Review 2 WB

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My day 2.1 Aday in the life of a scientist present simple and adverbs of frequency 1 Choose the correct form to complete the article, A DAY IN alae alge Every week we "peal / speaks to someone with an. interesting jols This week i's 35-yeat-uld Lisa’ Tuckes, ‘aherpetologist in Florida, USA. Herpetologists are scientists andl they? study / studies snakes. There 2s are ity different types of snakes in Florida. Lisa and her husband, Curtis, ive / lives in a house in the Florida Everglades. Atypical day for them S start | starts at 7 a.m. when Lisa’ get up / gets up and? make | makesbreakast for her ten snakes, Lisa * write / writes articles for newspapers and magazines. She also ? visit / visits schools with her snakes to talk tothestudents, “You "meet / meets lots of interesting people in this job. Some people ™ think / thinks my job is very ‘unusual, but fove / loves my lite: says Lisa. T™ go / goes to interesting places and Curtis and have / has lots of friends! Or oxford 3000" 3a Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs in (brackets). 1 Lisa_l6ves_herjob as.a herpetologist. (listen to /love) 2 Jacob to work every day. (play / drive) 3. Ywonne nglishin the evenings (sty / pay) 4 Miyuki maths at the university (getup /teach) 5 Myhusband inalab. (have / work) 6 Sven after work. (relax / see) 7 Sally sometimes, emails to her sister (visit / write) third person ~(els 2a1)Listen and repeat the sentences from exercise 2. 2a])Listen again and pay attention to the pronunciation ‘of sat the end of each verb, Write the verbs in the correct columns. Ai lal hal loves 222 Listen, checkand repeat. Puc the words in the right order to make sentences, 1 early always / morning /in /Dr Abacha / the / gets / up Dr Abacka always gets up early in the morning, 2 hospital / drives / (0 / She / the / usually 3. works /She / weekend / the / sometimes / at 4 has meetings / often / doctors / other / with / She 5. 7pm. / before / finishes / hardly ever / work / She 6 never / goes /She / beach / the /to. 7 in/ evening / the /tited / She / always /is. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words in bold with an adverb of frequency from the box. always hardly ever ever never often sometimes usually 1. You're 0% of the time late for work. Youre never late for work, ‘Manuel 75% of the time cooks dinner for his family. Nurses 07% ofthe ime relax at work, It’s 100% ofthe time very hot in summer in Dubai. 1 80%/90% of the time listen to music inthe car. Ivan 10% of the time writes emails to his fiends, We 50% af the time see seals on the heach near or house WEEE daily activities illustrations, Complete th _ 2 a gG Le q t 7 Complete the text with daily activities from exercise 6. You may need to change the form. my repeal PAL Iwork ina hospital ab and my days are verybusy-I1 geé up at 545 every morning and 1? in the bathroom. Then my wife 3 formeand our two kids - usually have fruit juice and ‘yoRurt, sometimes toast. After that, I 4 in my car ~ Totten onthe carradio because it’s relaxing, Iwork from 7 a.m. till 3.30 p.m, Attwelve o'clock, Istop and 16 ~asandwich and an apple, usually. At 3.45 pam, 17 On Fridays, my wife and Ilike to go out and we often® ~it’snice tosee people at theend of the week, but during the week we stay at home in the evening. After dinner, like to relax, Loften ’ with the children on my laptop computer and my wife 0 ora maga: sometimes” is an interesting programme or film. 'm usually tired at 11 p.m, so that’s when I We ifthere © STUDY TIP ate tue sentences about your Ife to practise new vocabulary eg. atiays getup aha past seven never play computer ‘omen ite the new voeslry and your Lat sentences in you notebook ain Stae é ses 5 ei h = 3 tales i misc a teu i tients 3 1 k — ' took i video games (ie eee sae ne vor a ane NT Oo O oO ‘alk about everyday actions. O. Oo 0 n 2 2.2 Spending time (EEITEDY telling the time 1 Match the times and the clocks. + five past eight tentotwo * five to ten twelve o'clock + halt pase nine twenty past seven * quarter past one * quarter to eleven + ten past six twenty to three twenty-five past four twenty-five to five 1 half pase nine 7 2 a 3 9 4 0 5 u 6 12 2 : i 3a Write the times. za ea 4 ‘ = =a =a =a ‘ ‘ saying the time 23})Listen toa shop assistanttalk about his day Undeitine the correct time. I getup at tn / ten past seven, 1 go to workat ive pas/ twenty-five past eight ‘The shop opens at garter to nine / nine eclocks Thave coffee at ten past / twenty past ten. finish workat quarter past /halfpas four Tarvive home at half past ten past ive Werusually have dinnerat seven o'lock/halfpast seven. never goto bed before twelve o'lack/ eleven o'clock. 2.) Listen again, Pause the listening and repeat after each sentence, (GENIE present simple negative 4 Complete the sentences with don't or doesn. 1 Ido drive to work. [take the underground, 2. Mikki goes to classes during the week, but she {go 0 classes at weekends. 