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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2016.

for estimation of starter intake in dairy calves around weaning
S. M. Deelen,* K. E. Leslie,* M. A. Steele,† E. Eckert,‡ H. E. Brown,‡ and T. J. DeVries‡1
*Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada
†Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P5 Canada
‡Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada

ABSTRACT results were associated with total ruminal volatile fatty

acids (r = 0.82), ruminal butyrate (r = 0.77), and body
Recent research suggests that circulating weight (r = 0.69). A receiver operating characteristic
β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels may be a meaning- curve was created to plot the true positive rate against
ful indicator of grain intake and rumen development the false positive rate at 10 μmol/L BHB intervals to
in pre-ruminant calves. As such, BHB levels may be determine the optimal cut-point of circulating BHB
a surrogate measure of rumen function to contribute that is predictive of an average starter intake of 1,000
to minimal weaning stress during the transition from g/d over a 3-d period. The optimal combination of
liquid to solid feed. The primary objective of this study sensitivity (95.7%) and specificity (96.1%) was at 100
was to determine the optimal cut-point of circulating μmol of BHB/L of blood. A value of 0.2 mmol/L on the
BHB levels that would be predictive of sufficient grain Precision Xtra test yielded a sensitivity and specificity
intake and rumen development for a successful transi- of 84.0 and 97.2%, respectively, over the 3-d average pe-
tion from liquid to solid feed at the time of weaning. riod of starter intake. These results show considerable
An additional objective was to validate the Precision promise for use of the Precision Xtra whole blood BHB
Xtra (Abbott Diabetes Care, Abingdon, UK) calf-side test in the decision-making process of determining suf-
test for determination of BHB in whole blood in calves ficient starter grain intake and rumen development for
around weaning, as compared with the gold standard a successful transition from liquid to solid feed, and
laboratory method. A total of 20 Holstein female calves indicate that this test conducted at calf-side is highly
were randomly assigned at birth to be weaned at 6 wk accurate.
(n = 10) or 8 wk (n = 10) of age. Milk replacer (mixed Key words: β-hydroxybutyrate, weaning, diagnostic
at 150 g/L) was offered at 1.2 kg/calf per d in 2 meals test, dairy calf
until a 1-wk step down, when milk meals were reduced
by 50% 1 wk before weaning. Daily measurements
included the intakes of starter grain, chopped straw,
and water. Weekly measurements included body weight Among the most dramatic and important physiologi-
and blood BHB, until 70 d of life. To assess digestive cal challenges that young dairy calves will experience
tract development, rumen fluid samples were taken are the events surrounding the development of the ru-
before and after weaning (d 35, 49, and 63) and ana- men, as it is physically underdeveloped and metaboli-
lyzed for ruminal short-chain fatty acids. Whole blood cally nonfunctional at birth (Warner et al., 1956). In
was collected by jugular venipuncture, and BHB was the neonate, the rumen does not exhibit the rumen
determined by the Precision Xtra test at calf-side. In papillae development and epithelial maturation and
addition, serum was separated from a clotted sample, high degree of keratinization evident in the mature
frozen, and stored until laboratory analysis was per- organ (Gilliland et al., 1962). Metabolically, it is essen-
formed. Laboratory BHB results were correlated with tially nonfunctional with respect to ketogenic capacity
both the Precision Xtra test (r = 0.95) and starter (Warner et al., 1956). Calves rely, for maintenance and
intake over 1 d (r = 0.89), a 3-d average (r = 0.90), and growth, on the nutrients obtained from milk during the
a 7-d average (r = 0.90). Additionally, laboratory BHB first few weeks of life. Inoculation and establishment of
the anaerobic ruminal microbial ecosystem, initiation of
starter feed consumption, as well as fermentation pro-
cesses, are needed to trigger rumen development (Wil-
Received February 26, 2016.
Accepted May 15, 2016. liams and Frost, 1992; Baldwin et al., 2004). Changes
Corresponding author: must also occur at the hepatic level to allow calves to

