Practicum Report Spring 2020, Id 16203021

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Development of

Point Of Sell for Kodeeo

A Practicum Report Submitted By

Mir Md. Abdullah-Al-Zaki

ID # 16203021

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of

Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering and Technology
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Spring 2020
Development of
Point of Sell

for Kodeeo
Mir Md. Abdullah-Al-Zaki

ID: 17303032

A practicum report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE) The practicum has been examined
and approved by

Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Haque

Chair and Professor
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Professor Dr.Utpal Kanti Das

Professor and Coordinator
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Suhala Lamia
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering and Technology
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
Spring 2020

Letter of Transmittal

May 05, 2020

The Chairman, Practicum and Placement Board
College of Engineering and Technology - CEAT
IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
4, Embankment Drive Road, Sector 10
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka -1230, Bangladesh.

Subject: Letter of Transmittal.

With due respect, I would like to approach you that it is a great opportunity as well as
immense pleasure for me to submit this report titled “Loan Recommendation and Application
System for Kodeeo” for the fulfillment of my Practicum course.
It was undoubtedly a splendid opportunity for me to work on this project to actualize my
theoretical knowledge and has an enormous exposure with the corporate culture of a
renowned company. Now I am looking forward for your kind appraisal regarding this
practicum report.
I shall remain deeply grateful to you if you kindly go through this report and evaluate my
performance. I hope that you would find the report comprehensive and competent augmented.

Thank you,

Soma Sarker
ID # 16203021
Program: BCSE
Letter of Authorization

May 05, 2020

IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
4, Embankment Drive Road, Sector 10
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka -1230, Bangladesh.

Subject: Letter of Authorization.

Soma Sarker
ID # 16203021
Program: BCSE

Dear Soma Sarker,

You will be happy to know that the project on “Development of Loan Recommendation and
Application for Kodeeo”. I have received in your proposal under my continue internship.
Based on your proposal you will have to submit the project as soon as possible. I hope you
will successfully complete it on time. After successful completion of the project, you
arerequested to write a report based on the project.

For any kind of assistance feel free to contact with me.

Co – Supervisor Practicum Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Utpal Kanti Das Suhala Lamia

Coordinator and Professor Lecturer
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business IUBAT – International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology Agriculture and Technology
Student’s Declaration

I am Soma Sarker, bearing ID# 16203021, student of BCSE - Bachelor of Computer Science
and Engineering program, under the College of Engineering and Technology (CEAT) of
IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology declaring that, this
report on the topic of “Loan Recommendation And Application System for Kodeeo” has been
prepared for the fulfillment of the internship CSC 490, Practicum as well as the partial
requirement of BCSE-Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering degree.

The report and the project on ― “Development of Loan Recommendation and Application
System for Kodeeo” Information and Technologies Ltd. are originally prepared by me. All
module and procedure of this project is being made after proper inspection and internet

It has not been prepared for any other purposes, rewards or presentations.

Soma Sarker

ID# 16203021
Program: BCSE

I, first and foremost, would like to express our gratitude to Almighty Allah for helping me to
complete the report properly.
My sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Abdur Rab, Honorable Vice Chancellor, IUBAT-International
University of Business Agriculture and Technology to give me an opportunity to submit this
practicum report.

My profound respect goes to Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Haque, Chair and Professor, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture
and Technology for approving me to work on the project.
My outmost and sincere gratitude goes to Prof. Dr. Utpal Kanti Das, Coordinator of
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IUBAT- International University of
Business Agriculture and Technology for allowing me to complete the project.
I would like to express our gratefulness to my supervisor Suhala Lamia, Lecturer, Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, IUBAT- International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology who has given me the opportunity to make such a project report
for not only in this semester but also throughout my whole education life at IUBAT-
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology by giving his valuable
suggestions and advices at any time, at any situation. I would able to make this report
effectively and properly only for his right direction.

I owe my deepest gratitude to my parents and our family members whose inexhaustible love
was indispensable to endure in the tragic moments that confronted me once again with the
vulnerability of life.
Lastly, this report would not have been possible without the essential and gracious support of
many individuals who encouraged and supported us in any respect to complete this thesis on
time. I am also so grateful to them.
Supervisor’s Certification

This is to certify that Practicum report on “Loan Recommendation and Application System
for Kodeeo” has been carried out by Soma Sarker bearing ID# 16203021 of IUBAT –
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology as a partial fulfillment of the
requirement of practicum defense course. The report has been prepared under my guidance
and is a record of the accomplished work carried out successfully. To the best of my
knowledge and as per her declaration, no parts of this report has been submitted anywhere for
any degree, diploma or certification.

Now she is permitted to submit the report. I wish her success in all her future endeavors.

Practicum Supervisor,

Suhala Lamia
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Departmental Certification

On behalf of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of International

University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) we, the undersigned, certify
that this practicum report “Loan Recommendation and Application System for Kodeeo” for
the award of Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE) degree was duly
presented by Soma Sarker (ID No. 16203021) and accepted by the department.

Suhala Lamia
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Professor Dr. Utpal Kanti Das

Coordinator and Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Haque

Chair and Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology


AFP-Adjusted Function Point

DET-Data Element Type
DFD-Data Flow Diagram
DT-Data Transition
EI-External Input

EIF-External Interfaces File

EO-External Output
EQ-External Query
ER-Entity Relationship
FP-Function Point

FTR-File Type Referenced

TDI-Total Degree of Influence

UFP-Unadjusted Function Point

GSC-General System Characteristics
ILF-Internal Logical File
QA-Quality Assurance
RET-Record Element Type
SDLC-Software Development Life Cycle
TQM - Total quality management

This report comprises some experiences, which were made during the development of a point
of sale (POS) system. Specific about the project is the fact that it started as an attempt to
develop customizable standard software, and then was restructured to deliver a unique project
solution. This report details the situation before and after the restructuring, and discusses the
experiences made through the ongoing development. These experiences relate mostly to three
areas, which are: software project management, prototyping, and testing.
Internship Certification


Soma Sarker
Joined our “Kodeeo” development team as an intern from January 1, 2020 to April 31, 2020. The
duration of the internee was four months. Durin this four months period, we found her excellent in
pro rammin and has been actively involved in the developin website conducted by our project mana
er. She was always ahead of the instruction to take up any additional responsibilities.
We recommend to Soma Sarker as one of the best intern pro rammer for our “Kodeeo” development

Technical Lead Chairman

Mohammad Tohidul Muhammad Sumon Molla Selim
Table of Contents
Practicum Report Title............................................................................................................ii
Letter of Transmittal..............................................................................................................iii
Letter of Authorization...........................................................................................................iv
Student’s Declaration...............................................................................................................v
Supervisor’s Declaration.......................................................................................................vii
Department Certification.....................................................................................................viii
Internship Certification.........................................................................................................xi
Table of Contents...................................................................................................................xii
List of Figures.........................................................................................................................xv
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................xviii
Chapter 1: Organization Overview........................................................................................1
Organizational Overview..............................................................................................2
Organization Services...................................................................................................2
Organization Location..................................................................................................3
Organization Vision......................................................................................................3
Organization Mission....................................................................................................3
My position in this Organization..................................................................................4
Organizational Structure...............................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Introduction...........................................................................................................5
Background of study.....................................................................................................6
Broad Objective.....................................................................................................6
Specific Objective.................................................................................................6
Proposed System Benefits............................................................................................7
Data Sources..........................................................................................................7
Limitation of the Project...............................................................................................8
Process Model...............................................................................................................8
Reason for choosing Incremental Process Model..................................................8
Feasibility Study...........................................................................................................9
Technical Feasibility.............................................................................................9
Economic Feasibility.............................................................................................9
Operational Feasibility..........................................................................................9
Chapter 3: Requirement Engineering..................................................................................10
Requirement Analysis.................................................................................................11
Requirement Engineering...........................................................................................11
User Requirement................................................................................................11
System Requirement............................................................................................12
Functional Requirement......................................................................................16
Non-Functional Requirement..............................................................................16
Hardware Requirement........................................................................................17
Software Requirement.........................................................................................17
Use case Diagram of the System............................................................................17
Use Case Symbol.................................................................................................17
Use Case Diagram...............................................................................................19
Use Case Text......................................................................................................20
Chapter 4: System Planning..................................................................................................21
Scope of Project..........................................................................................................22
Function of Proposed System.....................................................................................22
Function Description...........................................................................................22
System Project Planning.............................................................................................22
System Project Estimation..................................................................................23
Function Oriented Metrics...................................................................................23
Identifying Complexity...............................................................................................25
Identifying Complexity of transition function.....................................................25
Identifying Complexity of data function.............................................................27
Unadjusted function point contribution...............................................................28
Performance and Environmental impact.............................................................29
Counting Function Point.....................................................................................30
Process Based estimation............................................................................................31
Effort Distribution...............................................................................................32
Project schedule...................................................................................................33
Cost Estimation...........................................................................................................33
Personal Cost.......................................................................................................33
Hardware Coat.....................................................................................................34
Software Cost......................................................................................................34
Other Cost............................................................................................................35
Account Table.............................................................................................................35
Chapter 5: Risk Engineering.................................................................................................36
Risk Management.......................................................................................................37
Stages of Risk......................................................................................................37
Categories of Risk...............................................................................................38
The RMMM plan........................................................................................................38
Chapter 6: Analysis Modeling...............................................................................................42
Software Analysis Pattern...........................................................................................43
Activity Diagram........................................................................................................43
Swim lane Diagram.....................................................................................................49
Chapter 7: Designing..............................................................................................................58
Interface Design..........................................................................................................59
Data Flow Diagram.....................................................................................................66
Database Design..........................................................................................................74
Entity relationship Model....................................................................................74
7.2.3 Database Table Structure.....................................................................................75
Chapter 8: Quality Assurance and Testing..........................................................................78
System Quality Management......................................................................................79
Software Quality management Process...............................................................80
Quality Assurance Matrix...................................................................................80
System Testing............................................................................................................80
Black-box Testing................................................................................................80
White-box Testing...............................................................................................81
System Testing Design...............................................................................................81
Chapter 9: Conclusion...........................................................................................................84
Practicum and Its Value..............................................................................................85