3 Paola and her husband use public transport. own acar. They 4 We livein a city. We live near the beach, 5 Idrinkcolfee because I like tea. 6 Youalwaysllisten to Jim, but you listen 7 Philip's a maths teacher, but he like his job. 8 The museum opens on Saturday, butit, on Sunday, open ‘Make negative sentences, Use the words in (brackets) Wewark in an office. (we J factory) We dan’ wrk ina factory You know Sanjay. (you / his sister) Bo speaks Chinese. (he / Thai) Thavea cat. (I/ dog) My children study science. (they / languages) The bus goes to York, (it / Leeds) Rim gets up at7 a.m. (she / a.m) {In the holidays we goto Mexico. (we / stay athome) ead the information and look atthe table below. Complete the sentences about life on the RV Atlantis. ‘Véronique Robigou isa scientist at the University of Washington. She studies volcanoes under the sea, Sometimes she does research on the RV Atlantis, a research boat for scientists. Yes No The boat 1_spend a lt of time in the USA “ 2. have six labs v ‘The scientists 3. cook their own meals v 4 have alot of free time ¢ use the 1a0s on the oat ‘ veronique 6_ meet scientists from other countries o 7_ sometimes feel seasick s 8 study sea animals Ie_aies It They They They she She She nb spend a lo of time in the USA Jean... Very well Quite well_More practice tell the time Oo Oo Oo ‘use the present simple negative, oO e oO 13, 2.3 Vocabulary development (WETTIG) verb + preposition phrases 1 Match 1-010 1 Sam always pays, 4 with me about their 2 Mychildrenlike \ clothes. looking b about what you eat 3 Jaime doesnt talk © atfunny films. 4 Peopleusuallylaugh \\ d_atmy old school photos. 5 Thatelistening © forhelp with your work 6 Wedon'tusuallyacrive Sf forthingswith his 7 You hardly ever ask credit card. 8 Tdonttike waiting forthe busin winter 8 10. Mychildren never to pop music. 8 Iesagoodideato think hb atworkbefore8.30. agree j tohis family every day. 2 Lookat exercise 1. Write the prepositions for each of the verbs below. 1 agree 6 look 2 arrive 7 pay 3. ask 8 talk 4 laugh 9 think 5 listen 10 wait 3 Complete the text with a verb + preposition from exercise 2. Sleep problems? ‘When we don't get enough sleep, we feel tired during the day and we find it difficult to work or study. Sometimes wwe don't sleep because we go tobed and rhink about ur prablems. Sametimes there's another reason ‘There are sleep labs where doctors study sleep problems and you can spend a night at one ofthe centres. What happens there? Well, you? the centre in the evening anda nurse meets you and takes your personat details, then you? adoctor'o arrive. You ‘ the doctor about yourhealth and about your sleep problems. After that, the nurse takes you to your room. People often watch TV or ‘musiein their room until they want to goto sleep. ‘When you're asleep, acomputer studies how you sleep and records the information. After your night atthe sleep centre, doctors ® ‘your sleep information on the computer. Do youthave problems with yoursleep® You can contact asleep centre and” “more information. ome centres your time when you do a sleep study. 14| Orn oxford 3000" Weenie 4 Write the phrases. getup gohome gotobed go towork/college havea shower have lunch/dinner listen to music ‘make breakfast play video games read a book see friends watch TV/a film 1 Stop loopingand leave your bed. _se# up 2. Prepare a morning meal, 3. Takeacarora bus, or walkto the place where you work orstudy. 4. Bata meal during the day/in the evening, 5. Spend time with people you know and like. 6. Return to the place where you live after work or some other activity. 7 Something you do at the end of the day when you want tosteep. 8 Lookata programme on a TV or see something at the cinema, 9 Afun activity you do on a phone or computer: 10. Stand under the water and wash your body. 11. Anactivity that you can dowith a CD player oran MP3 player. 12, Anactivity you do when you study orrelax. 5 Putthe times in order from carly to late. five past one five to two half past one _enes‘elock quarter past one quarter to two ten past one tonto two. twonty past one _twonty to two twenty-five past one twentysive to two two o'clock 6 n 7 12 8 B 9 © STUDY TIP Look up new verbs in your dictionary and see if they go with a preposition. Write the verb and the preposition inyour notebook. 2122 (23) @a) 25 2.4 Speaking and writing SETS) making suggestions and arrangements 4. Rearrange the words to make sentences. 1 you /out / dinner /to go / Would / ike / for / tonight? Would you like te 9s aut far dinwner tonight? 2 V'm/1'm /busy / sorry, / but /this evening.. 3 tomorrow / you/ Are/ free? 4 Td/to/love/ Yes, 5 the / meet /at/Lev’s/ train station 6 that new restaurant /Do / want / you / near the park / toury? 7. shall / meet / we / Where? 8 nice /¥es, / sounds / that 9 toeat/ What /do you / time / want? 10 but/ plans / Thanks, / Ihave /'m afraid / tonight. 