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Subject MAPEH
Topic Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands)
Level Grade 7
Week Week 3 - 4
School Year 1st Semester/SY 2020-2021

I. Objectives

- Analyze the elements and principles of art in producing one’s art and crafts inspired
by the arts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands).

- Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in Luzon.

II. Discussion

Highlands’ Cultural Communities

Art is part of the life of the indigenous people of the Philippines. This is shown in the
things that they use every day which are rich in traditional colors and patterns. These art
forms reflect their tribal background.

Why are the different indigenous people in the Philippines excellent in arts and

When our forefathers first set foot on our country, they made use of available materials
for their needs. They used hardwood and timbers for posts. They also used coconut fronds
(leaves) as roofs and walls for their huts. For their floors, they flattened bamboo slices.

The things they used at home are also made of native materials. They improved their
craftsmanship either from their own traditional ways or from borrowing techniques used by
other tribes.

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What are the elements and principles of art that are dominant in the arts of some
Luzon Highlands’ cultural communities?
Cultural Artworks Lines Colors
Ifugao Hut Vertical and Brown
Horizontal Line

Ibanag of cool
and Dynamic Lines colors
Ifugao Banaue Rice Terraces

Vakul Vertical and Monochrome

Horizontal Line of Earth

Stone Houses

Vertical and Pastel

Horizontal Line Tricolors


What are the Ifugaos’ famous artworks?

The Ifugaos who live in the mountainous part of

the central cordillera in Northern Luzon are excellent

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weavers, potterers, and skillful craftsmen. They make use of the buri, bamboo, nito, and
rattan which are abundant in their surroundings. They are also well-known in carving the
mountain slopes of the world-famous Banaue rice terraces. The Ifugaos are also famous for
woodcarving, textile weaving, and basket weaving.

1. The Ifugao Woodcarvings

The Ifugaos are famous for their mastery of wood
carving. An example is the carving of their deity. Bul-ul. This
Bul-ul is important to them because of their belief that they
can have an abundant harvest when this carving is placed
near rice granaries.

Another important woodcarving is

the hagabi. This is a piece of wood
that is unique because it is carved
to become a bench. This hagabi is a
sign of riches; thus, many wealthy
Ifugaos own this kind of

2. The textile weaving of the Ifugaos

Ifugaos weave blankets, upper garments, G-strings,
handbags, belts, and a lot more. It has been part of
their tradition to weave for their family’s clothing needs.
At present, weaving has become a good source of
income for many Ifugaos.

3. The Ifugaos’ basket weaving

The Ifugaos produce basket to serve the need of the
family. They use baskets for storing grains and cooked
food. They also use baskets for keeping household
utensils, clothes, and personal belongings.

Why is weaving popular among tribal people?

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Native Filipinos weaved using fibers from abaca, pineapple, cotton, and bark cloth to
produce cloth, rugs, baskets, and hats. Part of family wealth was based on the textiles the
family-owned and these were given as dowry gifts at weddings and as offerings to the gods.

Many tribal people wear woven hats for protection against the strong heat of the sun.
The farmers from the Bontoc region wear the traditional straw hats called the salakot.

Lowland Cultural Communities

What are the elements of the arts of the Ilocano artworks?

Lines – Dynamic
lines, vertical and
horizontal lines
Cloth Weaving

Pottery-making Texture – rough,

semi rough, smooth
Colors – play of
complete color found
in the color wheel

What kinds of folk arts are in the Ilocos Region?

Ilocos folk art includes the following:

1. All forms of earthenware, from small to big, flower pots to roof tiles
2. Metalcraft
3. Wagon wheels
4. Leathercraft

Ilocos Norte is also well known for various cottage industries like furniture making, cloth
weaving, pottery-making, woodcarving, and blacksmithing.

Likewise, the burnay industry (pottery-making industry) in Vigan is also a popular cottage
industry. It is believed that the natives already practiced pottery making even before the
Spanish colonizers arrived in the Philippines.

What are other well-known places in Luzon for arts and crafts?

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The town of Paete Laguna is well known as the center of woodcarving in the Philippines.
Many residents of Paete are woodcarvers. It is believed that the name Paete comes from the
word paet, which means chisel. Many of the woodcarvers in Paete carved religious figures and
images, obviously an influence of the Spanish colonizers on Philippines culture.

Paete is also known in manufacturing wood and papier mâché products. The newsprint
papier mâché pieces or taka are found on many road shops. Takas is considered the highlight
of folk art in the area. They come in many forms and colors and are hand-painted. The
designs vary according to the demands of the seasons. It is believed that this craft originated
in Mexico.

What are the characteristics of the arts and crafts in Paete, Laguna?

Cultura Artworks Lines Color

Paete, Woodcarving, Dynamic Lines Earth
Laguna papier mâché colors

Vertical and
Horizontal Line

What is mat-weaving?