Future Plan..................................................................................................................86
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Organization Location.............................................................................................3
Figure 1.2: Organization Structure of Kodeeo...........................................................................4
Figure 2.1: Incremental Process Model......................................................................................8
Figure 3.1: Use Case Symbols.................................................................................................18
Figure 3.2: Use Case Diagram for Loan Recommendation and Application System..............19
Figure 4.1: Effort Based Estimation.........................................................................................32
Figure 4.2: Effort Distribution PIE Chart.................................................................................32
Figure 4.3: Project Schedule Chart...........................................................................................33
Figure 6.1: Activity Diagram for User.....................................................................................44
Figure 6.2: Activity diagram for admin/bank login.................................................................45
Figure 6.3: Activity diagram for customer login......................................................................45
Figure 6.4: Activity diagram for view admin/bank profile......................................................46
Figure 6.5: Activity diagram for view customer profile...........................................................46
Figure 6.6: Activity diagram for add bank by admin...............................................................47
Figure 6.7: Activity diagram for add loan type by admin........................................................47
Figure 6.8: Activity diagram for add loan setup by bank.........................................................48
Figure 6.9: Activity diagram for view loan details with bank based on criteria......................48
Figure 6.10: Activity diagram for apply loan...........................................................................49
Figure 6.11: Swim Lane Diagram for admin/bank login.........................................................50
Figure 6.12: Swim lane diagram for customer login................................................................51
Figure 6.13: Swim lane diagram for admin/bank profile.........................................................52
Figure 6.14: Swim lane diagram for customer profile.............................................................53
Figure 6.15: Swim Lane Diagram for Add loan type by admin...............................................54
Figure 6.16: Swim Lane Diagram for Add bank by admin......................................................55
Figure 6.17: Swim Lane Diagram for add loan setup by bank.................................................56
Figure 6.18: Swim Lane Diagram for view loan details with bank based on criteria..............57
Figure 6.19: Swim Lane Diagram for apply loan.....................................................................58
Figure 7.1: Landing page..........................................................................................................60
Figure 7.2: Registration interface for user................................................................................60
Figure 7.3: Login interface.......................................................................................................61
Figure 7.4: User can see loan type...........................................................................................61
Figure 7.5: Interface design for search loan depends on criteria..............................................62
Figure 7.6: Interface design for taking loan depends on criteria shows suitablebanks lists.....62
Figure 7.7: Login interface.......................................................................................................63
Figure 7.8: Landing page..........................................................................................................63
Figure 7.9: Interface for bank lists...........................................................................................64
Figure 7.10: Interface for each loan type.................................................................................64
Figure 7.11: Landing page........................................................................................................65
Figure 7.12: Interface for each loan setup................................................................................65
Figure 7.13: Interface for loan request list...............................................................................66
Figure 7.14: Interface for loan approve list..............................................................................67
Figure 7.15: Data Flow Diagram for Context Level (level 0)..................................................67
Figure 7.16: Data Flow Diagram for Level 1...........................................................................68
Figure 7.17: Level 2 DFD of Process 1 (Manage Login).........................................................69
Figure 7.18: Level 2 DFD of Process 2 (Manage Profile).......................................................69
Figure 7.19: Level 2 DFD of Process 3 (Manage Bank)..........................................................70
Figure 7.20: Level 2 DFD of Process 4 (Manage Loan Type).................................................71
Figure 7.21: Level 2 DFD of Process 5 (Manage Loan Setup)................................................72
Figure 7.22: Level 2 DFD of Process 6 (Manage Loan Request)............................................73
Figure 7.23: Level 2 DFD of Process 7 (Manage Loan Apply)...............................................74
Figure 7.24: Entity Relationship Diagram...............................................................................75
Figure 7.25: All Database Table Structure...............................................................................76
Figure 7.26: Bank Table Structure...........................................................................................76
Figure 7.27: Loan Type Table Structure..................................................................................76
Figure 7.28: Loan Setup Table Structure.................................................................................77
Figure 7.29: User Table Structure............................................................................................77
Figure 7.30: Loan Booking Table Structure.............................................................................78
Figure 8.1: Black box and White box Testing.........................................................................81
List of Tables
Table 4.1: Complexity Matrix..................................................................................................23
Table 4.2: Complexity Matrix 2...............................................................................................23
Table 4.3: Complexity Matrix for UFP....................................................................................24
Table 4.4: Complexity Matrix 3...............................................................................................24
Table 4.5: Complexity Matrix for UFP 2.................................................................................24
Table 4.6: Identifying complexity of transition function.........................................................25
Table 4.7: Identifying complexity of data function..................................................................27
Table 4.8: Unadjusted function point contribution of transition function................................28
Table 4.9: Unadjusted function point contribution for data functions.....................................29
Table 4.10: Performance and environmental impact................................................................29
Table 4.11: Processed based Estimation..................................................................................31
Table 4.12: Personnel Cost.......................................................................................................34
Table 4.13: Personnel Cost 2....................................................................................................34
Table 4.14: Hardware Cost.......................................................................................................34
Table 4.15: Software Cost........................................................................................................34
Table 4.16: Estimation of Other Cost.......................................................................................35
Table 4.17: Accounts Table......................................................................................................35
Table 5.1 Project Risk (P01)....................................................................................................39
Table 5.2 Project Risk (P02)....................................................................................................39
Table 5.3 Technical Risk (TR01).............................................................................................39
Table 5.4 Technical Risk (TR02).............................................................................................40
Table 5.5 Technical Risk (TR03).............................................................................................40
Table 5.5 Business Risk (BR01)..............................................................................................41
Table 5.6 Business Risk (BR02)..............................................................................................41
Table 5.7 Business Risk (BR03)..............................................................................................41
Chapter 1: Organization Overview

Chapter 1 is representing the organizational overview, mission, vision and about company’s
various services. In this chapter detailed organizational overview is discussed along with the
organizational hierarchy and my position over there as intern.

Organizational Overview
Kodeeo a full-featured web solution, software development, mobile application, graphic &
multimedia, domain hosting and digital marketing service providing company in Bangladesh.
Its core with the highly qualified Designers and Developers having experience of more than 5
years in various and complex designs and development. Kodeeo has satisfied the clients with
the services like Web design and development, Mobile app design and development, Software
development, SEO and Social Media Designing & Development. We are customer centric
and divert our efforts to act as a one-stop solution provider in the area of IT. In every area of
our, operations we work hard in understanding the Client’s requirement and providing the
Kodeeo solution. We firmly believe in the philosophy of ‘Our vision is to make every youth
skilled & employed’. We take pride in a team of highly qualified, skilled and motivated
Professionals who are encouraged to lead, innovate and excel. Our team consists of top
professionals who share a common vision and passion, providing our clients with critical
insights and advice to succeed in today’s competitive environment. We believe in delivering
Expertise, Excellence Services through our experience and providing the highest and best end
use of services to our client. (Kodeeo,n.d)

Organization Services
Kodeeo is an Information Technology service provider organization which provides all kinds
of professional and creative software, Enterprise software integration, Management info
system, E-commerce, Game development, Web development & Mobile app solutions
Web Development: At Kodeeo we focus on creating search engine friendly, aesthetically
appealing and interactive website designs. It is a known fact that to build a strong web
presence and to secure the countless marketing opportunities available on the internet, a good
website is imperative, thus triggering a race for website design while designing and
developing your website, our professionals keep in mind key factors like easy-navigation,
overall consistency and content quality, stipulated timeframes and budget and backend

Mobile Application: We have a strong mobile application developer team of expert

engineers whose have the experience to build versatile mobile applications for various
industries. All our expert engineer working in android and IOS platform for more than five
years. We work on native android which provide faster response of app and ensure the
quality. We can design, build, prototype and implement your idea through a process of
planning, building, testing, and deployment.

Domain and Hosting Service Provider: Kodeeo offers unbeatable, unlimited & lowest cost
web hosting in Bangladesh, Complete with all the tools and apps you need. Make life easy
with everything under the one roof. We are offering shared hosting packages like Linux
shared hosting and windows shared hosting packages. Shared hosting is a good choice for
new websites. If you are having a new website, then you should use shared hosting. We are
offering these packages at a reasonable price. You can choose any of them as your preference.

