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Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids - Product

Responsibilities by Week

The following is a list of the Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids products as they will be
covered during the Drilling Fluids Technology Course. A summary of the Composition,
Primary Function, Secondary Function, Limitations, Features, Benefits and Treatment
values for these products will be included with this list.

It is the student’s responsibility to learn this summary information for each product.
Some classroom time will be spent discussing these products, but additional study
outside the classroom must be spent in order to learn the optimum amount of
information regarding these products.

The products have been prioritized as per Product Line Managers.

Products with a 1 following the name will be key products that will appear often on
reviews in this class. You should know the composition, primary and secondary
functions, specific gravities if given, temperature limitations if given, and features and
benefits of these category 1 products.

Products with a 2 following the name will also be covered in reviews in the class. You
should concentrate on the composition, primary functions and secondary functions of
these products. Specific gravities and temperature limitations may be included on the
class reviews.

You should be aware of the products with a 3 following the name. You may encounter
them in the field but it is unlikely they will be included in class reviews.

The summary information has been taken from the product bulletin sheets and should
agree with these sheets. If there is any discrepancy between the summary sheet and
the product bulletins, the product bulletins will always be taken to be correct.

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Table of Contents
WEEK TWO .................................................................................................................................................................3
Weight Materials ...................................................................................................................................... 3
DENSIMIX - 2 ...................................................................................................................................................3
MILBAR - 1 .......................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-BAR® 410 - 2 ...............................................................................................................................................3
W.O. 30 - 1 ........................................................................................................................................................3
DEEP SWEEP - 2..................................................................................................................................................3
Viscosifiers ............................................................................................................................................... 3
MILGEL - 1...........................................................................................................................................................3
MILGEL NT - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
SALT WATER GEL - 1 .....................................................................................................................................3
SUPER-COL - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
XAN-PLEX - 1 ..................................................................................................................................................3
XAN-PLEX D - 1...............................................................................................................................................3
XAN-PLEX L - 1 ...............................................................................................................................................3
Alkalinity Control Agents......................................................................................................................... 3
CAUSTIC SODA - 1 .............................................................................................................................................3
MAGNESIUM OXIDE - 2 ....................................................................................................................................3
POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE - 1...........................................................................................................................3
SODA ASH - 1 ......................................................................................................................................................3
SODIUM BICARBONATE - 1 .............................................................................................................................3
Calcium Control Agents ........................................................................................................................... 3
GYPSUM - 1 .........................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-LIME - 1 ....................................................................................................................................................3
Chloride Salts............................................................................................................................................ 3
CALCIUM CHLORIDE - 1...................................................................................................................................3
POTASSIUM CHLORIDE - 1 ..............................................................................................................................3
SALT - 1................................................................................................................................................................3
WEEK THREE..............................................................................................................................................................3
Filtration Control Agents.......................................................................................................................... 3
AQUA-SEAL - 3................................................................................................................................................3
BIO-LOSE - 1 ....................................................................................................................................................3
BIO-PAQ - 2 ......................................................................................................................................................3
CMC HV* - 3 ........................................................................................................................................................3
CMC LV* - 3.........................................................................................................................................................3
LIGCO - 1............................................................................................................................................................3
LIGCON - 2.........................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-PAC - 1 ......................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-PAC LV - 1................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-PAC PLUS - 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3
MIL-PAC LV PLUS - 2 .....................................................................................................................................3
MIL-STARCH - 1................................................................................................................................................3

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NEW-TROL - 3 .................................................................................................................................................3
PERMA-LOSE HT - 2 .......................................................................................................................................3
Deflocculants ............................................................................................................................................ 3
SAPP - 1 ................................................................................................................................................................3
UNI-CAL - 1..........................................................................................................................................................3
UNI-CAL CF - 3....................................................................................................................................................3
DESCO (Drilling Specialties Co.) - 2....................................................................................................................3
WEEK FOUR ................................................................................................................................................................3
High Temperature Deflocculants.............................................................................................................. 3
ALL-TEMP - 2...................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-TEMP - 2.....................................................................................................................................................3
High Temperature Filtration Control........................................................................................................ 3
CHEMTROL X - 1 ..............................................................................................................................................3
KEM-SEAL - 2...................................................................................................................................................3
KEM-SEAL PLUS - 2 ........................................................................................................................................3
PYRO-TROL - 2..................................................................................................................................................3
Lubricants ................................................................................................................................................. 3
AQUA-MAGIC - 1 ............................................................................................................................................3
BIO-DRILL - 2 ..................................................................................................................................................3
LC-GLIDE - 1 ....................................................................................................................................................3
LUBE-622 - 1 ........................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-LUBE - 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
PENETREX - 1..................................................................................................................................................3
PENETREX NS - 2............................................................................................................................................3
TEQ-LUBE II - ? ...............................................................................................................................................3
TERRA-RATE - 1..............................................................................................................................................3
Detergents/Foamers .................................................................................................................................. 3
MD - 1................................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-CLEAN - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
Defoaming Agents .................................................................................................................................... 3
ALUMINUM STEARATE - 1 ..............................................................................................................................3
LD-8 - 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................3
LD-9 - 2..............................................................................................................................................................3
LD-S - 1 .............................................................................................................................................................3
W.O.  DEFOAM - 1...........................................................................................................................................3
WEEK FIVE..................................................................................................................................................................3
Lost Circulation Materials ........................................................................................................................ 3
CHEK-LOSS® - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
CHEK-LOSS® COARSE - 1..................................................................................................................................3
CHEK-LOSS® PLUS - 1 .......................................................................................................................................3
COTTONSEED HULLS - 1 ..................................................................................................................................3
LC-LUBE™ and LC-LUBE™ Fine - 1 .................................................................................................................3
MIL-CARB Series - 1 ........................................................................................................................................3
MIL-CEDAR - 1 ................................................................................................................................................3
MILMICA® - 1 ......................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-PLUG® - 1 .....................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-SEAL - 1....................................................................................................................................................3

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SOLUFLAKE - 1 ...............................................................................................................................................3
SOLU-SQUEEZ - 1 ...............................................................................................................................................3
WALNUT SHELLS - 2 .........................................................................................................................................3
X-LINK - 1.........................................................................................................................................................3
X-LINK ACR - 1 ...............................................................................................................................................3
X-LINK RTR - 1................................................................................................................................................3
DIASEAL M (Drilling Specialties Co.) - 3 ...........................................................................................................3
Spotting Fluids.......................................................................................................................................... 3
BIO-SPOT® - 3.....................................................................................................................................................3
BIO-SPOT® II - 3 ..................................................................................................................................................3
BLACK MAGIC® - 1 ............................................................................................................................................3
BLACK MAGIC® CLEAN - 1 ..............................................................................................................................3
BLACK MAGIC® LT - 2 .....................................................................................................................................3
BLACK MAGIC® SFT - 1 ....................................................................................................................................3
BLACK MAGIC® PHALT-FREE - 1....................................................................................................................3
Corrosion Control Chemicals ................................................................................................................... 3
AMI-TEC™ - 3 .....................................................................................................................................................3
MIL-GARD® - 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
NOXYGEN L™ - 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Preservatives ............................................................................................................................................. 3
DRYOCIDE™ - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
X-CIDE® 207 - 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
X-CIDE® 102 - 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
WEEK SIX ....................................................................................................................................................................3
Shale Control Additives............................................................................................................................ 3
AQUA-COL - 2..................................................................................................................................................3
AQUA-COL D - 2..............................................................................................................................................3
AQUA-COL S - 2 ..............................................................................................................................................3
CLAY-TROL™ - 1................................................................................................................................................3
MAX-GUARD™ - 1 .............................................................................................................................................3
MAX-PLEX -1...................................................................................................................................................3
MAX-SHIELD - 1..............................................................................................................................................3
MAX-SHIELD  NS - 1.......................................................................................................................................3
NEW-DRILL® - 1.................................................................................................................................................3
NEW-DRILL® HP - 1............................................................................................................................................3
NEW-DRILL® LV - 1............................................................................................................................................3
NEW-DRILL® PLUS - 1 .......................................................................................................................................3
PROTECTO-MAGIC® M - 3 ................................................................................................................................3
SHALE-BOND® - 1...............................................................................................................................................3
SHALE-PLEX - 1 ..............................................................................................................................................3
SULFATROL - 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
TERRA-COAT - ................................................................................................................................................3
Drill-In and Completion Fluid Additives.................................................................................................. 3
BRINE-PAC® 3N1 - 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
BRINE-PAC® 1500 - 1 ..........................................................................................................................................3
CLEAR-DRILL K - 2.........................................................................................................................................3
CLEAR-DRILL N - 2.........................................................................................................................................3
PERFFLOW® DIF - 1...........................................................................................................................................3
PERFFLOW® 100 - 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
W-306 Dispersion - 3 .........................................................................................................................................3

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W-308 - 3...............................................................................................................................................................3
W-309 - 3...............................................................................................................................................................3
W.O.  21L - 1 .....................................................................................................................................................3
Specialty Fluid Additives ......................................................................................................................... 3
NF2™ - 2 ................................................................................................................................................................3
NF3™ - 2 ................................................................................................................................................................3
WEEK SEVEN..............................................................................................................................................................3
Oil-Base Drilling Fluid Additives............................................................................................................. 3
BIO-COTE - 1....................................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-GEL® - 1 ................................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-GEL® II - 1.............................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-MUL® HT - 1.........................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-SEAL - 2 .............................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TEC® - 1 ................................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TEC® S - 1 .............................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TROL® - 2..............................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TROL® A-9 - 2 ......................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TROL® HT - 1 .......................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-TROL® XHT - 2 ....................................................................................................................................3
CARBO-VIS - 2.................................................................................................................................................3
SURF-COTE® - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
Synthetic-Base Drilling Fluid Additives................................................................................................... 3
ALPHA-TEQ - 2....................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-PLEX E - 2.................................................................................................................................................3
GT 3000 - 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-COTE - 2................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-VERT - 1................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-MUL - 1 .................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-PLEX - 2 ................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-TEC - 1...................................................................................................................................................3
OMNI-TROL - 2 ................................................................................................................................................3
PARA-TEQ - 2...................................................................................................................................................3

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Trademark – A trademark is a word, name, symbol, device, design, slogan, or sound (or any
combination of these) that is adopted and is used by a company to identify its commercial
goods or services in order to distinguish its goods or services from similar goods or services
sold by others.
In short, trademarks identify and distinguish a company’s products and services from those of
its competition.
Trademarks are identified by the symbol ™.
If a trademark carries the ® symbol, it has been registered with the U. S. Patent and Trademark

*These products are available only through Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS
International Operations.

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Products Manufactured and Marketed by Other Companies

Kelco Rotary


Drilling Specialties Company


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Test example

Below are examples of the format for Products tests on both Pop Quizzes and Major
Tests you will be given each Friday. You will be asked for product information in this
format each week. Additionally, you will be responsible for answering a number of
objective type questions covering the products you are responsible for.