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make use of fermentation end products for maintenance scribed a high correlation (r2 = 0.99) with BHB concen-
and growth (Baldwin et al., 2004; Drackley, 2008). As trations determined spectrophotometrically (the gold
calves progress from the neonatal consumption of milk standard laboratory test) and considered the test to be
to the consumption of a diet consisting of grain and suitable for detecting subclinical ketosis in dairy cows
forages, the reticulorumen develops into a functional (Jeppesen et al., 2006). An electronic patient-side test
organ where anaerobic fermentation of those dietary for measuring whole-blood BHB concentration (Preci-
components occurs (Benschop and Cant, 2009). sion Xtra, Abbott Diabetes Care, Abingdon, UK) was
Ruminal fermentation starts at a very young age, recently validated for use in dairy cows (Iwersen et al.,
and VFA concentrations increase with increasing solid 2009; Mahrt et al., 2014) and sheep (Panousis et al.,
feed intake (Khan et al., 2016). As rumen development 2012). The main advantages of the Precision Xtra test
ensues, the epithelial surface area for VFA absorption include an immediate quantitative measurement with
increases through cell proliferation, and muscle layers high sensitivity and specificity, without logistical efforts
thicken to facilitate mixing and eructation contractions for laboratory analysis (e.g., cooling, centrifugation, or
(Khan et al., 2016). The microbial population in the shipping). Furthermore, this test was recently assessed
rumen ferments carbohydrates into VFA, which include for its ability to measure BHB in serum and plasma
acetate, butyrate, and propionate. These VFA are the (Pineda and Cardoso, 2015). The use of this instrument
main energy source for ruminant animals (Brown et as an indicator of rumen development in pre-ruminant
al., 1960). Butyrate, which is the most bioactive VFA, calves has not been previously studied. As such, the
is absorbed by the ruminal epithelium and oxidized objectives of the present study were to (1) determine
into ketones (Leighton et al., 1983; Lane et al., 2000; the optimal cut-point of circulating BHB levels as a
Baldwin et al., 2004; Khan et al., 2016). Quigley et al. surrogate measure of grain intake and rumen develop-
(1991) suggests that one of these ketones, BHB, may ment, and (2) validate the Precision Xtra test for BHB
be used as an indicator of rumen epithelium maturation against the gold standard laboratory method in calves
and its ability to use VFA produced by the fermenta- around weaning.
tion of solid feeds by the rumen microflora. The time
course of this development is dependent in large part MATERIALS AND METHODS
upon the age of the calf (Lane et al., 2002). A recent
study looked at weaning age effects on growth, feed Calf Enrollment and Housing
intake, gastrointestinal development, and behavior in
Holstein calves fed an elevated plane of nutrition dur- Twenty Holstein heifer calves from Eckerlea Acres
ing the preweaning stage (Eckert et al., 2015). In both Dairy Farm (Seaforth, ON, Canada) were sampled from
treatment groups, it was found that weaning was as- June through August 2013. These calves were part of a
sociated with increased ruminal short-chain fatty acids larger study (Eckert et al., 2015) focused on determin-
and blood BHB. However, the differences between the ing the effect of weaning age on intake, growth, and
week before and the week after weaning were greater behavior. As described in detail by Eckert et al. (2015),
for calves weaned at 6 wk compared with those weaned calves were randomly assigned at birth to be weaned at
at 8 wk of age. Nemati et al. (2015) determined that 6 wk (n = 10) or 8 wk (n = 10) of age. Detailed descrip-
the increasing blood BHB concentration that occurred tions of the calving facilities, colostrum management,
as calves aged was mainly due to a shift in the sources calf nursery barn, bedding type and management,
of physiological fuel during the transition from liquid feeding utensils, as well as the neonatal therapy and
to solid diets. Additionally, Omidi-Mirzaei et al. (2015) care are found in Eckert et al. (2015). This study was
evaluated pre-weaning calf nutrition programs, and have approved by Nutreco Canada’s Agresearch (Guelph,
used blood BHB concentration as an outcome measure ON, Canada) Animal Care Committee, and performed
for the state of rumen development and readiness of the according to the guidelines of the Canadian Council on
calves to transition to solid feed. A smooth transition Animal Care (CCAC, 2009).
from liquid feed (milk or milk replacer) to solid feed
(grains or forage) is important to minimize weight loss Milk, Starter, Chopped Straw, and Water Feeding
and distress at weaning (Weary et al., 2009).
In human medicine, electronic handheld blood glu- All calves were provided colostrum and then subse-
cose and ketone measuring systems are widely used for quently fed a milk replacer solution twice daily (0730
diabetes monitoring (Guerci et al., 2005). A first report and 1630 h) by nipple bottle (Super Calf Nipple, Mer-
using an electronic human BHB meter (MediSense rick’s, Middleton, WI). At 7 ± 3 d of age, calves were
Precision, Abbott, Abingdon, UK) for dairy cows de- transitioned to a feeding system with a gate-mounted