Digital Marketing: Kodeeo offer various kinds of packages to make your company best in
the internet world. Digital Marketing means promoting a product or brand which is very much
essential to make a business successful. It increases visibility on web to your potential
customers. As much as you are visible, you are getting closer to your business goal. It’s your
most important strategy to expand your business. Kodeeo is a full-service digital agency that
has clients ranging from renowned companies to innovative startups. (Kodeeo, n.d.)

Organization Location
54/B, Molla Bari, Kawlar Bazar, Uttara, Dhaka – 1230

Figure-2.1: Organization Location (Source:

Organization Vision
The mission of Kodeeo is to become a top leading IT company of Bangladesh and their vision
is to empower the youth and become a successful IT company of digital Bangladesh. Kodeeo
achieves competitive edge and has gained operational effectiveness and efficiency through
the innovative use of technology.

Organization Mission
Kodeeo was born as a one stop skills development platform provider. Their offerings coupled
with the impeccable team behind it ensure satisfaction of client needs in relation to their
My position in this Organization
I am an intern developer to this organization. I am guided by a supervisor in this organization.
He is very helpful and informative. I really learn a lot from him. I successfully completed my
project in time. It was only possible by the guidance of my supervisor. It was also a big
experience to maintain the office time for me. I also maintain the other rules of this
organization. I am happy to work with this office. It’s really made me prepare for the
beginning of my career.

Organizational Structure
The structure of my organization is drawn below:

Figure-2.2: Organization Structure of Kodeeo (Source:

Chapter 2: Introduction
Loan Recommendation and Application System (LRAS) project has been developed to
smoothen the processing of Loans in banks. Our proposed project automates the loan process
from both, bankers as well as customer’s side. Customer can apply for a loan through his/her
suitable criteria and after approved it, they can contact with their details from the bank.
handle all loan related recommendation in a very accurate and convenient way. Bank loan
recommendation and application system is an interface which facilitates a customer to choose
bank and apply for a loan online. This system provides detail about the customers, about
various types of banks, their loan details. Finding a bank which is more suitable, getting a
loan is a very complicated process in Bangladesh. It may take weeks even months for loans to
get approved and people must visit the loan office again and again for document and
verification. Using with this system admin and bank can find customer easily and it’s a
paperless system so workload is reduced. It is very helpful for those banking staffs who are in
the charge of loan management, it provides a very reliable and convenient form for their
related details. Interest rates and the loan details are also available at the click of a mouse.
This system provides good communication for the customer and bank employee.

Background of study
Before developing the project, I have studied on some online loan management system, bank
management system, also studied on some documents regarding on the loan management
system. For more clarification from customer perspective, I have also studied on some group
and form posts. By studying on them I have found some differences between the systems and
the manuals. I have found some issues those are faced by the customer in time of their loan
applying. So, by studying on them found some points those can be implemented on a new
system to make the system more convenient to the users. Those I have implemented on my
system. So, to develop my actual system I have studied on previously developed system,
websites and blog postings of customer and banks. (

The main objective of developing this project is to handle all the details of Loans and getting
suitable loan in the bank. The project has been developed to smoothen the processing of
Loans in banks.

Broad Objective
The main objective of Online Loan Management System isto develop a system that shows the
loan types, based on criteria suitable banks list, handle the details of Loans of various banks
and Investments in the bank.

Specific Objective
The online automated system with web-based architecture can support issues like.
 This system maintains the information related different departments and stored at
a central DB, which leads easy accessibility and consistency.
 Interest rates of different banks and the other details are also available at the click of a
 Customer can apply for a loan based on his/her criteria and track his file details
from online.
 Make relation between customer and bank.
 The decision process in faster and more consistent.
 Provides good communication between two departments.
 Provides a facility to generate the reports very easily.

Proposed System Benefits

A project scope is the clear identification of the work required to successfully complete or
deliver a given project. Also, to satisfy our clients and keep records of the ongoing project,
work analysis. Any non-technical person can easily use the system.

 Provides instant information.

 Save of both money and time.
 The project reduces time.
 User friendly System for User Satisfaction.
 Data are secured.

For this project in data collection phase I collected primary and secondary data. Kodeeo
provided with all type of primary and secondary data needed to develop the system. The
procedures and processes that I followed to develop this system are clearly described in the
Analysis and Design chapter with illustrations.

Data Sources
The sources of data for the purpose of this project are:

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

Primary Data
Primary data are generated within the organization. The organizations practical experience,
observation, and face-to-face interview with Banks, Customers and our own web
administrators helped us to generate the primary data. The primary data are collected through
the practical experience, observation, and face-to-face interview with both operators and user.
Secondary Data
Secondary data are generated by real life experience and studying different articles,
newspapers, and research papers and of course information collected via Internet. Data, facts
and statistics collected from different web sites and sources made us understand the project
better. For that I searched some online loan system, read articles about loan management.

Limitation of the Project

Some limitations of my project are:

 Customer’s invoice cannot be sent to customers email.

 Banks cannot add more loan types which are not in the software system.
 Users do not have the feedback option.

Process Model
There are many situations in which initial software requirements are reasonably well-defined,
but the overall scope of the development effort precludes a purely linear process, in addition,
there may be a compelling need to provide a limited set of software functionality to users
quickly and then refine and expand on that functionality in later software releases, The
incremental process model is a method of software development where the model is designed,
implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the product is
finished. It involves both development and maintenance. The product is defined as finished
when it satisfies all its requirements. This model combines the elements of the waterfall
model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.

Figure-2.1: Incremental Process Model (Source:

Reason for choosing Incremental Process Model

 Provides better support for process iteration.

 Reduces rework in the software construction process.
 As it reduces rework in coding, it is time efficient.
 Allows early delivery of parts of the system.
 Supports easier integration of sub-systems.
 Lower risk of project failure.
 Delivery priorities can be more easily set.

Feasibility Study
Feasibility study determines whether that solution is feasible or achievable for the
organization. This means that the tasks that we will perform are worth enough or not. There
are three major areas of investigation and generating ideas about a new system. On studying
the feasibility of the system, three major considerations are dealt with, to find whether the
automation of the system is feasible.

 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility

Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility addresses concern about hardware capability, reliability and availability
and the skills of the development team. So, I found that this model is technically feasible,
because this can be developed by the following lines.
To develop this project, need a high-level programming language like HTML, CSS,
Bootstrap, Laravel Framework of PHP. For database such as Xampp Server. To store data and
an IDE (Sublime Text) need a cloud server and a computing device like a computer or
Smartphone with a simple configuration and data connection. All the technology which is
mention above is ready to use. So, our project is technically feasible.

Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility determines to what extent a new system, is cost effective. My software is
economically feasible. As I mention i need only one operating system and a browser. So, the
cost will be less. On the other way, this will reduce our paper cost. Because I am using a
database to store all the data. From customer side, when any new customer wants to look that
what type of loans and which bank is suitable, that time they do not need any money to pay.
From bank side, when bank will operate the system, they do not need to pay any money. So, I
can say that this software is economically feasible.

Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility addresses concern about user acceptance, management support, and the
requirements of entities and factors in the organization’s external environment. It is
operationally feasible. Anyone can easily understand the process of our software. They need
not any extra training to understand it. Member can get their service by sign in and log in our
site. So, it is operationally feasible.
Chapter 3: Requirement Engineering
The process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the
constraint under which it operates and is developed. Requirement reflects the needs of userfor
a system that serves a certain purpose such as controlling a device, placing a command or
finding information.

Requirement Engineering
Requirements engineering is, as its name suggests, the engineering discipline of establishing
user requirements and specifying software systems. There are many definitions of
Requirements Engineering; however, they all share the idea that requirements involve finding
out what people want from a computer system and understanding what their needs mean in
terms of design. Requirements engineering is closely related to software engineering, which
focuses more on the process of designing the system that users want.
• User requirements
• System requirements
• Functional requirements
• Non-functional requirements
• Hardware Requirements
• Software Requirements

Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis provides the software designer with a representation of information,
function and behavior that can be translated to data, architectural, interface and component
level designs. In the following task phases the requirement analysis was done.
User Requirements
 Admin can login/register.
 Admin can (View, Update) their profile.
 Admin can manage (View, Delete) user information.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) bank information.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) loan types.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) loan setup for each bank.
 Admin can show (View) loan application list and cancel loan list.
 Customer can see loan types.
 Customer can get loan recommendation depends on criteria.
 Before apply loan, customer can login/register.
 Customer can (View, Update) their profile.
 Customer can apply for loan.
 Customer can see loan application list, how many loans he/she will applied.
 Customer can see loan approve list.
 Customer can get loan notifications in email.
 Bank can login/register.
 Bank can (View, Update) their profile.
 Bank can see loan types.
 Bank can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) their loan setup.
 Bank can approve loan application.
 Bank can reject loan application.