Mat weaving is a centuries-old folk art practice of our forefathers. Mats can be classified
based on the ethnic group. The abundant availability of buri in their surroundings could be the
reason for the popularity of sleeping mats in our country. Many of these mats are made from
buri, which are considered stronger and cooler. Mats are highly decorated with colored straws
in various designs.
Mats are also popular in the bailing of tobacco and abaca, which are the major products
in the northern part of Luzon. Many of these mats are made in Batac, Ilocos Norte. In
Cagayan Valley, mats of dried banana petioles are used.
What is basket-making?

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Basket-making is another main craft of many Filipinos. The basket is used for the storage
of food and for hunting. Sometimes, these baskets are used to transport grain and to catch
and store fish. In tribal regions, basket-making is a man’s task. Natural fibers like rattan are
used as materials.

Why does native Filipino create pots?

Before the Spaniards came, native Filipinos created ceramic jars to hold their dead
relatives and loved ones. Our native ancestors also made pottery for water vessels, plates,
cups, and many other uses.
Traditional pottery making in certain areas of the Philippines makes use of clay found
near the rivers as basic materials. Wooden paddles are used in molding the clay.

What do the cultural groups in Luzon use in coloring their artworks?

Various cultural groups like the Ifugaos, Ivatans, and those from Southern Tagalog use
natural materials like pigments drawn from rocks, fruit seeds, seashells, limes, and other
natural tinctures in coloring their artworks. They utilize what is available in their natural

What is the barong Tagalog?

Another work of art that Filipino could be proud of is the barong Tagalog, which is woven by
the Southern Tagalogs. It is very lightweight and worn untucked (similar to a coat/dress shirt),
over and undershirt. Today, the barong Tagalog is still a popular formal attire not just by men
but also by women.

The formal barong is made using various fabrics.

1. Piña fabric is hand-loomed from pineapple leaf fibers. Because piña weavers in the Philippines are
dwindling, its scarcity makes the delicates piña cloth expensive and is thus used for very formal
2. Jusi fabric is mechanically woven and was once made from abaca or banana silk.
3. Banana fabric is another sheer fabric used on formal occasions. Made and hand weaved from
banana fiber, it usually comes with geometric design details. This fabric hails from the Visayan
island of Negros.

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Art awareness

What are lines?

In art, a line represents many things such as an actual line, a person, or a building. A line can
be thick or thin; straight, wavy, curved, or angular; continuous or broken; dotted, dashed, or a
combination of any of these. Artists use lines to define and enclose spaces.

What are the types of lines and what ideas are suggested by each of them?

1. Static Lines – they suggest firmness and straightforwardness.

a. Vertical lines – these lines convey b. Horizontal lines – These lines suggest
uprightness, dignity, and assurance. calmness, peace, and sobriety.

2. Dynamic Lines – These signify movements, cheerfulness, and continuity.

3. Jagged Lines – These lines give the impression of chaos and disorder.

Why is color in art important?

Color in art is important because it suggests the quality of the things which affect us. Seeing a
bouquet of red roses attract our attention. Looking at a huge blue panel backdrop sends our
vision afar. Colors are exciting in another way. Did you ever think about how different colors
make you feel? When you look at red, do you feel warm or cold? Do you feel sad or happy?
Do you feel excited or do you feel sleepy? When you look at blue, how do you feel? At orange?
Green? You will find that different colors can make a painting seem peaceful or lonely, joyous,
or angry.

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The 21st Century MAPEH IN ACTION Gerardo C. Lacia, Adelina Pineda-Limos, Lualhati Fernando-Callo, Chrismarilene
Resantoc-Cabatana, Narcisa Valencia-Lim

III. Practice Exercise (10 points)

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer in column B, Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before the number.

Column A

______1. These lines signify movements, cheerfulness, and continuity.

______2. It is well known as the center of woodcarving in the Philippines?

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______3. This place is also well known for various cottage industries like furniture making,
cloth weaving, pottery-making, woodcarving, and blacksmithing.
______4. It is mechanically woven and was once made from abaca or banana silk?
______5. This barong is made of hand-loomed from pineapple leaf fibers?
______6. These lines suggest calmness, peace, and sobriety.
______7. These lines give the impression of chaos and disorder.
______8. Another work of art that Filipino could be proud of is _____?
______9. These lines convey uprightness, dignity, and assurance.
______10. A ____ represent many things such an actual line, a person, or a

Column B
a. Paete, Laguna
b. Jusi Fabric
c. Dynamic Lines
d. Horizontal Lines
e. Ilocos Norte
f. Barong Tagalog
g. Line
h. Vertical Lines
i. Pina Fabric
j. Jagged Lines
k. Zigzag Lines

Answer key
1. C 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. I 6. D 7. J 8. F 9. H 10. G

Score Interpretation
Please watch the video lecture and read Study Guide again, then proceed
to the Written Activity part.
Please proceed to the Written Activity part.

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade and Section: _________________________

IV. Written Activity (20 points)

Directions: Answer the following question in essay form. Your essay should be as well
organized and as carefully written as you make it. You will be graded based on the given

1. Why art is important to us? Justify your answer.

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2. What can you say about the artworks of the Ifugaos?