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016


artificial teat (Peach Teats, Skellerup Industries Ltd., gation at 1,500 × g for 15 min at ~20°C. At 6 of the
Woolston, New Zealand), by which they were fed until sampling times (wk 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10), serum was
weaning. The artificial teat feeding setup consisted of separated and stored at −20°C until laboratory analy-
the teat mounted at the front of the pen, which was sis for BHB at the University of Guelph Animal Health
attached to a tube, fitted with a one-way valve, which Laboratory (Guelph, ON, Canada) using spectropho-
delivered the milk from an 8-L bucket placed outside tometry, as described by Williamson et al. (1962).
the pen (similar to that described by Miller-Cushon et To characterize digestive tract development before
al., 2013). The bucket was replenished with 4 L of milk and after weaning, rumen fluid was collected, at 1100
replacer twice daily. Also, once daily in the morning, h, on d 35, 49, and 63 (±1 d), as described by Eckert
after feeding, all buckets, lines, and teats were cleaned. et al. (2015).
The milk replacer powder used for the study was
Shur-Gain Optivia High Performance (26% CP, 16%
Statistical Analysis
fat; ME = 4.58 Mcal/kg) Milk Replacer (Nutreco
Canada Inc., Guelph, ON, Canada), mixed at a rate of
150 g to 1 L of 40°C water. Milk replacer was prepared Serum BHB concentrations determined in the labora-
at each feeding in sufficient volume to feed all calves. tory were regarded as the gold standard. Comparisons
From birth to d 70, pelleted calf starter (22% CP; were performed between the Precision Xtra, starter
ME = 2.63 Mcal/kg), oat straw (8% CP; ME = 1.55 intake, and BW results, and the laboratory BHB de-
Mcal/kg) chopped to a length of 3 cm, and water were terminations for all samples. For ruminal fluid, one
provided ad libitum. Daily, at 0900 h, orts of starter, individual calf’s sample (from wk 9) was missing, and
straw, and water were weighed and discarded, and fresh thus not considered in the data set. The Precision Xtra
amounts were provided. Additional starter, straw, and (mmol/L) results, starter intake (g/d), and BW (kg)
water were added throughout the day and recorded, were plotted against the measured laboratory BHB
if necessary, to ensure continuous availability to the content (μmol/L) and fitted with a linear function us-
calves. ing Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA).
Similarly, laboratory BHB content (μmol/L) was plot-
ted against the ruminal fluid (total VFA, butyrate, pro-
Experimental Design, Intakes, and Sampling pionate, and acetate) results (μM); these associations
were best fit with an exponential function. Statistical
Calves were offered 6 L from d 1 to 3, 7 L from d significance of all of these associations was then mod-
4 to 6, and 8 L from d 7 until their respective time of eled using the REGRESSION procedure in SAS (SAS
step-down weaning. The 6-wk group was stepped down Institute Inc., 2013).
to 4 L/d on d 36 and weaned on d 43. The 8-wk group Using an arbitrary level of starter intake (≥1,000
was stepped down to 4 L/d on d 50 and weaned on d g/d) to indicate meaningful rumen function (Drackley,
57. Intakes of starter, straw, and water were recorded 2008), test characteristics (sensitivity and specificity)
daily at 0900 h. Intake of milk replacer was recorded of the laboratory BHB test, and of the Precision Xtra
twice daily at each feeding. Calves were weighed at the test, were calculated using Microsoft Excel 2010. Start-
same time of day (1100 h) weekly (±1 d) starting at er intake was measured over 1 d (the day the blood
birth until d 70. sample was drawn), a 3-d average period (2 d before
Blood was collected from calves at 10 different time the blood sample was drawn, as well as the day the
points throughout the study period, including at d 7 sample was drawn), and a 7-d average period (6 d be-
(±1 d), and every week thereafter to d 70, by jugular fore the blood sample was drawn, as well as the day the
venipuncture using a 20-gauge, 1-inch (2.54 cm) hypo- sample was drawn). Sensitivity was calculated as the
dermic needle (BD Vacutainer Precision Glide, Becton proportion of calves with a starter intake of ≥1,000 g/d
Dickinson and Co., Franklin Lakes, NJ), into a sterile, correctly diagnosed as positive by the test. Specificity
plastic Vacutainer tube without anticoagulant (BD was calculated as the proportion of calves with a starter
Vacutainer, Becton Dickinson and Co.). Additionally, intake of <1,000 g/d correctly diagnosed as negative by
a sample was collected mid-week on wk 6 and 8. Blood the test. A receiver operating characteristic curve was
was always collected at 1100 h. Immediately following created to plot the true positive rate against the false
collection, whole blood BHB was determined by the positive rate for the laboratory BHB test at 10 μmol/L
Precision Xtra test (Abbott Diabetes Care, Abingdon, intervals, from 40 to 190 μmol of BHB/L of blood,
UK) at calf-side. Whole blood samples (6 mL) were to determine the optimal cut-point of circulating BHB
stored at room temperature for 30 min before centrifu- over a 3-d average period of starter intake.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016