System Requirements
 Admin can login/register.
 For login, admin must click on “Login” button from the menu bar. Then login
form will be appeared.
 Admin must provide required information in the form and click “Submit”.
 If the provided information of the admin has been matched with the database,
then the admin can access his/her panel. Otherwise, the system will show an
error message and suggest registering as a new user.
 Admin can (View, Update) their profile.
 Using the admin panel an admin can view his/her profile of the system
by clicking on “Profile” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Profile” button, the system shows the all information ona
 There will be a “Edit” button. Using this button, admin can edit the
information of his/her profile.
 Admin can manage (View, Delete) User information
 Using the admin panel an admin can manage user information of thesystem
by clicking on “User Information” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “User Information” button, the system shows the allusers
information on a table.
 There will be a “Delete” button in every tuple. Using these buttons, admin
can delete the information of the user.
 After clicking on “Delete” button, the system will show aconfirmation
message about deleting the information from the system.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) Bank Information.
 Using the admin panel an admin can manage bank information of thesystem
by clicking on “Bank Information” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Bank Information” button, the system shows the allbank
information on a table.
 By clicking on the “Add New Bank” button admin can add new
bank information in the system.
 There will be a “Edit, Delete” button in every tuple. Using these
buttons, admin can view, edit and delete the information of the banks.
 After clicking on “Delete” button, the system will show aconfirmation
message about deleting the information from the system.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) loan types.
 Using the admin panel an admin can manage available loan type in the
system by clicking on “Loan Type” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Loan Type” button, the system shows the all availableloan
type on a table.
 By clicking on the “Add New Loan” button admin can add new type of loanin
the system.
 There will be a “Edit and Delete” button in every tuple. Using these
buttons, admin can edit and delete the information of the available loan
 After clicking on “Delete” button, the system will show aconfirmation
message about deleting the information from the system.
 Admin can manage (View, Add, Edit, Delete) Loan Setup for each bank.
 Using the admin panel an admin can manage loan information for each of the
bank in the system by clicking on “Loan Setup” button from the menubar.
 After clicking on “Loan Setup” button, the system shows the loan information
for each of the bank on a table.
 By clicking on the “Add Loan Setup” button admin can add new loan
information of a bank in the system. If it is necessary.
 By clicking on the “View” button admin can see the details information about
the loan of the particular bank.
 There will be a “Edit and Delete” button in every tuple. Using these buttons,
admin can edit and delete the loan information of any particular banks. If it is
 After clicking on “Delete” button, the system will show a confirmation
message about deleting the information from the system. If it is necessary.
 Admin can (View) loan application list and cancel loan list.
 Using the admin panel an admin can see loan application list and cancel loan
list for each of the bank in the system by clicking on “Loan Request” and
“Loan Approve” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Loan Request” button, the system shows all loan
application list for each of the bank on a table.
 After clicking on “Loan Approve” button, the system shows all loan approve
list for each of the bank on a table.
 Customer can see loan types.
 Any customer (Registered/Unregistered) can see the available loan types in
the system by clicking on “Loan Type” button from the menu bar.
 Customer can get loan recommendation depends on criteria.
 Any customer (Registered/Unregistered) can get loan recommendation
depends on criteria by clicking on the suitable loan type (ex. Home Loan, Car
Loan and Personal Loan).
 After selection the suitable loan (Home Loan, Car Loan and Personal Loan)
type, a customer must have to fill-up a from where he/she have to provide
needed loan amount, loan duration in year, and monthly income and click
 Then the system will show recommended loans for selected loan type from
different banks on a table with valuable information
 A customer can see the details loan information about the particular bank by
clicking on the “View” button from every tuple.
 Customer can login/register.
 After apply loan customer must “Login”. If he/she registered then provide
required information in a form and click “Submit”.
 The provided information of the customer has been stored in database, then the
system will show a message.
 If the provided information of the customer has been matched with the
database, then the customer can go to the website. Otherwise, the system will
show an error message and suggest registering as a new user.
 Customer can (View, Update) their profile.
 After login Customer can view his/her profile of the system by clickingon
“Profile” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Profile” button, the system shows the all information ona
 There will be a “Edit” button. Using this button, customer can edit the
information of his/her profile.
 Customer can apply for loan.
 For applying a loan, a customer must need to register in the system.
 There will be an “Apply Now” button in every recommended loan
information about the particular bank.
 By clicking on “Apply Now” button, a registered customer can directlyapply
for the loan, if he/she is registered.
 Customer can see loan application list and loan approve list.
 After login customer can see “Loan Request” And “Loan Approve” button
from the menu bar.
 By clicking on “Loan Request” button, the system will show the allloan
request information on a table. If he/she applied any loan.
 By clicking on “Loan Approve” button, the system will show the all loan
approve information on a table. If he/she applied any loan.
 Customer can get loan notifications in email.
 If the bank approves the loan application of the customer, then he/she willget
a notification message in email from the bank.
 If the bank not approves the loan application of the customer, then alsohe/she
will get a notification message in Gmail from the bank.

 Bank can login.

 For login, the bank must click on “Login” button from the menu bar. Then a
login form will be appeared.
 Bank must provide required information in the form and click “Submit”.
 If the provided information of the bank has been matched with the database,
then the bank can access their own panel. Otherwise, the system will show an
error message and return back to the login page.
 Bank can (View, Update) their profile.
 After login Bank can view his/her profile of the system byclicking on
“Profile” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Profile” button, the system shows the all information ona
 There will be a “Edit” button. Using this button, bank can edit the information
of his/her profile.
 Bank can see loan types.
 Bank can see the available loan types in the system by clicking on
“Loan Type” button from the menu bar.
 Bank can manage (View, Add, Update, Delete) their loan setup.
 Using their own panel bank can manage their loan information in the
system by clicking on “Loan Setup” button from the menu bar.
 After clicking on “Loan Setup” button from the menu bar, the system
shows every available loan information of that bank in a table.
 By clicking on the “Add Loan Setup” button bank can add their new loan
information in the system.
 By clicking on the “View” button bank can see the details informationabout
the any particular loan.
 There will be a “Edit and Delete” button in every tuple. Using these
buttons, bank can edit and delete their available loan information from the
 After clicking on “Delete” button, the system will show aconfirmation
message about deleting the information from the system.
 Bank can approve loan application.
 From their own panel, bank can approve the loan application of theapplied
 For approving the loan application, bank needs to click on the “Loan
Request” button from the menu bar.
 Then the system will show all the applications and their status in a table.
 The bank can approve the loan application by clicking on the“Approve”
button from that particular tuple from the table.
 After approving the loan application bank can see all approved loan list by
clicking “Approve Loan” button, from the menu bar.
 Then the system will show all the approve loan and their status in a table.
 Bank can reject loan application.
 From their own panel, bank also can cancel the loan application of theapplied
 For cancelling the loan application, bank needs to click on the “Loan
Request” button from the menu bar.
 Then the system will show all the applications and their status in a table.
 The bank can cancel the loan application by clicking on the “Reject” button
from that particular tuple from the table.
Functional Requirements:
 Registration
 Login
 View profile
 Add banks
 View banks details
 Add loan types
 Add loan setup
 View loan application list
 View approve loan list
 Logout
 Registration
 Login
 View profile
 View loan types
 View all loan information
 Apply for loan
 View loan request list
 View approve loan list
 Logout
 Login
 View profile
 View loan types
 Give approval for loan application
 Each bank can setup their loan criteria
 Logout

Non-Functional Requirements:
 User cannot create more than one accounts using the same Mail Address.
 System will need all the Mail address and Password stored in Database.
 Data backup system will be available.
 Admin, Customer and Bank will see their profile information in their profileafter
 The registration will be validated with valid mail address and account will be verified.

Hardware Requirements:
The hardware listed by no means a minimum requirement to run the system, but rather a base
limit for running the system smoothly and comfortably. This is also considering the potential
amount of traffic that may go through the server.
 1 x Intel Pentium Dual Core G3250 - 3.2 GHz Processor.
 2 GB (DDR3) RAM
 80 GB 7200 rpm SATA Hard Drive.
 2 x 10/100/1000 Ethernet, 1 PCIe 2.0x16 slot.

Software Requirements:
 Web Server: Xampp Server Bitnami 5.6.30
 Server-Side Scripting: Laravel Framework of PHP.
 Database Engine: MySQL 5.1.34
 Database Tools: MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser
 Designing Tools:, Creately
 Text Editor: Sublime Text, Brackets

Use Case Diagram of the System

Use case symbols
 Important parts in a use case:

1. Actor: An Actor is outside or external the system.

2. Use case: A use case represents a function or an action within the system. Its
drawn as an oval and named with the function.

3. System Boundary: System is a sequence of events which happen when a user

interacts with the system and drawn as a rectangle. This an optional element
but useful when your visualizing large systems.

