SM Fire Extinguisher

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Safety Moment

Using a fire extinguisher .

Using a Fire Extinguisher

Portable fire extinguishers have tow functions: to control or extinguish small or incipient (just starting) stage fires
and to protect evacuation routes that a fired may block directly or indirectly with smoke or burning/smoldering

To extinguish a fire with a portable extinguisher, a person must have immediate access to the extinguisher,
know how to make the unit work, and know how to apply the agent effectively. Attempting to extinguish even a
small fired carries some risk. Fires can increase in size and intensity in seconds, blocking the exit path of the fire
fighter and creating a hazardous atmosphere. In addition, portable fire extinguishers contain a limited amount of
extinguishing agent and can be discharged in a matter of seconds. Therefore, a person should attempt to fight
only very small or incipient stage fires.

Performing a quick risk assessment before you attempt to fight a fire is a necessary step to making sure you can
be successful.

Risk Question Fire Characteristics for fires that can be put Fire Characteristics for fires that
out with a extinguisher SHOULD NOT be put out with a
Is the fire to big? The fire is limited to the original material ignited; The fire involves flammable sol-
it is contained (say in a waste basket) and has vents; has spread to additional ma-
not spread. The flames are not higher than your terials, is partially hidden (wall or
head. ceiling), can not be reached from
the standing position
Is the air safe to The fire has not depleted the oxygen in the Due to smoke and gases the fire
breathe? room and is producing only small quantities of can not be fought without respira-
toxic gases (Know what is burning). Respiratory tory protection (only fire fighters)
protection would NOT be required.
Is the environment Heat is being generated but the room tempera- The heat from the fire can easily
too hot or smoky? ture is only slightly increased. There may be be felt on exposed skin and its
smoke along the ceiling but you can clearly see hard to get within 10-15 feet (or the
everything. range of the extinguisher). Smoke
is quickly filling the room limiting
Is there a safe evac- There is a clear and safe evacuation path that The fire is not contained; heat,
uation path? BEHIND you as you fight the fire. flame, or smoke may block your
evacuation path.

The following steps must be followed when responding to an incipient (just starting) fire:
• Pull a fire alarm to trigger a call to the fire department.
• Identify your safe evacuation path before approaching the fire. DO NOT allow anything to block your evacu-
ation path.
• Use the fire extinguisher within its effective range using the P.A.S.S (Pull pin, Aim, Squeeze handle, Sweep
at fire base) technique.
• Back away from the extinguished fire in case of a flare up.
• Evacuate IMMEDIATELY if the extinguisher is empty and the fire is not out.
• Evacuate if the fire moves beyond the incipient stage (see above). 2010
Safety Moment
Using a fire extinguisher .

The PASS Technique

Quickly check your extinguisher. Make sure the dial is in the green and the tamper seal is present and not
broken. This will make sure your extinguisher is full and ready to use.

PULL - Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal.
AIM – Aim low, point the extinguisher nozzle, horn or hose at the base of the fire.
SQUEEZE – Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent onto the fire.
SWEEP – Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Stand and watch the
If the fire reignites repeat steps 2 through 4 if it is safe to do so. If you have
the slightest doubt about fighting the fire EVACATE IMMEDIATELY! 2010

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