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Figure 1. Circulating whole-blood BHB concentration as determined by the Precision Xtra (Abbott Diabetes Care, Abingdon, UK) test
compared with the gold standard laboratory method (n = 120).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the sample was drawn (r = 0.90; P < 0.001; Figure 2c).
These results suggest that most of the increase in BHB
Validation of the Precision Xtra Test was associated with calves increasing their intake of
starter, and the subsequent increase in fermentation of
The distribution of Precision Xtra versus laboratory
substrate in the rumen. The current study also revealed
BHB for all 120 samples analyzed is plotted in Figure
similar levels of blood BHB associated with comparable
1. Laboratory BHB results were correlated with the
levels of starter grain intake as in previously published
Precision Xtra test (r = 0.95; P < 0.001). These results
works (Khan et al., 2011; Omidi-Mirzaei et al., 2015;
are comparable to the correlations reported in the early
Overvest et al., 2016).
evaluation of the Precision Xtra test for the determi-
The associations of laboratory BHB versus ruminal
nation of BHB in whole blood of lactating cows, as
VFA for the 59 samples analyzed were best described
compared with the determination of BHB in serum by
with an exponential function. The association of labora-
the gold standard laboratory method (Iwersen et al.,
tory BHB results with total ruminal VFA are described
2009; Mahrt et al., 2014). Thus, the results of the cur-
in Figure 3a (r = 0.82; P < 0.001) and with ruminal
rent study provide support for the use of the Precision
butyrate in Figure 3b (r = 0.77; P < 0.001). Similar
Xtra test as a calf-side test for BHB levels.
associations of laboratory BHB results were seen with
ruminal propionate (r = 0.84; P < 0.001) and ruminal
Correlation of Blood BHB with Starter Intake, acetate (r = 0.76; P < 0.001; data not shown). A posi-
Ruminal VFA, and BW tive association between blood BHB and ruminal VFA,
in particular butyrate, are expected as the increase in
The distribution of starter intake versus laboratory ruminal substrate can be expected to increase ketone
BHB for the 120 samples analyzed is plotted in Figure body synthesis in the rumen epithelium (Lane et al.,
2. Laboratory BHB results were linearly associated 2002). It should be noted, that given the exponential
with starter intake measured on the day of sampling (r association, these results not only provide further
= 0.89; P < 0.001; Figure 2a), a 3-d average including support that blood BHB can be used as a marker of
the day of sampling, which was 2 d before the blood ruminal VFA production, but also that ruminal VFA
sample was drawn, as well as the day the sample was concentration needs to reach a certain level before ab-
drawn (r = 0.90; P < 0.001; Figure 2b), and a 7-d sorption is noticeable. Whereas VFA absorption from
average including the day of sampling, which was 6 d the rumen has been studied extensively in mature cows,
before the blood sample was drawn, as well as the day with ruminal VFA concentration being one significant