4. Relationship: Relationship is an association between use case and actor.

Figure 3.1: Use Case Symbols
Use case diagram

Figure 3.2: Use Case Diagram for Loan Recommendation and Application System
Use case text
In the project ‘Development of Loan Recommendation and Application for Kodeeo, the use
case diagram is used to visualize the different types of roles in a system and how those roles
interact with the system. This system is basically a platform where bank and customer can
1. Login: User Can Login to the system if they are registered. Users are Admin, Bank.
2. User Registration: Users are Admin. Bank, Customers. Admin and bank can manage
the system. Customer can see loan lists with bank based on criteria and apply.
3. Loan Type: Admin can manage this module. Admin can add loan types. Bank can
view loan types and get under that loan type.
4. Profile: Admin, bank, customer can see their information. If they are registered.
5. Search by criteria: Customer can search loan information based on their criteria.
Then system can show on bank lists with their interest rate.
6. Bank Management: Admin and bank can handle this module. Admin can add bank,
theycan view, update or inactive the bank.
7. Loan Management: Bank can handle loan management. Bank can be added based on
loan types setup form that they are giving home loan, car loan, personal loan. Bank
can update loans if they want to and also delete.
8. Loan Request: This is basically for customers. If any customer wants to visit the site
based on their criteria, they can look for any bank what matches with them. After that,
they can apply on that bank. Bank can see how many loans under them. They can
approve or reject customers loan request.
Chapter 4: System Planning
System planning chapter shows the functions of the project ‘Development of Loan
Recommendation and Application System”. The function point estimation, effortdistribution
and project schedule chart are also shown in this chapter.

Scope of Project
The scope of the project is to satisfy our clients and keep records of the ongoing project,
work analysis. Any non-technical person can easily use the system. Some more scopes are:

 Web based application, can be accessible from anywhere by internet browser.

 Searching system is available here for all the transaction.
 Platform independent; run on Windows, Mac or Linux.
 No license fees or renewal fees.
Function of Proposed System
Function Description
Create Account F1
Login into the System F2
Add Bank F3
View Bank F4
Update Bank F5
Add Loan Type F6
View Loan Type F7
Update Loan Type F8
Add Loan Setup F9
View Loan Setup F10
Update Loan Setup F11
View Loan Request F12
Approve Loan Request F13

System Project Planning

Before starting any project, it is compulsory to estimate the work to be done, the resources
that will be required, the time that will elapse from start to finish and to analyze the project to
determine whether it isfeasible or not. Software project management commences with a set of
activities that collectively called software project planning. Through the software project
planning I estimate the work to be done, the resources that will be required, the time that will
elapse from start to finish and finally I analyze the project to determine whether it is feasible
or not.
The following activities of software project planning that have followed in this project are:
 System Project Estimation
 Function Point Estimation
 Based Estimation
 Effort Distribution
 Task Scheduling Project
 Schedule Chart Cost
 Estimation

System Project Estimation

The accuracy of a software project estimate predicated based on a number of things:

 Properly estimated the size of the product to build.
 The degree to which the project plan reflects the abilities of the software teamor
 The stability of the product requirements and the environment that supports
the software engineering effort.

Software size estimation is the most important matter that I have to consider during the
software project. If the software size is not calculated properly, then this will cause various
problems such as scheduling problems, budget problem etc. As the project is going on, before
estimating the software size, I have to confirm that software scope is bounded.
Software size estimation is the most important matter that I have to consider during the
software project. If the software size not calculate properly, then this will cause various
problems such as scheduling problems, budget problem etc. As the project goes on before
estimating the software size, I have to confirm that software scope is bounded.
Function Oriented Metrics

Complexity Matrix

Table 4.1: Complexity Matrix

EI 1-4 DETs 5-15 DETs 16 or more DETS

1 FTR Low Low Average

2 FTRs Low Average High

3orMoreFTRs Average High High

Table 4.2: Complexity Matrix 2

EO/EQ 1-5 DETs 6-19 DETs 20 or more DETS

1 FTR Low Low Average

2 to 3 FTRs Low Average High

4 or More FTRs Average High High

Table 4.3: Complexity Matrix for UFP

Complexity Transaction Function Type Transaction Function Type


Low 3 4

Average 4 5

High 6 7

Table 4.4: Complexity Matrix 3

ILF/EIF 1-19 DETs 20-50 DETs 51 or more DETS

1 RET Low Low Average

2 to 5 RETs Low Average High

6 or More RETs Average High High

Table 4.5: Complexity Matrix for UFP 2

Complexity Transaction Function Type Transaction Function Type


Low 7 5

Average 10 7

High 15 10
Identifying Complexity
The task of counting function points should be included as part of the overall project plan.
This is counting function points should be scheduled and planned. The first function point
count should be development to provide sizing used for estimating.
Transactional Functions:

 External Inputs [EI]

 External Outputs [EO]
 External Queries [EQ]

Data Functions:
 Internal Logical Files [ILF]
 External interface files [EIF]

Also, FETs, DET, RET and FTR have been applied for the analysis of data function and
transactional functions.

Identifying complexity of transition function

Table 4.6: Identifying complexity of transition function

Transition function Fields/File involve FTRs DETs
1. Create account (EI) Fields- id, name, email, role, address, password,
submit 1 7
File Name-users
2.Login(3*EI) Fields- id, email, password, submit 1 4
File Name: users
3. User can view Fields- id, name, email, address, role, submit 1 6
theirprofile (EQ) File Name: users
4.User can update their Fields- id, name, email, address, role, password, 1 7
profile (EI) submit
File Name: users
5. Customer can see Fields- id, logo, bank name, loan type name, 3 9
loans with banks (EO) requested amount, interest rate, interest, total
payable, monthly installment
File Name: banks, ioaninformatios, loantypes
6.Customer can apply Fields- id, user_id, loan_id 4 3
for loan (EI) File Name: bookings, loaninformations, banks,
7. Customer can see Fields- id, logo, bank name, loan type name, 4 9
their loan request list user name, requested amount, interest rate, total
(EO) payable, monthly installment
File Name: bookings, loantypes,
loaninformations, banks
8. Customer can see Field- id, logo, bank name, loan type name, user 4 9
their loan approve list name, requested amount, interest rate, total
(EO) payable, monthly installment
File Name: bookings, loantypes,
loaninformations, banks
9. Admin can add bank Fields- id, bank_image, name, contact, address,
(EI) email, submit button 1 7
File Name: banks
10.Admin can view Fields- id, bank_image, name, contact, address, 1 6
banks details (EO) email
File Name: banks
11.Admin can update Fields- id, bank_image, name, contact, address, 1 7
bank (EI) email, submit button
File Name: banks
12.Admin can remove Fields- id, bank_image, name, contact, address, 1 7
bank from list (EI) email, delete button
File Name: banks
13. Admin can add Fields- id, image, loan type name, status, submit 1 5
loan type (EI) button
File Name: loantypes
14.Admin can update Fields- id, image, loan type name, status, update 1 5
loan type (EI) button
File Name: loantypes
15.Admin can view Fields- id, image, loan type name, status 1 4
loan type (EO) File Name: loantypes
16.Admin can remove Fields- id, image, loan type name, status, delete 1 5
loan type from list (EI) button
File Name: loantypes
17.Bank can add Fields- id, bank id, loan type id, interest rate, 3 22
loaninformation(EI) min age requirement, max age requirement,
min income, min financial amount,
max financial amount, min loan tenure years,
max loan tenure years, guarantor, emp
eligibility, source income, before loan,
max loan tenure,
approve time,
service charge,
late payment,
terms, details, submit
File Name: loaninformations, loantypes, banks
18. Bank can update Fields- id, bank id, loan type id, interest rate, 3 22
loaninformation(EI) min age requirement, max age requirement,
min income, min financial amount,
max financial amount, min loan tenure years,
max loan tenure years, guarantor, emp
eligibility, source income, before loan,
max loan tenure,
approve time,
service charge,
late payment,
terms, details, update button
File Name: loaninformations, loantypes, banks
19.Bank can view Fields- id, bank id, loan type id, interest rate, 3 21
laoninformation(EO) min age requirement, max age requirement,
min income, min financial amount,
max financial amount, min loan tenure years,
max loan tenure years, guarantor, emp
eligibility, source income, before loan,
max loan tenure,
approve time,
service charge,
late payment,
terms, details
File Name: loaninformations,loantypes, banks
20.Bank can remove Fields- id, bank id, loan type id, interest rate, 3 22
loaninformation(EI) min age requirement, max age requirement,
min income, min financial amount,
max financial amount, min loan tenure years,
max loan tenure years, guarantor, emp
eligibility, source income, before loan,
max loan tenure,
approve time,
service charge,
late payment,
terms, details, delete button
File Name: loaninformations, loantypes, banks
21. Bank can view loan Fields- id, image, loan type name, status 1 4
type (EO) File Name: loantypes
22.Bank can approve Fields- id, logo, bank name, loan type name, 4 8
loan request (EI) user name, loan id, status, confirm button
File Name: bookings, loantypes, users, banks
23.Bank can reject Fields- id, logo, bank name, loan type name, 4 8
loan request (EI) user name, loan id, status, reject button
File Name: bookings, loantypes, users, banks

Identifying complexity of data function

Table 4.7: Identifying complexity of data function

Data function Fields/File involve R D
s s
1. users (ILF) Fields- id, name, email, role, address, password 1 6
2. banks (ILF) Fields- id, user_id, bank_image, name, contact, address, email 1 7
3. bookings Fields- id, user_id, loan_id, status 1 4
4. Fields-id,bank_id, loan_type_id, interest_rate,min_age_requirement, 1 2
loaninformatio max_age_requirement,min_income,min_financial_amount,max_finan 1
ns (ILF) cial_amount,min_loan_tenure_years,max_loan_tenure_years,guaranto
e_time,service_charge,late_payment,terms, details
5. loantypes Fields- id, name, status 1 3

