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Propulsion and Power Research 2021;xxx(xxx):1e9

Propulsion and Power Research

w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c om


Theoretical investigation on the impact of an

oscillating time-dependent pressure gradient on
Dean flow in a porous annulus
Basant K. Jha, Dauda Gambo*

Department of Mathematics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, 810, Nigeria

Received 10 May 2020; accepted 8 July 2021

Available online XXXX

KEYWORDS Abstract In this article, a theoretical analysis on flow in a curvilinear horizontal coaxial cyl-
inder with permeable walls has been proposed. Specifically, the transient impact of an oscil-
Dean flow; lating pressure gradient has been taken into account. The non-linear time-dependent partial
Oscillating time- differential equation accountable for the flow has been transformed using the classical Laplace
dependent pressure transform technique. Exact solution of the momentum equation has been obtained in Laplace
gradient; domain. Due to the intricacy of the Laplace domain solutions, a numerical inversing technique
Riemann-sum which is established upon the Riemann-sum approximation (RSA) has been utilized to trans-
approximation (RSA) form the Laplace domain solutions to time domain. Findings reveal that the outcome of suction
on the porous walls and boosting the frequency of oscillation renders skin frictions on both
walls of the cylinder less effective. The instability of the Dean vortices in the annular gap
can be suppressed by amplifying the frequency of oscillating pressure gradient while time is
ª 2021 Beihang University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications
Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

*Corresponding author.
1. Introduction
E-mail address: (Dauda Gambo).
Peer review under responsibility of Beihang University.
Problems of unsteady viscous circumferential flows in
curved tubes as well as concentric cylinders has gained
enormous attention in the past decades by a lot of in-
vestigators due to its practical application in hemodynamics,
Production and Hosting by Elsevier on behalf of KeAi
biofluid mechanics and engineering where a greater part of
2212-540X/ª 2021 Beihang University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