Questions 1-±15 are composition. Match one of the products or terms from Column A
with the statement in column B. Place your answer on the sheet provided. Each letter
should only be used once.
Note – there will typically be 10-15 questions in this format. You will put the letter from
Column B on a separate answer sheet in this example

Column A Column B
1. XANPLEX D A. Calcium Hydroxide

2. CAUSTIC SODA B. Natural bentonite

3. MILGEL NT C. Xanthan Gum

4. GYPSUM D. Sodium Hydroxide

5. LIME E. Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate

Separate Answer Sheet –

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. A

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Questions 16-30 are typically functions and limitations. Match one of the products or
terms from Column A with the statement in column B. Place your answer for Column A
from Column B in the center column. .
Note – there will typically be 10-15 questions in this format.

Column A Place the Column B

letter from
Col B here
16. CAUSTIC SODA A. Specific gravity is about 5.0.
17. DENSIMIX B. The most commonly used product for pH
18. SODIUM C. Specific gravity is at least 4.2 to meet API
BICARBONATE specs for density.
19. MIL-BAR D. Used to treat out calcium in make-up (drill)
water or gypsum contamination.
20. SODA ASH E. The most commonly used product for the
treatment of cement.

Or you may be given a “fill-in-the-blank” type question.

XAN-PLEX L is a liquid xanthan gum biopolymer.

Please note that all three formats can be used on any of the Pop Quizzes or the Friday Major

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Micaceous hematite (Fe2O3), a type of iron oxide
Primary Function: Weighting agent for all types of drilling fluids (water, oil, synthetic)
Secondary Function: High density “Kill” and packer fluids
Limitations: • Specific gravity of 5.0+
• Maximum density attainable is approximately 25 lb/gal (3.0 sg)
• API specs for density, calcium, and size.
• More abrasive than barite
Features and Benefits: • Fewer % solids for a given mud weight (improved rheology,
penetration rates).
• Acid soluble
Treatment: As needed to control borehole pressures.

Composition: Barium sulfate, barite (BaSO4)
Primary Function: Weighting agent for all types of drilling fluids (water, oil, synthetic).
Secondary Function: Barite plugs for killing kicks.
Limitations: • Minimum specific gravity of 4.2
• Maximum density obtainable is approximately 20-22 lb/gal.
Treatment: As needed to control borehole pressures.

MIL-BAR® 410 - 2
Composition: Barium Sulfate, Barite (BaSO4)
Primary Function: Weighting agent for all types of drilling fluids (water, oil, synthetic).
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Minimum specific gravity of 4.1
Maximum density attainable is approximately 20-22 lb/gal.
Current distribution limited to North America

 30 - 1
Composition: Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Primary Function: Fine grade used for weighting in workover, completion, and drill-in
Secondary Function: Bridging agent (prevention of fluid invasion) for workover, completion,
and drill-in fluids. (various grades)
Limitations: • Maximum specific gravity of 2.7
• Maximum density obtainable is approximately 14.0 lb/gal.
Features and Benefits: 95-98% soluble in hydrochloric acid. Comes in varying size grades
(fine to coarse).
Treatment: As needed to control borehole pressures for bridging.

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Composition: Coarse ground barite (BaSO4)
Primary Function: High Density Sweeps
Secondary Function: Barite plugs for killing kicks.
Limitations: • Coarsely ground so surface shakers will screen it out.
• Maintains a constant density in the circulating system.
• Does not meet API specifications for grind size.
• Can be used to weight up the drilling fluid to 18.0 ppg+ (2.16+
Features and Benefits: Any fluid application where it is desired that the material is screened
out of the circulating system to maintain constant density.
Treatment: As needed to control borehole problems.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Premium-grade bentonite. Not a pure bentonite.
Primary Function: Provides viscosity in water base muds
Secondary Function: Aids in Filtration Control by reducing the permeability of the filter cake.
Limitations: • Optimum viscosity and filtration control in fresh water.
• Presence of chlorides and hardness will require prehydration.
• API specifications for viscosity, filtration, moisture, and particle
Treatment: A concentration of 22.5 lb/bbl in fresh water will provide a minimum
apparent viscosity of 15 cp. Amounts will vary according to viscosity

MILGEL  NT - 1
Composition: Premium-grade natural Wyoming bentonite.
Primary Function: Provides viscosity in water base muds.
Secondary Function: Aids in Filtration Control by reducing the permeability of the filter cake.
Limitations: • Optimum viscosity and filtration control in fresh water.
• Presence of chlorides and hardness (>200 mg/L) will require
• API specifications for viscosity, filtration, moisture, and particle
Features and Benefits: Also aids in reducing the high-temperature/high pressure filtration
properties of water base muds.
Treatment: A concentration of 25 lb/bbl in fresh water will provide a minimum
apparent viscosity of 10 cp and a maximum API filtrate of 12.5 cc.
Amounts will vary according to viscosity needs.


Composition: Attapulgite clay
Primary Function: Provides viscosity for fresh to saturated salt water fluids.
Secondary Function: High solids squeeze plugs for loss of circulation
Limitations: • Viscosity increases are dependent on the amount of shear or
agitation available.
• No fluid loss control.
• API specifications for viscosity, moisture, and particle size.
Treatment: A concentration of 20 lb/bbl in fresh water will provide a minimum
apparent viscosity of 15 cp.

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Composition: Highly treated premium-grade Wyoming bentonite.
Primary Function: provides viscosity in water base muds.
Secondary Function: Provide some fluid loss control.
Limitations: • Maintain total hardness less than 100 mg/L
• .
• pH kept in range of 8.5-11.5.
Features and Benefits: Especially useful in areas where transportation cost are high or where
storage is limited. Rapid yield (4-5 minutes) is helpful when mixing
large quantities of mud quickly to combat lost circulation. Produces a
more shear thinning fluid due to a lower solids content and the
presence of a polymer.
Treatment: A concentration of 12-15 lb/bbl in fresh water will provide a funnel
viscosity of 30-35 sec/qt.

Composition: High Molecular Weight Xanthan gum biopolymer
Primary Function: Provides viscosity in fresh, sea water, NaCl, and KCl brines.
Secondary Function: Can be cross–linked with heavy metal compounds to be used in
Limitations: • May need a bactericide to prevent biodegradation.
• Mix slowly (25-30 minutes/sack) to prevent “fish eyes”.
• At pH values above 10.0 the polymer becomes more sensitive to
soluble calcium and may precipitate out of solution.
Features and Benefits: Produces a highly shear-thinning, non-Newtonian fluid. One of the
few polymers to build gel structure and therefore can be weighted.
Treatment: Initially 0.2-2.0 lb/bbl.

Composition: High Molecular Weight Xanthan gum biopolymer with dispersing agent
Primary Function: Provides viscosity in fresh, sea water, NaCl, and KCl brines.
Secondary Function: Can be cross–linked with heavy metal compounds to be used in
Limitations: • May need a bactericide to prevent biodegradation.
• Dispersant allows faster mixing but mixing slowly (25-30
minutes/sack) to prevent “fish eyes” is recommended.
• At pH values above 10.0 the polymer becomes more sensitive to
soluble calcium and may precipitate out of solution.
Features and Benefits: Produces a highly shear-thinning, non-Newtonian fluid. One of the
few polymers to build gel structure and therefore can be weighted
Treatment: Initially 0.2-2.0 lb/bbl.

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Composition: Liquid Xanthan gum biopolymer
Primary Function: Provides viscosity in fresh, sea water, NaCl, and KCl brines.
Secondary Function: Can be cross–linked with heavy metal compounds to be used in
Limitations: • May need a bactericide to prevent biodegradation.
• Mix slowly (10-15 minutes/pail) to prevent “fish eyes”.
• At pH values above 10.0 the polymer becomes more sensitive to
soluble calcium and may precipitate out of solution.
Features and Benefits: Produces a highly shear-thinning, non-Newtonian fluid. One of the
few polymers to build gel structure and therefore can be weighted.
Especially useful in DKD operations where a fast hydrating product is
Treatment: Initially 0.5-3.5 lb/bbl.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Primary Function: For pH control for water base muds. For:
1. Activation of lignosulfonates.
2. Solubilizing lignite.
3. Limiting corrosion.
4. Removable soluble ions.
5. Treatment of certain contaminants.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • Health hazard. Add as a liquid from a chemical barrel.
• Wear proper personal protective equipment when handling.
• Corrosive.
• Some products are sensitive to high pH.
Treatment: As needed to control pH.

Composition: An alkaline earth oxide (MgO)
Primary Function: For pH control of fresh water and brines.
Secondary Function: None.
Limitations: pH up to 10.0
Features and Benefits: Will not form precipitates when added to calcium base brines.
Treatment: Under normal operating conditions (1-3 ppb).

Composition: A strong alkali known as caustic potash (KOH).
Primary Function: For pH control for water base muds, For:
1. Activation of lignosulfonates
2. Solubilizing lignite.
3. Limiting corrosion.
4. Removing soluble ions.
5. Treatment of certain contaminants.
Secondary Function: To provide additional soluble potassium in potassium systems or
where potassium ions are preferred as a shale inhibitor.
Limitations: Same as for caustic soda.
Treatment: As needed to control pH. Takes more KOH to provide a given pH
compared to NaOH.

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Composition: Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)
Primary Function: To remove soluble calcium from the mud.
Secondary Function: May use to treat small amounts of cement contamination.
Also may be used as a completion fluid. (Rare)
Limitations: • Over treatment (treating out all calcium) may cause a carbonate
• Solubility is suppressed at high pH.
• Treating large amounts of cement will result in high pH values and
is not recommended.
• Soda Ash is not effective for treating hardness from soluble
• If adding using chemical barrel do not mix with caustic soda.
• Use proper personal protective equipment.
Treatment: Ranges: 0.1 – 0.5 ppb.

Composition: Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Primary Function: Treating cement contaminated muds.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • Overtreatment may cause a carbonate problem.
• Do not use to treat make-up water. Sodium bicarbonate is soluble.
Treatment: Ranges: 0.1 – 0.5 ppb is typical. Green cement may require higher
concentrations of sodium bicarbonate to be used.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Ground calcium sulfate dihydrate. (CaSO4 + 2H2O)
Primary Function: To formulate gypsum-based muds to inhibit shale swelling.
Secondary Function: To reduce carbonate levels of water-base muds without increasing
Limitations: Calcium solubility is limited by pH and chloride levels. To increase
calcium levels it may be necessary to decrease pH on increase
Treatment: For conversion to gypsum-based muds 2.0-5.0 ppb are typical. For
carbonate removal, the concentration used will depend on the amount
of carbonates to be removed.

