Review WB 11

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Working together 11.1 Community spirit VESTS verb + noun collocations 1. Match the collocations to the photos. give a present to someone help someone with their homework teach someone to arve_ visit someone in hospital 2 Lookat the sentences. Find the verb + noun collocation. 1 Itisn’talways easy to look aftera child on your own, ladle after a chil 2. We should plant a tree in the garden, 3 Shall make somesandwiches for the picnic? 4. Does Joe know how to repair a bike? 5. How can we improve the town? 6 Te1Wok datee days w pan te 0 7 Mark wants to organize a party for his parents. 3 Complete the collocations in the text with verbs from the box. give help improve look after repair teach visit make organize plant Ws easy to '_give_ money to chanty, put why not think: about doing something good for others? In Catherine yan Hyde's book, Pay it Forward, the main character, is Trevor, a boy with an idea to? the world by helping people. He thinks that when someone does. 2 good thing for you, you shouldn't do a good thing for them. Instead, you should ‘pay it forward’ and do a good thing for three more people. The story shows us how to make changes with litle things. Eo how can you ‘pay a good thing forward’? Why not: o8 ‘someone with thelr shopping? : ‘an elderly neighbour atid talk to ther? os a neighbour's dog and take it for a walk? v6 ‘cake to sell for charity? oF an event for people in your area, ke a party ora sports day? ea ‘snmanna to read? 78 ‘broken furniture and give it to someone whe needs i? +0 ‘some flowers in your area? 74| Ov Oxford 3000" aa) 12 1314 going to for plans and intentions 4 ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to Use the verb in (brackets) 1 We're gsng to organize a basketball competition (organize) 2 Some ofthe students, a game. (play) 2 We tickets for the event. (not sell) 41 people to give money o charity. (ask) 5 You time to wateh the competition. (not have) 6 Youand Tony drinks to sell. (make) sandwiches and 7 Ahmed poster. (design) 8 Sandy ~ she's on holiday. (not help) 91 this again - it's too much work! (notdo) ‘Make questions with going ro, 1 what time / the party / start v) uh 2 what / you / wear foryour interview 3. Andy / meet / us at the airport 4 what colour / we / paint / the bathroom 5 yourchildren / go /to university 6 how / Alice / travel /10 Nairobi 7 you /learn Arabic / when you move to Babrain 8 Maria / buy / the cinema tickets online ‘Write the questions from exercise 8 with the correct, 1 A _What time is the party gsing 20 start? B The invitation says half past nine. 2A B Yes, Lam. BA B Well, like blue and white. aa B think she's going to take the train. 5A B No, they aren‘. They're going to look for jobs. 6A B No, he sn, We have w gota tant wo the hotel. TA _ B Yes, she is. She's going to pay for them with her edit card, BA B I'm going to buy new dress omorzow. EET going to ‘149 Read and listen to the sentences, Isfoa strong sound ‘hu ora weak sound ta? 1 Whatareyou going to do? 2. Tmgoing to vist my grandparents tomorrow. 3. IsAnniegoing to driveto Berlin? 4 Wearen't going c havea holiday this year. 5 6 Liam is going to cook dinner for us. Fila isn’t going to come to the theatre with us. ‘149 Listen again, Pause the listening and repeat after each sentence. +112) Listen to these negative sentences. Which part of the ‘verb do we stress in each sentence? 1 T'mnotgoing to go out 2 Heisn't going to call you 3. Wearen't going to buy it. 4 They arent goingto come. 5 You aren't going to have much time, 6 She isn't goingto make dinner. ‘1a {)Listen again. Pause the listening and repeat after each sentence. Jean Very well Quite well__ More practice use going to for plans and intentions. oO oO 9 use verb + noun collocations. 2 e oO 75 7% 11.2 Challenges technology 1 Complete the crossword. wie | Across > 1. Aplace on the internet where you can find information about a subject 3. Small computer programmes fora ‘mobile phone ora tablet. 4. Short for Global Positioning System. 