2 Basant K. Jha, Dauda Gambo

undoubtedly reshape the biomedical research industries and

aid drugs development and delivery system.
B0 pressure gradient amplitude In the study of Tsangaris [14], the effect of reduced
r1 radial distance of inner cylinder frequency of oscillation in an unbending straight circular
r2 radial distance of outer cylinder pipe on velocity profile in the motion of a viscid pressure
P invariable pressure (unit: kg/ms2) driven flow has been evaluated analytically. In a closely
R nondimensional radius
related work, Tsangaris et al. [15] examined the influence of
S suction/injection parameter
s Laplace variable
oscillating pressure driven fully developed flow in an
t dimensionless time (unit: s) annulus. The work was later extended by Tsangaris and
U0 reference velocity (unit: m/s) Vlachakis [16] to analyse the attribute of frequency of
u’r’ radial velocity (unit: m/s) oscillation on pressure driven flow of a Newtonian fluid
u’ circumferential velocity (unit: m/s) passing through a porous annulus.
U Dean velocity In flows through curved geometries, Dean flow is charac-
terised by the motion of fluid in between stationary curvilinear
Greek letters tubes driven by constant azimuthal pressure gradient while
a frequency of oscillation Taylor-Couette flow is flow formation inside a moving cylin-
l radii ratio, l Z r2/r1 der. Chamkha [17] studied transient behaviour of a viscous
r density of fluid (unit: kg/ms3) dusty MHD fluid in a channel with an oscillating pressure
4 circumferential direction gradient. Exact solutions were derived by utilizing the Fourier
t local skin drag series in conjunction with separation of variables. Waters and
h Dean vortices
Pedley [18], considered the fully developed flow in a tube
m dynamic fluid viscosity (unit: kg/ms)
induced by an oscillating pressure gradient with time-
dependent curvature. Oscillatory flow of a viscous incom-
pressible and electrically conducting fluid in a porous channel
those equipment conveying the fluids are distinguished by with hall current was reported out by Singh and Pathak [19].
circumferential flow are seen in dialysis machines and dia- In recent past, Falade et al. [20] discussed the role of
phragm pumps. suction/injection on unsteady oscillatory flow of a hydro-
Dean [1] pioneered the study on steady motion of fluid in magnetic fluid in a channel filled with porous material. The
a curved channel driven by azimuthal pressure gradient. impact of slip condition and an oscillating wall on the stokes
Afterwards, theoretical investigations on fluid flow in a and Couette motion was analytically investigated by Khaled
straight circular pipe fluid triggered by an oscillating pres- and Vafai [21]. Haddad et al. [22] studied the influence of
sure gradient were examined by Sexl [2] and Richardson frequency of fluctuation of the driving force on the motion
and Tyler [3]. Considering the movement of blood in the of an incompressible Newtonian fluid in a microchannel.
human artery, where the pulsatile flow is due to the pulsa- They reported that the impact of small frequency of oscil-
tion produced by the heart, Womersley [4] scrutinized the lation on fluid acceleration is negligible as it is seen to be
effect of periodic pressure gradient on flow of an incom- similar to that of macro flows. In addition, increasing the
pressible viscous fluid. Several authors such as Uchida [5], frequency of the driving force decreases the local velocity
Goldstein [6], Bhatnagar [7], Drake [8] and R.K. Gupta and and temperature respectively.
K. Gupta [9] have extensively studied the motion of fluid With regard to the ongoing investigation, Zheng et al.
driven by variable pressure gradient in different geometries. [23] proposed an exact solution in order to study the effect
In context of blood flow, Sinha et al. [10] gave an of unsteady oscillating and rotating pressure driven flow of
overview on the motion of the biofluid in an arterial generalized Maxwell fluid. Tsimpoukis and Valougeorgis
segment. In their study, emphasis on the slip motion and [24] examined unsteady oscillating pressure driven flow of a
time-dependent stenosis was reported. In another related rarefied gas pass a straight circular tube. Other literatures
analysis, the motion of brain fluid in the spinal cavity has relating to this field can be found in Refs. [25e27].
been demonstrated analytically by Gupta et al. [11]. Solu- The effect of azimuthal pressure gradient on Dean flow in
tion for pulsatile viscous flow prompted by an oscillating annulus was examined by Refs. [28e31]. In all the articles,
pressure gradient has been presented. Sud and Sekhon [12] a similar method of solution was adopted in resolving the
performed an investigation on the flow of blood subjecting it governing momentum equations semi-analytically. In the
to time-dependent acceleration. Outcome of this study un- work, an approximate numerical value for the Laplace in-
veils the harming effect of high velocity and high skin drag verse has been computed using a high precision technique
on the flow, this in turn impede proper circulation. A model commonly referred to as Riemann-sum approximation
employed to simulate blood circulation in the human arterial (RSA). Previously studied works of Mondal et al. [32,33]
system was proposed by Sud and Sekhon [13]. The action of have shown Coriolis effect, centrifugal instability and aspect
periodic flow has been analysed. Obviously from the review ratio on Dean flow formation. Hoque and Alam [34] per-
carried out, there has been a growing concern regarding formed a numerical examination on fluid flow in a curvi-
biofluid study, understanding the flow phenomenon will linear pipe of uniform cross section. Report shows that

Theoretical investigation on the impact of an oscillating time-dependent pressure gradient 3

enhancing Dean number accentuate axial velocity flow. 0 u0 Z0 at r0 Zr1
t >0: ð3Þ
Similar articles can be found in Refs. [35e37]. u0 Z0 at r0 Zr2 :
Lately, efforts have been devoted to study flow behaviour
in Dean formation. However, unlike previously studied arti- vP
r0 r2 yt 0 u0 r1 v4B0
cles, Jha and Gambo [38e41] addressed the effect of expo- RZ ; lZ ; tZ 2 ; U Z ; U0 Z ;
nential and oscillating pressure gradient on the flow. In their r1 r1 r1 U0 ry ð4Þ
work, dependence of time on the pressure gradients was taken U0 r1 r2 a0
SZ 0 ; aZ 1 0 0 ;
into account. Some interesting results were reported. A y y
chaotic Dean vortices is incited by enhancing time. In addi-
tion, reduced frequency of oscillation promotes flow. Introducing the above dimensionless quantities, Eqs. (1)
Here, we have performed a systematic evaluation on the and (2) can be written in the dimensionless form as:
impact of unsteady oscillating pressure gradient on fluid
motion in a permeable curvilinear annulus formed by two vU ðS  1Þ vU ð1 þ SÞ cosðatÞ v2 U
þ þ U Z þ 2: ð5Þ
coaxial cylinders. The novelty of this evaluation is to vt R vR R2 R vR
deliberate the transient behaviour of Dean flow driven by an
unsteady oscillating pressure gradient. It is anticipated that Subject to no-slip bounding conditions
the present examination will bring to light the actions of t  0 : U Z0 for 1  R  l;
Dean vortices stability and drag minimization. Merging the 
Laplace transform technique and the approximate numerical U Z0 at RZ1
t>0: ð6Þ
scheme, the solution to the governing momentum equations U Z0 at RZl:
were derived. Accordingly, results of previous analysis were
compared with the present work. Since the governing momentum equation is time-
dependent, Eqs. (5) and (6) are recast in Laplace domain,
where s is the Laplace variable and U is the Laplace domain
2. Mathematical analysis velocity.
We consider unsteady fully developed laminar circum-
d 2 U ð1  SÞ dU  U s
ferential flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in the gap þ  ½1 þ S þ sR2 2 Z  :
between two curved stationary permeable horizontal dR 2 R dR R Rðs2 þ a2 Þ
concentric cylinders of infinite length. The cylindrical co- ð7Þ
ordinate system is selected in such a way that the z0 -axis lies
along the axis of the cylinder in the horizontal direction and with the following modified boundary conditions
the r0 -axis is taken on the radial direction parallel to the
gravitational force. The radii of the inner and outer cylinders U Z 0 at RZ1
are denoted by r1 and r2 respectively (see Figure 1). At the
initial state, we assumed that at t 0  0 the fluid and the two U Z 0 at RZl: ð8Þ
cylinders at rest. At time t 0 > 0, fluid movement sets in
under the action of the oscillating pressure gradient. To fully In line with Tsangaris et al. [15], the non-homogeneous
capture the flow condition, the circumferential velocity linear differential Eq. (7) can be reduced using the given
component is defined in terms of radial coordinate r0 and transformation below
time t 0 only. Following Tsangaris and Vlachakis [16], the
momentum equations reduce to the following forms.

