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Laboratory Result

Name of Test Definition/ Meaning Date Date Result Normal Interpretation Clinical
Ordered Performed Value Significance
Calcium Test Calcium is a blood test to November 13, November 14.8MG/dL 8.5 to High Hypercalcemia is a problem in
determine the level of 2020 13, 2020 10.3 which the amount of calcium
calcium in the blood. milligrams in the blood is above average.
Serum calcium is typically per Too much calcium in your
measured to test for or deciliter blood will damage your bones,
track bone disease or (mg/dL) make kidney stones, and mess
calcium-regulatory with how your heart and brain
disturbances . function.As a result, the
patient displayed bilateral
pain as measured by 7/10,
fatigue, and pain over the
trunk and back, consistent
with mastocytosis.
Creatinine Test This procedure tests the November 13, November 1.22mg/dl 0.84 to Slightly elevated The creatinine level is just
levels of creatinine in the 2020 13, 2020 1.21 marginally above the normal
blood and/or urine. mg/dl range, it possibly means that
Creatinine is a waste (74.3 to the patient did not feel ill, but
product created by the 107 the increase is an indication
muscles as part of normal, umol/l) that the kidneys are not
daily life. Normally, your functioning at maximum
kidneys take creatinine out power. As kidney disease
of your blood and pass it
progresses, the level of
out of your urine. creatinine in the blood
increases As a result, the
patient manifests weakness,
changes in urinary rhythm and
presentation and high blood
Phosphorous The phosphate blood test November 13, November 1.0 2.5 to 4.5 Low The customer manifesting
tests the level of phosphate 2020 13, 2020 mg/dL hypophosphatemia is an
in the blood. Phosphorus is electrolyte deficiency in which
a nutrient that the body there is a reduced level of
uses to create solid bones phosphate in the blood. The
and teeth. It's also essential cause why Mexico patient
for nerve signalling and exhibits muscle exhaustion,
muscle contraction. nausea, bone pain, lack of
appetite, and numbness.

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