6 Asmall computer - you use itby touching the sereen. Down 2. Amobile phone that can make phone calls and connect o the internet. 2 Complete the paragraphs with words from exercise 1a. ‘There is one word you do not need. TECHNOLOGY F IRSTS ‘The first_website_was at CERN —the European Sessa for Nuclear Research. Its address is Iitpilinfa cern chitypertext/WWW/TheProject html 2 The 1992 IBM Simon Personal Communicator was the first Itwas 20 om long and weighed (0.8 kg. You could make phone calls with a Simon and send and receive emails. 3 In 1992, Neil Papwell, a 22-yearold engineer, sent the fist read 'Merry Christmas! 4 Nowadays, many people use a instead (ofmaps when they're travelling. ‘The American government developed itn the 1970s, but you ‘couldnt buy it until the 1980s, 5 Computer companies designed the fst {in the 20¢h century, but they dicin't really become ‘popular until after 2007, This was when technology improved so mobile computers could do more and ‘were easier to use. (Or oxford 3000" 5. Ashort piece of writing sent from ‘one mobile phone to another. 3a Write how you say the website and email addresses. Use words fram the box. at dash dot forward slash underscore 1 ¢ nelson mandela dot org 2 canton ab russorest dat coe 3. 4 5 1133) Listen and check sna f)Listen aga each addres. ‘Pause the listening and repeat after ‘STUDY TIP Try to find time to_go back and review language regularly and to add new things you have learnt to your notebook. You can also use the Vocabulary reviews in each unit to revise what you have leaintin lessons and to see how ‘much you remember. infinitive of purpose m1) n3_n4 4 Complete the text using the infinitive form of verbs from the box. explain find 5 Match questions 1-8 to answers a-b. Why do you play tennis? \ Why do they shop online? Why are they going to the market? Why did you phone me? ~ Why did she join the army? Why ise going to the airport? Why are you learning Chinese? Why are we stopping here? » My smartphone look orgonize read sell show teach always cany my smartphone with me and I uesit te erganize my If. | work fora software company that designs apps 2 to Universities. The universities buy them 3 their online courses. ‘This means | have to go to lot of mestings, so | use my smartphone as. diary — it tells me where I need to be at different times of the day. And ‘when | visit universitios 4 people our new software apps, the GPS app on my smartphone shows me how to get there. Iam going t@.arive comowhoro lat, | can call § Eometimes | travel to Europe or North America and | take my smartphone with me 6 at travel websites and” Information about fights and hotels, and also emails from my office. My father says it's just an expensive phone, but | say it's my personal assistant! a Tomeet his sister. b Togetajob in China, ¢ Tosave time and money. 4 Tohelp her country. ~\_e Tobuy fruit. 1 To keep i 8 Tobuy more petrol fh Totell you about my holiday. ‘Complete the sentences and questions with the verbs in (brackets). Use the correct form of going £0 for one verb and the infinitive of purpose for the other 1 Were going to leave homeat7 a.m. tomorrow to fake the train to Istanbul. (leave /take) 2 He apart 3 you interview? (buy / wear) 4. The presidents ofthe two countries. the future, (meet /talkabout) ime job some money. (get / earn) anewsuit foryour next week, ot my brother me his car tomorrow. (ask /lend) 6 She my laptop an email to the university. (use / write) 7 We some sandwiches with us to the beach. (make /take) Jean Very well Quite well_More practice talk about technology ° © ° ‘Say Why | do things/use the infinitive of purpose, 2 oO oO 7 78 11.3 Vocabulary development (ELT making adjectives stronger 1. Write the strong adjectives in the correct place. awful beset brillant excellent fantastic freezing lovely terrible wonderful very nice: beutiful, very good: 5 . 1 2 3 very bad: 4 very colds 2 Replace the normal adjectives in bold witha strong adjective from the box. ‘crucial delighted great huge tiny On 2ist July 1969, over $00 million people watched ‘American astronaute land on the moon. The two men ‘who left their spaceship to walk on the moon looked. ‘very small, but this was a? very big event in the history of space travel. Everyone at NASA was very happy. The moon landing wasn't just a very good result forthe astronauts, but forall of the people who worked at NASA and who were Svery important to the success of the moon landing. 