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Political system in the U.S.A.

The main reason for me choosing the political system belonging the greatest geopolitical power
worldwide is to find out what is the driving force of that country.I am a student interested in politics and
economics,so learning about the ideologies in the ‘land of the free,home of the brave’ would help me
better understand certain values regarding liberty,civil rights and duties and so on.Moreover,I am
interested to see what sets the americans apart.Since I was a child,I have been hearing people talk about
‘The American Dream’,and I think this incident sparked my curiosity about them.

It is well known that politics shape the way of life of its subjects,and the political system in the U.S.A.
is clearly unique,starting from its inception till nowadays.The americans had the first official
constitution,and it was a resounding success for them.My hypothesis is that their well thought and
creative approach to problems as the separation of powers,rights and liberties,etc.,not only created a
special system,but influenced the way most americans think today.I.e.:a lot of americans are keen on
their second amendment(part of constitution) which allows them to bear weapons.

My objective is to present the constitution of the United States,followed by a close-up of every branch
of the government,namely the legislative one represented by Congress,the executive one by President
and the judicial one by the Supreme Court and the other courts.I will be looking and analising the roles
of every branch according to the constitution,their history and methods and their overall impact.

For such an exhaustive work,great sources of documentation are needed.The internet will be the
number one provider of information for this project,although some interesting paperback books may
also be worth using.Youtube,with its exceptional explosion of educative content in the last years
embodies a great source of knowledge.Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia,as its name suggests,contains
lots of useful and organized information.Nontheless,online articles,documents,newspaper stories will be
used to compile the certificate.

After the whole presentation of constitution and governemnt,I guess that the reader will be able to
grasp better the concepts of the American Political System,in all its depth.Being conscious about the fact
that the theme I chosed is not a very common one,I will work as hard as possible to present the ideas in
the clearest and simplest way possible.After reading this intellectual work,the individual should feel
more enlightened about politics in general,being able to apply what he has learned here in other

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