Composition: Calcium Hydroxide - Ca(OH)2
Primary Function: Varies as follows for Water-Base muds.
1. To flocculate clays in spud muds for increased hole cleaning.
2. To treat out soluble carbonates.
3. For corrosion control for hydrogen sulfide applications.
4. For pH increases although not recommended except for #3 above.
5. Use in clear water drilling to help flocculate formation solids.
6. To prepare lime muds.
Limitations: • Over treatment can cause flocculation.
• High lime concentrations may cause muds to be rheologically
unstable at temperatures >250°F.
• Do not add using the chemical barrel due to low water solubility of
Treatment: As needed to achieve desired results.
Oil-Base Muds and Synthetic Muds
Primary Function: To activate certain emulsifiers (CARBO-TEC or OMNI-TEC)
Secondary Function: To provide excess lime for reaction with hydrogen sulfide and
Limitations: None
Treatment: 4 pounds per gallon of emulsifier. As needed for excess lime, usually
1-4 ppb.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Calcium Chloride – CaCl2
Varieties Powdered, granular, pelletized
Primary Function: Increases density of water for workover/completion purposes.
Secondary Function: Controls water activity in invert emulsion muds.
Limitations: • Maximum density of 1.4 SG (11.6 ppg).
• Calcium Chloride is corrosive to metal and skin. Use appropriate
personal protective equipment when mixing.
Features and Provides density and an inhibitive environment for completion
Benefits: operations. Is being used in drilling operations.
Treatment: As needed up to saturation.

Composition: Potassium Chloride (KCl)
Primary Function: Shale Control
Secondary Function: Increases density of water for workover/completion purposes.
Limitations: Maximum density of 1.15 SG (9.6 ppg)
Features and Provides density and an inhibitive environment for drilling and
Benefits: completion operations.
Treatment: Treatment: As needed up to saturation

SALT - 1
Composition: Sodium Chloride – NaCl
Primary Function: Shale Control.
Secondary Function: • Increases density of water for workover/completion purposes.
• Additional Functions:
• Suppresses gas hydrate formation
• Retards the dissolution of massive shale sections
• Can be used to control the water activity in invert emulsion muds.
• Coarse ground salt is used as a bridging agent for lost circulation or
drill-in fluids
Limitations: Maximum density of 1.2 SG (10.0 ppg).
Features and Provides density and an inhibitive environment for drilling and
Benefits: completion operations.
Treatment: As needed up to saturation.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Water-soluble Synthetic Polymer
Primary Function Filtration Control in AQUA-DRILL Systems
Secondary Function Shale Stability by encapsulation.
Limitations: Control calcium <40 mg/L. Use supplementary fluid loss agent for
requirements of <5 ml.
Features and Benefits Non-viscosifying, stable to temperatures in excess of 300°F.
Treatment: 2.25-3.5 ppb (6.41-10 kgm ) depending on fluid density.

Composition: Complexed Polysaccharide (Carboxylated Starch)
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Improves Low Shear Rheology
Limitations: • Filtration control up to 300°F.
• For use in monovalent salts.
Features and Benefits: Resists bacterial degradation. Primary component of BIO-LOSE 90
systems. BIO-LOSE improves low-end shear rheologies and has an
excellent synergy with XAN-PLEX D in improving low-end rheologies
and reducing high-end rheologies.
Treatment: 2.0-4.0 ppb (5.7-11.4 kg/m ).

BIO-PAQ -2
Composition: Organic Derivative (derivatized polysaccharide)
Primary Function: Filtration Control in mono and divalent salts.
Secondary Function: Elevates low-shear rheological properties.
Limitations: Filtration control up to 300°F
Features and Benefits: Lowers fluid loss and improves low shear rheologies, imparts a highly-
compressible filter cake, not pH dependent, works in divalent salts
(calcium chloride and calcium bromide).
Treatment: 1.0-4.0 ppb.

CMC HV* - 3
Composition: Technical-Grade, High Viscosity Carboxymethyl Cellulose
Primary Function: Viscosity
Secondary Function: Filtration Control
Limitations: • Use at temperatures <280°F
• Hardness should be <400 mg/L
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes.
Treatment: Typically 0.5-4.0 ppb (1.4-11.4 kg/m ). Will vary with drilling

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CMC LV* - 3
Composition: Technical-Grade, Low Viscosity, Carboxymethyl Cellulose
Primary Function: Fluid Loss Control
Secondary Function: Will give some viscosity and will deflocculate some seawater muds in
low concentrations.
Limitations: • Use at temperatures <250°F
• Soluble calcium should be <500 mg/L
• Most effective if chlorides are <50,000 mg/L
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes
Treatment: Typically 1.0-4.0 ppb (2.85-11.4 kg/m3). Will vary with drilling

LIGCO - 1
Composition: Highly-Oxidized Leonardite (Lignite)
Primary Function: Filtration Control when high temperatures are encountered.
Secondary Function: Will provide some deflocculation in muds with low solids and calcium
content. Can be used to remove soluble calcium in contaminated
Limitations: • pH control at 10.0 or greater to allow solubilizing.
• High Calcium levels will reduce the effectiveness of LIGCO.
• Use in applications where chlorides are <50,000 mg/L.
Treatment: 2.0-8.0 ppb (5.7-22.8 kg/m ) for filtrate control and 1.0-3.0 ppb (2.85-
8.6 kg/m ) for deflocculation.

Special: Normally 1 part caustic soda is added to 4-6 parts of

LIGCO. pH of LIGCO is 5-6.

Composition: Causticized Leonardite (Causticized Lignite)
Primary Function: Filtration Control when high temperatures are encountered,
Secondary Function: Will provide some deflocculation in muds with low solids and calcium
content. Can be used to remove soluble calcium in contaminated
Limitations: • pH control at 10.0 to allow solubilizing
• Not very effective in high hardness applications. Calcium levels
of 400-500 mg/L will reduce the effectiveness of LIGCON.
• Use in applications where chlorides are <50,000 mg/L.
Treatment: 2.0-8.0 ppb (5.7-22.8 kg/m3) for filtration control and 1.0-3.0 ppb
(2.85-8.6 kg/m3) for deflocculation.

Special: The pH of LIGCON is 9-10 because it is prereacted with

caustic soda. This will reduce the amount of caustic needed to
maintain pH. In some cases additional caustic soda may not be

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MIL-PAC -1
Composition: Polyanionic Cellulose
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Will provide some viscosity. Also has been used to produce stable
foam fluids.
Limitations: • Recommended for fresh water systems
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes.
Features and Benefits: Effective up to temperatures between 300-325°F
Treatment: 0.25-1.0 ppb (0.7-2.85 kg/m3).
Grades: Comes in Regular and Low-Viscosity grades.

MIL-PAC  LV - 1
Composition: Low Viscosity Grade Polyanionic Cellulose
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Will provide some viscosity.
Limitations: • Recommended for fresh water systems
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes.
Features and Benefits: Effective up to temperatures between 300-325°F
Treatment: 0.5-2.0 ppb (1.4-5.7 kg/m ).
Grades Comes in Regular and Low-Viscosity grades.

Composition: Polyanionic Cellulose
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Will provide some viscosity. Also has been used to produce stable
foam fluids.
Limitations: • At temperatures between 300-325°F it will lose its effectiveness.
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes.
Features and Benefits: Especially cost effective in seawater muds when compared with
CMC’s. Meets API specifications for PAC
Treatment: 0.25-1.0 ppb (0.7-2.85 kg/m ).
Grades: Comes in Regular and Low-Viscosity grades.

Composition: Low Viscosity Grade Polyanionic Cellulose
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Will provide some viscosity.
Limitations: • At temperatures between 300-325°F it will lose its effectiveness.
• Mix slowly (20-30 minutes per sack) to avoid fish eyes.
Features and Benefits: Especially cost effective in seawater muds when compared with
CMC’s. Meets API specifications for PAC
Treatment: 0.5-2.0 ppb (1.4-5.7 kg/m ).
Grades Comes in Regular and Low-Viscosity grades.

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Composition: Pregelatinized Corn Starch
Primary Function: Filtration Control
Secondary Function: Will also give viscosity increases.
Limitations: • Bacterial degradation – must treat with a biocide unless:
• Salt saturated
• pH >12.5
• Will begin to degrade at temperatures >250°F.
Features and Benefits: Can be used in salt saturated waters.
Treatment: 2-6 ppb (5.7-17.1 kg/m3).

Composition: A synthetic, sodium polyacrylate polymer
Primary Function: Filtration Control in low salinity systems.
Secondary Function: Will also give viscosity increases in large quantities.
Limitations: • Optimum performance is achieved in freshwater systems.
• Total hardness of system <300 mg/L
Features and Benefits: Tolerant of temperatures >400°F. Not subject to bacterial
Treatment: An initial treatment of 0.5 ppb (1.4 kg/m ).

Composition: Pre-Gelatinized Corn Starch treated with a biocide.
Primary Function: Filtration Control.
Secondary Function: Will also give some viscosity increases.
Limitations: • Will degrade at temperatures between 275°F and 300°F.
• In some situations may need additional biocide.
Treatment: 2-6 ppb (5.7-17.1 kg/m3)

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

SAPP - 1
Composition: Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate
Primary Function: To treat cement contamination.
Secondary Function: A dispersant in low-weight, freshwater, top hole drilling conditions
Limitations: For use in temperatures below 200°F.
Use in small amounts to avoid overtreatment.
Features and Benefits: Can also be used to lower pH and reduce hardness level.
Treatment: 0.5-1.0 ppb (1.43-2.85 kg/m ) for deflocculation of freshwater
systems. SAPP additions vary for cement contamination.

Composition: Chrome treated sodium lignosulfonate.
Primary Function: A deflocculant for fresh, salt, and calcium treated water-base muds.
Secondary Function: Aids in filtration control.
Limitations: For use in temperatures up to 350°F.
Caustic soda is needed to activate UNI-CAL. 1 part caustic soda to 4
or 6 parts of UNI-CAL. Chrome may have environmental limitations in
some areas.
Features and Benefits: When used in proper concentrations, UNI-CAL can inhibit the
chemical activity of clay solids.
Treatment: 1.0-3.0 ppb (2.85-8.6 kg/m ) for deflocculation of freshwater systems.
4.0-6.0 ppb (11.4-17.1 kg/m ) for seawater muds.

Composition: A lignosulfonate with no chrome added.
Primary Function: A deflocculant for freshwater, brackish, and seawater muds.
Secondary Function: Aids in filtration control.
Limitations: For use in temperatures up to 300°F.
pH is maintained at approximately 10.0 with caustic soda.
Features and Benefits: Recommended for use in areas where “chrome-free” products are
Treatment: 1.0-4.0 ppb (2.85-11.4 kg/m ) for initial deflocculation.
0.25 to 1.0 ppb (0.7 to 2.85 kg/m ) tourly treatments depending on
mud weight and solids concentrations.


DESCO (Drilling Specialties Co.) - 2

Composition: Chrome treated Sulfo-methylated tannin (Polyphenolic).
Primary Function: Deflocculant for moderate to high temperatures
Secondary Function: Corrosion inhibition and will help stabilize lime muds.
Limitations: Useful to temperatures between 400-450°F.
Features and Benefits: pH control is not required.
Treatment: 1.0-3.0 ppb.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: A derivatized synthetic interpolymer.
Primary Function: A water based deflocculant with special application in high
temperature environments.
Secondary Function: Extend thermal stability of water based muds. Enhances filtration
Limitations: Limitations: None to date.
Features and Benefits: Doesn’t require pH control for activation.
Temperature stable to >400°F.
Doesn’t contain heavy metals or chrome.
Treatment: 0.5-3.0 ppb (1.43-8.6 kg/m3).