Unadjusted function point contribution

Table 4.8: Unadjusted function point contribution of transition function

Transition function FTRs DETs Complexity UFP
1. Create account (EI) 1 7 Low 3
2. Login (EI) 1 4 Low 3
3.User can view their profile (EQ) 1 6 Low 3
4.User can update their profile (EI) 1 7 Low 3
5. Customer can see loans with banks (EO) 3 9 Average 5
6.Customer can apply for loan (EI) 4 3 Average 4
7. Customer can see their loan request list (EO) 4 9 High 7
8.Customer can see their loan approve list (EO) 4 9 High 7
9. Admin can add bank (EI) 1 7 Low 3
10. Admin can view bank details (EQ) 1 6 Low 3
11. Admin can update bank (EI) 1 7 Low 3
12.Admin can remove bank from list (EI) 1 7 Low 3
13. Admin can add loan type (EI) 1 5 Low 3
14. Admin can update loan type (EI) 1 5 Low 3
15. Admin can view loan type (EI) 1 4 Low 3
16.Admin can remove loan type from list (EI) 1 5 Low 3
17.Bank can add loaninformation (EI) 3 22 High 6
18.Bank can update loaninformation (EI) 3 22 High 6
19.Bank can view loaninformation (EQ) 3 21 High 6
20.Bank can remove loaninformation (EI) 3 22 High 6
21.Bank can approve loan request (EI) 4 8 High 6
22.Bank can reject loan request (EI) 4 8 High 6
Total 95

Table 4.9: Unadjusted function point contribution for data functions

Data function RETs DETs Complexity UFP
1. users (ILF) 1 6 Low 7
2.banks (ILF) 1 7 Low 7
3.bookings (ILF) 3 4 Low 7
4. loaninformations (ILF) 3 21 Average 10
5. loantypes (ILF) 1 3 Low 7
Total 38

Performance and Environmental impact

Table 4.10: Performance and environmental impact

GSC (General System Characteristics) TDI
1. Data Communications 4
2. Distributed Data Processing 1
3. Performance 4
4. Heavily Used Configuration 2
5. Transaction Rate 2
6. On-Line Data Entry 1
7. End-user Efficiency 2
8. Online Update 1
9. Complex Processing 2
10. Reusability 2
11. Installation Ease 4
12. Operational Ease 3
13. Multiple Sites 3
14. Facilitate Change 1
Total Degree ofInfluence (TDI) (Range 0 to 70 -> influence size ±35%) 32
Counting Function Point
Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) = (0.65 + (0.01*TDI))
= (0.65 + (0.01*32))
= 0.97
UFP = UFP (Data Function) + UFP (Transition Function)
= 38+95
Adjusted Function Point (AFP) =UFP*VAF
= 133*0.97
= 129.01
Efforts for Project
= AFP * Productivity
= 129.01 × 15.5
= 1999.655 per hour
One person works 8 hour per day
=1999.655/8 = 249.957 days
Approximate 250 days
In a group, there are 3 members
=250/3 = 83.32 days
= Approximately 83 days
In a month, 25 days are working days.
Processed Based Estimation

Table 4.11: Processed based Estimation

Function RG Data Risk Engineering Developing Testing Implementation Total
Name (Client Analysis Analysis And Support
Visit)) Planning Design Coding Documentation

F1 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.62 0.6 0.9 0.4 5.42
F2 0.6 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.82 2.5 0.82 1.44 0.42 7.62
F3 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.9 0.6 0.9 0.4 5.7
F4 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.5 2.01 0.5 0.7 0.79 5.6
F5 0.3 0.8 0.02 0.1 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.3 4.82
F6 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.14 0.5 2.0 0.7 1.37 0.5 6.51
F7 0.4 1.8 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.6 0.5 0.8 0.6 6.6
F8 0.4 1.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 2.3 0.7 1.5 0.5 7.6
F9 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.2 1.5 1.1 0.5 0.9 0.3 5.9
F10 0.2 1.2 0.2 0.49 0.88 1.3 1.51 1.4 0.5 7.68
F11 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 5.8
F12 0.4 1.6 0.23 0.1 0.7 2.1 0.87 1.2 0.5 7.7
F13 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.5 2.4 0.4 1.0 0.45 6.05
Total 83
Total 4.4 13.2 1.76 2.64 8.8 23.73 8.8 13.51 6.16
Percentage 5% 16% 2% 3% 10% 31% 10% 16% 7% 100%
Effort Distribution
The software project estimation technique leads to estimate of work units required to
complete the software development in this project, 40% of full software development has
been allocated to Coding/Developing, 35% has been allocated to analysis, design and the
remaining 25% has been allocated to software testing and support.

18 35 Analysis & Design


Figure 4.1: Effort Based Estimation

A detailed view of the effort distribution chart is illustratedbellow:

In the Pie chart we can see that, among 35% of Analysis and Design we spend 5% for client
visit and collect all requirement gathering, 15% for analysis the data and information, 2% for
risk analysis, 3% for planning and 10% for designing.
Among 40% of Developing, 30% is used for coding, 10% is used for documentation, 18% is
used for testing and last 7% is used for implementing, giving the support to the client.

Client Visit & Requirement gathering

2 Planning Designing Coding Documentatio n Testing
% Support

10 10


Figure 4.2: Effort Distribution PIE Chart

Project Schedule
Total system development is a combination of sets of tasks. These set of tasks should do
sequentially and timely. Project schedule works as the guideline of the system developer. The
following is the schedule chart of this project:

Figure 4.3: Project Schedule Chart


The approximation of the cost of a program is cost estimation. In this project, there are few
factors to analyze and calculate the cost. Given below,

 Personal costs
 Software costs
 Hardware costs
 Other costs

Personnel cost
Number of days in a year = 365
Number of government holidays in a year =24 Number of weekly holidays in a year =52

Total number of working days to develop the project = 365-(52+24) = 289 days Total number
of working days per months to develop the project = 289/12
=24.083 days
Organization working hours per day = 8 hours
Organization working hours per month=24.083*8 = 192.664 hours
Total working hour in 3.33 months = 24.083*8*3.33 = Approximately 642 hours
Table 4.12: Personnel Cost

Position Salary/month Salary/hour

System Analyst 35000 182.29
Designer 25000 130.2
Coder 20000 104.17
Tester 20000 104.17

Total salary of Analyst in 3.33 months =TK 83*182.29

=TK 15130
Total salary of Designer in 3.33 months = TK 180*130.2
= TK 23436
Total salary of Coder in 3.33 months = TK 290*104.17
= TK 30209
Total salary of Tester in 3.33 months = TK 90*104.17
= TK 9375

Table 4.13: Personnel Cost 2

Designation Person Working Hour Salary Total Salary
System Analyst One 83 15130
Designer One 180 23436
78150 BDT
Coder One 290 30209
Tester One 90 9375

Hardware cost

Cost of a computer = 35000

Computer life = 3 years
Computer Usage = 13 weeks = 3.33 months
Computer cost = (35000/36) *3.33*8 = 25900 BDT

Table 4.14: Hardware Cost

Hardware Cost
Computer 25900
Modem 1600
Printer 5000
Total 32500 BDT

Software cost

Table 4.15: Software Cost

Name Amount
Windows 10 8500
MS Office 2016 Free
MySQL Free
Notepad++ Free
Total 8500 BDT

Others Cost

Table 4.16: Estimation of Other Cost

Name Price (BDT)
Transport 2000
House Rent 10000
Other 1500
Total 13500 BDT

Account Table
Table 4.17: Accounts Table
Particulars TK
 System Analyst 15130
 Designer 23436
 Coder 30209
 Tester 9375
78150 BDT
Hardware Cost –
 Computer 25900
 Modem 1600
 Printer 5000
32500 BDT
Software Cost –
 Windows 10 8500
 MS office 2016 Free
 Xampp Free
 MySQL Free
 Notepad++ Free
8500 BDT
Other Costs-
 Transport 2000
 House Rent 10000
 Other 1500
13500 BDT
Total Cost 132650 BDT
Chapter 5: Risk Engineering
Risk Management
A risk is a serious problem that might or might not happen. It is necessary to analyze the
potential risks in a project. If the risks of a software project are not properly analyzed and
estimated, many problems can plague the software project. Anyone developing any type of
system encounter with it and it has to be managed.

Stages of Risk
Risk analysis and management are a series of steps that help a software team understand and
manage uncertainty. Many problems can plague of software project. A risk is a potential
problem; it might happen, it might not. But regardless of the outcome, it’s a really good idea
to identify it, assess its probability of occurrence, and estimate its impact, and establish a
contingency plan should the problem actually occur. Risk analysis and management are a
series of steps that help a software them to understand and manage uncertainty. To establish a
risk management model the following phases are followed:
Identification: Risk identification is the process of detecting potential risks or hazards
through data collection. A range of data collection and manipulation tools and techniques
exists. The team is using both automated and manual techniques to collect data and begin to
characterize potential risks to Web resources. Web crawling is one effective way to collect
information about the state of Web pages and sites.