U02 r12 u0 2 vP
r þ Z 0; ð1Þ
r0 3 r0 vr

     2 0
vu0 U0 r1 vu0 U0 r1 u0 B0 cos a00 t 0 vP vu
r 0þ 0 þ 0 0 Z þ m 02
vt r vr0 r r r0 v4 vr

1 vu0 u0
þ 0 0  02
r vr r

Initial and bounding conditions of the problem under

consideration are
t 0  0 : u0 Z0 for r1  r0  r2 ; Figure 1 Flow configuration and geometry of problem.

4 Basant K. Jha, Dauda Gambo

S 1 However, due to the complexity in inversion, we adopt an

U ðR; sÞ Z U h ðR; sÞR 2 þ : ð9Þ
Rðs2 þ a2 Þ approximate numerical approach commonly known as
Riemann-sum approximation (RSA). This approach is
The general solution of Eq. (7) under the modified remarkable for its high precision. Here, a function of the
boundary conditions (8) in the Laplace domain is Laplace variable can be inverted to a function of time as
  pffiffi   pffiffi  S 1 follows:
U ðR; sÞ Z C1 In R s þ C2 Kn R s R 2 þ ; "
! #
Rðs þ a2 Þ
eεt W ðR;εÞ XQ inp
ð10Þ W ðR; tÞZ þ Re W R;ε þ ð1Þ ;
t 2 nZ1 t
where In and Kn are respectively the modified Bessel func- ð14Þ
tions of the first kind and second kind both of order n, S is the
suction/injection parameter based on the porous velocity. where W can be taken for Dean velocity, skin drags or Dean

vortices. Re, i and Q are real part of the summation, imag-
S inary number and the number of terms involve in the
nZ þ1 ;
2 summation respectively. Details of this method are given in
Jha and Gambo [38e41]. In line with the findings of Tzou
pffiffi pffiffi [42], taking εtZ4:7 ensures accurate computation.
ln Kn ð sÞ  Kn ðl s Þ
C1 Z p ffiffi p ffiffi pffiffi pffiffi ;
ðs2 þ a2 Þ½In ð sÞKn ðl s Þ  In ðl s ÞKn ð sÞ 2.1. Validation of approach
pffiffi pffiffi
In ðl s Þ  ln In ð sÞ To effectively demonstrate the accuracy of the approxi-
C2 Z 2 pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi :
ðs þ a2 Þ½In ð sÞKn ðl s Þ  In ðl s ÞKn ð sÞ mate numerical scheme utilized in Laplace domain inver-
sion, the exact solution of the governing equation is derived.
The skin frictions at the wall of the inner and outer We achieve this by making vU vt Z0 and aZ0 in Eq. (5). It is
cylinder in the Laplace domain are given by: expected at large time, the transient flow will harmonize