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016


Figure 2. Starter intake measured over (a) 1 d (n = 120), (b) a 3-d average (n = 120), and (c) a 7-d average (n = 120), compared with
circulating whole-blood BHB concentration as determined by the gold standard laboratory method.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016

(67,0$7,212)67$57(5,17$.()520ȕ+<'52;<%87<5$7( 7629

Figure 3. Circulating whole-blood BHB concentration as determined by the gold standard laboratory method compared with (a) total ru-
minal VFA (n = 59) and (b) ruminal butyrate (n = 59).

contributor to those absorption rates (Dijkstra et al., consumption of approximately 0.5 to 1.0 kg/d of starter
1993; Bannink et al., 2008), less research has been done (Figure 2).
on this for young dairy calves. As demonstrated by Similar to starter consumption, there was also a
the current data, and suggested by Steele et al. (2012) linear association between laboratory BHB results and
in research on dairy cows, increased concentrations of calf BW (r = 0.69; P < 0.001; Figure 4). These findings
circulating BHB likely reflect a mass action effect of provide further evidence that as the study calves were
increased substrate for rumen epithelium ketogenesis. consuming increasing amounts of solid feed and growing
In our study, the blood BHB levels in calves started throughout the study period (Eckert et al., 2015), more
to increase rapidly at ruminal butyrate concentrations VFA were being absorbed and oxidized into ketones,
at about 6 to 8 μM (Figure 3b), which is reflective of providing energy to the animals for growth. In all,
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016

Figure 4. Body weight compared with circulating whole-blood BHB concentration as determined by the gold standard laboratory method
(n = 120).

these results provide support that the observed levels opment necessary to successfully transition from liquid
of blood BHB are reflective of the amount of butyrate to solid feed (Drackley, 2008). A receiver operating
that is being converted in the rumen epithelium, and characteristic curve was created to plot the true posi-
not of that produced in the liver. It is possible that in a tive rate against the false positive rate at 10 μmol/L
situation where calves are in a state of negative energy intervals, from 40 to 190 μmol of BHB/L of blood, over
balance (e.g., extended period of low nutrient intake, the 3-d average period of starter intake around the day
whether from milk, solid feed, or both), the measure- of sampling (Figure 5). The best combination of sensi-
ment of blood BHB may actually be a reflection of the tivity (95.7%) and specificity (96.1%) was at 100 μmol
BHB produced in the liver. To our knowledge, no work of BHB/L of blood. Receiver operating characteristic
has compared the differential rates of BHB production curves were also created for starter intake measured
(i.e., from the rumen epithelium or the liver) for calves on the day of sampling, and over a 7-d period around
consuming varied amount of nutrients and, thus, under sampling. In addition, based on the best combination of
different states of energy balance. As such, further work sensitivity and specificity, the optimal cut-point of cir-
in this area is necessary. culating BHB on the day of sampling was 100 μmol/L
of blood (data not shown). In contrast, the optimal
Determining Optimal Cut-Point of Circulating cut-point of circulating BHB over a 7-d period around
BHB for Weaning sampling was 150 μmol/L of blood (data not shown).
As such, these cut-points can be used to predict average
Test characteristics of sensitivity and specificity for starter intake of ≥1,000 g/d over 1 d, a 3-d period, or
laboratory BHB were determined for the assessment of a 7-d period. Because accurate measurement of starter
adequate starter intake (≥1,000 g/d; Drackley, 2008), intake is extremely laborious, and almost impossible in
indicative of appropriate weaning age (Table 1). For a group-housing system, the development and refine-
these calculations, specificity was the test characteristic ment of a surrogate measure to estimate starter grain
that needed to be maximized when determining the intake would be welcomed and beneficial (Weary et al.,
best combination of the 2 because false positives were 2009; Omidi-Mirzaei et al., 2015).
of greater concern. Although the test may be reading Test characteristics of sensitivity and specificity for
an adequate level of BHB, if starter intake is less than Precision Xtra were determined for the assessment of
1,000 g/d, it is unlikely that the calf is consuming suf- adequate starter intake (≥1,000 g/d), indicative of ap-
ficient starter grain intake to promote the rumen devel- propriate weaning age (Table 2). Again, specificity was