Classification: Risk classification is the process of developing a structured model to

categorize risk and fitting observable risk attributes and events into the model. The team
combines quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize and classify the risks to Web
pages, Web sites, and the hosting servers.
Assessment: Risk assessment is the process of defining relevant risk scenarios or sequences
of events that could result in damage or loss and the probability of these events. Rosenthal
describe the characteristics of a generic standard for risk assessment as "transparent, coherent,
consistent, complete, comprehensive, impartial, uniform, balanced, defensible, sustainable,
flexible, and accompanied by suitable and sufficient guidance.
Analysis: Risk analysis determines the potential impact of risk patterns or scenarios, the
possible extent of loss, and the direct and indirect costs of recovery. This step identifies
vulnerabilities consider the willingness of the organization to accept risk given potential
consequences, and develops mitigation responses.
Implementation: Risk management implementation defines policies, procedures, and
mechanisms to manage and respond to identifiable risks. The implemented program should
balance the value of assets and the direct and indirect costs of preventing or recovering from
damage or loss. To take comprehensive care of a web-based system we must consider the
following points:

 Hardware and software environment including any upgrades to the operating system
and Web server, the installation of security patches, the removal of insecure services,
use of firewalls, etc.
 Administrative procedures such as contracting with reputable serviceproviders,
renewing domain name registration, etc.
 Network configuration and maintenance including load balancing, traffic
management, and usage monitoring.
 Backup and archiving policies and procedures including the choice of backupmedia,
media replacement interval, number of backups made and storage location.
 Physical location of the server and its vulnerability to fire, flood, earthquake, electric
power anomalies, power interruption, temperature fluctuations, theft, andvandalism.

Categories of Risk
There are different categories of risks that should be considered in any software project. The
following categories of risks have been considered in this software project.

 Project risks: These risks threaten the project plan. If these risks become real, it is
likely that the project schedule will slip and that costs will increase. Project risks
identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource, customer and requirement
problems and their impact on the software project.
 Technical risks: These risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be
produced. If a technical risk becomes a reality, implementation may become difficult
or impossible. Technical risks identify potential design, implementation, interface,
verification and maintenance problems. Moreover, specification ambiguity, technical
uncertainty, technical obsolescence is also risk factors.
 Business risks: These risks threaten the viability of the software to be built. The
business risks can be market risks, building a system that no one really wants.
Strategic risks, building a system that no longer fits into the overall business strategy
for the company. Management risks, losing the support of senior management due toa
change in focus or a change in people. Budget risks, losing budgetary or personnel

The RMMM Plan

 Risk Mitigation: Proactive planning for risk avoidance.
 Risk Monitoring: Assessing whether predicted risks occur or not, ensuring
preventive steps are being properly applied, collect information for future risk
analysis, attempt to determine which risks caused which problem.
 Risk Management: Actions to be taken in the event that mitigation steps have failed
and the risk has become a live problem.
Type of Impact: Catastrophic (1), Marginal (2), Tolerable (3), Critical (4).

Type of Probability: very low (<10%), low (10–25%), moderate (25–50%), high (50–
75%), very high (>75%)
Project Risks: In my system, the bellow mentioned projects risks I needed manage.
Project Risks:
Table5.1 Project Risk (P01)
Project Risk(P01) Date: 22-03-20
Name Changes the requirements
Probability Low (25%)
Impact Marginal (2)
Description Customer may change their requirement
Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements are redefined by the company
due to time or business needs. Meeting will
be held with the company regularly.
Thisensures that the product we are
solves a problem.
Management Emergency meeting between both parties to
identify new project requirement and goals.
Status Not occur.

Table5.2 Project Risk (P02)

Project Risk (PR02) Date: 08-11-2020
Name Poor Quality Documentation
Impact Catastrophic
Description Quality of documentation may poor
Mitigation and Monitoring Meeting will be held routinely to offer
documentation suggestions and topics. The
progress on documentation will also have a
monitor in each meeting.
Management We will call a meeting and discuss about
quality improvement of documentation. The
addition of new topics into the documentation
will assigned to responsible
Status Monitoring it.

Technical Risks:

Table5.3 Technical Risk (TR01)

Technical Risks (TR01) Date:
Name Computer Crash
Impact Catastrophic
Description Computer may crash due to several reasons.
Mitigation & Monitoring We should take proper follow up of
computers. We also take regular data backup
every day and we can use IPS to stop
unexpected shutdown.
Management If our computer has been crashed then we
will restore backup.
Status We are not facing such kind of problem yet.

Table5.4 Technical Risk (TR02)

Technical Risk (TR02) Date:
Name Technology doesn’t meet specifications.
Impact Catastrophic
Description Customer doesn’t have the technology to
their desired specification.
Mitigation & Monitoring Ensures that the product we are producing
and the specifications of the customer are
Management The customer should be immediately notified
and whatever steps necessary to rectify this
problem should be done. Preferably ameeting
should be held between thedevelopment team
and the customer to
discuss at length this issue.
Status We are not facing such kind of problem yet.

Table5.5 Technical Risk (TR03)

Technical Risks (TR03) Date:
Name Poor training skill in team members.
Impact Catastrophic
Description Poor training skill in team members to train
the client.
Mitigation & Monitoring The training team should have a clear
knowledge about the entire functionality of
the software. System analyst need to ensure
and monitor it while training session start.
Management We should arrange a meeting with the train
team and come to a point to solve this
Status We are not facing such kind of problem yet.
Business Risks:

Table5.6 Business Risk (BR01)

Business Risk (BR01) Date:
Name Insufficient Budget
Impact Marginal
Description If the budget is low project may not complete
Mitigation & Monitoring The project needs streaming server that is
costly to set-up. We find several alternative
streaming services to reduce the budget risk.
Management Refinement in project goal. A new plan for
regulate the budget.
Status We are not facing such kind of problem yet.

Table5.7 Business Risk (BR02)

Business Risk (BR02) Date:
Name Not pay the installment of Software Cost.
Impact Catastrophic
Description Customer doesn’t pay for the installment of
software cost.
Mitigation & Monitoring We should make a good communication
between customers and ensure that the entire
installment will be completed.
Management The only course of action available would be
find out the reason and come in a solution.
Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table5.8 Business Risk (BR03)

Business Risk (BR03) Date:
Name Late delivery of the project
Impact Catastrophic
Description The project may take more time to complete
what was estimated.
Mitigation & Monitoring Steps have been taken to ensure a timely
delivery by determining the scope of project.
Management The only course of action available would be
to request an extension to the deadline from
Status Our project is completed in time.
Chapter 6: Analysis Modeling
Analysis modeling uses a combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict requirements
for data, function, and behavior in a way that is relatively easy to understand, and more
important, straightforward to review for correctness, completeness and consistency. This
section presents resources for conventional and object-oriented analysis (OOA) methods as
well as resources for UML.

Software Analysis Pattern

Objectives of analysis Pattern

 Domain Analysis
 Describe what the client requires
 Establish a basis for the creation of a software design
 Define a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built.

Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and
actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling
Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both computational and organizational
processes. Activity diagrams show the overall flow of control.

Activity Diagram for User Registration

Figure 6.1: Activity Diagram for User

Activity Diagram for Admin/Bank Login

Figure 6.2: Activity diagram for admin/bank login

Activity Diagram for Customer Login

Figure 6.3: Activity diagram for customer login

Activity Diagram for View Admin/Bank Profile

Figure 6.4: Activity diagram for view admin/bank profile

Activity Diagram for View Customer Profile

Figure 6.5: Activity diagram for view customer profile

Activity Diagram for Add Bank by Admin

Figure 6.6: Activity diagram for add bank by admin

Activity Diagram for Add Loan Type by Admin

Figure 6.7: Activity diagram for add loan type by admin

Activity Diagram for Add Loan Setup by Bank

Figure 6.8: Activity diagram for add loan setup by bank

Activity Diagram for View Loan Details with Bank based on Criteria

Figure 6.9: Activity diagram for view loan details with bank based on criteria
Activity Diagram for Applying for Loan

Figure 6.10: Activity diagram for apply loan

Swim Lane Diagram
A Swim lane diagram is a type of flowchart that delineates who does what in a process. Using
the metaphor of lanes in a pool, a Swim lane diagram provides clarity and accountability by
placing process steps within the horizontal or vertical “Swim lanes” of a particular employee,
work group or department. It shows connections, communication and handoffs between these
lanes, and it can serve to highlight waste, redundancy and inefficiency in a process.

