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Daily Learning College Readiness

Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:

Learn and implement Reflect on understanding to Use visual and contextual Make connections between
strategies to monitor monitor comprehension support and support from a text and current and
comprehension MOD: Basic (e.g. asking questions, peers and teachers to read historical events.
understanding (reading) summarizing & grade-appropriate content
synthesizing, making area text, enhance and
connections, creating confirm understanding, and Compare and contrast texts
sensory images.) develop vocabulary, grasp that have similar subjects
of language structures, and and themes.
background knowledge Reread to deepen
needed to comprehend understanding of a text's
increasingly challenging literal and figurative
language meaning.
Examine headline sections
or other division markers,
graphics, or sidebars to
form an overview of a text.
Examine introductory
material to understand the
organization of a text.

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.
Daily Learning College Readiness
Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:
Using context clues, Describe the origins and Use visual and contextual Describe meanings of words
understand meanings of meanings of foreign words support and support from read in texts based on
common foreign words or phrases used frequently peers and teachers to read context clues (e.g.,
MOD: Basic understanding in written English (e.g., grade-appropriate content definitions, examples,
(Reading). caveat emptor, carte area text, enhance and comparison, contrast, cause
blanche, tete a tete, pas de confirm understanding, and and effect, details provided
deux, bon appetit, quid pro develop vocabulary, grasp in surrounding text)
quo. of language structures, and
background knowledge
needed to comprehend
increasingly challenging

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.
Daily Learning College Readiness
Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:
Understand that many Determine the meaning of Use visual and contextual Identify word meanings
technical academic English grade level technical support and support from based on their Greek or
words are derived from academic English words in peers and teachers to read Latin roots.
Latin, Greek, or other multiple content areas (e.g. grade-appropriate content
linguistic roots and affixes. science, mathematics, area text, enhance and
social studies, the arts) confirm understanding, and
derived from Latin, Greek, develop vocabulary, grasp
or other linguistic roots and of language structures, and
affixes. background knowledge
Mod: Basic understanding needed to comprehend
(Reading). increasingly challenging

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.
Daily Learning College Readiness
Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:
Use a dictionary, glossary, Use a dictionary, a glossary, Use visual and contextual Consult dictionaries,
or a thesaurus to determine or a thesaurus (printed or support and support from glossaries, thesauruses, or
meaning. MOD: Basic electronic) to determine or peers and teachers to read other guides to confirm
understand (reading) confirm the meanings of grade-appropriate content word or phrase meanings
words and phrases, area text, enhance and
including their connotations confirm understanding, and Explain how connotation
and denotations, and their develop vocabulary, grasp determines meaning
etymology of language structures, and
background knowledge
needed to comprehend
increasingly challenging

Special Vocabulary: Connotations, denotations, etymology

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.
Daily Learning College Readiness
Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:
Reflect and monitor Reflect on understanding to Use visual and contextual Make connections between
understanding monitor comprehension support and support from a text and current and
(e.g., asking questions, peers and teachers to read historical events.
summarizing and grade-appropriate content
synthesizing, making area text, enhance and
connections, creating confirm understanding, and Compare and contrast texts
sensory images) develop vocabulary, grasp that have similar subjects
of language structures, and and themes.
background knowledge Reread to deepen
needed to comprehend understanding of a text's
increasingly challenging literal and figurative
language meaning.
Examine headline sections
or other division markers,
graphics, or sidebars to
form an overview of a text.
Examine introductory
material to understand the
organization of a text.

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.
Daily Learning College Readiness
Date Expectation & MODified Standard: ELPS:

10 minutes: Journal
10 minutes: Mini Lesson
30-40 minutes: Individual or Small group work
5-10 minutes: Wrap up/Reflect

Read/Write 20 minutes every evening.

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