Composition: Copolymer (Sulfonated Styrene of Maleic Anhydride).
Primary Function: High temperature deflocculant.
Secondary Function: Extend thermal stability of water based muds. Enhances filtration
Limitations: None to date.
Features and Benefits: Doesn’t require pH control for activation.
Temperature stable >500°F.
Tolerant of carbonate contamination.
Stabilizes lime muds and cement contaminated muds.
Treatment: 1.0-3.0 ppb (2.85-8.6 kg/m ) is normally sufficient to stabilize
rheological properties.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: A polymer blend.
Primary Function: HT-HP Filtration Control for fresh, brackish, and seawater
Secondary Function: Improves rheological stability.
Limitations: Stable to temperatures above 400°F.
Features and Benefits: Doesn’t cause viscosity increases. pH is slightly alkaline. Effective in
the presence of salt and calcium contamination.
Treatment: 2.0-3.0 ppb (5.7-8.6 kg/m ).

Composition: A synthetic copolymer.
Primary Function: API and HT-HP filtration control, particularly in seawater and brine,
including divalent salts.
Secondary Function: Reduces gelation in lignosulfonate fluids when used in combination
with modified lignites. Promotes borehole stability.
Limitations: Maintain MBT <15 ppb (42.8kg/m ) for optimum results.
Initial viscosity increases that decrease with circulation time.
High solids muds may require use of MIL-TEMP or LIGCO with KEM-
Add slowly, 30 minutes per bag.
Features and Benefits: Does not undergo alkaline hydrolysis at high pH’s. Replaces
common polymer filtration control additives, helps rheological
stability, and has been used at temperatures >500°F.
Treatment: 0.25-6.0 ppb (0.7-17.1 kg/m3).

Composition: A synthetic copolymer.
Primary Function: API and HT-HP filtration control, particularly in seawater and brines,
including divalent salts.
Secondary Function: Reduces gelation in lignosulfonate fluids when used in combination
with modified lignites. Promotes borehole stability.
Limitations: Maintain MBT <15 ppb (42.8kg/m ) for optimum results.
Initial viscosity increases that decrease with circulation time.
High solids muds may require use of MIL-TEMP or LIGCO with KEM-
Add slowly, 30 minutes per bag.
Features and Benefits: Does not undergo alkaline hydrolysis at high pH’s. Replaces common
polymer filtration control additives, helps rheological stability, and has
been used at temperatures >500°F. Use in place of conventional
celluloses in waters exceeding 1000 mg/L calcium.
Treatment: 0.25-6.0 ppb (0.7-1.7 kg/m3).

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Composition: A synthetic copolymer.
Primary Function: API and HT-HP filtration control in freshwater or seawater
Secondary Function: Enhances lubrication.
Limitations: Loses effectiveness with water hardness above 1000 mg/L.
Initial viscosity increases that decrease with circulation time.
Add slowly, 30 minutes per bag.
Features and Benefits: Provides additional lubricity to the mud and has been used at
temperatures >500°F.
Treatment: 0.25-2.0 ppb.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: An asphaltic blended with a glycol.
Primary Function: Differential Sticking Preventative.
Secondary Function: Reduces torque, drag, dynamic and static fluid loss.
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Environmentally safe, does not sheen. Compatible with a wide range
of pH’s, mud types, temperatures, etc. Provides a tough, thin filter
cake. Especially effective in depleted zones.
Treatment: 2-4% by volume normally. When running casing in a depleted zone, a
10% by volume AQUA-MAGIC spot in the open hole is recommended.

Mud System: BIO-DRILL
Composition: A water insoluble glycol blend.
Primary Function: Reduce torque, drag, and coefficient of friction in water base muds.
Secondary Function: Eliminate bit balling and enhance the rate of penetration especially
with PDC bits.
Limitations: Some separation of products may occur over time in the containers.
May cause flocculation if concentration is >5% by volume.
Treatment: 3-4% by volume.

Composition: Spherical, synthetic-graphite
Primary Function: Torque and drag reduction during drilling, wireline and casing running
Secondary Function: Some lost circulation applications
Limitations: None, appropriate for all types of drilling fluids (water, oil, synthetic).
Features and Benefits: • Extreme pressure lubrication
• High mechanical strength in compression
• Reduces torque and drag in tight and highly deviated wells
• Used to reduce casing wear, and in running casing liners in
open hole
• Provides a low friction surface when implanted in filter cake or
gumbo shale sections. Absorbs liquid mud lubricants
• Spheres roll and geometrically pack in pores and fractures to
reduce seepage loss.
• No effect on YP and Gel Strength
• API sand content tube will accurately determine (vol) % of LC-
GLIDE in mud

Treatment: • For torque and drag reduction, treat the system at

concentrations ranging from 2-6 lbs/bbl
• Treatments of 6-10 lbs/bbl are suggested for spotting during
wire line and running casing operations.
• API sand content tube will accurately determine (vol) % of LC-
GLIDE in mud

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LUBE-622 - 1
Composition: Ester based.
Primary Function: Decrease torque and drag in water base muds.
Secondary Function: None.
Limitations: Not compatible with Calcium Chloride water base muds.
Is most effective at pH <9.5, can function up to pH 12.0.
Green cement will reduce effectiveness until pH and calcium levels
are reduced.
Features and Benefits: Readily biodegradable, compatible with NaCl and KCl fluids up to
Treatment: Optimum level is 3% by volume.

Composition: A blend of surfactants and fatty acid compounds.
Primary Function: Extreme pressure lubricant.
Secondary Function: Minimizes differential sticking.
Limitations: Is most effective at pH <9.5, best at a pH of 9.0 or below.
At high temperatures (>300°F) and high hardness, greasing “out” may
occur if pH is above 9.0.
Treatment: 0.5-2.0% by volume added through the hopper.

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Composition: Organic surfactant
Primary Function: ROP enhancer for water based muds.
Secondary Function: Reduces torque and drag and helps control API fluid loss.
Limitations: For use in medium to hard shales.
Optimum results when used with an aggressive PDC bit.
Elevated rheologies when used with high pH muds, (lime, cement
Features and Benefits: Effective at reducing torque and drag and has demonstrated an ability
to help control API filtration and reduce chemical additions.
Treatment: Initial 1%-2% by volume by injection. Additional amounts of up to 5%-
6% by volume depending on the desired ROP, amount of shale
encountered, mud type and interval length.

Composition: Organic surfactant
Primary Function: ROP enhancer for use in the North Sea.
Secondary Function: Reduces torque and drag and helps control API fluid loss.
Limitations: North Sea applications.
Optimum results when used with an aggressive PDC bit.
Elevated rheologies when used with high pH muds, (lime, cement
Features and Benefits: Effective at reducing torque and drag and has demonstrated an ability
to help control API filtration and reduce chemical additions.
Treatment: Concentrations of 2%-3% by volume by injection are normal.
Additional amounts can be added up to 5%-6% by volume depending
on the desired ROP, amount of shale encountered, mud type and
interval length.


Composition: Water dispersible lubricants blended with specially selected glycols.
Primary Function: Decrease torque and drag in most water base muds.
Secondary Function: None.
Limitations: • May effect cloud points of AQUA-DRILL muds.
• Is not recommended for Calcium Chloride water base muds.
• May foam in low salinity fluids.
• Effective at high pH ranges, can function up to pH 12.0.
• Green cement may reduce effectiveness until pH and calcium
levels are reduced.
Features and Benefits: Non-sheening, compatible with NaCl and KCl fluids up to saturation,
stable to temperatures >300°F (150°C). Recommended for high saline
drilling fluids and PERFFLOW Drill-In Fluids.
Treatment: Optimum level is 3-5% by volume.

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Composition: Organic surfactant
Primary Function: ROP enhancer for water based muds, land applications.
Secondary Function: Reduces torque and drag and helps control API fluid loss.
Limitations: Land based applications.
For use in medium to hard shales.
Optimum results when used with an aggressive PDC bit.
Elevated rheologies when used with high pH muds, (lime, cement
Features and Benefits: Effective at reducing torque and drag and has demonstrated an ability
to help control API filtration and reduce chemical additions.
Treatment: Initial 0.5%-2% by volume by injection. Additional amounts can be
added up to 3%-4% by volume depending on the desired ROP,
amount of shale encountered, mud type and interval length. Typical
injection rate is 0.25-0.5 gpm while drilling.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Biodegradable drilling detergent.
Primary Function: Reduces bit balling caused by sticky formations.
Secondary Function: Reduces torque and drag.
Limitations: Upper hole drilling.
Features and Benefits: It is a low foamer and will not create foaming problems.
Treatment: Treatment: Normally 2-4 gal/100 bbls of mud.

Composition: An alkaline biodegradable cleaner/degreaser.
Primary Function: All purpose rig cleaner.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Do not use full strength on aluminum metal.
Treatment: Mix 1 part MIL-CLEAN to 10 parts water for rig wash applications.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Aluminum Stearate
Primary Function: General purpose defoamer.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Environmental if mixed with oil.
Treatment: Add by sprinkling over the mud pits 10-20 lb/100 bbl, or mix with oil at
5-10 lb per 5 gal of oil.

LD-8 - 1
Composition: A non-hydrocarbon mixed with Aluminum Sterate.
Primary Function: Defoamer
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Gets very thick below 32°F.
Features and Benefits: Will not sheen, is biodegradable. Rigorous agitation enhances the
defoaming effectiveness of LD-8. Can be used in dispersed and non-
dispersed systems.
Treatment: Add full strength as needed.

Composition: A glycol (Polyether Polyol).
Primary Function: Defoamer
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Especially effective when water soluble products are in use.
Treatment: Add full strength as needed.

Composition: A Silicone based defoamer
Primary Function: Defoamer for up to saturated brine systems
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: None
Features and Will function in a wide pH and salinity range. Designed to be
Benefits: used with the PERFORMAX system
Treatment: 0.002 – 0.004 gals/bbl (500-100 ppm)

W.O.  DEFOAM - 1
Composition: An alcohol-base defoamer.
Primary Function: Defoamer for use in brine and fresh water workover fluids
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Flammable, do not store or use around heat, sparks, or open flames.
Use in areas with good ventilation.
Best when added to makeup brine prior to the addition of other
Treatment: 1 gal/10 bbls of workover fluid. Higher concentrations may be
required if foaming recurs.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Ultra-Fine complexed cellulosic
Primary Function: Controlling seepage and loss of circulation.
Secondary Function: Plugging perforations.
Limitations: May require a biocide under low pH or high temperature applications
Features and Benefits: Can be used with water or oil mud systems. Concentration can be maintained
without bypassing the shale shakers. Can be added through the hopper or
directly to the suction pit.
3 3 3
Treatment: 4-8 ppb (11.4 kg/m to 22.8 kg/m ) for seepage loss. 30 ppb (85.5 kg.m )
when used as a slug or sweep.
Composition: A water insoluble complexed cellulosic.
Primary Function: Controlling seepage loss and loss of circulation.
Secondary Function: Plugging perforations.
Limitations: Significant amount of material will be removed by fine screened shakers.
Internal specification of particle size. May require a biocide under low pH or
high temperature applications
Features and Benefits: Can be used with water or oil mud systems. Can be added through the
hopper or directly to the suction pit. Temperature stable >400°F (204°C).
3 3 3
Treatment: 4-8 ppb (11.4 kg/m -22.8 kg/m ) for seepage loss. 30 ppb (85.5 kg/m ) when
used as a slug or sweep.

