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Josef Dominique C.

Gatus 12-Borgia


Senior High School
Km. 7 Central Park Boulevard, Talomo, Davao City
S.Y. 2020-2021

Comparative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Founder and Origin:
The founder of Judaism is Abraham. Because the practice of monotheism started with his beliefs that lead to
Jewish people practising those beliefs and values. Furthermore, one of the co-founders of Judaism that
established the religion itself is Moses.

Christianity grew out from Judaism which Christianity was founded with the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the
founder of Christianity. Christianity originated in the place of birth of Jesus Christ which is in Bethlehem.

Muhammad was born in Mecca, in what is today Saudi Arabia. Much of what we know about him comes
from his sermons and revelations in the Muslim sacred book, the Qur’an (“recitation”), and from the hadiths
(also spelled ahadith; “recollections,” “narratives”), the remembrances of him by his early followers.

Sacred Text, place of worship, and religious leader:

The Hebrew Bible is divided into three sections: the Torah (the teaching), Nevi’im (the
Prophets), and Ketuvim (the Writings). It is often called Tanakh (or Tanak), which is an acronym
made up of the first letters of the Hebrew names for the three sections. Jewish people worship in holy places
known as synagogues, and their spiritual leaders are called rabbis.
Josef Dominique C. Gatus 12-Borgia

The Bible is the sacred text of Christians which is divided into two parts the old testaments and the new
testaments. The Bible is somewhat similar to the sacred text of the Jews which features teachings from Moses
and Abraham. The Church is where Christians worship their God, they consider churches as holy places that
should be threated with respect. Religious Leaders are priest; however, they are positions in different kinds of
churches in Christianity, one of the most well know is the Pope.

The name Qur’an (Koran) means “recitation” and recalls the origins of these sacred writings in the sermons
of Muhammad. The name also suggests the way in which the Qur’an is best communicated—by being recited.
Although the Qur’an has been translated into many languages, only the Arabic version is considered to be
fully authoritative.

Concept of God:
Jews believe that God is one, formless, all-knowing, and eternal. God is master of the universe as its creator
and judge. God is both loving and just. Which implies that God for the Jews is the perfect being.

Christians believe that there is only one God, whom they call Father as Jesus Christ taught them. However,
unlike the Jews, they recognize Jesus as the son of God and believe God functions as a Trinity. It is embodied
in The Father, The Holy Spirit and The Son.

In Islam, God (Arabic: ‫للا‬, romanized: Allāh, contraction of ‫اْل ٰله‬
ِ ‫ إ‬al-ilāh, lit. "the God") is the absolute one, the
all-powerful and all-knowing ruler of the universe, and the creator of everything in existence. Islam
emphasizes that God is strictly singular (tawḥīd); unique (wāḥid); inherently One (aḥad) also all-merciful and
omnipotent. According to Islam, God is neither a material nor a spiritual being. According to Islamic
teachings, beyond the Throne and according to the Quran, "No vision can grasp him, but His grasp is over all
vision: He is above all comprehension, et is acquainted with all things.
Origin of mankind and the universe:
The story of the origin of the world presents God as an intelligent, active, masculine power who overcomes
primeval chaos. To create order, God imposes separations separating light from darkness and land from water
and completes his work of creation in stages spread over six days. At the end of each day, God views what he
has done and sees that it is good. Finally, satisfied with the result of all his labor, God rests on the seventh
day. Mankind rose with God’s creation of Adam and Eve on the sixth day.
Josef Dominique C. Gatus 12-Borgia

Along with the Jewish beliefs about the origin of mankind and the universe. Christians, believe that God
created the universe in six days, finally resting in the seventh day. God created the first human beings which
is Adam and Eve. This is due to the connection of both Judaism and Christianity since Judaism is somehow
the foundation of Christianity.

Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six periods; then He settled Himself on the Throne. He makes
the night cover the day, pursuing it swiftly. He has created the sun and the moon and the stars, all made
subservient by His command. (Surah 7:55-59) I have created men, high and low, that they may worship Me. I
desire no support from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. Surely, it is Allah who is the Great
Sustainer, the Lord of Power, the Strong.
The morality of Judaism is based on the Ten Commandments that was created during the time of Moses. The
Jews believe that God establish the Ten Commandments for them to create law and order among their

Jesus’ teachings, called the Two Great Commandments, combine two strong elements: a love
for God and an ethical call for kindness toward others. These commandments already existed in
Hebrew scripture, but Jesus gave them new emphasis by reducing all laws to the law of love:
Love God and love your neighbor. Being fully aware of God means living with love for all God’s
children. It correlates to both Judaism and Christians the Commandments that God imposed in his subjects.

The Morality of Islam is based on hadiths and teaching of the prophets. That also have doctrines where it
concluded by Creed. “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” This single sentence,
when recited with belief, makes a person a Muslim.

Views on Women:
The status of women in Judaism involves many opposites. The Hebrew scriptures
state repeatedly that from a legal point of view, women were in many ways inferior
to and dependent on men. On the other hand, dozens of women named and portrayed
in the Hebrew Scriptures showed themselves to be strong personalities, psychologically independent,
and occasionally even in charge of men. Figures such as Deborah and Esther.

Josef Dominique C. Gatus 12-Borgia

It is often claimed that Christianity views women as something less than men. Support for that
claim can be found in the New Testament, from which passages have been used to demand that
women obey their fathers and husbands, be kept from the ministry, and be banned from leadership roles
deemed appropriate only for men. However, it is argued that women played a big role in both the ministry of
Jesus and the life of Church. This also traced back from the Hebrew scripture and Jewish belief of women.

Islam grew up within a culture that restricted many rights of women. The exact details of preIslamic Arabian
culture are sketchy, but we know that female infants, if unwanted, were routinely killed by being smothered
or buried alive soon after birth. Wives were often treated as property, to be bought and sold, and a husband
took as many wives as he pleased. Divorce meant that an ex-wife could be sent away with nothing for her
financial support.

Major Issues Confronting the religion:

Anti-Semitism is one of the current issues that the religion face, which refers to the hostility toward or
discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. Nazi anti-Semitism, which
culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that, it targeted Jews because of their
supposed biological characteristics, even those who had themselves converted to other religions
or whose parents were converts.

Denying Rationale is one of the major issues confronting Christianity. In the past the church lead reforms and
strict rules for people to rely on their faith rather than logic. Furthermore, the Christian church or some of its
official of the religion committed acts based on the belief that these acts is God’s will, using his name to
justify the means to an end. Some, Christians also deny the belief in logic and science because of the faith
they’ve established on their religions and practices.

Muslims are often stereotyped as “Terrorist” especially here in the Philippines. This is due to the history that
is associated with Muslims, prior to the wars that occurs in middle eastern countries. Because some of this
terrorist group justify their acts as will of their God or Allah. Thus, giving the impression to other people and
religion that all Muslims are terrorist, when in fact only a few Muslims commit crimes and do acts like this.
Josef Dominique C. Gatus 12-Borgia

Excellent (5) Satisfactory( 4) Developing(2) Beginning (1)
Information Information was Information was No signs of
included in the well researched poorly researched research and
ACCURACY presentation was with some with many highly inaccurate
(x2) very well inaccuracies. inaccuracies. information
researched and presented.
Josef Dominique C. Gatus 12-Borgia

All elements are Some elements are Lacking important No elements

present and present and some elements, and no provided; learners
CONTENT originality in using originality in using signs of originality copied and pasted
(x2) your own words. your own words. in using their own what they have
words. researched in the
Presentation was Presentation was Presentation Presentation was
perfectly organized, the lacked disordered, parts
organized; the parts were shown organization, the were disconnected
parts were shown in order and parts were in with each other
in a clear order and conclusion was disarray and and no conclusion
seamlessly given. conclusion lacked was given.
concluded. the supports.

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