The single The presence of ideas The order developed The choice, use, Grammar,
controlling developed through and sustained within and and arrangement of mechanics,
point made facts, examples, across paragraphs using words and spelling, usage,
with an anecdotes, details, transitional devices and sentence structures and sentence
awareness of opinions, statistics, including introduction that create tone formation.
the task about reasons, and or and conclusion. and voice.
a specific topic. explanations.

2 Sharp, distinct, Substantial, A sophisticated Precise, illustrative use Evident control of

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photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Good Samaritan Colleges.


controlling point specific, and/or arrangement of of a variety of words grammar,

made about a illustrative content content with and sentence structures mechanics,
single topic with demonstrating evident and/or to create consistent spelling, and
sufficient strong subtle writer’s voice and tone usage, and
awareness of the development and transitions. appropriate to the sentence
task. sophisticated audience. formation.
1.5 Apparent point Sufficiently The functional Generic use of a variety Sufficient control
made about a developed content arrangement of of words and sentence of grammar,
single topic with with adequate content that structures that may or mechanics,
sufficient elaboration or sustains a logical may not create a spelling, usage,
awareness of the explanation. order with some writer’s voice and tone and sentence
task. evidence of appropriate to the formation.
transitions. audience.
1 No apparent Limited content Confused or Limited word choice and Limited control of
point but with inadequate inconsistent control of sentence grammar,
evidence of a elaboration or arrangement of structures that inhibit mechanics,
specific topic. explanation. content with or voice and tone. spelling, usage,
without attempts and sentence
of transition. formation.
.5 Minimal evidence Superficial and/or Minimal control Minimal variety in word Minimal control
of a topic. minimal content. of the content choice and minimal of grammar,
arrangement. control of sentence mechanics,
structure. spelling, usage,
and sentence


V. Learning Rubric
Instruction: Please read carefully and check the corresponding box for your answer.
(Basahin ng mabuti ang bawat tanong at i-tsek ang kahon ng iyong sagot).

Note: Your honest answers will help us gather accurate data to understand and provide
appropriate interventions for the topic discussed.
(Ang matapat na pagsagot ay makapagbibigay ng tumpak na datos upang mas higit na
maunawaan at makapagbigay ng nararapat interbensiyon patungkol sa paksang ito.)


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(3) (2) (1)

1. I have background knowledge about the topic.
(Mayroon na akong konting kaalaman tungkol sa paksa.)
2. I can analyze the content to deepen my understanding.
(Kaya kong suriing mabuti ang paksa upang mapalawak pa ang
aking kaalaman.)
3. I can give my own examples.
(Kaya kong magbigay ng sarili kong halimbawa.)
4. I can summarize the content and information that I have
(Kaya kong lagumin ang paksa at ang kaalamang aking
5. I clearly understood the topic.
(Lubos kong naunawaan ang paksa ng aralin.)
6. I understand the direction of each activity and answered it
(Nauunawan ko ang panuto ng bawat gawain at nasagutan ito
ng tama.)
7. I can enumerate the necessary steps and procedures related
to the lesson.
(Kaya kong hanayin ang mga hakbang at proseso na may
kaugnayan sa paksang tinalakay.)
8. I can independently perform the skill, strategy, or process.
(Kaya kong i-apply ang aking natutunan upang magsagawa ng
isang kasanayan, pamamaraan, o proseso.)
9. I can relate the topic to real-life situations.
(Kaya kong iugnay ang paksa sa totoong buhay.)
10. I accomplished the task on time.
(Natapos ko ang mga gawain sa itinakdang oras.)


A. MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the
blank provided.


_____1. The granary deity of the ifugaos a. Vakul

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photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Good Samaritan Colleges.


_____2. A material which the ifugao used for b. Kokolongkoy vines

basket weaving c. Warm colors
_____3. Ivatan headdress
d. Horizontal lines
_____4. Mixture of primary colors and
secondary colors e. Bul-ul
_____5. Red, Yellow, Orange f. Cool colors
_____6. Green, Blue, Blue-Purple
g. Dynamic lines
_____7. Lines that signify movements
_____8. Lines that suggest tranquillity h. Ifugaos
_____9. The Banaue Rice Terraces are work i. Organic shapes
of this ethnic tribe
j. Value
____10. Shapes which are found in nature
____11. Basic name of Color k. Ifugao rice festival
____12. Indicates how light or dark a color is l. Intermediate colors
____13. Traditional attire of the Filipinos are
m. Paete, laguga
originally weaved by Southern Tagalogs
____14. Center of woodcarving in the n. Hue
Philippines o. Baraong Tagalog
____15. Hud Bud p. Nito
____16. Arts Capital of the Philippines
q. Hagabi
____17. Sign of Riches
____18. Storage of foods r. Angono, Rizal
____19. Hand-loomes from pineapple leaf s. Salakot
____20. Traditional straw hat
t. Piña Fabric
u. basket

Folk Arts of Luzon - MAPEH Grade 7

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