with the steady flow. Thus, Eq. (5) reduces to
d U ðR; sÞ pffiffi
t1 ðR; sÞ Z R Z s½C3  C4   2½C5 þ C6 
dR R d2U 1 dU 1 þ S 1
þ ð1  SÞ  2 UZ  ; ð15Þ
2 dR R dR R R
 2 ;
s þ a2 subject to no-slip bounding conditions
U Z 0 at RZ1

d U ðR; sÞ pffiffi
tl ðR; sÞ Z R Z s½C7  C8 ln1 U Z 0 at RZl: ð16Þ
dR R RZl
 2½C9 þ C10 ln2  2 2 : ð12Þ In resolving Eq. (15), subsequent to the work of Jha and
l ðs þ a2 Þ Gambo [39], adopting the transformation InRZJ yields:
Dean vortices of the flow is computed as: d2U dU
2 S  ð1 þ SÞU Z  expðJÞ: ð17Þ
1 d pffiffi 2 dJ dJ
hðR; sÞ Z ðRU ðR; sÞÞ Z s½C11  C12   2 2 ;
R dR R ðs þ a2 Þ The solution of Eq. (17) subject to (16) is gives:

 2  Sþ1 1

l 1 R R
pffiffi pffiffi 1 1 1
where C3 Z C1 In1 ð sÞ; C4 Z C2 Kn1 ð sÞ; U ðRÞ Z R   ðSþ2Þ  : ð18Þ
pffiffi pffiffi  pffiffi  2S R 2S l 1
C5 Z C1 In s ; C6 Z C2 Kn s ; C7 Z C1 In1 l s ;
To further emphasize the efficiency of the numerical
 pffiffi   pffiffi   pffiffi 
C8 ZC2 Kn1 l s ; C9 ZC1 In l s ; C10 ZC2 Kn l s ; Laplace inversion technique adopted in this study, a nu-
merical comparison between the present work and already
  pffiffi   pffiffi  established results has been carried out as illustrated in
C11 Z ln1 C1 In1 R s  C2 Kn1 R s ; Tables 1 and 2.
  pffiffi   pffiffi 
C12 Z 2ln2 C1 In R s þ C2 Kn R s : 3. Results and discussion

It is paramount to recall that Eqs. (10)e(13) are repre- This section deliberates the effect of the various flow
sentations of the solution in Laplace domain. These closed parameters on expressions for the radial velocity field, wall
form solutions are to be transformed to time domain. skin drags on the cylinder and Dean vortices that has been

Theoretical investigation on the impact of an oscillating time-dependent pressure gradient 5