2a Write the sentences from exercise I under the correct heading, Making ‘Accepting susgestions/ arrangements Would you like to 96 tut for dinner ‘tanight? bb 2ai)Listen, check and repeat the sentences. Copy the pronunciation 3 Complete the conversation with sentences from exercise 2a. A + Would you ti ut for diner tonigee? Tm sorry, but I'm busy this evening, Yes, lam. ‘Well, Tusnally have dinnerararaund eight olelock. B A B A B Yes, Id love co, A ® A OK, let's meet at quarter to eight. Be > OK. See you tomorrow at the train station, b 2sijtistenand check. ©. Practise saying both parts of the conversation, describe where you live 4 Choose the correct optans to complete the tex Tlovalvingin Bristol cau but tin exciting and has many 2but/ortean walkto the hope Sand / but don't need acar.1 gooutfordinneror/ Because wath a film with on Friday 5 Complete the text with and, but, or or because. Atte weekend, my husband 1 iy favourite thing to do is to get up ‘early and go to the beach. Ilike going out on our boat 2 itis very quiet andl can relax. Leometimes have breakfastin a beach café? ‘Then at half past ten4 read a book. leven o'lock I go home. Jean Very well Quite well__ More practice use verb + preposition phrases. oO oO 9 ‘make suggestions and arrangements, 2 e oO ‘se linkers in wring. 16 2.5 Listening for pleasure eee 1. Match the phrases in the box to the photos. Then use them to complete the paragraph, gete-qualifection learn anew skill make new friends 1 _get-a qualification 3 Ireland have courses for adults who ‘want to loarn new things. Adult learning courses are often in the evening so people who work can go to them. Some people goto" piece of paper that shows how well they do something ‘and helps them with thetr work. Some people want 2 _ like dancing or how to speak a new language, and some just want to meet people and Alot of colleges: 2 Match the photos to the classes. ajewellery-making class a language class an exercise class 38. 26i)Listen toan extract from a radio phone-in programme about adult education classesin ireland, b_ Complete the introduction with the words from the box. ‘autem foreign guitar Know Usteners scnools, write Our next ropic is adult learning. F's ausiomn now and many adult education classes are starting. Did you? 3 and colleges here in Ireland? that there aze over §,700 classes at ‘There are lots of different courses to choose from — you can lean to «book ply the or speaka® language. Today, we want you to tell other? about your courses. © 2z/)Listenand check. 4 27()Lookat the words from exercise $b Listen to the presenters introduction again and irel@the letterin each word which is not pronounced. 1 autumn) 5 guitar 2 know 6 foreign 3. schools 7 listeners 4 write Review: Units 1 and 2 4 Correct the sentences. Add one ofthe words or letters in, (brackets) mn the correct place. 1 Angela from Greece - she's Italian, (aren't isn't) Angela ion? fram Greece — chet Italian, 2 What's your daughter name? (' is) 3 Firstlanguageis Turkish. (my /1) 4 Timin my office on Monday morning, (always / work) 5. We drive to work because we don't have a car. (are / never) 6 Sanjay and parents are from India. (he / his) 7 Youa student? (are /is) 8 DanandEmmaare jane and Simon children. (s/s) 2 Complete the article with the present simple form of the verbs from the box. Use contractions where possible, lose go have not ike travel work Nine’ five favourite time of the week is five o'clock on Friday ~ that’s when the office? ‘and all the workers native phone study teach 4 home for the weekend. Nancy and her husband, Jeff, two children, Adam and Amy. They 6 with their parents. Adam? Spanish at a university in Canada and Amy isa student she ‘ Jn the USA. Nancy and jeff? weir children every woek, anid Adain and Anny always ¥ to Jamaica in the holidays. Weenies 3 (oocatacarrectep tanto eamplets ho tentences Mait'sAriercait/ Australian He'sfrom the USA. Polish isalanguaye anda couniry nationality ee eee ee Patls and Beriln are capital eles /ehys Teresa is my step-daughter, Her mother is my wife / Sater ita Peoplein Pakistan speak Patistan/ Urdu Your cousins are your aunt and uncle's childs / children. 0. Rimand Naile are fiom the UAL/ Grek Match the beginnings and endings ofthe sentences. 1 Mydaughternever.___a_ breakfast for the kids. agrees “sb with anything I say. 2 Isometimes see fe ayers 3. Youwaithere past five every day. 4 Mybusband makes © forthe bus into town, 5 There'satraintoYork o'clock. atsix @ about work when I'm 6 Ws630am.Timetoget ~arhome. 7 [sometimes think hb myfriendsafterwork. 8 Theshop closes at half 5 Complete the telephone conversation with the words from the box. address let's love repeat eee sorry want would ‘A *_Would_youlike to go out forlunch tomorrow? Bm? but 'm busy tomorrow. I'm free on oes A Great. There's a good Greek restaurant in town, Do you a wouyit B Yes,1d4 to. A OKs ‘meet at ie restaurant a eight o'lOck, B What’sthe® ofthe restaurant? A It'scalled The Olive ree and it's at 10 Lower Street B Sorry,can you that? A The Olive Tree, 10 Tower Street. B OK thanks. ‘you on Saturday atthe restaurant, 7

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