Swim Lane Diagram for Admin/Bank Login

Figure 6.11: Swim Lane Diagram for admin/bank login

Swim Lane Diagram for Customer Login

Figure 6.12: Swim lane diagram for customer login

Swim Lane Diagram for Admin/Bank Profile

Figure 6.13: Swim lane diagram for admin/bank profile

Swim Lane Diagram for Customer Profile

Figure 6.14: Swim lane diagram for customer profile

Swim Lane Diagram for Add Loan Type by Admin

Figure 6.15: Swim Lane Diagram for Add loan type by admin
Swim Lane Diagram for Add Bank by Admin

Figure 6.16: Swim Lane Diagram for Add bank by admin

Swim Lane Diagram for Add Loan Setup by Bank

Figure 6.17: Swim Lane Diagram for add loan setup by bank
Swim Lane Diagram for View Loan Details with Bank based on Criteria

Figure 6.18: Swim Lane Diagram for view loan details with bank based on criteria
Swim Lane Diagram for Apply Loan

Figure 6.19: Swim Lane Diagram for apply loan

Chapter 7: Designing
Interface design
Landing page interface

Figure 7.1: Landing page

Registration interface for user

Figure 7.2: Registration interface for user

Login interface for user

Figure 7.3: Login interface

User can see loan type

Figure 7.4: User can see loan type

Interface design for search loan depends on criteria

Figure 7.5: Interface design for search loan depends on criteria

Interface design for taking loan depends on criteria shows suitable banks lists

Figure 7.6: Interface design for taking loan depends on criteria shows suitable banks lists
Interface design for Backend Login

Figure 7.7: Login interface

Interface design for admin panel

Figure 7.8: Landing page

Interface design for bank list added on the system in backend

Figure 7.9: Interface for bank lists

Interface design for loan type list added on the system in backend

Figure7.10: Interface for each loan type

Interface design for bank panel

Figure 7.11: Landing page

Interface design for loan setup list added on the system in backend

Figure7.12: Interface for each loan setup

Interface design for view loan request list on the system in backend

Figure7.13: Interface for loan request list

Interface design for view loan approve list on the system in backend

Figure7.14: Interface for loan approve list

Data Flow Diagram
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is traditional visual representation of the information flows
within a system. DFD maps out the flow of information for any process or system. It uses
defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs,
outputs, storage points and the routes between each destination. It shows how information
enters and leaves the system, what changes the information and where information is stored.

Context Level Diagram (0 Level)

Figure 7.15: Data Flow Diagram for Context Level (level 0)

Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 7.16: Data Flow Diagram for Level 1

Level 2 DFD of Process 1(Manage Login)

Figure 7.17: Level 2 DFD of Process 1(Manage Login)

Level 2 DFD of Process 2(Manage Profile)

Figure 7.18: Level 2 DFD of Process 2(Manage Profile)

Level 2 DFD of Process 3(Manage Bank)

Figure 7.19: Level 2 DFD of Process 3(Manage Bank)

Level 2 DFD of Process 4(Manage Loan Type)

Figure 7.20: Level 2 DFD of Process 4(Manage Loan Type)

Level 2 DFD of Process 5(Manage Loan Setup)

Figure 7.21: Level 2 DFD of Process 5(Manage Loan Setup)

Level 2 DFD of Process 6(Manage Loan Request)

Figure 7.22: Level 2 DFD of Process 6(Manage Loan Request)

Level 2 DFD of Process 7(Manage Loan Apply)

Figure 7.23: Level 2 DFD of Process 7(Manage Loan Apply)

Database Design
A database named Development of Online Loan Management System is used in this
‘Development of LRAS project. The tables of the database are shown below:
Entity Relationship Model

Figure 7.24: Entity Relationship Diagram

Database Table Structure All
Database Table Structure

Figure 7.25: All Database Table Structure

Bank Table Structure

Figure 7.26: Bank Table Structure

Loan Type Table Structure

Figure 7.27: Loan Type Table Structure

Loan Setup Table Structure

Figure 7.28: Loan Setup Table Structure

User Table Structure

Figure 7.29: User Table Structure

Loan Booking Table Structure

Figure 7.30: Loan Booking Table Structure

Chapter 8: Quality Assurance and Testing
Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between
given input and expected output. Also, to assess the feature of A software item. Testing
assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during
the development process. In other words, software testing is a verification and validation
Verification: Verification is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions
imposed at the start of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product
behaves the way we want it to.

Validation: Validation is the process to make sure the product satisfies the specified
requirements at the end of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product is
built as per customer requirements.

System Quality Management

A quality management software system that is automated and connects all departments is
essential for a regulated or ISQ-compliant company. A QMS or a TQM (total quality
management) system can connect each phase in a products development lifecycle with every
department in a company. There are mainly two types of quality. (TechTarget, n.d.)

There are mainly two types of quality, they are given below:

 Internal Quality
 External Quality

Internal quality:

 Test coverage
 Testability
 Portability
 Thread-safeness
 Conciseness
 Maintainability
 Documentation
 Legibility
 Scalability
External quality:

 Features
 Speed
 Space
 Network usage
 Stability
 Robustness
 Ease-of-use
 Determinism
 Back-compatibility

Software Quality Management Process

 The aim of Software Quality Management (SQM) is to manage the qualityof

software and development and of its development process.
 A quality product is one which meets its requirements and satisfies the user.
 A quality culture is an organization environment where quality is viewed
as everyone’s responsibility.

Quality Assurance Matrix

Quality assurance matrix of the project “Loan Recommendation and Application System”
involves the application of specific quality processes and checking that these qualities have
been followed. The quality involved in this system of this software.

System Testing
System Testing is the testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. Usually,
software is only one element of a larger computer-based system. Ultimately, software is
interfaced with other software/hardware systems. System Testing is actually a series of
different tests whose sole purpose is to exercise the full computer-based system.
Two Category of Software Testing

 Black Box Testing

 White Box Testing
Black-box Testing
Black-box testing which is also known as behavioral testing focuses on the functional
requirements of the software. It enables the software engineer to drive sets of input conditions
that will fully exercise all functional requirement for a program. Black-box testing method
will be applied to test modules of Loan Recommendation and Application System.

Figure 8.1: Black box and White box Testing

Source (SIMFORM, n.d.)
White-box Testing
White-box testing, which also known as glass-box testing, is a test case design method that
uses the control structure of the procedural design to derived test cases. Using white-box
testing methods, software engineer can derive test cases that,
1. Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least
2. Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
3. Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.
4. Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.
The modules that contain some complex calculations or decision-making code such as
check the availability of the library item will be tested using white-box method.

System Testing Design

 Test case 01
 Test Case 02

 Test Case 03
 Test Case 04

 Test Case 05
Chapter 9: Conclusion

Today is the age of modern science and communication, which is critical to development of
more effective operational and management process. To provide better and uninterrupted
services to the working to keep the service all time. I was fortunate and blessed to get this
lucky break to work some of these efficient hard-working friendly engineers. My earnest
thanks, gratitude and salutations to these wonderful people from the deep down inside my

Practicum and Its Value

The main goal of this report to describe a system that make a Project to finish more efficiently
and quickly with proper guidance by User and Bank. By using this system every customer
can take their desired loan very easily. Customer can get loan easily and bank can view the
loan of customers who applied and process delivery very quickly. By this, the Loan taking
process site will be user friendly and efficient.
The four years of undergraduate engineering studies gives a student theoretical and practical
knowledge. Using that knowledge and observing live operational system, the practicum
program clarifies those subjects’ matters to another level blessed with practical working
skills. Considering this fact, it gives us an immense pleasure to say that our practicum was a
successful event.
Practical work experience doesn’t have any other alternatives. Before getting into the job
student should have a real-world work experiences in a major field of study. They highly
consider the work experiences of an applicant. Students with better work experiences are
getting the better job opportunities.

Kodeeo gives us the opportunity of working in a professional working environment. During

the internship period I have tried my level best to make my system efficient. I followed the
lessons, methods, tools and techniques that I have learned during my study period at IUBAT.
Successful software development is a blend of standard development practices, proper
theoretical knowledge and the developer’s creativity.

Future Plan
This project is in initial stage. So, we will include more features for this system and based on
user’s need we will maintain this system and give them support. Some more features are
stated below:

 The system will send invoice through email to bank and customer.
 I will make notifications of live comments.
 I will make new services and newer versions of this software.
 Sign up with Google/ Face book will be add
The biggest experience working at Kodeeo is indeed being a part of designing and
implementing software. Our most experience was round the designing issue; I have learnt a
lot of new things which was so much unknown to us.
The objective of software planning was to provide a frame work that enables the customer to
get reasonable loan and find customer for bank made within a limited time frame at the
beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses.
Although I could not include all the functionality that I thought to include in this software, I
worked hard to make it fully functional in this small amount of time. As my knowledge of
programming grows by time, I shall look to make it a better one in every possible way. I hope
this software project serves well to its benefactor and give idea to programmer about more
advanced automated Loan Recommendation and Application System, related problem
solving. I think our honorable faculty for supporting us by giving valuable advices and guide
lines to accomplish project goal. I believe I can use this experience in our future career as
[1] Ginar(n.d.).CRM Application Development. Retrieved from CRM
[2] Kodeeo. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] SIMFORM. (n.d.). Retrieved from SIMFPRM: functional-testing/
[4] smartDraw. (n.d.). Retrieved from smartDraw:
[5] smartDraw. (n.d.). Retrieved from smartDraw:
[6] smartkompare. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[7] Technologiuk. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[8] TechTarget. (n.d.). Retrieved from TechTarget:

[9] TikZ-UML(n.d.).Retrieved from TikZ-UML:

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