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12.2 present perfect questions; Present perfect and past simple eri22a) 1 Has ne won no compeston’ No, ne nasne 2. Have you ever been to leslané? ® Yes, have + To make yes/no questions, we use Mave/Has + subject + past participle, Questions (2) Short answers Yes, liyou/werthey have. S| ee No, Uyourwethey haven't, ‘eaten? ‘Yes, he/shevit has eee ee No he/shert hasnt GRAMMAR REFERENCE Putthe words in the right order. 1 during you / film / cried / Have / ever? Have you evereried during a filo? play acted / never /in/ ve. stayed up /I've/ many times / with friends /all night. eight times / She's the same / film / watched boon / ever / he /to / Hae /abig concert? film /to /never/see / wanted /ahorror /Tve been / never /the opera to They've famous / lot of/ You've / people / met Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in (brackets). Andrew 1 Have yin ever been. (ever/go)to a comedy club? Present perfect and past simple eri22b) 1. A Have you ever seen a silent fn? B No, haven't 2 & id you see The Artist last weekend? B No, (didn't 3 ve never driven a Ferrari 4S drove a Porsche last summer, 5. She's been to Rio many times. 6 She went to Rl in 2013 * We use the present perfect to say something happened before row but we don’t know or say when. We often use it wth 1 ever in questions: ever means at anytime in your if. goes ‘between the subject and the main verb, as he ever written a novel? Yes, he has./No, he hasnt 2. never to talk about experiences that did not happen. ‘means at no tie in your fe and goes ater haveyhas and ‘before the main ver ‘haven't acted ina play. ~ I've never acted in a play. ‘+ We also use the present perfect to tak about the number of times we have done something ‘They've tad umer a y House once * We use the past simple, not the present perfect 1 to say something happened before now and we know the time, Last May, we want to 609 @ wonderful concert 2 with finished tine expressions, e.g, last week, yesterday, etc. | watched lots of horror films wien | was a teenager. Not ‘+ We often start with the present perfect and then change 10 the past simple to give more details. ‘A Have you ever stayed in an expensive hotel? B Yes, /stayed at the shangr-ta last September A Did you enjoy it? Yes, Idi. It was amazing? Beth Yes,12 (go) to one about three weeks ayo. Andrew. 3 (enjoy) it? Beth Yes, itwas very good. Andrew Who (go) with? Beth Three friends. We times before, _ (go) four or five Andrew 16 {never/go) to a comedy club, but 4. (ovatch) lots of comedy on TV. Beth Youshould go. Come with us next time. Andrew. Thanks.* (ever/go) toa circus? Beth No," Have you? Andrew Yes, Many times, There's one in town at the moment. Iecommend it Complete the email using the present perfect or past simple form ofthe verbs in (brackets). Hi juan How are you? Fm in Vienna naw wit Alice. We ™ ‘ve (0) lw Une opera five tines I's @ beaut cily, On Tuesday we z (see) the palace and > (walk) around in i large gevdens. on wednesday we * (take) @ bus to the Museum of Modem art and {swamp in the Danube. it was very cola! wes (do) a lot of other interesting things, too. Have your (everieat)Sacher Torte? i's an Austrian cake, Alice loves it. She also loves German coffe. Yesterday she §_____(ornky eight cups! We're having a great time, but ‘Alice ® (dose) her phone, he 1 couyla ‘cheap one on Fraay, butt {oreak) the next day ‘see you soon, ona 159

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