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016

(67,0$7,212)67$57(5,17$.()520ȕ+<'52;<%87<5$7( 7631
Table 1. Test characteristics for laboratory BHB measured in micromoles per liter using a cut-off starter intake level of ≥1,000 g/d measured
over 1 d, a 3-d average, and a 7-d average (n = 120)

1d 3-d average 7-d average

characteristic (%) 90 100 110 90 100 110 140 150 160
Sensitivity 98.6 95.7 9.3 98.6 95.7 94.2 95.2 93.5 88.7
Specificity 96.0 98.0 98.0 94.1 96.1 96.1 94.8 96.6 96.6

the test characteristic of greatest concern to minimize study (as shown in Eckert et al., 2015) were lower, at
false positives. A value of 0.2 mmol/L on the Precision various similar ages, compared with that reported for
Xtra test yielded a sensitivity and specificity of 84.0 calves in other studies where blood BHB was measured
and 97.2%, respectively, over the 3-d average intake 3 h after initial solid feed delivery (Nemati et al., 2015;
around the day of sampling. In comparison, a value of Omidi-Mirzaei et al., 2015). These findings would sug-
0.1 mmol/L on the Precision Xtra test yielded a sen- gest that the cut-point for determining adequate starter
sitivity and specificity of 100 and 72.6%, respectively, intake may vary with time of blood sampling; further
over the 3-d average. Similar findings were found on the research where blood is sampled at multiple time points
day of sampling and over a 7-d period around sampling, across the day is needed to confirm this relationship.
as seen in Table 2. This finding suggests that because The results of this study demonstrate that the use
of the very high correlation between the Precision Xtra of an instantaneous, calf-side test can be used in the
test and laboratory BHB, dairy producers can use ei- decision-making process of determining sufficient
ther measure as a predictor of sufficient starter grain starter grain intake at the time of weaning. The most
intake and rumen development to ascertain if the calf practical application of such an on-farm test would be
is ready to successfully transition from liquid to solid as a simple method of evaluating weaning programs
feed. From a practical standpoint, the Precision Xtra by veterinarians or other advisors. This would be most
test is much more appealing than a laboratory test for useful on larger farms, as well as in situations where
BHB because it not only provides instantaneous on- calves are group-housed, where individual solid feed
farm results, but also at a fraction of the cost (≥5–7 consumption is not as easily tracked. In those situa-
times less expensive per test). tions, a sub-sample of calves could be tested, at the
It should be noted that blood sampling in the current point of weaning, to determine if they are achieving
study occurred 2 h after initial delivery of solid feed. sufficient starter intake to make a smooth transition;
Blood BHB concentration in the calves in the current in cases where starter intake is insufficient, modifica-

Figure 5. Receiver operating characteristic curve of the true positive rate against the false positive rate for different BHB values per liter of
blood over a 3-d average period of starter intake (n = 120).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016


Table 2. Test characteristics for the Precision Xtra1 test measured in millimoles per liter using a cut-off starter intake level of ≥1,000 g/d
measured over 1 d, a 3-d average, and a 7-d average (n = 200)

1d 3-d average 7-d average

characteristic (%) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3
Sensitivity 100.0 83.3 43.8   100.0 84.0 44.7   100.0 92.8 49.4
Specificity 74.0 98.1 100.0   72.6 97.2 100.0   65.8 95.7 99.1
Abbott Diabetes Care (Abingdon, UK).

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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 99 No. 9, 2016

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