Composition: A water insoluble complexed cellulosic.
Primary Function: Controlling seepage loss and loss of circulation.
Secondary Function: Plugging perforations.
Limitations: Significant amount of material will be removed by fine screened shakers.
Internal specification of particle size.
Features and Benefits: Will not preferentially water wet. Can be used with water or oil mud systems.
Can be added through the hopper or directly to the suction pit. Temperature
stable >400°F (204°C).
3 3 3
Treatment: 4-8 ppb (11.4 kg/m -22.8 kg/m ) for seepage loss. 30 ppb (85.5 kg/m ) when
used as a slug or sweep.

Composition: Fibrous hulls from cottonseed
Primary Function: Control lost circulation.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Clearance through jets.
Use a biocide to prevent fermentation.
Use with other lost circulation products to obtain maximum bridging effect.
Normally used with low mud weights.
Treatment: Up to 20 ppb (57.0 kg/m ). The higher concentration levels are generally
pumped into the zone of loss as a slug treatment. Normally added directly to
the pits.

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LC-LUBE™ and LC-LUBE™ Fine - 1
Composition: An specially formulated, sized graphite.
Mud System: Appropriate for all types of drilling fluids (water, oil, synthetic).
Primary Function: used to control loss of circulation, partial loss, and seepage loss of
drilling fluids
Secondary Function: Borehole lubrication
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: • Chemically inert
• Environmentally acceptable
• Can be pre-treated prior to drilling into a known loss zone
Treatment: • Seepage losses should be treated with LC-LUBE at a dose of
6-20 lbs/bbl.
Total loss of returns should be treated with up to 40 lbs/bbl or
formulated as a pill and spotted across the loss zone.

MIL-CARB  Series - 1
Composition: Sized metamorphic calcium carbonate blends.
Primary Function: Primary component of PERFFLOW.
Secondary Function: Bridging agents in depleted or fractured producing zones.
Limitations: The MIL-CARB Series are designed with specific size distributions and
should not be substituted with a generic calcium carbonate.
Features and Benefits: 95-98% soluble in 15% hydrochloric acid, specially designed size
distribution allows bridging of a wide variety of permeable zones. It is
effective as a bridging agent in gravel pack fluids.
Treatment: For fluid loss, 5.0-10.0 ppb (14.3-28.5 kg/m ), concentrations of 20.0-
50.0 ppb (57-142.5 kg/m ) for pills. Generally used in concentrations
of 35-50 lb/bbl (99 to 114 kg/m ) in drill-in fluids.

Composition: Cedar bark
Primary Function: Control lost circulation
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Will be removed by shaker screens.
Clearance through jets or downhole motors should be checked.
Features and Benefits: Forms a strong interlocking, fibrous barrier; can be added through the
hopper or directly to the suction pit.
Composition: Ground mica
Grades Fine and coarse
Primary Function: Control lost circulation
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Shaker screens will remove the coarse grade.
Clearance through jets or downhole motors should be checked.
Treatment: As needed.

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Composition: A sized granular nutshell material.
Grades Fine, medium, and coarse.
Primary Function: Control lost circulation.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Shaker screens will remove coarse and medium grades.
Clearance through jets or downhole motors should be checked.
Features and Benefits: Can be used in oil muds; MIL-PLUG is not deformable so hydrostatic
pressures will not affect bridging effectiveness.
Treatment: As needed.

Composition: A blend of granular, fibrous and flake materials.
Grades Fine, medium, and coarse
Primary Function: Control lost circulation.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Shaker screens will remove all grades.
Clearance through jets or downhole motors should be checked.
Not recommended for oil muds or high weight water-base muds.
Treatment: Normally mixed in 100-200 bbls (15-30 m3); slugs have concentration
of 20-30 ppb (57-86 kg/m3) of MIL-SEAL.

Composition: Flaked calcium carbonate
Grades Super fine, fine, medium, and coarse.
Primary Function: Control lost circulation
Secondary Function: Control seepage loss.
Limitations: Shale shakers will remove coarse grades.
Features and Benefits: Comes in four size grades.
99.99% soluble in 10-15% HCl acid.
Can be used in both water and invert emulsion muds.
Treatment: For seepage loss 6-12 ppb (17.1-34.2 kg/m3) of super fine and fine.
For partial losses 6-12 ppb (17.1-34.2 kg/m3) of fine, medium, or
coarse. For total losses use high concentrations 30-40 ppb (86-252
kg/m ) of medium or coarse spotted opposite the loss zone.

Composition: Bridging agents and viscosifiers
Primary Function: Control severe lost circulation
Limitations: Shale shakers will remove coarse grades.
Features and Benefits: High fluid loss pill allows rapid closure of loss zones.
Can be used in production zones - 91% soluble in 10-15% acid.
Can be used in both water and invert emulsion muds.
Treatment: See formulation tables. Mixed as a spotting pill in either water, diesel
or synthetic fluids .

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Composition: Ground walnut shells
Grades Fine, medium, coarse
Primary Function: Control lost circulation
Secondary Function: Reduce balling, torque, and drag by reducing the contact area
between pipe and wall-cake.
Limitations: Clearance through jets and downhole motors should be checked.
Features and Benefits: Their high compressive strength makes WALNUT SHELLS resistant
to breakdown and disintegration.
Treatment: 2-10 ppb (5.7-28.5 kg/m3) for most applications.

Composition: Synthetic polymer with bridging agents.
Primary Function: For controlling severe lost circulation by formation of stiff, rubbery
cross-linked gels.
Secondary Function: Helps maintain hydrostatic head in wells that lose mud during tripping.
Limitations: Temperature profile must be known since temperature controls setting
Avoid use of aluminum based defoamers (use alcohol base products).
For pill formulations over 12.0 ppg (1.44 SG), a blending unit will
speed the mixing process.
Features and Benefits: Produces stiff rubbery gels ideal for prevention of mud losses. Typical
mud hoppers and slug tanks can be used to prepare X-LINK pills
under 12.0 ppg (1.44 SG).
Treatment: A 40 lb (20kg) bag makes one barrel of pill/plug.


Composition: Synthetic polymer
Primary Function: Accelerator for the X-LINK product.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Accelerates at bottom hole temperatures ranging from 40°F – 150°F
(4°C – 65°C). Pilot test before using.
Features and Benefits: Produces stiff rubbery gels ideal for prevention of mud losses.
Typical mud hoppers and slug tanks can be used to prepare X-LINK
pills under 12.0 ppg (1.44 SG).
Treatment: 0.05-1.0 ppb (0.14-2.85 kg/m3) depending on the bottom hole


Composition: Synthetic polymer
Primary Function: Retarder for the X-LINK product.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Retards at bottom hole temperatures exceeding 200°F (95°C). Pilot
test before using.
Features and Benefits: Produces stiff rubbery gels ideal for prevention of mud losses.
Typical mud hoppers and slug tanks can be used to prepare X-LINK
pills under 12.0 ppg (1.44 SG).
Treatment: 1%-5% by volume depending on the bottom hole temperature.

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DIASEAL M (Drilling Specialties Co.) - 3

Composition: Diatomaceous earth
Primary Function: High water loss squeeze for loss of circulation.
Secondary Function: None
Treatment: Per book instructions.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Glycol based water soluble spotting fluid
Primary Function: Spotting fluid concentrate for Stuck Pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Spacer needed if chlorides >60,000 mg/L due to cloudpoint of the
Spacer should be freshwater NEW-DRILL HP ahead and behind
Features and Benefits: Contains no oils, will not form a sheen on the surface of receiving
waters, thermally stable, tolerates high pH, is immune to hardness and
will not increase mud viscosity.
Treatment: Use Mixing Chart in Product Bulletin Book.
Composition: Water soluble concentrate. (water in glycol emulsion).
Primary Function: Spotting fluid concentrate for stuck pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Viscosity increases at weights above 14.0 ppg. May require use of a
Features and Benefits: Low toxicity.
Special: Containerized in 25 bbl volumes for use offshore.
Treatment: Use Mixing Chart in Product Bulletin Book.

Composition: High melting point asphalt in diesel
Primary Function: Spotting material for stuck pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Environmental due to presence of oil
Special: Containerized in 25 bbl volumes for use offshore.
Treatment: As pills to spot around stuck point.
Composition: BLACK MAGIC SFT mixed with a synthetic fluid.
Primary Function: Spotting material for stuck pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Clean and flush mixing pit and lines prior to mixing spot.
Flammable, do not store or use around heat, sparks, or open flames.
Special: Containerized in 25 bbl volumes for use offshore.
Treatment: Use Mixing Chart in Product Bulletin Book.

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Composition: Premium grade asphalt compounded in a low-toxicity mineral oil.
Primary Function: Spotting material for stuck pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Environmental
Special: Containerized in 25 bbl volumes for use offshore.
Treatment: As pills to spot around stuck point.
Composition: Mixture of asphalt, lime, fatty acids and dispersants.
Primary Function: One sack additive for mixing spotting fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Environmental due to mixing with oil.
Treatment: Use Mixing Chart in Product Bulletin Book.
Composition: Non-Petroleum, asphalt free liquid.
Primary Function: Spotting fluid to free stuck pipe.
Secondary Function: Lubricant to decrease torque and drag.
Limitations: Can be weighted to a density of 18.0 ppg (2.16 SG).
Features and Benefits: Normally stored at the rig site in 25 bbl (4m ) U. S. Coast Guard
approved containers. MIL-BAR is added just before the spot is
Treatment: Volumes of 50-100 bbls (7.95-15.9 m ) as a spot. When added for
lubrication up to 3% by volume.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

AMI-TEC™ - 3
Composition: An oil-soluble, water-dispersible amine.
Primary Function: Corrosion control for drill pipe.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Environmental restrictions because it contains a petroleum solvent
and is mixed with oil prior to use.
Flammable – do not store or use around heat, sparks, or open flames.
Features and Benefits: A film forming amine that coats inside and outside of the pipe. Will
not promote corrosion if applied in sufficient quantities.
Treatment: A slug mixture consists of 10 gallons of AMI-TEC per barrel of oil (238
L/m ). A slug of 2.0 gallons per 1000 ft of pipe (2.5 L/100 m of pipe) is
recommended as the minimum treatment. AMI-TEC can also be
sprayed on the exterior of pipe using a special bath device. Corrosion
rates should be monitored with coupons.

