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6. butter The butter is in the fridge.

(assertive)Do you want butter on your

toast?(interrogative) Fry the onions in butter.(imperative) How good the butter

7. film The film is very interesting.(assertive) Is the film interesting?(interrogative) Please

watch the film with me.(imperative) What an interesting film!(exclamatory)

8. sincere Robin is a sincere friend.(assertive) Is Robin a sincere friend?(interrogative)

Please accept our sincere thanks.(imperative) What a sincere friend Robin is!

9. neighbours My neighbours are very helpful.(assertive) Are your neighbours

helpful?(interrogative) You should always greet your neighbours.(imperative) What
wonderful neighbours I have!(exclamatory)

10. dinosaurs Dinosaurs have become extinct.(assertive) Were all dinosaurs large?
(interrogative) Please watch the film on dinosaurs with me.(imperative) What
frightening creatures the dinosaurs were! ( exclamatory)


F. Read this conversation and mark the sentences as declarative (D), interrogative (In),
imperative (Im) or exclamatory (E).

Do you have a favourite sport? (In) How I love the game of football! (E) Once we were
playing a match on a rainy day when something happened. (D) ‘Halt! Freeze in your
places. (Im) Will you get back, all of you?’ (In) The referee seemed hysterical but collected.
(D) What a sight faced us! (E) A deadly rattle snake appeared from nowhere in the middle
of the field. (D) ‘Be quiet!’(Im) We became silent and waited. (D) ‘No noise, no
movement!’(Im) ‘Has the snake gone?’ cried a little boy. (In)

The snake slithered away and we were asked to leave the field. (D) What a relief! (E) ‘Be
here on the field tomorrow.’ (Im)


Answer key

Learn (Pg - 24)

1) In 2) Im 3) Im 4) A 5) Im 6) E

7) A 8) In 9) In 10) A 11) E 12) Im

Practise Ex - A (Pg-25) Underline the subjects in the assertive sentences.

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1) We 2) My brother 3) She 4) The poor woman

5) The milk 6) Shaurya 7) Sidharth 8) I

9) Mother 10) Birdwatching

Ex - B Underline the subjects in the interrogative sentences.

1) the child 2) the rabbits 3) they 4) you 5) we

6) you 7) this engineer 8) you 9) the fire 10) James

Ex - C Underline the subjects in the imperative and exclamatory sentences.

1) You 2) the eagle 3) You 4) flowers

5) night 6) You 7) I 8) this house 9) You

10) You

Ex - D. Draw a line separating the subject from the predicate in each

sentence . Then, write the verb in the space provided.

1) Katy /was a very naughty girl. was

2) Heidi is the story of a young orphan girl. is

3) Little Red Riding Hood / was not afraid of the big bad wolf. was

4) Alice / got lost in the forest. got lost

5) Goldilocks/ ate the porridge on the table. ate

6) The hen / was frightened of the wicked fox. was frightened

7) Aunt Jennifer’s fingers /fluttered through the wool. fluttered

8) Tom/ painted the fence with the help of his friends. painted

9) Aunt Polly / knew the truth. knew

10) The brook / joined the brimming river. joined

Ex – E Provide meaningful subjects for these predicates :-

1) The hunter 2) The President 3) Mahatma Gandhi

4) Oliver Twist 5) My friend 6) October

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7) Diwali 8) My uncle 9) These apples

10) An apple 11) The milkman 12) Bees

Ex – F Provide meaningful predicates for these subjects .

1) is the third planet from the sun. 2) is the first meal of the day.

3) is the last month of the year. 4) fought bravely.

5) is a famous monument. 6) needed weeding.

7) is in the drawer. 8) is a festival of colours .

9) is near the school. 10) is crying for milk.

11) have bought a new car. 12) is the national bird of India .



Exercise A (page 115)
1. NT. The merchants wanted Patan-pali to keep his money with them when he went on
2. T
3. NT. King Brahmadatta decided to send men into the parks and gardens to find a tree to
replace the pillar.
4. NT. The mystery of the rotten tree was solved by the Blossom Tree herself.
5. T
6. NT. The miracle was that the Blossom Tree was not rotten at all, but looked rotten.
Exercise A (page 117)
1. Please help me clean the cupboard .
2. Be careful while crossing the road !

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