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Discussion regarding The CSR Campaign of Nestle

The company I choose is Nestle to do a CSR program and reduce the amount of waste and the
use of plastic. Nestle is a very old and prestigious food and drink processing company. It’s based
on Switzerland. For a long time they have been working to reduce waste and empty landfills
which are overflown with plastic and other wastes.

Nestle is trying to reduce this waste. Even before the pandemic had started, they had an ongoing
battle of reduce waste and reduce the use of plastic. They have named it “war on waste”. This
was mainly based to reduce landfilled waste. Which mostly include of plastic. They have also
started waste management program to tackle plastic pollution. And they hope to reduce make its
whole packaging reusable within 2025. They started this program in African nations. They can
bring it in Bangladesh in the growing amounts of waste during the pandemic. By doing that they
will be able to reduce the environmental problem that we face due to the excessive amount of

The global outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting every part of human
lives, including the physical world. The measures taken to control the spread of the virus and the
slowdown of economic activities have significant effects on the environment. In Bangladesh
COVID started its effect on early February. But it soon ramped up. By the middle of March the
cases of COVID-19 was spreading like wildfire. And by the end of March the whole country
went into lockdown like the rest of the world. And as explained before measure to control the
virus significant effect on the environment. There are both positive and negative side to it. It is
true that the air quality as well as the water pollution has been reduced. The world’s ecological
system has improved a lot as well. But now a new type of problem has started to become
imminent. Volumes of unrecyclable waste have risen; due to the increase demand in COVID
protection stuff the production of plastic and polythene has drastically increased. People are
throwing there masks, PPE (personal protection equipment) being thrown into in roads. Also the
use of plastic has also risen drastically during this time. Due to this plastic waste has also risen
significantly during this time. People have also stated to dump COVID related medical waste in
the environment. Which further increases the risk both air and water contamination and overall
pollution to the environment. Due to this reason Nestlé’s CSR campaign to stop the use of plastic
and there war on waste will be much more effective. As they plan to reduce this waste and help
the environment heal. They also support companies which focus on waste-free future.

By our campaign the local people will be benefited the most. As waste will be reduced which
will in terms make the environment cleaner. This will also result in cleaner air, after COVID
clean air is very important. By this campaign that will become possible to achieve. Also newer
business will also be benefited and will try to do environmental beneficial. As companies which
tries to reduce waste.

Developing a PR plan For Nestles CSR campaign

Objective of the CSR Campaign

The main objective of this CSR campaign is to raise awareness among the people regarding
COVID waste and the effects that plastic and Face mask and other COVID wastes have in
environment. We will let people know about the danger plastic waste has to the environment.
The impact these waste would create in the future. We will also inform them that the time to take
action is now and it has to be done in an individual basis.

Target Audience

1. Geographic segmentation- The CSR campaign will be focused all around the
Bangladesh. But it will first start in the major cities of the country. The main focus will
be at Dhaka, The capital city and Chittagong the port city of Bangladesh. The main
reason of picking these two cities is because these are the biggest and highly populated
city. And the most amount of waste is produced in these cities.
2. Demographic segmentation- By demographic segmentation we can get to know about
The Age, gender and group of people we wish to target. The CSR program will focus of
both gender demographic people. As it is an awareness creating campaign we can’t hope
to achieve success if we only target half of the audience. The age group we intend to
focus is are people around the age of 20-35 called the gen z. This age group of people are
more environmental conscious then the previous generation. They also want to help the
help the environment to heal. Due to this reason they are the best age group to target.
3. Psychographic Segmentation- This is hard type of segmentation to do as we will have
to learn about a person’s psychographic profile. But this segmentation will be the most
effective. We will do a survey to try and understand the psychographic profile of the
surveyed people. Then we will target them for our CSR campaign.

Key Massages

We will have 3 massage that we will try to t deliver to our Target audience. Those massage are
given below-

 War on Waste- This will be our main massage. This massage will show to the people
that Nestle has declared war against waste and it will also show that we have come to
change the environment for the good.
 Put waste in the right place- This slogan will remind people to put there COVID
waste such as face mask, face shield and PPE in the right place rather than throwing it
wherever they like.
 I Think, Therefor I Recycle- The massage will be for those who think it looks cool
to dump waste anywhere they want. It is to mock them and their decision and also to
make them aware that harming the environment is not a cool thing to do.
Media Tools

We will be using various media tools to promote our CSR campaign. Some of them are given

 Poster- We will have 2 main posters to promote our main quest that we want to achieve.
These poster will be shown on social media. It will be in road side Billboard and in parks
where people come and go the most

 Social Media- We will use social media to the fullest. During this time people won’t go
out much. So due to that we can use that and promote our campaign to the fullest there.

 Newspaper- We will use both online and offline newspaper to promote our campaign.

We will also use TV commercial and SMS and email to let people know about our campaign.

An overall approximate budget of the campaign is listed below:

Channel Unit Price Quantity Total

Posters 5,000
Billboard 11,000
Facebook 40 10 400
Instagram 40 20 800
YouTube 1200 1 1,200
Newspaper 8 200 1,600
SMS 10 200 2,000
Email 4,000
TV Commercials 1 70000 70,000
Online Articles 6,000
Online Newspaper 5,000
Total 107,000
In words the total budget of our campaign is one lac and seven thousand takas only.

February’21 March’21 April’21
Medias W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W1 W11 W12


Measuring the success of the campaign

We will have PR teams do survey around the area where we started our campaign in a monthly
basis. If we see a dip the amount of waste we will know that we have at least succeeded. Also if
by 2025 we can reduce waste 80 percent we will consider that as a success.
 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. (2020, December 8). Environmental impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic, as observed from space. Retrieved from Science Daily:
 DELLINK, R. (2021, May 31). The long-term environmental implications of COVID-19.
Retrieved from OECD:
 Nestle. (2017, May). War on waste. Retrieved from Nestle bangladesh:
 Nestle. (n.d.). Working towards a waste-free future. Retrieved from Nestle bangladesh:
 Rahman, M. H. (2020, Novemeber 19). Inappropriate use and disposal of face masks
may promote the spread of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. Retrieved from Population
 Robert Hamwey. (2021, April 20). Environmental impacts of coronavirus crisis,
challenges ahead. Retrieved from UNCTAD:
 Tajmim, T. (2021, September 1). Don’t throw away masks, safety measures: Experts .
Retrieved from the Business Standards:
 Wossenyeleh Shiferaw. (2021, December 21). Nestlé launches a Waste Management
Program to tackle plastic pollution. Retrieved from nestle-esar: https://www.nestle-

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