Composition: Basic zinc carbonate.
Primary Function: A hydrogen sulfide/bisulfide scavenger.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Large additions of MIL-GARD added quickly may cause rheological
increases and require the addition of water and/or a deflocculant.
MIL-GARD has a density similar to barite and will require a
suspending agent if added to a clear brine fluid.
Features and Benefits: Rapid reaction will occur over a broad pH range, including both
alkaline and acid environments.
Treatment: An initial treatment of 2.0-3.0 ppb (5.7-8.6 kg/m ) is recommended
when hydrogen sulfide gas is anticipated. A 1.0 ppb (2.85 kg/m )
concentration of MIL-GARD removes approximately 500 ppm of
hydrogen sulfide from solution. Influxes of hydrogen sulfide will
require additional MIL-GARD treatments. Use the Hach Test or
Garrett Gas Train to determine the sulfide content of the system in
order to estimate the required treatment.

Composition: A 50% solution of ammonium bisulfite.
Primary Function: Oxygen scavenger
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Add by injection directly into the pump suction.
Do not use in conjunction with chromates.
A 75-125 ppm concentration of sulfite should be maintained at the
flowline. Maintain at 40 ppm when filtrate calcium levels are above 200
6-9 months shelf life for maximum activity.
Treatment: Inject full strength into the mud pump suction. Maintain at the levels
specified above. Measure levels using a Hach Test Kit.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: Concentrated Thiocarbamate based liquid.
Primary Function: Biocide
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Has a half-life of 4-7 days depending on the mud pH. The higher the
pH, the higher the half-life.
Features and Benefits: Used in water-base drilling, completion/workover, and packer fluids.
Controls the growth of bacteria and fungus. Can control both aerobic
and anaerobic bacteria. Packaged in water soluble bags to prevent
skin contact or breathing of chemicals.
Treatment: Use at a rate of 60-300 ppm mud which is 3-15 lb/100 bbl (1.4-6.8
kg/m ) of mud. It can be used directly from the shipping container or
pre-dissolved in water. The bag can be dropped into the suction pit or
near a point of good agitation.

X-CIDE® 207 - 1
Composition: An isothiazolone chemical absorbed on an inert granular carrier.
Primary Function: Biocide
Secondary Function: Biocide
Limitations: Mix in the suction pit near the vortex of a mixer or slowly through the
mud hopper.
Features and Benefits: Used in water-base drilling, completion/workover, and packer fluids to
control the growth of bacteria and fungus. Effective in low
concentrations; safer to handle than liquids; can be used in any water-
base mud.
Treatment: Initial 1 gal jug/400 bbl (0.043 kg/m )
Daily 1/3 - 1/4 gal jug/400 bbl (0.013 – 0.011 kg/m )
Packer 1 gal jug/200 bbl (0.086 kg/m3)
X-CIDE 102 - 1
Composition: An aldehyde base
Primary Function: Biocide
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Mix in the suction pit near the vortex of a mixer or slowly through the
mud hopper.
Features and Benefits: Effective in small concentrations (30-500 ppm) to rapidly reduce
bacterial populations. It can be used in any water-base fluid to control
bacteria and fungus growth. Ideal for muds containing starch,
cellulosic LCM, and other organic material susceptible to bacterial
Treatment: Typical treatments range from 250-500 ppm depending on fluid
properties (weight, solids, product content) of the drilling fluid.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: A water soluble glycol ether.
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Improves lubrication characteristics and reduces torque and drag.
Limitations: Use in salinities <50,000 mg/L chlorides to keep below cloud point.
High concentrations (>7% by volume may cause flocculation).
Features and Benefits: Glycol systems promote shale stability and very low dilution rates
compared to muds designed with only KCl or PHPA.
Treatment: 3-5% by volume.

Composition: A water soluble glycol ether.
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Improves lubrication characteristics and reduces torque and drag.
Limitations: Maximum does level of 10%.
Use in salinities up to 150,000 mg/L chlorides to keep below cloud
Features and Benefits: Glycol systems promote shale stability and very low dilution rates
compared to muds designed with only KCl or PHPA.
Treatment: 3-5% by volume to enhance inhibitions. Maximum dose level of 10%
by volume.

Composition: A water soluble glycol ether.
Primary Function: Shale control in saturated salt solutions.
Secondary Function: Improves lubrication characteristics and reduces torque and drag.
Limitations: Use in salinities >150,000 mg/L chlorides to keep below cloud point.
Use at temperatures up to 140°F
Features and Benefits: Glycol systems promote shale stability and very low dilution rates
compared to muds designed with only KCl or PHPA.
Treatment: Treatment: 4-10% by volume.

Composition: An amine salt mixture.
Primary Function: Stabilize shale and prevent gumbo swelling.
Secondary Function: Prevents bit and BHA balling.
Limitations: Temperature stability in excess of 300°F.
Features and Benefits: Readily soluble, requires no special mixing procedures,
Environmentally safe for discharge on land or offshore.
Treatment: 4.0 to 8.0 lb/bbl (11.4 to 22.8 kg/m ).

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Composition: Premium amine salt mixture.
Primary Function: Stabilize shale and prevent gumbo swelling.
Secondary Function: Prevents bit and BHA balling.
Limitations: Temperature stability in excess of 300°F.
Features and Benefits: Readily soluble, requires no special mixing procedures,
Environmentally safe for discharge on land or offshore.
Treatment: 4.0 to 8.0 lb/bbl (11.4 to 22.8 kg/m3).

MAX-PLEX  -1
Composition: A premium aluminum complex.
Primary Function: Shale control in our HPWBM systems
Secondary Function: HPHT filtration control
Limitations: MBT’s <20 beneficial for rheology control.
Recommend pre-solubilizing (80.0-130.0 ppb) if chlorides >50,000
mg/L or if in seawater.
It is important to maintain excess MAX-PLEX for optimum shale
control. Concentration is monitored with a flouride ion specific
Features and Benefits: Gives alkaline pH due to chemistry of the aluminum complex.
Compatible with fresh, potassium, seawater, and sodium salts.
Compatible with most commonly used mud additives.
Treatment: 1.0-5.0 ppb (2.85-14.3 kg/m ) is the typical range. Some highly
reactive shales may require concentrations above 5.0 ppb.

Composition: Liquid Deformable Sealing Polymer.
Primary Function: Shale control
Secondary Function: Lost circulation material.
Limitations: Temperature stability in excess of 300˚F. For use in freshwater and
high salinity systems. Freezes in cold climates

Features and Benefits: Provides mechanical sealing of micro-fractures and pore throats in
shales and low porosity sands. Particles is very narrow and small,
D50 = 0.2 micron
Treatment: 1-3 volume % depending upon the reactivity of shale

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Composition: Liquid Deformable Sealing Polymer with anti-freeze.
Primary Function: Shale control
Secondary Function: Lost circulation material.
Limitations: Temperature stability in excess of 300˚F. For use in freshwater and
high salinity systems. Retains particle size distribution in cold

Features and Benefits: Provides mechanical sealing of micro-fractures and pore throats in
shales and low porosity sands. Particles is very narrow and small,
D50 = 0.2 micron
Treatment: 1-3 volume % depending upon the reactivity of shale

Composition: A high molecular-weight, partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
dispersed in a mineral oil.
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Lubrication, torque and drag reduction.
Additional Functions (1. Selective flocculation, (2. Increases viscosity, (3. Stable foams in
foam drilling applications.
Limitations: Will cause viscosity increases in muds with high low gravity solids
Control of MBT’s <15 ppb is recommended for optimum results.
High pH’s (>11.0) for extended periods may cause polymer hydrolysis.
Features and Benefits: Lowers dilution rates, improves hole stability, improves solids removal
Treatment: 0.02 to 0.22 gal/bbl (0.48 to 5.24 L/m ).
Composition: A high molecular-weight, powdered partially-hydrolyzed
polyacrylamide blended with a dispersing agent.
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Lubrication, torque and drag reduction.
Limitations: Will cause viscosity increases in muds with high low gravity solids
Control of MBT’s <15 ppb is recommended for optimum results.
Addition of polymer at rates greater than 5 minutes per sack will
probably result in fisheyes.
High pH’s (>11.0) for extended periods may cause polymer hydrolysis.
Features and Benefits: Lowers dilution rates, improves hole stability, improves solids removal
Treatment: 0.25 to 3.0 ppb (0.71-8.6 kg/m ).

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Composition: A low molecular weight, lower viscosity, powdered partially-hydrolyzed
polyacrylamide blended with a dispersing agent.
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Lubrication, torque and drag reduction.
Additional Functions: (1. Improves fluid loss control, (2. Reduced viscosity increases allows
higher concentrations of PHPA.
Limitations: May cause viscosity increases in muds with high low gravity solids
Control of MBT’s <15 ppb is recommended for optimum results.
High pH’s (>11.0) for extended periods may cause polymer hydrolysis.
Features and Benefits: Lowers dilution rates, improves hole stability, improves solids removal
efficiencies. Can be added in higher concentrations with less viscosity
increase problems so allows higher concentrations of PHPA in the
system. Can be used in fresh up to saturated salt water-based mud
Treatment: 1.0 to 3.0 ppb (2.85 to 8.6 kg/m ).
Mud System: NEW-DRILL
Composition: A high molecular-weight, powdered, pure partially-hydrolyzed
Primary Function: Shale control.
Secondary Function: Lubrication, torque and drag reduction.
Additional Functions: (1. Improves fluid loss control, (2. Increases viscosity.
Limitations: Will cause viscosity increases in muds with high low gravity solids
Control of MBT’s <15 ppb is recommended for optimum results.
Add polymer slowly (20 minutes per sack) to prevent fish eyes.
High pH’s (>11.0) for extended periods may cause polymer hydrolysis.
Features and Benefits: In addition to the benefits of PHPA polymers in general this
concentrated polymer is ideal for use in remote areas with high
transportation costs.
Treatment: 0.1 to 1.5 ppb (0.3 to 4.3 kg/m3).

Composition: An oil-free water-dispersible blown petroleum asphalt.
Primary Function: Shale control by plugging microfractures and pore spaces.
Secondary Function: Provides some lubrication and filtration control.
Treatment: 4.0-8.0 ppb (11.4-22.8 kg/m ).

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Composition: A water dispersible natural resinous material.
Primary Function: Shale stability by plugging microfractures and pore spaces.
Secondary Function: Provides some lubrication and HTHP filtration control.
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Suited for low and high temperatures. The preferred asphaltine when
temperatures exceed 300°F. Treated with water-wetting additive and
can be used in muds containing oil.
Treatment: 2.0-6.0 ppb (5.7-17.1 kg/m ).

Composition: Aluminum complex.
Primary Function: General all purpose shale control in any water base system
Secondary Function: Some filtration control.
Limitations: MBT’s <20 beneficial for rheology control.
Recommend pre-solubilizing (80.0-130.0 ppb) if chlorides >50,000
mg/L or if in seawater.
It is important to maintain excess SHALE-PLEX for optimum shale
control. Concentration is monitored with a flouride ion specific
Features and Benefits: Gives alkaline pH due to chemistry of the aluminum complex.
Compatible with fresh, potassium, seawater, and sodium salts.
Compatible with most commonly used mud additives.
Treatment: 1.0-5.0 ppb (2.85-14.3 kg/m3) is the typical range. Some highly
reactive shales may require concentrations above 5.0 ppb.