1 any. 4 2 3 3 _ Rewrite rhe sentences with very. f very isnt possible, use really 1 Janine sa nice person. Janine ica very nice person, 2 His exam results were brilliant. Hibs exant results nere eeaily belltant 3 Ourneighbours are unfriendly. 4 Your dogie noiey. 5 The singer was terrible. 6 We made a huge cake for John's birthday. 7 The letter wasn’t important. Or oxford 3000" Weenie 4 Complete the verb + noun collocations. help improve look after make organize plant repair teach (x2) visit 1 _help someone with something, eg. their homework 2 Somewhere, e.g your area or your workplace 3 someone or something, e.g. petora child 4 something for someone, eg. a cake 5 something, event 6 something, ag.atree 7 something, eg.a bike, broken furniture 8 Someone something, eg. alanguage 9 someone to do something, eg. to drive 10 someone, e.g. neighbour, someone in hospital 5 Complete the sentences. ‘an app @-GPS asmartphone atablet atext websites 1 _AGPS_helps you to find a place and not get lost. 2, You can make phone calls and go online with. 3 isa small programme you can download on to aemartphone or a computer. 4 There are millions of onthe internet where you can find information out about almost anything, 5 is amessage that you write and send from ‘one mobile phone to another. 6 is asmall mobile computer. 6 Write the words next to the symbols. fat dash dot forward slash underscore 1,@ a 4 2 5|- 3|/ na_n2 a Ma 11.4 Speaking and writing offering to do something 1 Putthe wordsin the right order to make offers. 1 T/atext /send / Shall / him? Shall Lend kine a text? 2 I/alift/ you /Why /don't/ give? 3 help /you /'ll/ for /to look / them. 4 help /Let/ you / me /it/ with. 5 like / me /t0 show / you / Would / you? 6 Shall / phone / for /1/ a pizza? Match those stn 1. forgot to tell Patric about the meeting. all L send Kine a texe? 2 Tean't find the key to the games cupboard. st a fie Fs re 2 Inced to gett the youth club before seven, 4. Idon’t know how to use this printer. 5. I'm too tired to cook tonight. 6 This box of sports equipment is very heavy. Complete the conversation about the youth club teip with the offers from the lst. + Shall make a drink? + ShaiLbwritethatdewn2 + Let me help you. + Flemail the design to you when it’s ready. “© Why don't do that? ‘+ Would you lke me to print the posters? A Thisis the list ofthe things for the youth club trip to the coast. B OK, this looks fine, but we'll need some sports sqpipenent, tno, nv we eam play fanthall and walleye onthebeach. 1 Shall I wvite that dawn? A Good idea. Use my pen. Right, le’s go through the list. uit, welll need to organize a bus to take everyone there, c2 I've got more time than you and I ean phone the bus ‘company this afternoon, AA Perfect. Now what about a poster t tell everyone about the trip? Ican write the text, but 'm not very good at art. We can design the poster together on my new tablet. A Thanks, Carlos. ean use the printer at the university A OK." Now, what's next? © Itlooks like it’s going to be along evening. B Oh, Tdlove a coffee. b T1aj) Listen ana check. anotice 4a. Read the lines from two notices, W! are formal (F) and which informal (1? 1 Come to Room 5 on Friday at | p.m! 2. Would you like to live close to the university with a friondly group of people? __ 3 Join the office chess club. —_ 4. Weare looking fora fourth person to sharea student house. __ Iyouare 727445, 6 Want to do something different at lunchtimes and make new friends? 7 Wanted: chess players __ 8 Doyouneed a cheap room torent fornext year? __ terested, call Naomi Brandon on 08952 b Purthe lines in the two notices in a suitable order. tean very well Quite well_More practice ‘make adjectives stronger. oO oO 9 ‘offer todo something. © Oo oO tea formavinformai noice. o o o 9

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