jack is
very confused of the situation he is facing and still thinks of why his mother did that. As
he grow, he was able to understand the imperfection of his surroundings and that is the
reason he need to be bought in the first place.

3. Why do you think Jack’s anger was directed at his mom and not his dad? Why do you
think Jack’s dad didn’t stand up for his mom when Jack asked her to speak English?
Answer: As a young one, it is very difficult for him to handle things easily that’s why,
just like any other kids in asia, he’s resort is to blame who’s who.

4. Discuss this quote: “‘If I say “love,” I feel here.’ She pointed to her lips. ‘If I say “ai” I
feel here.’ She put her hand over her heart.”
Answer: Since she was an asian mother who is having a hard time in speaking English,
she chose that language to express her genuine love to him.

5. What do you think the author’s intention was in ending the story with a letter?
Answer: It was an eye opener for those who are experiencing racism that it isn’t our
ancestors’ fault on why are we facing oppressions, it is the oppressors’ fault.

6. How do you think reading the letter will affect Jack’s life? Do you think he will do
anything different in the future?

Answer: He would probably feel guilty for what he had done before, and for sure he’ll
anything to give back to her mother and to explain his fear of facing racial discrimination

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Guide Questions

1. Describe the narrator in the story.

The narrator is a femal detective who has been experiencing a problem on her first day at
work. However, it doesn’t stop her from proving her might and to accomplish the task
given to him. She is a great interviewer and a people’s choice due to her skill.

2. What is the connection of the title to the story?

Answer: It is entitled Everyone Talks because of her skill as interrogating people.

3. Who is Jack Reacher?

Answer: Jack Reacher is a man who is part of the army, he served in CID for 13 years
and later on hospitalized after a shooting incident he is involved in.

4. How is the problem in the story solved?

Answer: The problem was solved after the author revealed Jack’s set up. He just
pretended to be a victim of shooting that helped the police to catch Kubota.

5. Analyze the story using one of the literary theories we discussed.

Answer: The character can be described as well experienced in her field and a star after
showing her capabilities and skills at first day of her job. That is one smart decision by
the author. Another is Jack’s set up that made the whole story different and plot twisting
in the end.
Moreover, it contain stereotype towards women. In these days, men are feeling superior
than women specifically in that kind of job just like what has shown in the story.
However, this story breaks it. It shows how great she is at interviewing and interrogating
that lead a mission success. It explains that no women or men should feel superior
towards each other , hence it must be respected and treat normal as how they treat people
with the same gender as them

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Choose two characters that strike you the most in the stories in this module. Pretend that you are
a friend, relative, or a loved one of the character. Write a letter to give advice to each character.

Dear Jack,
Hey man, I know that you have your regrets for what you have done in your past and I
understand you. I am an asian too, and I feel the same way. In fact, racial discrimination is
becoming normal now a days, and we just need to accept the fact that fate is just cruel as this
Now, I want you to visit your mother, tell her what you feel. I know how you feel, I’ve
been there, and apologizing isn’t that hard, telling is. By the way, I am looking forward for our
reunion brother, as well you and your mom’s. Good luck bro, have a nice life!

Yours truly,
Your kaibigan

Dear You,
I have heard a lot from you since you enter your field and not gonna’ lie I am pretty
impressed. Who thought that my little friend, who was a bummer, is now one of the greatest
Let me tell you this, I know what you’ve encountered on your first week, and please,
don’t let them bother you! Those are just afraid that a woman, can do better than them at their
forte. Keep shining sis! See you soon! But hey, I have nothing to tell you, so better stop thinking
of interrogating me about my love life! Just kidding! Till then!

Your childhood friend.

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