Composition: A sulfonated asphaltic material.
Primary Function: Stabilizes shales by plugging micro-fractures and pore spaces.
Secondary Function: Aids in the reduction of HTHP filtrate loss, torque and drag.
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Improves the filter cake quality and reduces wall cake thickness.
Predominately water soluble (>70%) but has partial oil solubility. This
makes SULFATROL a good oil-in water emulsifier. Compatible with
PENETREX for use offshore.
Treatment: 2.0 - 6.0 lb/bbl (5.7 - 17.1 kg/m3). As little as 0.25 lb/bbl (0.71 kg/m3)
is effective for use as an oil-in water emulsifier.

Composition: Dry Deformable Sealing Polymer.
Primary Function: Shale control
Secondary Function: Lost circulation material.
Limitations: Temperature stability in excess of 300˚F. For use in freshwater and
low salinity systems only. Up to 3.5 wt% salt

Features and Benefits: Provides mechanical sealing of micro-fractures and pore throats in
shales and low porosity sands. Particles is very narrow and small, D50
= 0.9 micron
Treatment: 1-3 lb/bbl

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products
Composition: Corrosion inhibitor, bactericide and oxygen scavenger.
Primary Function: Corrosion inhibitor for solids-free packer fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Can only be used in solids-free fluids (brines).
Do not use to protect high-chrome stainless steel tubulars.
Features and Benefits: Effective against corrosion by oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
Treatment: 55.0 gal/100 bbl.
BRINE-PAC 1500 - 1
Composition: Filming amine corrosion inhibitor.
Primary Function: High temperature corrosion inhibitor for low to no solids brines.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Can only be used in brine fluids.
Can not be used with Zinc-based brines.
Features and Benefits: Effective against corrosion organic gases, carbon dioxide, and
hydrogen sulfide in temperatures up to 450°F – 232°C.
Treatment: 5-10 gal/100 bbl based on temperature requirements.

Composition: A potassium formate
Primary Function: Provides density in solids-free CLEAR-DRILL systems.
Secondary Function: Shale control.
Limitations: Maximum density = 1.58 SG (13.2 ppg).
Crystallization temperature
Features and Benefits: Formates do not pose the same environmental hazards as do chloride
based brines.
Treatment: From freshwater to saturation which occurs at 1.58 SG (13.2 ppg).

Composition: A sodium formate.
Primary Function: Provides density in solids-free CLEAR-DRILL systems.
Secondary Function: Shale control.
Limitations: Maximum density = 1.35 (11.3 ppg).
Crystallization temperature.
Features and Benefits: Formates do not pose the same environmental hazards as do chloride
based brines.
Treatment: From freshwater to saturation which occurs at 1.35 SG (11.3 ppg).

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Composition: A formulation of bridging, viscosifying, and filtration control agents.
Primary Function: A one sack formulation for a drill-in fluid.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Use a biocide in low density formulations.
A high-shear mixing device will speed mixing.
Extend mixing time if a high-shear device is not available.
Features and Benefits: Can be used with a variety of brines (potassium chloride, sodium
chloride, calcium chloride, calcium bromide, zinc bromide) to formulate
a drill-in fluid that has excellent bridging characteristics across a wide
range of permeabilities. The filter cake produced is easily dispersed
and removal by flowing the well and does not depend on breakers or
Treatment: One 55 lb sack will prepare 1 barrel of finished fluid when added to
0.94 bbls of finished brine.

PERFFLOW® 100 - 1
Composition: A formulation of bridging, viscosifying, and filtration control agents.
Primary Function: A one-sack formulation for preparing a PERFFLOW 100 drill-in fluid.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Use a biocide in low-density formulations.
For brines with densities <10.0 ppb (1.2 SG).
A high-shear mixing device will speed mixing.
Extend mixing times if a shear device is not available.
Specifically designed for drilling low temperature reservoirs (±100°F
(38°C)) where the intent is to acidize.
System is thermally stable to 250°F (120°C).
Features and Benefits: Can be used with potassium and sodium chloride brines to formulate a
drill-in fluid that has excellent bridging characteristics across a wide
range of permeabilities (up to 10 darcies). The filter cake produced is
easily dispersed and removed by flowing the well and does not
depend on breakers or acidizing.
Treatment: One 55 lb (25 kg) sack will prepare 1 barrel (0.16 m ) of finished fluid
when added to 0.94 bbls (0.15 m ) of finished brine.

W-306  Dispersion - 3
Composition: Formulation of organic and inorganic polymers.
Primary Function: Viscosity and filtration control in PERFFLOW DIF Systems.
Secondary Function: Fluid loss pill
Lost circulation pill
Frac spearhead fluid
Limitations: Temperatures <285°F
Density ranges 9.2 to 16.0 ppg (1.1 to 1.92 SG).
Features and Benefits: See comments for PERFFLOW DIF.
Treatment: As needed for viscosity and filtration control.

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W-308 - 3
Composition: Dry polymer blend
Primary Function: Viscosity control for water-based drill-in fluids or solids-free brines.
Secondary Function: Filtration control for water-based drill-in fluids or solids-free brines.
Calcium carbonate or sized salt spot.
May be used as a substitute for W-306 dispersion.
Limitations: Specially formulated for PERFFLOW 100 or SOLUFLOW DIF drill-in
Densities from 9.2-11.0 ppg.
Thermally stable to 275°F (±135°C).
Features and Benefits: Also designed for solids-free open-hole spots across the pay zone
after drill-in and before completion. Can be acidified at temperatures
as low as ±100°F (±38°F).
Treatment: One 50.0 lb (22.7 kg) sack of W-308 will provide the necessary
viscosity and filtration control for ≈7 bbls (≈1 m3) of finished fluid. See
the Product Manual for additional formulations.

W-309 - 3
Composition: Dry polymer blend
Primary Function: Viscosity for water-based drill-in fluids or solids-free brines.
Secondary Function: • Filtration control for water-based drill-in fluids or solids-free brines.
• Calcium carbonate or sized salt spot.
• Is a substitute for W-306 dispersion.
Limitations: • Specially formulated for PERFFLOW DIF drill-in fluids.
• Add slowly to prevent fisheyes.
• High-shear mixers are recommended.
• Increase mixing times if high-shear mixers are not available.
• A biocide such as X-CIDE 102 is recommended.
Features and Benefits: Also designed for solids-free open-hole spots across the pay zone
after drill-in and before completion.
Treatment: One sack of W-309 will provide the necessary viscosity and filtration
control for ≈3.5 bbls (≈0.5 m ) of finished fluid. See the Product
Manual for additional formulations.

W.O.  21L - 1
Composition: A liquid dispersion of HEC in mineral oil.
Primary Function: Viscosifier for workover and completion fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • No filtration control. Needs a bridging agent.
• Low shear rheologies may not support solids.
• Fisheyes can occur if mixed to rapidly.
• Not compatible with PERFFLOW DIF.
• Needs a biocide.
Features and Benefits: Fisheyes will be minimized due to the nature of the dispersion; HEC is
acid soluble; HEC will viscosify divalent brines such as calcium
chloride and bromide.
Treatment: Varies between 0.15-2.1 gal/bbl (4.0 to 50 L/m3).

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

NF2 - 2
Composition: A low molecular weight glycol.
Primary Function: To inhibit gas hydrate formation in water base drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Compatible in fresh and saltwater (up to saturation) drilling fluids. Can
be added directly to an agitated mud put.
Treatment: 10% to 40% by volume. The level of hydrate suppression required
determines amounts.

NF3 - 2
Composition: An organic additive.
Primary Function: To inhibit gas hydrate formation in water base drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: Provides borehole stability and drilled cutting integrity.
Limitations: None
Features and Benefits: Compatible in fresh and saltwater (up to saturation) drilling fluids. Can
be added directly to an agitated mud put.
Treatment: 5% to 40% by volume. The level of hydrate suppression required
determines amounts.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: A wetting agent.
Primary Function: Thinner and dispersing agent for solids in invert emulsion systems.
Secondary Function: Co-emulsifier in ester systems.
Limitations: • Pilot test for optimum treatment range.
• Over-treatment may cause settling of solids.
Features and Benefits: For use in SYN-TEQ, NEXES, BIO-GREEN and other water-insoluble
organic fluids.
Treatment: Concentrations of 0.1-1.0 gal/bbl (2.4 to 23.8 L/m ) depending on
solids type and content.

Composition: A high yielding organophilic clay.
Primary Function: A viscosifying and suspending agent in oil and synthetic mud systems.
Secondary Function: Aid in emulsion stabilization and fluid loss control.
Limitations: • The type of oil determines the concentration limits.
• Good agitation is important for proper yield.
Features and Benefits: A wet process organophilic clay, more active that organophilic
bentonite clay. For use in diesel, mineral oil, or synthetic fluids.
Treatment: Concentrations of 1.0-5.0 ppb (2.85 to 14.3 kg/m ) are usually

Composition: Organophilic clay composed of a select grade of montmorillonite clay.
Primary Function: Viscosity increases in oil-base mud systems.
Secondary Function: Used to condition oil-base systems to be stored in tanks for long
periods of time.
Limitations: • Stable at temperatures below 285°F (140°C).
• Effective in diesel or mineral oil mud systems.
Features and Benefits: Economical oil-mud viscosifier for increasing yield point and gel
strengths of low weight fluids.
Treatment: Concentrations of 4.0 to 8.0 ppb (11.4 to 22.8 lg/m3) depending on the
desired yield point.

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Composition: A high-temperature, oil-soluble polyamide.
Primary Function: A combination emulsifier and wetting agent for CARBO-DRILL oil
Secondary Function: Used to treat water contamination.
Limitations: • Can withstand temperatures >400°F (204°C) when used with
• CARBO-MUL HT is formulated with high flash point solvents but
should not be stored around heat, sparks, or open flames.
Features and Benefits: Compatible with a wide range of internal-phase salinities from fresh
water to calcium chloride brines. Renders solids oil-wet. Does not
require lime hydrated to function. An ideal surfactant for relaxed invert
systems. Formulated with high flash point solvents and is not
classified as a flammable liquid.
Treatment: 0.4 to 0.75 gal/bbl (9.5 to 17.9 L/m3) for relaxed-filtrate oil mud
systems, 0.12 to 1.0 gal/bbl (2.9 to 23.8 L/m ) when used in
controlled filtrate systems. For oil wetting during weight up use 1.0 gal
(3.8 L/m ) per 25 100-lb sacks of MIL-BAR.

Composition: A high temperature, softening, coarsely ground modified hydrocarbon.
Primary Function: A lost circulation material to be used in oil-base muds.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Used for lost circulation in oil base systems.
Features and Benefits: Offers a coarse particle size for effectively bridging loss zones. Can
be added through the hopper.
Treatment: Depends on severity of the loss of circulation.