computed in the preceding section. In order to have a clear

Table 1 Numerical validation of present result with those of Jha
and Gambo [39] for transient state velocity.
understanding on the flow attribute, a MATLAB programme
has been written to generate approximate numerical values
t R S Z  4:0 S Z 4:0 which has been presented graphically. This present analysis
has been carried out over a reasonable range, with time
Present Jha and Present Jha and
analysis Gambo [39] analysis Gambo [39] taken between 0:08 and 0:2, suction/injection parameter
RSA Exact RSA Exact between 4:0 and 4:0, frequency of oscillation between 0:0
ða Z 0Þ solution ða Z 0Þ solution and 20 and radii ratio between 1:0 and 4:0 unless stated
0.2 1.2 0.0704 0.0815 0.0344 0.0360 otherwise. Throughout this analysis, Figures labelled (a) and
1.4 0.0770 0.0892 0.0545 0.0580 (b) denotes suction and injection respectively as shown in
1.6 0.0598 0.0686 0.0588 0.0632 Figures 2e9.
1.8 0.0324 0.0365 0.0431 0.0464 Figure 2 shows the effect of time ðtÞ on the velocity
0.4 1.2 0.0801 0.0815 0.0359 0.0360
profile for a fixed value of a for both cases of suction/in-
1.4 0.0876 0.0892 0.0577 0.0580
1.6 0.0674 0.0686 0.0629 0.0632 jection. It is observed that radial velocity increases steadily
1.8 0.0360 0.0365 0.0462 0.0464 as time ðtÞ increases with suction and injection applied on
S.S. 1.2 0.0815 0.0815 0.0360 0.0360 the porous walls. However, the increase is more notable
1.4 0.0892 0.0892 0.0580 0.0580 around the vicinity of the inner wall with injection applied
1.6 0.0686 0.0686 0.0632 0.0632
as shown in Figure 2(b). This behaviour is consequent on
1.8 0.0365 0.0365 0.0464 0.0464
fluid particles are infused through the cavities on the
porous walls of the inner cylinder, thus accelerating the
The radial velocity field against the frequency of oscil-
lation ðaÞ is depicted in Figure 3. From Figure 3(a), as time
Table 2 Numerical validation of present result with those of Jha ðtÞ is fixed, we noticed that increasing the frequency of
and Gambo [39] for transient state skin drag at R Z 1. oscillation ðaÞ with applied suction on the porous wall re-
sults to a decrease in the fluid velocity profile. A similar
t l S Z  4:0 S Z  4:0
trend is noticed in Figure 3(b) when fluid particles are
Present Jha and Present Jha and injected through the permeable wall, nonetheless the
analysis Gambo [39] analysis Gambo [39] decrease is less significant when injection is applied on the
RSA Exact RSA Exact porous wall. This behaviour reaffirms the findings of Had-
ða Z 0Þ solution ða Z 0Þ solution dad et al. [22].
0.2 1.2 0.1101 0.1100 0.0839 0.0838 The distribution of shear stress at the surface of the inner
1.4 0.2401 0.2400 0.1398 0.1397 cylinder with respect to varying time ðtÞ at a fixed value of a
1.6 0.3888 0.3900 0.1758 0.1758 for both suction and injection are exhibited in Figure 4(a)
1.8 0.5380 0.5600 0.1972 0.1991
0.4 1.2 0.1102 0.1100 0.0840 0.0838
and 4(b) respectively. Here, one finds out the shear stress
1.4 0.2402 0.2400 0.1399 0.1397 around the region of the inner wall decreases as time pass
1.6 0.3902 0.3900 0.1760 0.1758 and attain its maximum towards the vicinity of the outer
1.8 0.5593 0.5600 0.1992 0.1991 wall as shown in Figure 4(a). On the other hand, as fluid is
S.S. 1.2 0.1100 0.1100 0.0838 0.0838 injected through the porous wall of the cylinder, the drag
1.4 0.2400 0.2400 0.1397 0.1397
1.6 0.3900 0.3900 0.1758 0.1758
force decreases as time moves on at the initial state, and
1.8 0.5600 0.5600 0.1991 0.1991 later increases attaining its maximum. The increase towards
the outer wall can be ascribed to the fact that as fluid

Figure 2 Variation of Dean velocity for different values of t ða Z 6; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.


6 Basant K. Jha, Dauda Gambo

Figure 3 Variation of Dean velocity for different values of a ðt Z 0:1; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

Figure 4 Distribution of skin drag ðR Z1Þ for different values of t ða Z 6; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

Figure 5 Distribution of skin drag ðR Z1Þ for different values of a ðt Z 0:1; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

Figure 6 Distribution of skin drag ðR ZlÞ for different values of t ða Z 6; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

Theoretical investigation on the impact of an oscillating time-dependent pressure gradient 7

Figure 7 Distribution of skin drag ðR ZlÞ for different values of a ðt Z 0:1; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

particles are injected, the flow is accelerated thereby outer cylinder. It is interesting to note that as time passes,
retarding the skin drag on the surface of the outer cylinder. the drag on the outer wall decreases as it steadily attains its
Although there is a general decrease in the skin friction as maximum in the middle region of the annulus and slowly
time increases, higher profiles are perceived with injection. diminishes towards the outer wall as shown in Figure 6(a).
Figure 5 illustrates the effect of an increasing a on skin A similar behaviour is observed in Figure 6(b) when in-
friction on the wall of the inner cylinder for a fixed value of jection is applied on the porous wall. However, the
time ðtÞ. It is evident from Figure 5(a) and 5(b) that sup- magnitude of skin friction on the wall of the outer cylinder
pression of the wall shear stress is induced by a growth in is less when injection of fluid through the permeable wall
the frequency of oscillation. Nevertheless, the decrease is is considered. This is actually expected as injection ac-
prominent towards the vicinity of the inner cylinder. celerates the flow, consequently reducing the skin friction.
Figure 6 reveals the combined effect of time ðtÞ and The effect on an increasing frequency of oscillating time-
frequency of oscillation on skin friction at the wall of the dependent pressure gradient ðaÞ on shear stress at surface of

Figure 8 Distribution of Dean vortices for different values of t ða Z 2; S Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

Figure 9 Distribution of Dean vortices for different values of a ðt Z 0:1; Re Z 4:0;  4:0Þ.

8 Basant K. Jha, Dauda Gambo

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