Composition: An anionic emulsifier.
Primary Function: Emulsifier for oil muds.
Secondary Function: Will provide moderate filtration control in oil muds when used with
lime. Can be used to treat for water contamination.
Limitations: • Requires lime for activation.
• Thermally stable to over 400°F (204°C).
Features and Benefits: Compatible with a wide range of internal phase salinities. Contains no
aromatic solvents.
Treatment: 0.6 to 1.7 gal/bbl (14.3 to 40.5 L/m ) for controlled filtrate systems.
Lime should be added as the activator at a concentration of 5.0 lb lime
per 1.0 gal (0.6 kg lime:1.0 liter) CARBO-TEC. Concentration levels
will depend on the bottom hole temperature and solids content and

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Composition: An unsaturated polymerized fatty acid blend.
Primary Function: Provides supplemental emulsion stability in invert emulsion systems.
Secondary Function: Will provide moderate filtration control in invert emulsion muds when
used with lime.
Limitations: • Requires lime for activation.
• Thermally stable to over 400°F (204°C).
Features and Benefits: Used in conjunction with CARBO-MUL HT.
Treatment: Concentrations of 0.6 gal/bbl (14.3 L/m3) depending on the bottom
hole temperature and solids content and type.

Composition: A blend of high-molecular-weight organic polymers and inorganic
bridging agents.
Primary Function: Filtration control in oil based mud systems.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • Pilot testing is recommended.
• Not to be used in synthetic systems
Features and Benefits: Compatible with most oil mud systems. Will have minimal effect on
rheological properties. Not compatible with synthetic systems.
Treatment: Concentrations of 2.0 to 10.0 ppb (5.7 to 28.5 kg/m )for most

Composition: A temperature stable organophilic lignite.
Primary Function: Filtration control in oil and synthetic mud systems.
Secondary Function: Aids in stabilizing water-in-oil emulsions.
Limitations: For use at temperatures not exceeding 350°F (177°C).
Features and Benefits: Readily dispersible in all oils and synthetic mud systems. Provides
non-asphaltic filtration control.
Treatment: Varies with type of base fluid and bottom hole temperatures
encountered. Concentrations of 5.0 to 10.0 ppb (14.3 to 28.5 kg/m3)
should be adequate for most applications.

Composition: A high temperature softening point gilsonite.
Primary Function: Filtration control in oil mud systems.
Secondary Function: Filtration control in 100% oil systems (CARBO-CORE).
Limitations: For use at temperatures up to 425°F (218°C).
Features and Benefits: Effective in controlling filtration in oil mud systems including CARBO-
CORE (no water) systems, minimal effects on rheological properties.
Treatment: Varies with the type of base fluid and bottom hole temperatures
encountered. Concentrations of 2.0 to 10.0 ppb (5.7 to 28.5 kg/m3)
should be adequate for most applications.

Revised Products effective April 2008.doc – Page 60 of 65

Composition: A higher temperature softening point gilsonite.
Primary Function: Filtration control in oil mud systems.
Secondary Function: Filtration control in 100% oil systems (CARBO-CORE).
Limitations: For use at temperatures up to 425°F (218°C).
Features and Benefits: Effective in controlling filtration in oil mud systems including MAGNA-
TEQ, CARBO-SEA, and CARBO-DRILL systems, minimal effects on
rheological properties. It should not be used with synthetic systems if
discharge into the sea is expected.

CARBO-TROL XHT is recommended for applications that exceed the

softening-point of CARBO-TROL HT.
Treatment: Varies with the type of base fluid and bottom hole temperatures
encountered. Concentrations of 2.0 to 10.0 ppb (5.7 to 28.5 kg/m )
should be adequate for most applications

Composition: A high yielding organophilic bentonite clay.
Primary Function: Viscosifying and suspending agent in oil and synthetic mud systems.
Secondary Function: Aids in emulsion stabilization and fluid loss control.
Limitations: Good agitation is important for proper yield. Loses viscosity rapidly
above 250°F.
Features and Benefits: Aids in emulsion stabilization and fluid loss control and imparts
viscosity and gel building characteristics to invert emulsion muds.
Treatment: Concentrations of 1.0-5.0 ppb (2.85-14.3 kg/m3) are usually adequate.
The type of oil determines the concentration limits.

Composition: An oil-soluble sulfonate surfactant.
Primary Function: Promotes rapid oil wetting of MIL-BAR and drill solids.
Secondary Function: Useful as a supplementary oil wetting agent in CARBO-DRILL
Limitations: • Diesel or mineral oil
• Do not used as a direct substitute for CARBO-MUL.
• Not an effective emulsifier.
Features and Benefits: Useful when MIL-BAR must be added quickly to an oil mud system.
Treatment: Concentrations of 0.1 – 0.25 gal/bbl (2.4 to 6.0 L/m ) are usually
adequate. The treatment level depends on the type and quantity of
drill solids in the mud system.

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Baker Hughes DRILLING FLUIDS Products

Composition: A non toxic, biodegradable olefin linear alpha
Primary Function: Used to formulate SYN-TEQ drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • Does not suffer from alkaline hydrolysis
• Non-toxic, non-sheening
Features and Benefits: Low kinematic viscosity makes SYN-TEQ formulations with ALPHA-
TEQ to water ratios as low as 60:40 without adverse viscosities. Can
be used in temperatures up to 204°C (400°F).
Treatment: As required for given synthetic to water ratio.

Composition: A liquid, oil soluble, acrylate polymer.
Primary Function: Rheology modifier for BIO-GREEN ester-based drilling fluid.
Secondary Function: Reduces fluid loss.
Limitations: • Should be used in conjunction with an ester specific organophilic
• Do not use as the only viscosifier.
Features and Benefits: Advanced rheological measurement at very low shear rates confirms
the product’s effectiveness in combating weighting agent sag.
Treatment: 3.0 to 14.0 ppb (9.5 to 44.4 L/m ). The level of DFE-433 should not
exceed 3 times that of DFE-434. Preferably lower than 2 times that of
DFE-434. If further reduction in HTHP fluid loss values is required
without viscosity increases, use PLIOLITE AC3HP in place of DFE-

GT 3000 - 2
Composition: A non-toxic, biodegradable olefin isomer.
Primary Function: An environmentally safe alternative to traditional diesel or mineral oils
and is used to formulate SYN-TEQ drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: Used to formulate Black Magic Clean spotting pills.
Limitations: • Usually limited to use in synthetic fluids.
• Can be used to formulate drilling muds stable to over 400°F
Features and Benefits: Passes all US EPA toxicity and static sheen test requirements for
discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. ISO-TEQ’s kinematic viscosity
makes it possible to formulate invert muds with synthetic to water
ratios as low as 60/40. This reduces the cost of the finished fluid.
ISO-TEQ does not suffer from alkaline hydrolysis.
Treatment: Concentrations of ISO-TEQ vary according to the design of the
synthetic to water ratio of the invert emulsion mud.

Revised Products effective April 2008.doc – Page 62 of 65

Composition: An oil wetting agent.
Primary Function: A combination thinner and solids dispersant for synthetic and oil-base
drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: • Over-treatment can cause excessive decreases in rheological
• Pilot test to determine optimum level.
Features and Benefits: Used to lower rheological properties if fine solids content becomes
Treatment: Concentrations of 0.1 to 1.0 gal/bbl (2.38 to 23.8 L/m3) are typical of
levels used in the field.

Composition: An anionic emulsifier formulation.
Primary Function: A supplementary emulsifier.
Secondary Function: Used to provide additional fluid loss control and oil wetting.
Limitations: • Typically used in addition to OMNI-TEC and OMNI-MUL for
additional control of fluid loss, water breakout and water-wet
• Do not store or use around heat, sparks, or open flames.
• Do not reuse empty containers.
Features and Benefits: OMNI-VERT increases emulsion stability and significantly lowers the
HT-HP fluid loss of any hydrocarbon external phase system.
Treatment: 0.5 to 1.5 gal/bbl (11.9 to 35.7 L/m ) depending on density, total solids
loading, and temperature design.

Composition: A high-temperature, high-performance, environmentally-safe
polyamide used as a non-ionic emulsifier.
Primary Function: A non-ionic emulsifier for synthetic and oil-base drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: Used as a wetting agent for synthetic and oil-base drilling fluids.
Limitations: None given.
Features and Benefits: Compatible with a wide range of internal phased salinities from fresh
water to calcium chloride brines. Renders solids oil-wet. Does not
require lime hydrate to function.
Treatment: 0.5 to 1.5 gal/bbl (11.9 to 35.7 L/m ) depending on density, total solids
loading , and temperature design.

Revised Products effective April 2008.doc – Page 63 of 65

Composition: Anionic, synthetic polymer in an emulsion form.
Primary Function: For rapid and predictable increases in viscosity to low toxicity mineral
oil and synthetic-base invert-emulsion drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: A supplement for organophilic clays.
Limitations: Thermal stability in excess of 400°F (204°C).
Features and Benefits: Liquid form simplifies handling, mixing requires less time, equipment
and energy than organophilic clays, fast performance, not temperature
activated. Can be used alone or in conjunction with amine-treated
organophilic clays. It contributes YP and gel strength to improve
carrying capacity for cuttings and weighting agent suspension.
Treatment: Concentrations of 1.0 to 4.0 ppb (2.85 to 11.4 kg/m3).

Composition: An anionic emulsifier.
Primary Function: The primary emulsifier for SYN-TEQ systems.
Secondary Function: Provides some filtration control and can be used to treat water
Limitations: • Thermally stable to over 400°F(204°C).
• Must be used in conjunction with lime.
Features and Benefits: Compatible with a wide range of internal phased salinities from fresh
water to calcium chloride brines. Will provide moderate filtration
control in synthetic muds. Contains no aromatic solvents.
Treatment: 0.6 to 1.7 gal/bbl (14.3 to 40.5 L/m ) for controlled filtrate systems.
Lime should be added as the activator at a concentration of 5.0 lb lime
per 1.0 gal (0.6 kg lime:1.0 liter) OMNI-TEC.

Composition: A temperature stable organophilic lignite.
Primary Function: Filtration control in oil and synthetic mud systems.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Can be used a temperatures exceeding 350°F (177°C).
Features and Benefits: Compatible with most oil and synthetic mud systems. Will have a
minimal effect on rheological properties, is readily dispersible in invert
Treatment: Concentrations of 5.0 to 10.0 ppb (14.3 to 28.5 lg/m3) for most
applications. Treatment levels will vary depending on the type of
invert system used, bottom hole temperatures encountered and
filtration control desired.

Revised Products effective April 2008.doc – Page 64 of 65

Composition: A non-toxic, biodegradable linear paraffin.
Primary Function: An environmentally safe alternative to traditional diesel or mineral oils
and is used to formulate SYN-TEQ drilling fluids.
Secondary Function: None
Limitations: Usually limited to use in synthetic fluids.
Features and Benefits: Passes all US EPA toxicity and static sheen test requirements for
discharge in to the Gulf of Mexico. PARA-TEQ’s kinematic viscosity
makes it possible to formulate synthetic invert muds with synthetic to
water ratios as low as 60/40. This reduces fluid costs. PARA-TEQ
does not suffer from alkaline hydrolysis and can be used to formulate
drilling muds stable to over 400°F (204°C).
Treatment: Concentrations of PARA-TEQ vary according to the design of the
synthetic to water ratio of the invert emulsion fluid.

Revised Products effective April 2008.doc – Page 65 of 65

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